Chapter 1204
Chen Mo didn't do anything, drove everyone out of the alchemy room, and just stayed with Ye Weiyang by himself.


Always in the alchemy room, Chen Mo moved to the alchemy room if Ye Weiyang needed any alchemy inheritance, and Ye Weiyang directly read, deduced, sorted out, comprehended, and made alchemy in the alchemy room.

At the beginning, Chen Mo didn't understand that Ye Weiyang started reading from Fandan, who was the lowest level.When she saw that Ye Weiyang started to refine Fandan, she couldn't understand it even more.But he didn't speak, but he didn't do anything, just watched from the sidelines.When he saw the first furnace of Fandan being refined, he also felt nothing.It's just a furnace of Fandan, so what if it's top grade?

It's not like he can't refine it!
He felt that Ye Weiyang was wasting time.Because he felt that it was not necessary, his foundation at this level was already very solid, and Ye Weiyang must be the same, because all the pills that could be refined in one furnace were all top-grade, at the same level as him, this It means that Ye Weiyang's alchemy foundation is at least as solid as his at this level.

Therefore, after seeing Ye Weiyang re-read various inheritances of this level after refining high-grade Fandan, as well as the alchemy experience of various seniors left in history, I really don't understand.

However, when Ye Weiyang refined several batches of pills, and finally refined the top-quality pills.His face changed.

According to his past experience, the refining of top-quality pills is random.It's not about studying alchemy to a very high level, and then every furnace can be refined to produce the best elixir that is full of alchemy.

That's impossible!

He reassured himself in his heart that the yield rate of Fan Dan was very high, 360 pills were produced in this furnace, which is the lowest level of quenching body pills.It is impossible to achieve this rate of alchemy in the mortal world.But in the environment of the fairy world, the herbal medicine of the fairy world has been promoted to this level.Ye Weiyang's batch of quenching body pills is full of pills, a total of 360 pills, but there are only five top-grade body quenching pills, and the rest are top-grade pills.Therefore, he still felt that it was a coincidence that Ye Weiyang had refined it randomly.The next batch of elixir may not be able to refine the best elixir.

Then he saw that Ye Weiyang started to reorganize, deduce, comprehend, and refine alchemy again.

This furnace is still full of pills, 360 pills, but the number of top-grade pills has increased to 66 pills.

Silent was surprised.

Isn't this top grade pill really random?
The reason why I could only be random before was because my foundation was not solid enough?


I'll look at the next furnace, if you can still refine the top-grade pills, and the number of top-grade pills can increase, it proves that it's really not a random problem, but that your foundation is not solid enough.


He saw that Ye Weiyang refined another body quenching pill, which was still full of pills, but there were more than [-] top grade pills.


Can this really not be refined randomly?

If I can't refine it myself, it's because I'm not good enough. Think about it further, since I can refine the top-grade Body Tempering Pill, then there should be no problem with the top-quality Gathering Spirit Pill, right?

Think about it further, I have not been able to break through to the Grand Master, is it because my foundation is not solid enough?

No wonder Wei Young wanted to start with the lowest level of Body Tempering Pill, that's how it is.

He immediately became interested, reached out and took a jade slip placed in front of Ye Weiyang.What is recorded in that jade slip is Ye Weiyang's combing, derivation and comprehension these days.There are more than a dozen jade slips scattered around Ye Weiyang, because Ye Weiyang was too involved, he combed and recorded, and then threw it away, and when he was recording, he took out a blank jade slip from the storage ring, so There are a dozen of these.

Chen Mo was immersed in it when he saw it, and then he started to ask if he didn't understand, and Ye Weiyang returned with all his heart.Anyway, it won't delay Ye Weiyang's comprehension.So, later on, Chen Mo also started alchemy, refining body quenching pills.

From time to time, the fragrance of alchemy wafted from the alchemy room.After the two of them refined the elixir, they put it into a jade bottle and threw it on the ground.

So a year passed.

There are also those who have completely refined all the types of elixir for countless times, and they can all refine the best elixirs that are full of elixirs. Only then do they start to reorganize the derivation and comprehend the elixir level of elixir.

Ye Weiyang was stunned, and found that there was no inheritance at the level of an alchemist, so she woke up from the state of ecstasy.It turned out that Chen Mo only took all the inheritances of Fan Dan's cheats at all levels, but he didn't take any of the elixir level.Ye Weiyang looked around, couldn't help showing a wry smile on her face, and found that there were jade bottles all over the place, all of which were piled high, these were the pills refined by her and Chen Mo in this year, the worst was top grade.One-third of them are the best.Turning to look at Chen Mo, he found that Chen Mo was refining the elixir, so he simply sat there and waited.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chen Mo opened the furnace to take the alchemy, and his eyes were full of joy. This way, [-]% of the alchemy pills are top-grade pills. If he gives himself half a year, he may be able to refine the top-grade full pills.

"Senior brother Chen." Seeing that Chen Mo had finished alchemy, Ye Weiyang hurriedly said.


Chen Mo woke up from the immersion, looked at Ye Weiyang: "Weiyang, what's the matter?"

"There is no inheritance jade slip."

"Oh, it's okay, I'll ask everyone to bring a copy."

Ye Weiyang pointed to the jade bottle on the ground: "These pills should be given to the Pill Palace."

"This won't work!" Chen Mo shook his head hastily: "The herbs used to refine these elixirs are all your herbs, and I will count points for you."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang didn't refuse.

"Okay, you can rest here first."

With a big wave of Chen Mo's hand, all the jade bottles on the ground disappeared, and then strode out.Ye Weiyang also walked out slowly, stood outside, felt the night wind, let out a breath, and began to silently check her cultivation.

Then I shook my head. It cannot be said that there is no progress, but the progress is small.Think about it too, just sorting out Fan Dan once, how much comprehension can there be?

Still thinking of bypassing the analogy?
Chen Mo didn't come back until the evening of the next day, it seems that he had dealt with a lot of things about the alchemy palace.In fact, he not only dealt with the accumulated things, but also copied many copies of the inheritance of the two of them comprehending the refining of the best pills, and put them in the library, and asked people to calculate the pills refined. All the pills made were given to Ye Weiyang, and the points were given to Ye Weiyang.


"Huh?" Ye Weiyang looked up at Chen Mo who came in.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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