The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1227 The Great Harvest

Ye Weiyang smiled wryly: "Raise it to this speed, you don't know how much it has eaten."

"Huh? He still eats the Primordial Immortal Rhyme?" Everyone was shocked and heartbroken.Such a waste.

"Of course, how can this kind of fairy treasure be promoted to such a level without eating the Primordial Immortal Charm?" Ye Weiyang said: "But thanks to it, I escaped from many dangers. The reason why I dare to take everyone this time To extract the immortal veins, we have encountered a fortune that we cannot resist, and we have a chance to escape back."

After everyone thought about it, they also felt that it was worth giving Xing Suo the Primordial Primordial Rhyme.Not to mention anything else, they took the risk this time to extract the Primordial Immortal Rhyme.With Xing Suo, it is much safer.


Xingsuo's speed is really fast, and he has already arrived at the first location.Hurrah, all the monks came out from Xingsuo, Ye Weiyang raised his sleeves, and a formation of flags almost simultaneously fell towards the fairy veins deep in the ground below, and the two boundary-breakers had already shattered the gate of the cave. Rushed into the cave.The rest of the monks took out the rune cannon and installed the fairy crystal, but they did not activate the rune cannon, and looked around vigilantly.

The current Ye Weiyang is the great master of the immortal array, and the speed of setting up the array to extract the immortal veins is much faster. In just seven breaths, the ground began to shake.


"Whoosh..." Two figures rushed out of the cave, and within seven breaths, it was enough for two boundary-breaking monks to put away everything in the cave.

"How is it?" Ning Zhongjun asked the two monks.

One of the two boundary-breaking monks said: "I didn't have time to look at it. Anyway, even the scum in the cave was put away by the two of us. We will share it equally when we return to the sect."


The ground cracked, and a fairy vein was pulled up.The splendor between Ye Weiyang's eyebrows flowed, and the six-story talisman tower flowed out. In fact, every floor of the current six-story talisman tower is also covered with immortal veins.Ye Weiyang took the immortal vein into the Talisman Tower, landed on the immortal vein, and piled it together.

"Go!" Ye Weiyang yelled, and everyone entered the space of Xingsuo, Ye Weiyang transmitted the next location to Xingsuo, Xingsuo turned into a beam of light again, and shot away towards the distance.

Ye Weiyang and the others started the journey of extracting the immortal veins. They were all rushing to the caves of the world-making and world-breaking monks, so none of the drawn veins were low-grade immortal veins, they were all middle-grade immortal veins.Xingsuo's speed was extremely fast. In just one day, they had drawn 56 middle-grade immortal veins and three upper-grade immortal veins.

"Weiyang, how long are we going to draw?" Ning Zhongjun asked.

"Three days, we will return immediately after three days." Ye Weiyang replied.

"Okay!" Ning Zhongjun breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Ye Weiyang and the others would be too greedy, after all this is the territory of the demon clan, and they are a little bit unscrupulous.Most importantly, the defense line is also worried about accidents.But in three days, the Yaozu should not be able to react.

Three days later, Ye Weiyang and the others flew rapidly towards the defense line on the Xingsuo.During these three days, they drew a total of six high-grade immortal veins and 120 six middle-grade immortal veins.It can be described as a bumper harvest.

In today's fairy world, it is not easy to obtain fairy veins, because most of the fairy veins have been discovered and then occupied, and monks from the human race and the monster race have established sects, families or caves on the fairy veins .Take Chongxuzong as an example, it has been 10,000+ years without obtaining a single immortal vein.This is true of the Chongxu Sect, let alone other sects and families?

There is no need to think about casual repairs.

But in the past three days, they have obtained 120 six middle-grade immortal veins and six high-grade immortal veins.It can be said that Chongxuzong will become the best holy place for cultivation in the entire fairy world.Everyone was a little bit worried amidst the excitement.

Don't let anything happen to the line of defense. As long as there is no problem with the line of defense, Chongxuzong will start to take off.Seeing everyone's worry, Ye Weiyang comforted:
"Brothers and sisters, don't worry. The monster clan was defeated, and we only came out for three days. I'm afraid we haven't finished cleaning the battlefield when the human race comes here, and the monster clan is still fleeing in embarrassment. There will be no danger. Even if there is an unexpected The monster race has come, don't forget, we still have more than 300 world-building from our sect on the defense line, and each of them has a rune cannon in their hands."

When everyone heard about it, their hearts were relieved a lot.They also understand in their hearts that, at least for now, no other forces know much about Rune Cannon.Rune cannons are definitely a big killer at the moment. With more than 300 rune cannons sitting on the defense line, there should be no problem with the defense line.

During these three days, they were extracting the celestial veins, and now they were returning in a straight line, so the time was much shorter. Just half a day later, they could already see the line of defense.Everyone came out from the star cable, Ye Weiyang put away the star cable, after everyone came out, they hurriedly looked at the line of defense, and then their hearts were completely let go.

Then he saw that the vast land outside the defense line was full of human monks, and these human monks were cleaning the battlefield.Seeing Ye Weiyang and the others appear, the human monks first took a precautionary stance, and then they saw Ye Weiyang and the others clearly, and burst into violent cheers in an instant.

In this clan battle, apart from the deaths of some monks at the beginning of the heads-up battle, almost no monks died.And they rested on the defensive line for years.It couldn't be more leisurely.When the clan war started, Ye Weiyang and the others fired the rune cannon, and the clan war ended.Then they chased and killed the demon clan on a large scale, killing the corpses of the monster clan all over the place, and now they are cleaning up the corpses of the monster clan.

It can be said that in this clan battle, the forces on the side of the Xuzong defense line not only did not suffer much losses, but instead gained enormously.Seeing Ye Weiyang and the rest of the boundary-breaking cultivators of the Chongxu Sect return, why not cheer violently?

Ye Weiyang and others landed on the defense line, and Ning Zhongjun began to coordinate the entire defense line.The other boundary-breaking cultivators also started to help, but Ye Weiyang just let go.

Ye Weiyang retreated to practice alchemy, but only after more than a month of alchemy, the entire battlefield was cleaned.It was quiet outside the line of defense, and there was no sign of a monster clan.

Sensing that someone was touching the cave, Ye Weiyang came out from the natal talisman tower, opened the cave, and saw Ning Zhongjun standing outside.General Ning Zhongjun, please come in:

"Brother Ning, what's the matter?"

"Weiyang, the battlefield has been cleaned up, what a great harvest!" Ning Zhongjun smiled all over his face: "Weiyang, go and fill up the gap in the defense line, after filling up, we can return to the sect. "

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!


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