The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1220 Questions

Chapter 1220 Questions
The monk from the Yaozu on the opposite side frowned tightly, taking his cultivation as the realm.He could only sacrifice three golden tigers, that was his limit.Then his eyes sharpened, and he didn't believe that the human monk on the other side could once again divert a Dao realm sword energy that was as powerful as Jianhe before!


With a roar of the tiger, he spat out another golden tiger, which rumbled towards the monk of Chongxu Sect.With a thought in the mind of the monk Chongxuzong, the sword energy diverted.

And this time the split of the sword energy turned out to be divided into four, three sword rivers of the Dao realm headed towards the three golden tigers, and the remaining sword river of the Dao realm slashed towards the monster monk.

The sword energy is faint, and it is surging.In an instant, that monster race was pushed to a desperate situation.However, he had already released his extreme supernatural power, which caused his consumption to be too high, and his reaction was a little slower. With just this sliver, endless sword energy penetrated his body.


If the long river washed away the river sand, his body would be washed away by the long river after it exploded.

Cultivator Chongxuzong retracted his sword and turned around, Shi Shi returned.


Shocking cheers resounded from the human defense line, Ye Weiyang and Ning Zhongjun also had smiles on their faces.So far, in the duel from Shaping Dao to Hua Dao, the human race has a slight upper hand.Moreover, more than six years have passed, and the distance from Wan Qingzong's century-old spirit is only 30 years away.

The Yaozu side was very calm, just looking coldly at the cheering monks on the human defense line.Life and death, they have seen too much in the past six years.They don't need hatred, all they need is to kill the human monks in the next round, continue to kill one after another, and finally shoot down the morale of the human monks, and then break through the defense line. At that time, all the human races are their own blood.

The duel continued, and eighteen days later, the duel entered the realm of harmony.Ye Weiyang, Ning Zhongjun and the others started to comprehend by analogy while watching again.

In the blink of an eye, three years later, Ye Weiyang ended her comprehension of monks who joined the Tao. At this time, she was no longer unfamiliar with the realm of good fortune. She had already seen the door, but the door was no longer blurred. The door is far away.Can only be seen, but not touched.All she has to do now is to keep approaching that door and strive to stand in front of that door.

The duel between Taoist monks lasts longer, and the duel between Taoist monks can decide life and death in less than a quarter of an hour, while the duel between Taoist monks may not be able to decide life or death in a day.But it allows monks to show everything about themselves more perfectly, which is naturally a benefit for Ye Weiyang and others, allowing them to have enough time to observe and understand by analogy.

On the human side, it still starts with casual cultivation, then the family, the small sect, and finally the Chongxu sect.Therefore, in the beginning, the demon clan often won more victories, and there were casualties in the middle, and the human monks won more times in the later stage. When they were neutralized, it was almost a tie.

But this time the duel of Hedao was different.

Although Ye Weiyang saw the gate of good fortune, she was not happy at all, but very heavy instead.Because of the duel at the level of Hedao, the human race was at a disadvantage, and was almost crushed by the monster race.Too many losses, too many deaths.It is almost one death from the monster race, and at least three deaths from the human race.This ratio is very large.The times on the Terran side were extremely down.

Ning Zhongjun sighed and said, "Weiyang, let's create a world."

"Let's go!" Ye Weiyang was also very helpless, although this is not conducive to delaying time, it can't increase the death rate of human monks.

The order was passed on, and the duel between the human race and the monster race was raised to the level of world creation.Ye Weiyang was also a little anxious, He Dao lost too quickly, and it didn't take long.But now there are only boundary-making and boundary-breaking left.Once the boundary-breaking duel came to an end, it was the beginning of the decisive battle.Because there is no good luck on the human side.

After watching a few duels, Ye Weiyang's face softened slightly.Although the creation of the world has not gained much advantage, but at present, it still has a slight advantage.


Ye Weiyang was stunned, and worried in his eyes, because he saw that the person flying out from the human race was his elder brother Zhang Jiuling.

The duel at the world-making level also starts from the early stage, then the middle stage, and finally the late stage.Both sides abide by this rule.And Zhang Jiuling is now in the early stage of world creation, and he is only at the second level of world creation.

Soon, the two sides were fighting together.Ye Weiyang only took a few glances, and let go of a suspended heart.Although Zhang Jiuling is only at the second level of World Creation, he has a solid background and the essence of immortal power, especially for the application of supernatural powers, he can lift the weight with ease, and can crush and beat the monster clan on the opposite side.

She knew that this was the effect of the big brother's river map space, and it was indeed a treasure that could improve the supernatural powers of the evolution technique. Zhang Jiuling had almost no opponents at the same level, and even if he was facing someone taller than herself, he could jump up and challenge.

The battle ended quickly. In less than half a day, Zhang Jiuling beheaded his opponent and returned to the line of defense amid cheers from the human race.

Gong Xuan also appeared. Although he killed his opponent, he was carried back.Nearly dying.But with the Chongxu Sect around, it shouldn't be a problem to get back from the treatment.

Compared with Hedao's duel momentum, the Zaojie's duel is completely turned upside down.The degree of tragedy is also very different. For both the human race and the monster race, each world-building belongs to the backbone of the battle.It is very important to both parties, and every time a world-maker dies, it will cause heartache for both parties.

After more than ten rounds, Ye Weiyang sighed, and said to Ning Zhongjun through voice transmission: "Brother Ning, what if our monks from the Chongxu Sect die? They are rune gunners. A rune cannon."

Hearing this, Ning Zhongjun couldn't help but also frowned: "However, if we don't let the boundary-making monks of our sect come out, it will arouse the rebellious psychology of the human monks. But if we enter the duel at the boundary-breaking level in advance, not only Can't delay the time, and will encounter the same problem, let the boundary-breaking cultivator of our sect appear?"


Ye Weiyang also rubbed her teeth, this is an unsolvable problem.Wait for time, the sect monks who will die to create and break the world are not the monks who are inclined to their own sect. Everyone is a human race, no one's life is expensive, and no one's life is cheap.But if a sect dies to create or break a boundary, there will be one less rune cannon.

Hand over the rune cannon to other sect monks?

That's impossible!

This is a deterrent weapon, as long as you can keep it in your hands, you will have it for as long as possible.

However, if you don't want the Zongmen to create the world or the monks who broke the world to die, then you have to lose the delay time and enter the final battle.This also made Ye Weiyang feel uncertain.After all, the power of the rune cannon has not really experienced the test of a large-scale war, nor has it really fought against the big monk of fortune.

This is the distress of not having such a top-notch combat power as the Great Creator.

(End of this chapter)

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