The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1198 A Good Fortune

Chapter 1198 Two Fortunes
There are two creatures chasing after him.It's not that I look down on Ye Weiyang.It's that the monster race here has only two creations.The two locked Xingsuo are getting closer to Xingsuo little by little.

Ye Weiyang is very strange now. On the way of her escape, she didn't scare her away. The first point of escape is to know where she is, and then determine the direction of escape. Isn't it courting death?

She is not surprised that she met the monster race. The mystery of the space crack is beyond human comprehension. You can see that it is close at hand. Once you enter, the space is superimposed, and you don't know where it got you.

What's strange about her is that this place is somewhat familiar, but she can't remember where it is.Then at a certain moment, her heart beat violently suddenly, she recognized this place, and then she became even more stupid.

This is not the fairy world, but the demon world, and then she was even more confused.The Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm are separated by a collision space. Last moment, I was rushing to the Xuzong in the Immortal Realm, why did I come to the Demon Realm all of a sudden?

If you don't understand it, don't think about it. Anyway, I have come to the demon world again. What I have a headache now is that there is a chase behind me, and even if I get rid of the chase, I have to find a way to go back.I don't know if the entrance of the demon world into the two worlds is strictly guarded now?
Can you still get out by yourself?
Don't think about it for now, what you should think about now is how to get rid of the two fortunes that are chasing after you.Ye Weiyang just swelled up again, she felt that she could still support herself when she encountered an early stage of good fortune, but she really didn't have the slightest grasp in the face of two early stages of good fortune.

Not bad!

She has already sensed that the two good fortunes chasing after her are in the early stages. She has a status in the Chongxu sect and often contacts the great monks good fortune. Naturally, she can perceive the specific cultivation of the two good fortune monks at once.

The two creations chased Xingsuo, but the killing intent in their hearts was replaced by surprise.They saw Xing Suo's speed and recognized that Xing Suo should be an innate treasure.

Doesn't this make you rich?
However, there is only one Xingsuo, and they have two, who does it belong to?

The two quickly reached an agreement, as long as they caught up with Ye Weiyang, they would fight together, and at the last moment, whoever killed Ye Weiyang, the Xing Suo would belong to him.

"Xingsuo, can you do it?" Inside Xingsuo, Ye Weiyang was a little dissatisfied: "You have eaten so much of my Primordial Immortal Charm."

Xing Suo was also dissatisfied: "I don't even look at what you give me, they are all Hongmeng red rhyme, not to mention Hongmeng purple rhyme, even if you give me some Hongmeng orange rhyme. I won't be eaten by two people now. Catch up in the early days of good fortune."

"Tsk!" Ye Weiyang rubbed her teeth, and suddenly her heart moved: "By the way, are colorful stones useful to you?"

"Yes, but not as good as Hongmeng Xianyun. If you are willing to give me that Chaos Stone, the effect will be much stronger than Hongmeng Xianyun."

"How much stronger can it be?"

"Stronger than Hongmeng Ziyun!"

"Okay, I'll give you a piece!"

Ye Weiyang took out a Chaos Stone and threw it into the air, and the Chaos Stone disappeared.But it takes time to refine the Chaos Stone. The two Good Fortune monks finally caught up, and then grabbed Xingsuo from left to right.

Naturally, Ye Weiyang couldn't let them grab the Xingsuo, and suddenly appeared from the Xingsuo. While stabbing the Xingjian Sword with a sword, he also sacrificed the Nascent Talisman Tower, touching the Talisman Array in the Nascent Talisman Tower.


The star-leading sword swayed a galaxy, and bombarded the good fortune monster on the left, and at the same time, the thunder flooded the monster monk on the right.

Ye Weiyang, on the other hand, stepped on the yin and yang star step, opened the distance in an instant, and then entered the Xingsuo with a flash of figure, and Xingsuo was like a black light, traveling through the space.

But soon, two Good Fortune monks caught up again.

This time Ye Weiyang didn't wait until the two creations got too close, because she knew that she could sneak attack once, but she absolutely couldn't sneak attack a second time.Therefore, Ye Weiyang came out from Xingsuo when the two creations were still about ten miles away from him.This time, his preparation pits two fortunes once.The moment he came out, Xing Suo rushed towards the Creation Monster Clan on the left.

Xing Suo can not only escape, but also fight.It's just that Ye Weiyang hasn't used Xingsuo to fight for a long time, because Xingsuo's combat effectiveness is no longer as good as her own.But the scene of Xingsuo's battle is still very amazing.

In just an instant, Xingsuo turned into nine hundred and ninety-nine giant dragons, covering the monk on the left.At the same time, Ye Weiyang sacrificed the natal talisman tower, touched the talisman array in the natal talisman tower, and the sea of ​​thunder flooded the monster monk on the right, and Ye Weiyang was not finished yet, he was wrapped in a star-drawing sword. Dacheng's true intention of the stars pierced towards the monster monk on the right.

"Boom boom boom..."

What happened was too unexpected, in fact, the two monster races were also prepared and planned, this time when Ye Weiyang appeared again, they would join forces to shoot Ye Weiyang to death first.But he didn't expect Ye Weiyang to appear before they got close to attack, and he didn't expect that Xing Suo could also attack.Originally thought it was just a fairy treasure that escaped.Although the monster on the left knew that Xingsuo's attack could not harm him, it was not an attack that could break through Xingsuo in an instant.

In other words, he was isolated by Xingsuo, and he couldn't join forces with the Yaozu on the right.

This slow step means slow step by step.The battle changes rapidly, at least Ye Weiyang got the chance to face the monster creature on the right alone at this moment.And when it comes up, it's the big move, the full attack of the natal rune tower.

The choice of timing was just right, the thunderbolt flooded the demon cultivator on the right, his vision was blocked by the thunderbolt, his hearing was covered by the roar, and his consciousness was strangled by the thunderbolt.In other words, at this moment, he lost his observation of Ye Weiyang.And taking advantage of this moment, Ye Weiyang not only broke into Lei Hai, but also stabbed him with Dacheng Xingchen's sincere sword.


After all, it was good luck, when the crisis was approaching, he still dodged the fatal part, the star-leading sword pierced through his right chest, the front and back were bright, and a big hole appeared in the right chest.

Ye Weiyang didn't think about taking advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, even the sword prepared with all her strength could not kill the opponent, and it would be impossible to kill the opponent any more.What's more, the monster monk on the left is about to rush out.So, he turned around and fled, stepping on the yin and yang steps, and behind her, the Xingsuo came, Ye Weiyang dodged into the Xingsuo.

The monster cultivator on the right originally wanted to chase Ye Weiyang, but in fact, if he chased Ye Weiyang immediately, he would be able to catch up.But when he saw his companion, blood spilled into the sky, and a big hole appeared in his chest, he couldn't help being startled, the moment his body stopped, Xing Suo had already taken Ye Weiyang away and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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