Chapter 1264
Huanglong and Ye Weiyang.

Moreover, the two people were standing opposite each other, and at this moment, the qi machines were colliding with each other.At this moment, they understood that it was two human monks who wanted to fight.And it's all made up.All of a sudden, they were also interested.One by one, they stayed away from the fighting range between Huanglong and Ye Weiyang, and then stepped out to watch from a distance.

In an instant, there were tens of thousands more monster monks on the sea.



Huang Long and Ye Weiyang saluted each other, and then neither of them gave way, they shot almost at the same time.Ye Weiyang's control over supernatural powers is extremely subtle, one must know that her true meaning of the stars has already been greatly accomplished, and her true meaning of one yuan has already been achieved in a small way.The true meaning of Dacheng, the imperial envoy's supernatural powers are really sent and received by the heart, and the transformation is smooth.Between thoughts, supernatural powers.

Huang Long over there put all his energy into it. He definitely didn't despise Ye Weiyang just because his cultivation level was one level higher than Ye Weiyang's. Instead, he regarded Ye Weiyang as a monk of the same level as himself.Nearly 10 people watched, and he didn't want to lose face.

Huanglong is a monk who has lived in this sea area since he was a child. He speaks out here, grows up here, and is of the water attribute.It is uniquely blessed here, so the supernatural powers cultivated are also water attributes.

As soon as the supernatural power came out, it became one with the sea under his feet, and his power suddenly increased by five points.

This is also Ye Weiyang's first fight with a good fortune cultivator. Perceiving the power of good fortune cultivator, Ye Weiyang is a little startled, but besides the shock, it is more of a kind of relief.

She found that the other party could not give her a real threat, and if she wanted to, she should be able to easily suppress the other party.She is defending now, thinking about the comparison between her own strength and the opponent's.

After thinking for a while, she realized that when she broke the boundary, she could actually compete with the good luck monk.On the one hand, it comes from the strength of her three foundations.But more came from her primordial spirit.Her primordial spirit has a star aperture, so that although she is in the realm of breaking the boundary, her ability to borrow the power of heaven and earth has reached the level of good fortune.Now that he has broken through the good fortune, this is a qualitative transformation, making it easier and more magnificent to borrow the power of good fortune.

She didn't know how much good fortune she should be now, but the other party was not enough in front of her.Especially in terms of true meaning, the other party is only Xiaocheng. Compared with myself, who has comprehended two true meanings, and one of the true meanings is still a great achievement, the opponent's attack is almost easy. The tsunami released by the other party collided with my true meaning , It immediately turned into a big river, and then pushed towards him, it turned into a small stream. Before it got close to his body, it had completely lost its power.

After less than ten breaths of fighting between the two sides, Huang Long's face became ugly. He had already released his greatest power, but it had no effect.Even where the opponent's bottom line is, they can't figure out, and they can't touch the other party's bottom line at all.Although he had already overestimated Ye Weiyang, a top-notch peerless genius, but now his heart is full of powerlessness.

Is this the gap between Tianjiao and the top peerless Tianjiao?

So he intensified his attack again, without reservation.But it still couldn't hurt Ye Weiyang at all.

Huang Long was hesitating in his heart, he didn't have a trump card, and there was a magical power that he had comprehended and created over the past thousand years, and he had never used it in battle, because he still couldn't fully control this magical power.

But now that he has been pushed into a corner like this, if he just admits defeat like this, he really has no face.

He has already experienced the strength of Ye Weiyang, which is not at all like a monk who has just broken through the good fortune, and even gives him the feeling that if he faces a monk whose cultivation level is higher than his own.But it's obvious that his cultivation level is one level higher than Ye Weiyang's.

He gritted his teeth immediately: "Friend Ye, I created a supernatural power, but I haven't fully mastered it yet, and it's powerful. If this trick can't hurt you, I will admit defeat."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

But Huang Long was more than that, he continued: "How about we attack each other once? Let me also see the attacking supernatural power of fellow Daoists."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang nodded again.

Huanglong moved his hands, and then saw the sea under his feet suddenly rising up with turbid waves, and each turbid wave turned into a water dragon with a length of [-] feet, and there were enough white water dragons, charging towards Ye Weiyang.

These water dragons are so vivid, not only the scales and armor are distinct, but the eyes are also vivid, just like real dragons.Endless power enveloped this piece of sea area, causing the onlookers to retreat crazily, their faces pale and covered in cold sweat.

Ye Weiyang, however, sacrificed the Yin-Yang sword, and stabbed out with a sword.In an instant, the surrounding sea area lit up. It was millions of sword lights covering the space, like thousands of stars shining on the earth. The hundred water dragons disintegrated in an instant and dispersed loudly. rainstorm.But those thousands of starlights converged towards that Huanglong, like a world of swords shrinking, making Huanglong feel that he has no escape and no life.

Huanglong immediately released layers of defenses, but under the bright starlight, those defenses were as fragile as paper, crumbling layer by layer, vulnerable to a single blow.

Huang Long opened his eyes wide, full of fear, he realized that he was going to die.There is absolutely no room for struggle.I am a good fortune monk, and in front of the other party, I am as weak as a baby.I couldn't help but sighed in my heart.

My life is over!

He closed his eyes, waiting for death in despair.

Ye Weiyang naturally saw his state clearly, with a casual move, the Yin-Yang Sword whizzed back and was retracted into the sea of ​​consciousness.The starlight in the sky dissipated in an instant.

Huang Long closed his eyes, his heart was ashamed.

But he waited for a while, and found that he was fine, so he opened his eyes quietly, and found that the surroundings were peaceful, as if he had never received a fatal blow.

The monks around were dumbfounded. They were the only Great Creator in this sea area, and he was still at the second level of Creation. In front of a cultivator who had just broken through the Creation, he had no power to fight back.

"I'm offended, I just broke through, and my control is weak." Ye Weiyang said sincerely, cupping her hands.

A feeling of the rest of his life hit Huang Long's heart, but he sighed in his heart. As for Ye Weiyang's ability to attack when he said attack, and to disperse attack when he said to disperse the attack, if it is not enough, then he is considered What?
At this time, Ye Weiyang was already very admired in his heart, even a little in awe, with a smile on his face and said:

"Fellow Daoist Ye, your power of control... I'll just give you a word." Then there was a look of anticipation in his eyes: "Can you go to my cave and have a chat."

Ye Weiyang smiled and nodded, "I dare not invite you."

Huang Long was overjoyed: "Friend Ye, please!"

(End of this chapter)

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