The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1230 Saint of Immortal Formation

Chapter 1230 Saint of Immortal Formation
Wan Qingzong was speechless: "How many sect contribution points do you have now? You are richer than me, and you are the richest elder in the sect. What do you care about those sect's contribution points?"

Ye Weiyang didn't hide anything: "I want to manage my mountain, I want to make my Weiyang Peak the best mountain in the sect."

Wan Qingzong was stunned for a moment, and then said with a look of understanding: "That's right, you are less than six thousand years old now, and you have already achieved the consummation of breaking the boundary. There should be no problem at all for you to break through the good fortune, it's just a matter of time. At that time, you will have a long lifespan that makes you tired, so it is not bad to allocate some energy and time now to manage the mountain and find something to do.

How about your rune cannon giving you one billion sect contribution points? "

Ye Weiyang slammed her mouth: "Okay."

"Then you continue your sword intent."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Secondly, this rune cannon can be researched by other sects as well, but it's just a matter of time. Therefore, I think the design of the rune cannon can be exchanged for some resources with the eight major sects."

Wan Qingzong nodded happily: "I think so too."

"However, when it comes time to trade, I need something."

"Tell me!" Wan Qingzong said bluntly: "The rune cannon was originally designed by you, and it will meet your requirements first."

Ye Weiyang pondered: "First, I need a chance to enter the Wanzhen Mountain of the Sky Sect."

Wan Qingzong's eyes lit up: "Where do you want to break through to the Saint of the Immortal Formation?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

"It's very simple, Sky Sect will definitely agree." Wan Qingzong said firmly.

"I also need more inheritance of alchemy and equipment refining. This fairy world does not have holy places for refining equipment and alchemy like Dengtian Ladder and Wanzhen Mountain. I can only slowly understand it. Anyway, I am short of time."

Wan Qingzong's eyes became brighter, he nodded again and again and said: "Just wait at the sect, and I will take care of everything for you."

"Thank you suzerain." Ye Weiyang cupped his hands in thanks, the two discussed some things, and Wan Qingzong left.Ye Weiyang finally calmed down completely, and the heavy pressure in her heart was relieved.Don't worry about Zongmen's comfort.

In less than a month, Wan Qingzong came to Ye Weiyang's mountain again, handed her a storage ring and said:

"It's all about the inheritance of refining equipment and alchemy. I have traded some in each sect, but they must have left the best inheritance."

"This is already very good." Ye Weiyang took the storage ring, put it away, and then looked at him expectantly.

Wan Qingzong smiled and said: "The Sky Sect also agreed, you can go at any time. Weiyang, when are you going to go?"

Ye Weiyang pondered and said: "It is estimated that the final battle in the demon world will be about 100 years away, and it will start. Or I will wait until after the clan war."

"No need!" Wan Qingzong waved his big hand: "The other good fortune elders will definitely come back one after another. If you have more clan battles, you will not break many boundaries, and if you are missing, you will break many boundaries."

"Then I'll go now!" Ye Weiyang is also a decisive person, just as Wanqingzong said, she is not a person like Chongxuzong's Dinghaizhen.

"Okay, you can figure it out. I need to get busy with sect affairs."

The Wanqing Sect is really busy, it is such a big sect, and it has to prepare to fight against the demon world.He really has no time to chat with Ye Weiyang.But he seems to be enjoying it.Ye Weiyang shook her head and couldn't help but laugh.

This is idle.After being idle for thousands of years, I finally have something to do.

Ye Weiyang didn't stay, after Wan Qingzong left, she also left, and flew towards the Sky Sect on the Xingsuo.In less than two months, he came to the Sky Sect.The Cang Qiong Sect was very polite to Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang entered Wanzhen Mountain smoothly.At the beginning, she practiced all the way to the grand master level in Wanzhen Mountain, so this time she easily broke the formation and came to the grand master level again, and began to sort out from the grand master formation.Forgot the time, the place, and the clan war.With the help of Luoshu Space, she comprehended extremely quickly.

Ye Weiyang is already in the realm of a great master, staying in this realm is just to sort out himself, so in less than 30 years, Ye Weiyang has waited for the height of the holy level.Her speed began to slow down.

Another 80 years have passed, and Ye Weiyang is not far from the top of Wanzhen Mountain.And 90 years ago, the clan war in the fairy world was over.Because each sect had rune cannons, they quickly defeated the Yaozu.Then focus on the demon world.Just before Ye Weiyang was about to climb to the top of Wanzhen Mountain, the clan war with the demon world began.

The monster clan in the demon world prepared well this time. They thought they would break through the defense of the human race, but they didn't expect to be hit in the head.With the sudden appearance of the rune cannon, they were completely unprepared, and many good fortunes were blasted to death all at once, and then the clan war was one-sided. In less than three years, the human monks attacked the entrance of the demon world.

But the Yaozu also reacted in the past three years, setting up countless fairy treasures at the entrance of the demon world, and building a large formation from the fairy treasures.Blocked the power of the Rune Cannon.

Rune Cannon is not omnipotent after all.In fact, if a single rune cannon is against the last fortune, and that fortune is prepared, it will not pose much threat to fortune.There are really too many runes prepared by the human race.It was another surprise attack, which caused the Yaozu to suffer a big loss at the beginning, and too many of the Yaozu's creations died.Even at that time, the human race no longer used rune cannons, and the monster race could not beat the human race.

Moreover, once the big monk Good Fortune is prepared, no matter how many rune cannons there are, basically there will be no threat to Good Fortune.Because the rune cannon has a weakness, it needs to be activated, and this time gives the creation time to react.The good fortune cultivator is ready, and he can take advantage of this reaction time to kill the cultivator holding the rune cannon, or run away directly.

But there is no doubt that the rune cannon is a sharp weapon that poses a great threat to fixed targets.But this time, the monster clan devoted all their efforts to build a fairy treasure defense, so that the Rune Cannon finally met its natural enemy.Moreover, the defensive formation was constructed from immortal treasures.Xianbao can attack.For a while, the human race and the monster race were deadlocked.

If the monster race can't come out, the human race can't attack.Year after year passed like this.

Sky Sect.

Ye Weiyang came down from Wanzhen Mountain. At this time, the Cang Qiong Sect didn't have any masters, and the masters were all concentrated at the entrance of the demon world.Ye Weiyang, escorted by the monks of the Cang Qiong Sect, left the Cang Qiong Sect, and flew towards the Chongxu Sect on the Xingsuo.Behind her, in front of the gate of the Sky Sect, several monks looked at Xingsuo's leaving back and whispered to each other:

"You said, did Ye Weiyang break through to the Saint of Immortal Formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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