Chapter 218
Leaving from the first floor, I came to the second floor of the Talisman Tower, which is much warmer.Ye Weiyang also disassembled the second layer of talismans in the Talisman Tower, and she decided to wait for herself to learn the talisman-level talismans, and weave the talisman-level talismans on this floor.

Coming out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it was already sunset.Ye Weiyang came down from the top of the mountain, saw Fang Ziyi also woke up, saw Ye Weiyang, and immediately called happily:
"Teacher! Where have you been?"

"Go to the top of the mountain for a walk! By the way, how are you preparing? If you are ready, let's build the natal talisman in these two days."

"I'm ready!"

"That's fine, I still have some things to do tomorrow. After tomorrow, you can retreat and build the natal talisman. I will protect the law for you."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Ye Weiyang and Fang Ziyi left the crowd, went to find an empty river to take a bath, Ye Weiyang took out a change of clothes from the storage bag and put them on, and gave Fang Ziyi another set to change, and the two returned. Arrived at camp.But there are too many people and there is no room, so we still sit on the ground in the open air.Ye Weiyang was thinking about going to Liao Linrong to ask for a place for Fang Ziyi to retreat tomorrow, she couldn't build her natal talisman in public, she couldn't bear to be disturbed.

The next day.

Ye Weiyang took Fang Ziyi towards the main hall, walked into the main hall, Ye Weiyang was taken aback, and then hurriedly saluted.

There were actually more than 20 people in the main hall. First of all, the commander-in-chief Guan Yun and the two deputy commanders were there, as well as Liao Linrong, the hall master and two deputy hall masters, Yun Qiang was also there, and there were some people Ye Weiyang didn't know, but they all Can feel the pressure from them.Fang Ziyi huddled behind Ye Weiyang like a quail, whatever Ye Weiyang was doing, she quickly followed.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's nervousness, Liao Linrong smiled first, handed Ye Weiyang a storage ring and said:

"Hey, this is for you. It also contains the four major sacred art treasures and all the talisman inheritance at the talisman level. I hope you can improve the talisman level."

"Thank you!" Ye Weiyang took the storage ring, she was overjoyed in her heart, but she was much less nervous.

Liao Linrong introduced Ye Weiyang to someone she didn't know.

They are all big names who have heard of them!
The last one introduced was a middle-aged monk with a strong bookish temperament.

"Yedi, this is the painting saint, Ping Juan. Many visualization pictures are from the hands of Ping Huasheng, please sacrifice the talisman tower."



A talisman tower appeared above Ye Weiyang's head, exuding a simple and primitive atmosphere.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but converge on Ye Weiyang's talisman tower, observing carefully, and then communicating with each other in a low voice.But the flat scroll painter has already started painting.

"This talisman tower... has the taste of one yuan!"

"Well, yes, it's just that I can't see through it."

"Even you can't see through it, so it can be seen that Yedi's talisman tower is very advanced!"

Liao Linrong said: "What she visualized is the top level in the library. For thousands of years, no one has successfully visualized the Talisman Tower."

"Two instrument towers?"

"Yes!" Liao Linrong nodded and said: "But it is obvious that her talisman tower is not Liangyi talisman tower. Ye Di told me that she only visualized it according to her own understanding and imagination when she was visualizing. I think this The Talisman has surpassed Liangyi, and has a trace of Hunyuan."

"Yeah! I think so too. Ye Di is really a genius! For thousands of years, no one has been able to visualize the Liangyi Talisman Tower, but she has visualized the Liangyi Talisman Tower to a higher level.

Is this the peerless arrogance? "

"This is the luck of the human race!"


"Not bad!"

This is a visualization of the talisman tower, which has made a great contribution to the human race. If more people can visualize this kind of talisman tower in the future, the human race will only become stronger and stronger.

While communicating, these people looked at Ye Weiyang with admiration, even a hint of gratitude.They are grateful for the future of the human race.

It took three days for the painting master Hiraki to draw the visualization picture, and after he drew it, Hiraki passed out in a coma.He was immediately sent to alchemist for treatment.Everyone including Ye Weiyang gathered around and looked at the visualization.Ye Weiyang glanced at it, and couldn't help admiring it.

She really didn't expect that, besides the Luoshu space, there would be someone who would draw her talisman so mysteriously.Ye Weiyang, who owns the original talisman tower in this painting, can tell at a glance that this imaginary picture is only painted with the charm of [-]% of the talisman tower.But this was enough to shock her. Even she herself felt that she didn't know more than [-]% of her rune towers, but she could draw [-]% of this flat scroll.

Worthy of being a saint of painting!
Ye Weiyang couldn't help sighing!
Everyone was also sighing, after watching for about two quarters of an hour, they put away the visualization, and then asked Ye Weiyang to leave, because these big shots were about to start discussing important matters.

Ye Weiyang left the hall, feeling a little out of sorts.Just now she suddenly remembered one thing, that is, she has stayed in this era for so long, and handed over all her improved talismans to the talisman hall, and even asked her to draw the talisman towers she imagined. Leave it to posterity.But why didn't I see these improved talismans in my own time?

I am just an episode in the torrent of the times, and the torrent of the times has finally gone on its original track?
In other words, the battlefield of Foshan experienced another battle that was even more tragic than Tiebi Mountain after that, causing the inheritance left by him to be destroyed?
Or rather...

Ye Weiyang felt cold in her heart, the last thing she wanted to agree with was the thoughts that popped up in her mind now.

Or to say that I am actually in a phantom array now, there is no time travel at all, all this is because of the phantom formation, all of this is my own illusion!


Ye Weiyang's consciousness entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then into the Talisman Tower, and then felt his cultivation in the period of Tongmai.

But... so true!
Ye Weiyang was a little dazed, and kept walking forward in a daze.


Suddenly she heard Fang Ziyi calling her, and she saw Fang Ziyi's worried face: "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"


Ye Weiyang shook her head, suddenly remembered that she wanted to help Fang Ziyi build a natal talisman, although the natal talisman Fang Ziyi wanted to build had a single attribute, it was top-notch.Ye Weiyang knew very well that Fang Ziyi's mental power reserves were definitely not enough.And he also promised to find a place for Fang Ziyi to retreat.

Ye Weiyang's eyes regained clarity: "How is your condition?"

"Very good!" Fang Ziyi nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, let's find a place!"

Ye Weiyang turned around and walked towards the main hall, and then she returned to the front of the main hall.But at this time the main hall door was closed tightly, and the guards outside the door saw that it was Ye Weiyang, so they politely said:

"Night Talisman Sect..."

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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