The entire fairy world is in an era of licking wounds, and every monk is working hard to cultivate, hoping to rise up and fill this gap.

Fortunately, the few people in Weiyang Peak are not Yudao, but breaking and creating boundaries, so they all came back alive.

Zhang Jiuling was practicing, while Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan were preparing to accept disciples.

They are all broken.Naturally, each sect needs to recruit disciples to train them. After discussion, the nine major sects decided to open a mountain together next month to recruit disciples.Of course, they all wanted to be the first to recruit disciples.But in the end, they all thought of Wanqingzong's retreat, so the eight great sect masters gathered in Chongxuzong.And Wan Qingzong didn't hide it, and directly announced the inner photo.However, they concealed the fact that they went to the demon world, and also concealed the fact that Mortal Island has a strong support for the cultivation of inner light scriptures.

Wan Qingzong also proposed that the nine major sects open a mountain together to recruit disciples. As for who receives a good disciple, it depends on the individual's chance.

The other sects got the internal illumination scriptures, so they naturally agreed to this trivial matter.The internal illumination sutra is very short. After they read it, although they don't know whether it is effective for their cultivation level, they can also see that it is not easy to cultivate.But they all have a long lifespan, and now they are in a panic, and they are very happy to have the inner scriptures to study.At this time, Ye Weiyang returned to the forest of steles in the back of the formation hall, and continued to make jade steles for inheritance.

One month later, Ye Weiyang left behind the inheritance of the jade stele and returned to Weiyang Peak.

So far, in terms of mainstream cultivation of the Chongxu Sect, none of the [-] great fortune-telling monks is in the early stage of good fortune, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong.In terms of the four major supports, there are already the inheritance of the holy talisman and the inheritance of the holy array.In terms of overall strength and future development, it has faintly been on par with the No. [-] Taiqingzong.

Ye Weiyang returned to the mountain peak, and saw that there was a lot of excitement on Weiyang Peak.There are ten more disciples.These are the ten disciples carefully selected by Wang Ye and others, seven men and three women.Ye Weiyang also checked their aptitudes, and found that they were not bad, they could be called Tianjiao.But whether they are peerless geniuses or not, it is impossible to tell, it depends on their future understanding.

"Peak Lord!" Wang Ye said with a smile: "You are now the saint of the fairy formation, when will we set up our mountain?"

"No hurry!" Ye Weiyang said with a smile: "You lay the foundation for these ten disciples first, the current conditions are already sufficient for their cultivation, and the speed of cultivation will be very fast, after all, they are at the Body Tempering Realm. Let’s talk about raising the Zongmen formation.”

"Oh fine!"

Wang Ye didn't say anything, what Ye Weiyang said was right, these ten disciples are now in the Body Tempering Realm, and the cultivation environment of Weiyang Peak has completely satisfied them, as for them, they didn't think about breaking through the good fortune and practicing slowly.

Hearing that Ye Weiyang was going to raise the sect-protecting formation to a holy-level immortal formation, the master of the formation hall was excited.Yu Jiao is now a grand master of the formation, if he can assist Ye Weiyang in laying out the holy formation, it will have a great effect on his comprehension of the holy formation.Immediately ordered the entire Artifact Palace to fully assist Ye Weiyang.

In this clan battle, too many monster clans have been hunted and killed, so there is no shortage of formation materials.Ye Weiyang made arrangements one by one, and all the monks in Qidian began to refine the foundation.The eighteen Good Fortune monks of the Wanqing Sect were also very excited.Since they got the rune cannon, to be honest, they don't have any confidence in their hearts.Although they are not afraid of rune cannons themselves, it takes time for rune cannons to activate and it is difficult to lock them.The threat to them is not great.The reason why they were able to cause so much damage to the Yaozu was that they killed many monsters.The main reason is that the Yaozu didn't know about the Rune Cannon and were unprepared.

But rune cannons are too much of a threat to fixed targets. For example, their sect's sect's protective formation before, although it is a grand master's fairy formation, but with thousands of rune cannons, it can still be smashed.However, there is no possibility of smashing the Saint-level guardian array.

Get [-] rune cannons?
Are you kidding me?
Even if a certain sect refines [-] rune cannons, do you have so many monks above the world to release them?
Cultivators below the Realm Builder simply don't have the ability to activate the rune cannon.It is impossible for any sect to have more than 1 monks above the world, unless the Chongxu sect is the enemy of the whole world, and the entire fairy world can gather so many monks above the world.But how could it be possible for Chongxuzong to be the enemy of the whole world?

Therefore, once Ye Weiyang upgrades Chongxu Zong's large formation to a holy-level immortal formation, Chongxu Zong will no longer have any worries.In the entire fairy world, currently only the sect protection formation of the Sky Sect is at the holy level.Now it's time to add one more.

It is Chongxuzong.

In one year, 180 million formation foundations were refined, and then it took another five years to carve the basic formation pattern by the monks of the formation hall.Afterwards, Ye Weiyang spent four years to upgrade the formation pattern to the level of the fairy formation.At the same time, during these ten years, Ye Weiyang also deduced the Xinghai Great Formation. Although it was very immature, there was Luoshu space, and the Luoshu Space improved the Xinghai Great Formation into a real holy level formation.After Ye Weiyang got acquainted with each other for another year, she began to set up the formation.

The rest of the eight sects are all paying attention to Chongxuzong.Each heart is complicated.But at this time in the Chongxu Sect, Yu Jiao, the master of the formation palace, brought all the monks of the formation palace, and followed Ye Weiyang all the time, doing what he could.They all know that when the formation is completed, the realm of these participants will have a qualitative improvement, and their understanding of the way of the formation will have a qualitative leap.


Another year and two months later, the Saint-level star sea formation was completed.

The suzerains of the eight sects sighed from a distance, especially the suzerain of the Taiqing sect, he knew that from this moment, the Chongxu sect had the qualification to sit on an equal footing with the Taiqing sect.In other words, from now on, the number one sect in the fairy world is no longer Taiqing Sect, but two sects, Taiqing Sect and Chongxu Sect.

Ye Weiyang stood empty in the air, looking at the big formation below, countless knowledge of the fairy formation flashed in her mind, making her comprehension of the fairy formation reach the peak of the holy level.

The entire Chongxu Sect cheered. The strength of the sect will allow them to walk on the road of strength.

"It's time to satisfy Wang Ye and the others. I can't stay idle!"

Ye Weiyang sighed and flew towards Weiyang Peak.And the eighteen good fortune monks of Wanqingzong all looked at each other and smiled. From now on, they can no longer worry about the sect, and can devote themselves to retreat and practice.

Ye Weiyang landed on Weiyang Peak, Wang Ye and others greeted him cheerfully, looking at Ye Weiyang eagerly.

"Okay, don't be pitiful, they're all Boundary Breaking Great Cultivators, they're quite old." Ye Weiyang scolded with a smile: "I'll start to set up the formation right now."


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