The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1261 The Way of Heaven

Chapter 1261 The Way of Heaven
Ye Weiyang also returned to her place, and then set up a formation for herself first, because she wanted to try to find the way of heaven, so she would have to devote all her energy, so she had to beware of these monster monks.Even if these monster monks want to break through the formation that they have set up, it is not easy.

After setting up the formation, Ye Weiyang completely let go of herself, followed her instinct, and sensed the direction in which her vitality was drawn, and her spiritual consciousness floated out.She was completely empty, and she didn't know where she was floating, or how long she had been floating, when suddenly she felt something extra in front of her eyes.

It was a mass of air, as if floating in a chaos.It's just that this piece of chaos gave her a feeling of twilight, and that mass of air even gave her an extremely decayed feeling.But from that mass of air, there was an extremely strong aura of the Great Dao.This kind of breath was the first time Ye Weiyang encountered in this life.

"Is this the way of heaven?"

That cloud of energy floated there, neither aggressive nor defensive, like a person falling into a deep sleep.

Ye Weiyang floated next to the qi, felt it carefully, and then she felt that a trace of Dao and vitality was absorbed and merged into the qi.

"It's really heavenly!"

It seems that this world is really in decline and is about to be destroyed, and the mysterious way of heaven is so easy to find.


She felt a few wisps of divine consciousness floating over, and Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat.It seems that other monks from the Yaozu came here.Ye Weiyang immediately spread out his consciousness, and set up a large formation in this space.But at this time, those few wisps of spiritual consciousness also checked over, turned around in the big formation, and probed out again, but they didn't find a big formation here at all.

The saint of the fairy formation, even if it is a large formation hastily set up, these monks are not able to investigate.Ye Weiyang continued to set up the formation, until she was sure that her big formation had completely covered herself and the Heavenly Dao, then she looked at the Heavenly Dao again.In the end, she still couldn't help but cautiously probed her spiritual consciousness into the ball of air.

As soon as he probed in, he was bounced back out, and then the mass of air became agitated, Ye Weiyang's first thought was to escape and regain his consciousness.But in the end, he still had the courage to stay.Then I heard an old voice coming from the air:

"Are you an alien creature?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, transformed her consciousness into form, then looked at the ball of energy and said: "Yes!"

The gas sighed, "I'm so weak now that I can't take shape anymore. How did you come here?"

Ye Weiyang briefly narrated the story, felt the qi, and then said:
"So that's the case, but I have already fallen into a deep sleep. It is the instinct of heaven to absorb your vitality. In fact, absorbing your little vitality is of no use to me at all. On the contrary, the two cracks have a steady stream of vitality pouring in, which is harmful to me. It's still somewhat useful."

Then Xiao Suo said: "Actually, it's useless, it's just to live for a few thousand years. It will eventually be destroyed."

"You are Heavenly Dao?"


"Is there really no hope?"


"What about leaving here?"

"It is inseparable. I am the Dao of Heaven here. If I leave here, I will have no roots, and the Dao will disappear naturally."

Ye Weiyang was silent, she didn't know what to say at this time, but she could feel that the heaven in this world had no malice towards her.Thinking about it, even if the Heavenly Dao of this world kills him and devours everything about him, as the Heavenly Dao said, it will not help the Heavenly Dao at all. His own cultivation and vitality are too small for the Heavenly Dao.

"You don't need to be sad, everyone will die. Come on, I see that you are only a little bit close to breaking through the good fortune, let me help you."

"You help me? How?"

"I'll show you the birth and destruction of this world. Don't worry. Although you will go through this long process yourself, I will use the time sincerity. The real time will not be consumed by you. Don't resist, I will bring you in .”

Ye Weiyang didn't resist, she was about to step into the world of creation, her perception was extremely keen.She could perceive that even if this Heavenly Dao was about to die now, it would be easy to kill herself.What's more, she really didn't perceive any malice from this way of heaven.

Then, she was brought to a world, this world was in chaos, I don't know how long it took, the world began to open for the first time...

Ye Weiyang was completely immersed in it, as if she was the Dao of Heaven, recalling her past.

In this memory, the world was first opened, all things were born, brought to prosperity, and then slowly declined, until now.

This is an extremely long process, during which there are countless ups and downs. This is the whole process of a world from birth to destruction.Ye Weiyang is so old that she has forgotten her identity, where she came from, and where she is now?
As if he is the way of heaven.Until a certain moment, she was sent out by Heavenly Dao, and she didn't react for a long time.When she realized it, she looked at Tiandao, and Tiandao became weaker.Seeing Ye Weiyang wake up, he said:
"You can leave, I'm already too weak. So I can't give you a catastrophe. Therefore, you are not considered good luck. Go, find a new world and go to the catastrophe."

"Then you are here?"

"My place... should be able to exist for less than 3 years. After 3 years, this world will completely collapse. Go."

Ye Weiyang solemnly bowed to the Heavenly Dao, and then the divine consciousness dissipated, and the divine consciousness returned to its place.She opened her eyes, sensed her physical condition, and then judged that the time she had really passed was less than a year.

"Heaven... is really mysterious!"

Ye Weiyang looked around, and found that there were quite a few monster monks around.But she didn't care anymore, got up and left, and flew towards the next space crack that she got from Tiandao.No one disturbed her, she flew with all her strength, and after only half a year, she saw the space crack, plunged into it, and flew forward along the space passage.

She was still calm and cautious.The decline and fall of a world made her come across.Who knows what dangers lie ahead?
After flying like this for more than two years, she really didn't encounter any danger. She came to the front of a space rift, and then found that the space rift was actually at the bottom of the sea. No wonder she didn't meet the monks, because it hadn't been discovered yet.

Ye Weiyang took a step forward, and immediately felt the difference, she found that she was locked by the Heavenly Tribulation.At this moment, she knew that she was really going to step into the realm of creation.

(End of this chapter)

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