The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1202 Breakthrough

Believe it or not, anyway, no one thought that Weiyang had gone to the demon world after spending the night.Ye Weiyang ignored these things and set up the formation wholeheartedly.The Chongxu Sect occupies a very large area, and Ye Weiyang's formation took three years, and the formation was finally completed.

Wan Qingzong and more than a dozen good fortune monks experienced the power of the formation for themselves, and they were more inclined to go to the demon world in their hearts.In the end, Wan Qingzong was ready to fight.

Why fight?
The reason is also related to Ye Weiyang, because Chongxu Sect's current development is so good that it can attack the second sect in the fairy world.

It is the second sect in the fairy world. Originally, he was aiming at the third sect.But now the Zongmen Great Formation has become a Grand Master level. The Zongmen has the inheritance of the Saint of Immortal Talisman, the inheritance of the Immortal Artifact at the level of the Grand Master, and the inheritance of the Immortal Array at the level of the Grand Master. basic condition.What's worse is the fighting power of the sect.Now the sect has 21 good fortune monks, and the top three sects with the least good fortune is the Shangqing sect, which also has [-].

This is just quantity, and there is a difference in realm.

There are a total of three Chongxu sects who have achieved perfection, but the Shangqing sect, which ranks third in the fairy world, also has five monks who have achieved perfection, and the other monks are relatively higher in realm than Chongxu sect.If this opportunity allows them to improve their realm, they will be able to properly step on the Shang Qingzong, and then attack the second-ranked Taiqingzong.Therefore, he thought that he could really fight once.If you don't fight this time, you will miss a huge opportunity.

Everyone started to discuss in secret, and then a month later, these big monks all declared retreat, and actually secretly left with the map Ye Weiyang gave them.Each showed his ability and went to the demon world.

Ye Weiyang stayed at Weiyang Peak, and there were other people who actually managed the sect, as long as it wasn't something that couldn't be handled, no one would bother Ye Weiyang.In fact, Ye Weiyang didn't think there would be any major event.A hundred years, in the eyes of these monks, even for the monks of the Dao, it is just a matter of time, an instant.She didn't think that something big would happen that needed her.

This was the first day Wan Qingzong and the others left the sect, Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the mountain peak.At this time, she was the only one in Weiyang Peak, Zhang Jiuling, Fang Zigu and they didn't come back.She was thinking about how she should practice next.

Her current body and celestial power have both reached the second level of good fortune, even if the primordial spirit has reached the first level of good fortune.And the current Yuanshen has opened up to [-] star apertures during the decades in Mortal Island, and now she uses the inner light scripture to visualize the starry sky, and her comprehension is superb.Coupled with the effect of Hongmeng Xianyun, she felt that her current comprehension and the examination of pictures in line with the Dao had become very exaggerated.

Say nothing else.If it was before, Ye Weiyang would not be able to determine the time even if she is now at the sixth stage of breaking the boundary, and wants to break through the late stage of breaking the boundary, it feels like it will take hundreds of years at least.Of course, these hundreds of years are like lightning in the eyes of others, too fast.But now, she already has a clear concept, as long as she retreats to practice, at most ten years, she will be able to break through to the seventh stage of breaking the boundary, and enter the late stage of breaking the boundary.

Then enter the boundary-breaking tone first.

Ye Weiyang is in seclusion, and she is practicing every day according to the scriptures and contemplating the stars, comprehending the Dao of Unity, but she doesn't deliberately comprehend the true meaning of the stars.But she is visualizing the stars every day, even if she doesn't go to understand, the true meaning of the stars is also growing every day.

Nine years passed in a hurry, ten years was useless, Ye Weiyang reached the critical point of breakthrough, as long as she wanted to, she could immediately enter the seventh stage of breaking the boundary, but she did not choose to break through, a breakthrough like hers.It requires extremely strong immortal energy, so those monks who want to break through in the sect will enter the secret place of the sect.But now Ye Weiyang didn't bother to go, and went straight back to her cave, closed the gate of the cave, then pulled out a fairy vein from the natal talisman tower, sat on the fairy vein and broke through.

She has more celestial veins now, and there are only two talisman towers left in her sea of ​​consciousness, a six-story talisman tower and a seven-story natal talisman tower, each of which contains dense celestial veins , adding up to more than three thousand.Then what secret place did she go to?
The celestial veins under the buttocks were quickly drawn away from the celestial vitality, and the rhythm of heaven and earth came roaring, really roaring.The commotion was really loud.The monks who attracted Chongxuzong all looked towards Weiyang Peak, and of course those monks who were not Chongxuzong were all amazed.

Of course they knew that it was Weiyang Peak, so of course it was Ye Weiyang who made such a big commotion.Of course they also know that Ye Weiyang can't break through the good fortune, and they think that this is Ye Weiyang's breakthrough to the middle of breaking the boundary, because except for the good fortune monks of the Wanqing sect, no one knows that Ye Weiyang has already reached the mid-break of the boundary.

But just like this, it shocked those monks who were not Chongxu Sect.

Just breaking through the middle stage of breaking the boundary, and making such a big commotion, how strong should this combat power be?

No wonder Bao Yixing back then couldn't beat Ye Weiyang, so he ran away in fright.With this movement, you will catch up with the good luck, right?

This move had an unexpected effect, making those monks who were not Chongxuzong more honest, and Hedgexuzong more awed.

Ye Weiyang broke through the seventh level of breaking the boundary, and entered the late stage of breaking the boundary.And there was an unexpected joy, her primordial spirit had five more star apertures, reaching three hundred and five.And through the process of breaking through, there is also a comprehension of the attained comprehension.The true meaning of the stars began to approach consummation, and the true meaning of one yuan also began to approach Dacheng.But it didn't get there.This already made Ye Weiyang excited enough.

What she is excited about is not her own breakthrough, nor the improvement of her true intentions, but the opening of the star aperture.She found that after the star apertures were opened to this extent, every time one more star aperture was opened, her comprehension of the way of heaven would be easier.Now it is easy for her to fit into the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and her understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth has also made a leap.Coupled with the Hongmeng Xianyun, she felt that she just practiced step by step, and in at most 50 years, she would be able to upgrade to breaking the boundary and achieve perfection, and then she would try to break through the good fortune.

She sat cross-legged in the cave, combing carefully, trying to figure out why she was like this.She is not a rookie, she knows in her heart that her breakthrough is too fast.Even if a world-breaking seventh level wants to be upgraded to a complete cracking, it must take ten thousand years as a unit, and it may take hundreds of thousands of years.But now I can be sure that I will reach that height within 10 years.

This is very abnormal, even if it is a peerless genius, it will take thousands of years.


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