This time it took longer than carving the Taiji Formation, it took 36 days, and during these 36 days, the cultivators of the Formation Palace also woke up one after another.But they didn't leave, and continued to stay here to watch Ye Weiyang's formation.


The earth shook, and the monks of the Wanqing Sect who were retreating in the cave ran out one by one.In fact, there is no such thing as closed-door practice for those good fortune monks. They are all practicing according to the scriptures, and there is a sudden vibration in the Chongxu Sect. How could they not come to see it?
Then they discovered that the vibration came from Weiyang Peak.But at this time, the Star-leading Sword Formation had already been set up.It was restrained by Ye Weiyang, but it didn't open.So they were a little confused, what big formation did Ye Weiyang set up this time?
One by one, they flew towards Weiyang Peak, and when Ye Weiyang saw them coming, he closed the Taiji Formation.The Taiji diagram on Weiyang Peak disappeared, and the monks of Wanqingzong flew up one by one.

"Weiyang, what big formation have you set up?"

"A killing array!"

"Kill the array? Shall I try?"

Ye Weiyang was speechless for a while, Wan Qingzong was really idle.It's actually idle.At this time, there were also boundary-breaking monks and boundary-making monks flying over, which made Ye Weiyang even more speechless.

Are there so many idlers in Chongxuzong?

"Sovereign, this killing formation is very powerful. I estimate that monks in the early stage of good fortune will die in the killing formation, but I don't know whether it will harm the cultivation of the suzerain. It may also threaten you."

Wan Qingzong's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and his heart became more interested.

"Wei Young, let me try. You lead the big formation, once I am in danger, you immediately close the big formation."

Ye Weiyang said helplessly: "Sovereign, once the formation is up and running, sometimes it's too late for me."

"It's okay, let me try. You are not saying that it is dangerous to the early stages of creation, but I am a perfect creation. I can resist for a while, and I will give you time to react."

"Then... let's do it!"

Ye Weiyang moved the formation, and heard a sound of swords ringing around, and then a galaxy appeared in front of their eyes, and the galaxy covered the entire Weiyang Mountain Range.

The entire Weiyang Mountain Range is like an isolated island in a galaxy, emitting a deep breath from the galaxy.This kind of aura made the originally high-spirited Wan Qingzong fearful.

Kuang Yuanchi and Guan Zhongxiong, who had already returned, also had sparks in their eyes, and they rushed into the star-leading sword formation together with Wan Qingzong, and three monks who had returned from the demon world and had already completed their fortunes also rushed in.

"Clang clang..."

The dense star-leading swords shot towards the six good fortunes, cutting them, and forming a network vertically and horizontally.The six perfections were actually suppressed.The six Good Fortunes each sacrificed their immortal treasures, and fought together with the Star-leading Sword Formation.Ye Weiyang watched the six creations complete and was pleasantly surprised.Although the star-leading sword array did not harm the monks who had perfect fortunes, it suppressed six monks who had perfect fortunes.If it goes on like this, the monks will be consuming after all, but the star-leading sword formation will absorb the power of the stars continuously.In the end, the six consummated creations will be killed.

Of course, this is the ideal state.The six good fortunes are perfect and can rush out of the Xingxing Sword Formation, as long as they rush out of the Xingxing Sword Formation, there is no danger.But it is not easy to rush out of the star-leading sword formation.At this time, the six great monks caught in the Xingxingjian formation looked up and could not see the end of the galaxy, and Weiyang Peak had long since disappeared.Not to mention Weiyang Peak, even Chongxu Sect is gone.They seem to be trapped in an endless galaxy, with no edge in sight.Don't even know which direction to go from.

Moreover, the six Creation Great Cultivators couldn't see each other, so they could only resist the Star-leading Sword Formation alone.

"Boom boom boom..."

The six good fortune monks continuously released their supernatural powers, and then sensed the collision between the supernatural powers and the Xingxing Sword Formation, and sensed the direction from the collision.About a quarter of an hour later, the six good fortune monks rushed towards one direction almost at the same time.And this direction is the direction towards the outside of Weiyang Peak.

"Boom boom boom..."

The six good fortune monks killed all the way, and got out of the star-leading sword formation one after another, and appeared outside the Weiyang mountain range, looking at the star-leading sword formation with helplessness.

Ye Weiyang closed the star-leading sword formation, and the six good fortune monks of Wanqingzong flew back, and said with emotion:
"Weiyang, your Xingxing Sword Formation is really powerful. However, if you want to kill Good Fortune, it will definitely not work, and Good Fortune will kill through the Star-leading Sword Formation and break into Weiyang Peak."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said: "It's not that easy. I just activated the Star-leading Sword Formation, but I didn't lead the Star-leading Sword Formation. If I lead the Star-leading Sword Formation, I will change the Star-leading Sword Formation at any time and confuse your perceptions. It is not impossible to sense the direction and rush out, but it is very difficult. Moreover, my Taiji formation and Star-leading Sword Formation do not distinguish between inside and outside. Taiji formation can be outside the Star-leading sword formation, or Taiji formation can be inside the Star-leading sword formation. inside the sword.

If there is really a powerful foreign enemy attacking, I can put away the outer Taiji formation after opening the Star-drawing Sword Formation, and then activate the Taiji Formation inside the Star-drawing Sword Formation. To face the Tai Chi array. "

"You... are really solid." Wan Qingzong said with emotion: "The entire fairy world has not broken through your place. I am very strange now, Weiyang Peak is in the Xinghai Great Formation, why are you setting up such a powerful formation? "

Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't think too much, I just thought that since I want to set up an formation, I will set up the best one."

Wan Qingzong couldn't help but shook his head and laughed: "That's not bad, your place will be the last barrier of Chongxuzong. If Chongxuzong really faces an irresistible and powerful enemy, he can still retreat to you and stick to it. If I had known that you, an immortal The array is so powerful. I will give you a few more mountains, and it will be able to accommodate more sect monks by then."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this: "Weiyang, you should rearrange your formation, and I will give you some more mountains."

"Don't!" Ye Weiyang waved his hands again and again: "The resources needed to deploy such a large formation are very rare. Besides, this is already big enough."

Seeing Ye Weiyang's demeanor was really unwilling, and everyone just let it go.Wan Qingzong looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

"Do you still want to line up?"

"Well, we also need to set up a lock array."

"Locking Sky Formation?" Everyone was surprised because they had never heard of this formation.

"Well, it's a formation I created myself."

Wan Qingzong didn't leave, and became interested: "Is the power powerful? Is it more powerful than the star-struck sword formation? Locking the sky formation, which can lock even the sky, should be very powerful, right?

Is it sleepy? "

Everyone discussed: "It must be a trap, lock it!"


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