A year passed in a blink of an eye, and there were hundreds of duels in this year, with each winning and losing. After careful calculation, the two sides won and lost almost the same, so the momentum of both sides did not drop, but became more excited.

This year, almost all the monks of the Taoism of the casual cultivator are playing the battle. Even now, they are only the monks of the Taoism of the family. .

Ye Weiyang now feels that she has already solidified herself in the realm of shaping the Tao, and because of this solidification, she found that she has indeed benefited, and her compatibility with the Dao of Heaven has improved a little, although it is not much, but it is indeed improved.But it is far from understanding the good fortune.Therefore, she began to deduce from the plastic path to the bottom, to deduce the realm below the gathering of three flowers. From top to bottom, it is easier to deduce, but it also makes her realm more solid.

In her short life of more than 5000 years, she has been constantly improving herself.Now it is rare to get a period of leisure time, and there are constant duels to provide her with reference and comprehension, which is more common than when she was on the ladder to the sky.Therefore, she is also very rare this time.

Another half year passed like this, and Ye Weiyang came out of comprehension and derivation, because the deduction from top to bottom was also completed, the realm had never been consolidated before, and there was also a vague direction for good fortune.If you want to understand by analogy, you have to look at the fighting of monks of the royal way. Now the fighting at this level has lost its effect on her.

Seeing Ye Weiyang stand up, Ning Zhongjun who has been paying attention to Ye Weiyang immediately came over: "Weiyang, what are you doing? It's been a year and a half."

"Understand!" Ye Weiyang was a little puzzled.

However, Ning Zhongjun was even more inexplicable than her: "Watching a Taoist cultivator fight, what can I understand?"

"By analogy!" Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, and then explained: "Although we have battles during the process of cultivation, how many battles can we have? How many schools have we seen?

But it’s different now, the monks of the monster race and the human race together have more than [-] million, and the fight between them has their own understanding of the way of heaven. Potential and comprehension, this is a rare opportunity. "

Ning Zhongjun couldn't help being stunned: "Do you really understand?"

"Of course. Cultivation alone has limitations after all. Seeing so many monks fight, and it's a duel between monsters and humans, will let us see what we neglected before. This is also a kind of analogy, and it is better than Dan The Talisman Formation is more direct, after all, this is the true cultivation-related divine channel method and monk's inheritance of skills, fully presented in front of your eyes."

"Then what have you learned?"

"Direct comprehension is nothing, but the further consolidation of the basic realm will make it easier for us to fit into the way of heaven. This is only an auxiliary effect, not a direct effect. But with this assistance, I still faintly comprehend a little direction of creation."

"Really?" Ning Zhongjun suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Of course it's true." Ye Weiyang said speechlessly, "What did I lie to you for?"

Ning Zhongjun immediately became excited, I have to tell those people in Zongmen not to miss this opportunity.

Ning Zhongjun began to transmit the sound into the secret, and sent the news to the boundary-breaking monks one by one, and then the boundary-breaking monks sent it to the Chongxu sect's world-building one by one, and then told Hedao that in a few days, all Chongxu The monks of the Zongzong began to watch the fighting on the battlefield seriously, confirming their own cultivation direction.During this period, they also communicate with each other.

Another three months passed in a hurry, and finally the fight between the royal monks began.Ye Weiyang has been idle for three months, and finally started a new discussion and understanding.

The fighting in Yudao became more intense and lasted longer.Ye Weiyang swallowed another ray of majestic purple rhyme, and once again entered into deduction and comprehension.

Ye Weiyang wished to play longer, so as to kill time.Although she now has rune cannons, there are more than 400 rune cannons on the defense line, but that is only theoretically able to cause damage to good fortune, but in fact no one knows.Of course it's not as good as Wan Qingzong and the others coming back.From Ye Weiyang's point of view, Wan Qingzong and the others promised to come back within a hundred years, presumably they are not at ease, maybe they can come back earlier.

More than 100 years have passed now, and there are still more than 20 years, so it will be [-] years.This side can be delayed for at least ten years. If Wan Qingzong and the others come back ten or twenty years earlier, won't everything be stable?
Watch it with peace of mind!
Ye Weiyang's comprehension was originally high, and after receiving the addition of Enlightenment Lotus, her comprehension became even higher, and now she has taken the Primordial Purple Rhyme, and her current cultivation level is also high, and her primordial spirit has started to star aperture again, making her She comprehends by analogy very quickly.

What's more, she is also very effective in the four aspects of the Pill Talisman Formation. The combination of these aspects makes her conform to the way of heaven very quickly and very deeply. Seeing the battle between the monks of the Royal Dao like this, one can see it through the phenomenon at once. In essence, there is a sudden enlightenment in front of my eyes.The key is that there are all kinds of genres, and the fighting is desperate, and the number of games is very intensive.When one game ends, another begins immediately.With Ye Weiyang's current height, she is really constantly comprehending by analogy, so that the places in her Royal Dao realm that are not solid enough are quickly consolidated.

After nearly a year like this, Ye Weiyang has completely solidified the realm of imperial dao, so there is no need to go any further. Now she has reached perfection in this realm.And even though she has expanded her comprehension of the heavenly way of good fortune, but if she wants to expand it further, the fighting of the royal way has no effect on her by analogy, and she needs to practice hard in the future.So, she is now purely watching the battle.

This battle is a duel between a monk from the Chongxu Sect and a monk from the Monster Race.This was Chongxuzong's second shot.The first shot lost.Once it was the turn of Chongxuzong monks to play, the battle in this realm would be over soon.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Weiyang's mouth, she saw that the monks of Chongxu Sect had the upper hand.The Chongxu Sect is worthy of being a sect with a very strong combat power in terms of individual ability in the entire fairy world. Even the monk who was defeated and died before caused serious injuries to the demon clan on the opposite side.Now this cultivator is even suppressing the demon clan on the opposite side.Suddenly, a vision appeared on the battlefield.

It seemed that there was a space for killing, even standing on the far line of defense, it made the watching monks feel chills in their hearts.In this kind of killing environment, the body of the monster clan collapsed like gravel being blown away by a strong wind.


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