The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 15 Let's Talk About Something

Chapter 15 Let's Talk About Something
Answer the questions of the two comrades in arms.

The first question is that a comrade-in-arms asked if this book is the best universe, this cannot be spoiled, sorry sorry!

The second question is that a comrade-in-arms asked, from the best female fairy to chase books, to the best flying fairy, to the current Heluo Xianxia Biography, why was there three changes a day before, and then two changes a day, and now there is only one change ?

Before explaining, apologies.

To be honest, comrades who have been chasing books know that I seldom, or even almost never, explain anything.Because once explained, there is a suspicion of selling miserably.

From the best female fairy to the legend of Heluo Xianxia, ​​after so many years, let me take myself as an example, how could there be no unexpected things in real life?So it's possible not to get sick?

I am not a real cultivator, but also a mortal, not only get sick, sometimes very sick.Besides, my parents are getting older, so their body parts are naturally not good. When it was the most difficult time, my parents took turns to stay in the hospital five times a year.But I didn't break the update, and I didn't explain it.

Because this is my own business, I don't want my comrades to know, just read the book!

However, as I got older, my body got worse and worse.And as I got older, my parents got older and their health got worse.I have to spend a lot of energy and a lot of time with my parents.

There is a saying that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to support but does not wait for relatives.

I don't want such a thing to happen. I want to give my parents more warmth when they are still alive.

The Chinese pay attention to these!
I have a friend who came back from abroad and was a bit xenophobic. At a friend gathering, he said that foreigners rejected Chinese people because Chinese people have no beliefs, and people without beliefs have no bottom line.

Of course I didn’t want to listen to it, so I told him, if Chinese people don’t have faith, how could Chinese culture be passed on for thousands of years without end?

It's just that Chinese people and foreigners have different beliefs.

Foreigners believe in God, while Chinese believe in their ancestors.Because the ancestors of the Chinese are worthy of belief.

When the sky is broken, they mend it.

The floods flooded, and they cured the waters.

When a plague occurs, they taste all kinds of herbs.

It's not praying, let alone setting up an ark to escape.

How is such an ancestor not worthy of faith?

How can we Chinese have no faith?

My ancestors are too far away, and my parents are right in front of me, so my center of gravity has to be tilted towards them.

However, over the years, through the best female fairy and the best flying fairy, I have known a large number of comrades in arms.Although I have never met, the sense of familiarity is hard to achieve in real life.

Lingdong cherishes this relationship very much!
This reminds me of the ancient times. Scholars may not have met each other for ten or twenty years. They just became friends because they were famous for each other and exchanged letters.In the seventies and 20s, pen pals have achieved countless spiritual sustenance.

The same is true for us now. Although we haven't met each other, we have been friends for a long time.I may not remember the names of many elementary school and middle school classmates, but I am familiar with your nicknames to the bone. Every time I see your nicknames, there is a kind of kindness from the bottom of my heart.It is this kindness that makes me not give up writing books even though I am very tired in real life. Although the current energy and time are not enough, I still want to continue writing, and use this as a bond to maintain the relationship between us. This kind of relationship, maintain this kind of spiritual sustenance.

you!It has really become my soul sustenance!

The real society is a bit indifferent, and I especially treasure this kind of spiritual friendship between us.

I am very happy that the book I wrote can accompany you to grow up. After your intense study and cruel workplace, you have a relaxing time and a place for your soul.

I know that there are quite a few comrades in arms who have been chasing the best since they were very young, and they have been chasing it until now, maybe they started chasing it in elementary school, and now they have graduated from university.Maybe it started chasing after school and is now married.

I am happy and honored to be with you every day.

I will keep writing, as much as I can.If you can write one chapter, you will post one chapter, if you can write two chapters, you will post two chapters, if you can write three chapters, you will post three chapters...

It's not that it must be one chapter a day in the future!
However, if there are fewer posts, please comrades-in-arms can understand!
Comrades, take this book as a platform for communication. You have different views on the book Heluo Xianxia Biography. You can say in the book review that you may encounter some happy and unhappy things in your life. , You can also say in the book review, I will spare time to read the book review every week, and then I will chat with you at the end of the article when I publish the article.

I want to be a bosom brother O(∩_∩)O
Let's stop here, maybe in the days to come, one night, when we think of the communication platform formed by this book and our spiritual friendship, we will smile knowingly and feel relaxed!

(End of this chapter)

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