Chapter 216 Quota
"That's a trivial matter. You have visualized the Talisman Tower. It is the Talisman Sect."

Ye Weiyang nodded, thinking about it, the most difficult part of becoming a talisman sect is to visualize the talisman pagoda, as for the talisman, it is only a matter of time.There was also a happy expression on his face at the moment, he looked around and saw all the monks who were full of energy, and couldn't help feeling depressed:

"My spiritual strength is still too low. And... oh... look at them, they all recovered so well!"

"Didn't they recover well!" Liao Linrong gave Ye Weiyang a funny look: "They are monks who have just arrived here, and they all came from the rear."

"Oh!" Now Ye Weiyang understood.

"And there are more monks coming from the rear who have already set off."


"Not bad!" Liao Linrong looked at Ye Weiyang with a smile: "This is an opportunity, an opportunity for a big counterattack. It can be said that the battle of Tiebi Mountain almost broke the back of the Yaozu. This is an opportunity to change the situation of the battle. The victory has already They are leaning towards us. Therefore, the monks who came from behind originally wanted to participate in the defense of Iron Wall Mountain, but now they naturally turned into an attack. Many big monks just took a day off before setting off.

This war, let us see the dawn of victory.and also……"

He looked at the excited Ye Weiyang and said: "We all know about your practice of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue. It is estimated that we will win the Yin Yang Spring in a short time. We will leave a spot for you."

"Really?" Ye Weiyang suddenly stopped, looking at Liao Linrong with surprise.

Liao Linrong showed helplessness on his face: "You really are a child, why did you decide to practice Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue on your own? Even if you are given the opportunity to practice in Yinyang Spring this time, you will at most break through to The peak of the alchemy period. You must know that the Yinyang Spring needs to be accumulated, and it takes ten years to accumulate enough energy to supply monks for cultivation. There is still half a year before the next opening. We should win the Yinyang Spring within half a year. However, within ten years, your cultivation will not improve any more. Moreover, Yinyang Spring is a magical place, but it works best for the first use, and the effect will become worse and worse if you go in to practice in the future. There is no help. In other words, maybe your cultivation has been stuck in the alchemy stage."

Ye Weiyang also has some regrets now, but since she has already cultivated, it is useless to regret any more.He shook his head, as if he had put the matter aside, and became happy again:

"The peak of the alchemy stage is not bad, I am very satisfied!"

Liao Linrong's eyes showed relief, but she was a woman in a very good mood.

"You can't give this quota for no reason, Yinyang Spring is very precious!"

"I have contribution points, I have saved a lot..."

"not enough!"


"This time the Iron Wall Mountain War not only made contributions, even too many people made more contributions than you, and even paid their lives. Therefore, you cannot be given a place just because of the Iron Wall Mountain Battle. According to the rules, If you use contribution points to exchange, your contribution points are obviously not enough. Therefore, you need additional contributions."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I have seen your Talisman Tower, it seems to be different, although it is very similar to a visualization picture in Zangshu Pavilion, but it is different."

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "I don't know why, I visualized a talisman tower that is different from the visualization picture. But I just felt that this kind of talisman tower made me feel the most comfortable when I first visualized it. Is there something wrong with my talisman?"

Liao Linrong couldn't help laughing: "Your talisman tower is fine, but you are the one with the problem."

"Me?" Surprise appeared on Ye Weiyang's face, and he thought to himself, wouldn't he know Luoshu space?

Liao Linrong's eyes were full of admiration: "The problem is that you are a genius. In the history of the human race, there are always peerless geniuses. They can always gain a higher level of understanding on the basis of their predecessors. Otherwise, the human race would not Become stronger and stronger, these peerless arrogances have left too much heritage for the race."

Ye Weiyang opened her mouth wide: "You... you say I am also... this kind of peerless genius?"

"Yes!" Liao Linrong's expression became serious: "You not only possess the aptitude of such a peerless genius, but also possess the character of being a genius. You have been able to continuously improve talismans before, which has long proved that you are a peerless genius. You will also These improved talismans were handed over to the human race without hesitation, enriching the heritage of the human race, which is the character of the peerless genius.

So, you won't refuse to leave a visualization picture of your talisman, will you? "

"of course not!"

Ye Weiyang nodded immediately, she really didn't mind, since so many human monks in history were able to leave their inheritance selflessly, why couldn't she, Ye Weiyang?

Especially after experiencing the Battle of Iron Wall Mountain, she understood more clearly that the human race has never been able to determine the glory and decline of a single person. It is the selfless dedication of a group of people that makes the human race last forever.

Here are the foundations left by countless ancestors in the long river of history. Here are the four major forces that selflessly contributed to the inheritance of secret books, allowing the monks of the human race to practice. There are countless unknown monks who sacrifice their lives here. He and Guan Yun roared, and Guan Yun also traveled thousands of miles without hesitation to retrieve the talisman paper.

All of these prove that only a united human race is a strong human race!
Liao Linrong's face was even more appreciative: "Of course, for your dedication, it's not enough to give you a place in Yinyang Spring. What else do you ask for?"

Ye Weiyang scratched her head, thinking that she had only seen a part of the Four Great Divine Art Books, and said:
"Can I get all the chapters of the Four Great Divine Art Books? You also know that I am practicing Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue. I want to see if I can find my own path from the Four Great Divine Art Books."

"Do you want to fuse the four great treasures of divine art and try to find the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue?"


"Oh..." Liao Linrong sighed, "It's too difficult!"

"I know, but I have to try. And I have no other way!"

Liao Linrong thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Although it's a little bit reluctant for your contribution to get the Four Great Divine Art Books all at once, but I'll go and tell the commander, there shouldn't be any problem."

"Thank you, Hall Master!"

Liao Linrong waved his hand, and then asked curiously: "You have accumulated a lot of contribution points. You used to get a quota for Yinyang Spring, but now you have it. How are you going to spend your contribution points?"

When Ye Weiyang heard this, a trace of bewilderment appeared in her eyes, she had been working hard for the quota of Yinyang Spring, and now that this goal has been achieved, she suddenly didn't know how to use these contribution points.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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