The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1192 Big Brother is Here

Chapter 1192 Big Brother is Here
Five years passed in a hurry, and Ye Weiyang finally improved the master-level array.This grand master-level formation has defense and offense, and can be used both inside and outside.But Ye Weiyang knew that her big formation was definitely not perfect.But it doesn't matter, there is Luoshu space.She began to copy this array in Luoshu space.Then Luoshu Space began to improve.And she started to study the Star Sea Immortal Formation at the Grandmaster level.

First, I repeatedly watched the layout of the large formation, and then repeated the layout in the Luoshu space.Constantly improve the level of one's formation through repeated viewing and deployment.

Even with the Luoshu space, this is still a long process.Every time he exhausted his consciousness, he would come out of the Luoshu space.Visualize the starry sky and restore your cultivation.

half year later.

Luoshu Space has completed the improvement of Ye Weiyang's internal and external array.Ye Weiyang took a look, feeling a little regretful.This map has been improved to be more perfect.It's just that it still stays in the realm of the master, but it belongs to the top level of the realm of the master. In fact, when Ye Weiyang built the formation map, there were many unsuitable places. Luoshu space did not improve it to the realm of the great master of the fairy formation.

The current method is for Ye Weiyang to continue to improve this formation, to improve it to the realm of the great master of the fairy formation, and then improve it by the Luoshu space, and then it can be improved to the fairy formation of the realm of the great master.But Ye Weiyang thought about it and gave up temporarily.She is going to study thoroughly the top grandmaster's immortal formation improved by Luoshu space first, and it will be much easier to go back and improve this formation by herself at that time.

The current Ye Weiyang said that he is a grand master of the immortal array, and he is indeed, but he is not top-notch.If you thoroughly study the improved state map of the top grandmaster in the Luoshu space, you may not be far away from the grandmaster.

Time passed in this silence.

It has been 300 years since the two worlds collided, and the defense of the human race in the fairy world is very tight. Although the monsters in the fairy world attacked fiercely, they did not break through the defense of the human race.Therefore, within the territory of the human race, there is still peace.

The fight between the two worlds is getting more and more intense, because Hongmeng Daoyun is being searched for less and less. Once encountered, a tragic fight between the human race and the monster race will surely erupt.

"Of course, if I don't stay in Weiyang Peak, should I still stay in the outer gate for a thousand years? I am eager to break through the boundary and catch up with you. As your eldest brother, I have been lagging behind you in cultivation, I am very sorry satisfy."

"Don't mess with formations, rest for a few days, and take your elder brother around."

Ye Weiyang still looked at the starry sky and said: "I know it well."

Wan Qingzong came with a person, saw Ye Weiyang lying on the grass, looking at the starry sky, his face was a little pale.Then he cared:
"Wei Young, don't be too tired, we are not in a hurry."

"Brother, do you think my mountain is big?"

"Elder Lu, I want to exchange for Hongmeng Xianyun."

"Let's go, let's go!" Ye Weiyang pulled Zhang Jiuling up and flew towards her own mountain.

Ye Weiyang moved his eyes to look, then his expression was blank, and then he jumped up all of a sudden, rushed over, hugged a strong man, and said excitedly:

"Give me 100 million Hongmeng Ziyun first."

"Hehehe..." Ye Weiyang smirked.

Ye Weiyang hurriedly took Zhang Jiuling to register, and when he heard that Zhang Jiuling was Ye Weiyang's eldest brother, it went smoothly.After everything was done, Ye Weiyang said to the elder in charge of reception:

It is not surprising that Ye Weiyang monopolizes such a large mountain. On the way here, the Chongxu sect monk who sent him off had already told him about Ye Weiyang's experience in the fairy world.And also know that there are four other people on Ye Weiyang's current mountain, Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong, Wang Ye and Gong Xuan.Except for Gong Xuan, the other three people also ascended from the Nine Palaces.Even Gong Xuan is a descendant of Jiu Gong Xing.

Wan Qingzong kicked Ye Weiyang lightly: "Get up, let's see who is here."

"Go, brother, go to my mountain first."

Elder Lu smiled wryly: "Weiyang, this is not a matter of points. How many Primordial Purple Rhymes does the sect have in total? You have exchanged them, what should others do?"

The smiling Elder Lu froze all of a sudden: "No."

"Brother, besides me, there are only four other monks on this mountain."

"Okay!" Zhang Jiuling was still very calm, let go of Ye Weiyang, and saluted Wan Qingzong: "Thank you, Sect Master."

Yu Jiao asked fewer and fewer questions, and his realm had begun to approach that of a grand master.

"Huh?" Ye Weiyang looked up at Wan Qingzong from Zhang Jiuling's arms.

"Of course, it took several months to come to Chongxuzong from Dengxian City, so you know what you need to know." Zhang Jiuling showed a gentle smile on his face:
"Weiyang, you did really well."

this day.

"Let's go, I'll take you to register."

The figure landed on Weiyang Peak.

Ye Weiyang's research on the formation map has passed more than half, and her understanding of the formation is getting deeper and deeper.

"Crack!" Ye Weiyang slapped the identity card on the counter: "I have Zongmen points."

"Well, it's huge!"

Joy appeared in Wan Qingzong's eyes, and Zhang Jiuling flew up to Chongxuzong's entrance in Dengxian City.After he revealed that he was Ye Weiyang's elder brother, he was immediately sent to Chongxu Sect by the monks of Chongxu Sect.Wan Qingzong still has some doubts in his heart, because the two people do not have the same surname, and now it seems that the two people are really brother and sister.Brother and sister reunited in Chongxu Sect, so Ye Weiyang would never leave Chongxu Sect.

"Brother, don't worry, in Weiyang Peak, I will cover you. No one dares to mess with you."

"Brother, you have ascended."

"Ok, I know."

"not yet!"

"Then how much do you think you can exchange? Don't lie to me, I will ask the suzerain."


"That's right, hehehe...Brother, you will stay at Weiyang Peak from now on."

"Yes, yes, thank you for your kindness."

That strong man was Zhang Jiuling, and Zhang Jiuling looked very excited, patting Ye Weiyang's back with moist eyes:
"Well, I flew up, I didn't expect you, little sister, to have achieved such a great reputation in the fairy world."

"It seems that someone has already told you everything."

"I won't lie to you, how dare I lie to you. Hongmeng Ziyun can only exchange [-] pieces for you at most."

"Okay, how much do you want to exchange?" Elder Lu said with a smile.

"Also, we have no shortage of resources. I can provide any resources you want. By the way, have you registered with the sect?"


"so little?"

"It's quite a lot. One Hongmeng resource can last for two years, and ten thousand can last for 2 years. How much more?"

"Okay, then I want to exchange not only Hongmeng Ziyun, but also other Hongmeng Daoyun to the maximum extent. It is impossible for those Hongmeng Daoyun to be exchanged for only [-]?"

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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