The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1245 Slow Ascension

Then seeing Ye Weiyang standing on the mountain peak, they descended one by one.Zhang Jiuling said in a daze:
"Weiyang, what happened?"

"It's nothing, these plants are not pleasing to the eye, and we are going to replant a batch."

Zhang Jiuling was speechless, isn't this boring?

After all, it is a girl who loves to be smug.It is estimated that the vegetation is not beautiful enough this time, so I want to change a batch.

Ye Weiyang took out countless fruit pits, these fruit pits are the fresh fruits of those fairy fruit trees in the Natal Talisman Tower, which were preserved by Ye Weiyang after eating them.In the fairy world for thousands of years, she ate a few when she had nothing to do. She accumulated a lot of fruit cores. Under the control of her spiritual consciousness, these fruit cores flew into the sky. , the fruit cores in the sky constantly adjusted their arrangement, and then fell down, drilling into the soil.Then she took out a large number of seeds of various precious herbs, floated in the air, adjusted the arrangement, and finally planted them in the soil.Then clapped hands:
"Okay, let's wait for them to grow slowly."

Zhang Jiuling and the others shook their heads, and left one by one, returning to their own cave, what should they do.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then went to the refining room and started refining puppets.It took a long time this time, a hundred years passed in a hurry, Ye Weiyang finally refined a puppet of the Dao realm, and the subsequent refining will be fast.After refining some more, he left the refining room, first came to Xiongba Peak, and replaced the four imperial dao puppets in the library, treasury, mission hall and trial tower with joint dao puppets.The four Huadao puppets in the four inheritance stele forests were also replaced with Hedao puppets.Then put the four plastic path puppets of his own mountain peak, the four royal path puppets of Xiongba peak, and the four transformation path puppets in the forest of steles into the treasure house, and the mountain peak's disciples can exchange them.

He returned to Weiyang Peak with the remaining eight Hedao puppets he refined, and asked them to take care of the entire Weiyang Peak.This time Ye Weiyang told them how to take care of the whole mountain.

At this time, a hundred years have passed, and the fairy fruit tree has grown up, but it is not big, and it is still far from fruiting, but it also makes Weiyang Peak present a beautiful color, coupled with the herbs all over the mountain, it is colorful.Ye Weiyang was very satisfied.

Called everyone to Weiyang Peak, and saw two more disciples.This is another start to accept disciples.This time Wang Ye also thought about it, he didn't compete so fiercely with other mountains, and only accepted two disciples.Seeing that Wang Ye only accepted two, the other peaks did not argue with him, after all, Ye Weiyang's status in the entire Chongxu Sect is too high.Although it's just a complete breakthrough, everyone knows that Ye Weiyang will definitely break through the good fortune.And Ye Weiyang is now the Saint of Immortal Talisman, the Saint of Immortal Formation, and the Saint of Immortal Artifacts. As far as these three Saints are concerned, there is no peak master who does not give Ye Weiyang face.So Wang Ye received two disciples with excellent aptitude and talent.

Ye Weiyang began to give lectures to those disciples, for more than three months, and then let those disciples leave.Then he began to preach to the four of Zhang Jiuling.Zhang Jiuling is already at the eighth level of world creation, and the three of Wang Ye have also half-stepped into the middle stage of world breaking.Therefore, this time, Ye Weiyang gave them a full year of preaching, which benefited the four of them a lot. It is estimated that after going back to retreat for a period of time, and with sufficient resources, they should be able to break through separately.

But these people didn't leave, they licked their faces and came over.

"Peak Master, do you still have those fairy fruit stones and herbal seeds? Give us some?"


"We also wanted to rearrange the mountain a bit."

Now they have seen Weiyang Peak, it is so beautiful.Don't say that only women like beauty, everyone likes it.Who is in a bad mood looking at the beautiful scenery of their own mountains?
And when the fairy fruit is ripe, can't you eat it by yourself?Is it bad to entertain friends?Show off in front of your friends, okay?
"Don't tell me I'm free?"

"No, never said." All four shook their heads.

Ye Weiyang couldn't help being amused, so she took out a large number of fruit cores and seeds and distributed them to the four people. The four happily returned to their own mountain peak, then smashed all the vegetation, and then took out the fruit cores and herbs. Seeds go down.

"Continue alchemy."

"too difficult!"

Ye Weiyang began to immerse herself in alchemy again.A thousand years later, Ye Weiyang finally refined a holy elixir.

At this time, Ye Weiyang was already eight thousand years old.And only one was refined.There are three holy-level pills that can be filled with pills in one furnace, but Ye Weiyang only refined one, and the other two are useless pills.Even the successful one is just a low-grade pill.

But this is the beginning of success.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged, silently sorting out the words of the millennium, and then integrated into her own way.Her good fortune gate has been opened two-thirds, and a large number of good fortune avenues have tempered her body, making her body, celestial power and primordial spirit approach the fifth level of good fortune.

After combing and merging, Ye Weiyang returned to Weiyang Peak, and she was surprised to see that her mountain had turned into a top-grade spiritual field.But after thinking about it, I understood that there are five top-grade immortal veins under my mountain, and there are also the lock-sky formation and the star-leading formation, even if there is no waste pill, it will gradually improve.Sprinkle the waste pill refined for thousands of years on Weiyang Peak, and within half a day, the entire Weiyang Peak was upgraded to a top-grade spiritual field.

For a while, trees and herbs grew faster.Wherever you enter the eye, there is a beautiful flower.

Ye Weiyang began to practice in real retreat, mainly to practice the internal illumination scriptures.

Ten years passed in a flash, and Ye Weiyang left the seclusion.Not a single star aperture was opened, and she found that it was too difficult to open each star aperture to this level of practice.I don't know how long it will take to open a star aperture again.Simply give up the retreat and specialize in cultivating the star aperture, and then follow the steps step by step, and practice for a period of time every day.But she didn't want to practice alchemy either, she was disgusted by alchemy.

It's better to study puppets. This time, we use the gold-eating clan to try to refine puppets in the manufacturing world.

It is not that there are no puppets in the fairy world, and there are sects that specialize in making puppets.But the strongest puppet that the strongest puppet sect can make is only a world-making puppet.Moreover, the number produced is extremely rare, and it is regarded as the treasure of the clan.They rarely sell this kind of puppets, unless it is a great favor, or in exchange for extremely rare cultivation resources.Because making a world-making puppet is too difficult.

This difficulty is not only difficult in the way of production, but also because of the scarcity of materials.The world-making cultivator is actually considered the top power in the fairy world.The Great Creation Cultivator will basically not wander around the fairy world, nor will he make random moves.The target of good fortune's shot is only good fortune.Unless it is a big battle, or a deadly enemy.For example, the encounter between the human race and the demon race.But the good fortune monks basically never leave the sect, and concentrate on cultivating.Usually for tens of thousands of years, you will not see a good fortune appear in the fairy world.


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