The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1259 Dusk of the World


The monster cultivator roared, although Ye Weiyang's punch and kick severely injured him, but his life was not in danger, the vitality of the good fortune cultivator was extremely strong.He chased after Ye Weiyang.And those boundary-breaking cultivators below were also stunned, and chased after them one after another.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Ye Weiyang looked back while fleeing, feeling a little relieved.It seems that the big demon's injury is not serious, otherwise, with his third level cultivation base, he would catch up to him very quickly.But now he can't get closer to himself, and can only barely maintain a distance.

The big monster took the pill while chasing him.But he knew that with his injuries, it was impossible to catch up to Ye Weiyang.And because they chased Ye Weiyang with all their strength, there was no time to heal their injuries, so it was even more impossible to get closer.But he is still chasing, because he is confident that his background is deeper than Ye Weiyang.As long as you keep this distance and don't get rid of by the other party, you will fight to consume each other.

Ye Weiyang breaks the boundary, she can't fight her own consumption.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

One of the two fled, the other chased, and they didn't stop fighting with each other, so the speed was very fast.A day later, those monks from the Boundary Breaking Monster Race were completely thrown away, and only the two of them were left shooting like shooting stars in the air.

After seven days, Ye Weiyang's consumption was a bit high, and she saw that the distance between the two sides was getting closer.Immediately, he entered the Xingsuo, and Xingsuo shot towards the distance.

Now Xingsuo's speed is already equivalent to the speed of a first-level good fortune, and the big monster found that the distance between himself and Xingsuo was increasing slightly.But he still refused to give up.Three days later, Ye Weiyang has fully recovered.Xing Suo will also be consumed, and this extreme speed makes it consume a lot.Ye Weiyang came out from the Xingsuo, put away the Xingsuo and flew.The big demon stopped unwillingly, knowing that he had no hope of catching up to Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang ran away for another three days, then chose a place to stop, and waited and watched vigilantly for another day, making sure that the big monster was no longer chasing him, so he took out the seed, but in the end he didn't recognize that it was What a seed.

Whatever the seed is, let's plant it first.

Ye Weiyang entered the natal talisman tower, planted a seed on a celestial vein, and then came out of the natal talisman tower, changed her appearance, and immediately left this place.

Tens of thousands of miles later, Ye Weiyang stopped again in a valley, arranged a formation, and then sat cross-legged.Entering the cultivation, I want to see what state I have reached today.

She stood in front of the gate of good fortune, took one foot, stepped into the gate of good fortune, and then raised the other foot, her heart was filled with excitement.I couldn't lift my other leg before.And now I can lift it up.Then she stepped into the gate of good fortune, and almost her whole body entered the gate of good fortune. There was only one heel left that did not enter the gate of good fortune, but it was such a heel that she couldn't buy it no matter how hard she tried.After nearly an hour, she was pushed out of the gate of creation.


Ye Weiyang let out a breath, her face was full of exhaustion, excitement and regret.

In the end, she still didn't enter the gate of good fortune, but her progress was very obvious. She is only one heel behind the realm of good fortune now.

Although this last step must be very difficult, it must not be far from breaking through the good fortune.

After adjusting her breathing for a day, Ye Weiyang set off again, she wanted to go back to that space crack, enter the space crack, and continue to explore.But she got a benefit, and she has realized a half-step good fortune after being in the sect for more than 2000 years.But it's only a few decades, and I'm about to break through the good fortune.Therefore, she is full of expectations for the space channel.

Several months later, she returned to the space rift again.

There are still many monster monks under the space crack, Ye Weiyang stopped to inquire, and learned that many monster monks have gone in, but they haven't come out yet.For not coming out, Ye Weiyang is not surprised at all, she has already had several experiences of space passages, these space passages are very long, it will take several years to walk from one end to the other.And these monster monks will not give up halfway and return until they find out the truth.

Ye Weiyang also entered the space passage, ran forward along the space passage, and at the same time comprehended the space avenue in the space passage.In the past year, she has not met a monster monk.

And she also found that this space channel is no different from the previous channel, and there is no adventure.What treasures can you get yourself.She now expects that the other end of the space channel can connect to a world.

So three years later, this passage still has not reached the end.Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, and still rushed forward at her own speed.In the past three years, although she didn't try to step into the gate of good fortune, her understanding of the avenue of space made her feel that if she stood in front of the gate of good fortune again, she would definitely make progress, and maybe she would be able to step into good fortune one step at a time. door.

But it's clearly not a good place to try.

Three months later, Ye Weiyang saw a bright light ahead.She was overjoyed, but instead of speeding up, she slowed down.

Standing at the port of the passage, it is still a space crack, looking out of the space crack.

The outside was deserted, and no monks were found.Ye Weiyang stepped out of the space crack, her expression changed.

Wherever she came in, it was barren and decayed. This world gave her a very bad feeling, with an aura of decay and destruction.This world is like a dying person.

As she flew forward, she looked around.

There are no monks, no monsters, no beasts, no plants...

Without any living beings, this is a dead world.

Ye Weiyang landed on the ground, lowered her head and looked towards the opposite side, the ground had a decaying smell.Looking up at the sky again, there is a taste of dusk.

Ye Weiyang closed her eyes, perceiving carefully.

After about half an hour, Ye Weiyang opened his eyes and sighed softly.

This world is going to be destroyed, it is a world that is about to be destroyed, not to mention supporting monks, it is supporting mortals...

Do not!
It is that any kind of living body cannot be supported.

This world has really entered the twilight. Of course, this time will be a long time, but it will not exceed tens of thousands of years.But the lifespan of a world is measured in units of tens of billions of years. Compared with tens of billions of years, it is really insignificant.


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