The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 221 Cultivation

Chapter 221 Cultivation
When I built the natal talisman, there was no abnormal phenomenon. Why did Fang Ziyi have a strange phenomenon when she constructed the natal talisman?

Could it be that her natal talisman is better than mine?

I can understand her natal talisman, but I still have a lot of confusion about my own natal talisman.Her natal talisman can't be better than mine!
But then why does she have visions and I don't?
Is it because my natal talisman is too powerful, returning to the basics, so there is no vision?

That must be it!
My natal talisman is the most powerful!

And at this moment, Fang Ziyi, who was sitting cross-legged in the side hall, opened her eyes, and a phoenix shadow flashed across those eyes quickly, and then disappeared.

"Da da da……"

Fang Ziyi ran out excitedly, went straight to Ye Weiyang, jumped and said, "Teacher, I succeeded, I succeeded..."

A master-like smile appeared on Ye Weiyang's face: "Understood, I understand, congratulations."

"This... By the way, what's your name?" Liao Linrong stared at Fang Ziyi and said.

Fang Ziyi was taken aback by Liao Linrong's fiery eyes, and hid behind Ye Weiyang, whispering:
"My name is... Fang Ziyi!"

Ye Weiyang pulled Fang Ziyi out from behind her and said: "Don't be afraid, you can answer whatever the hall master asks. If you have your own secret, you don't have to answer."

With Ye Weiyang's support, Fang Ziyi immediately felt confident, straightened her chest, and looked at Liao Linrong.Then he fainted again, and leaned against Ye Weiyang's side.

Realizing that he had frightened the children, Liao Linrong became kind: "Does your natal talisman not only have the fire tree dao pattern, but also the fire phoenix dao pattern?"

Fang Ziyi looked inside for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

All the bosses made eye contact, and then burst out laughing.Guan Yun even said with emotion: "My human race has successors!"

They didn't say anything more about Fang Ziyi.Fang Ziyi doesn't need their guidance, with Ye Weiyang around, they believe that Fang Ziyi will only walk on a high-speed road.

Liao Linrong looked at Ye Weiyang and said: "Can you give the improved natal talisman to Futang? Don't worry, Futang will exchange it with you."

"no problem!"

Ye Weiyang took out a blank jade slip, through which her spiritual power penetrated, and recorded in detail about the improved Huoshu natal talisman, and then handed it to Liao Linrong, saying:
"I want a flying needle, a cold attribute flying needle."

Liao Linrong's expression was as expected, he knew that Ye Weiyang chose the supernatural power of painting phoenix, which required 360 million flying needles.Today, Ye Weiyang only has 30 roots.He nodded and smiled:

"No problem. In this battle, we have a lot of materials for cold-attribute monsters. I can give you [-] flying needles in exchange."

"Thank you!"

In the days that followed, Ye Weiyang began to live peacefully.

She and many talisman masters stayed here in Tiebi Mountain, while repairing the talisman soldiers, while waiting for news from the front line, while practicing, teaching Fang Ziyi.

She is now a real talisman, because she has mastered more than 100 talismans of the talisman level.It is also possible to repair rune soldiers at the rune level.

One hundred thousand flying needles have been delivered.At this time, in Ye Weiyang's sea of ​​consciousness, there are 40 cold attribute flying needles as fine as hairs, like a galaxy composed of cold stars, circling around the Talisman Tower.

The Talisman Tower still has two layers, and the visualization of the Talisman Tower is still a little bit short before it can be divided into three layers.

On the first floor, like a ghost, except for one talisman of the big lightning strike in the air, which gives people a warm feeling, the remaining more than 100 talismans are all Yin attribute talismans, exuding gloom.And on the first floor, it is even more spooky gray, and the space is also gloomy and cold.

There are also Jian Yi and three demon souls.

And on the second floor, it's warm.

There are more than 100 talismans floating in the air, with various attributes.If the first floor is ghosts, then the second floor is the human world.

Now there are more than one hundred talismans on the first and second floors of the Talisman Tower. Others' Talisman Towers cannot accommodate many Talismans due to space problems, but Ye Weiyang's Talisman Tower does not have this problem at all, let alone hundreds of them. , Even if there are thousands of them, there is no problem.Therefore, Ye Weiyang would weave a talisman and put it on the first or second floor every day.And there are all grades.There are talisman masters, great talisman masters, and talisman sects.

Of course, every day she will still weave a boundless natal talisman in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then it will be taken into the Luoshu space and stored as liquid spiritual power. Although the liquid spiritual power in the Luoshu space is like a big lake, more preparations should be made. , is always true.

Every day she also practices painting phoenixes, but her current practice is only the first level of painting phoenixes: needle control!
She has been able to use 360 ​​flying needles to construct a small feather, a very small feather.You must know that each flying needle is as thin as a vellus hair, and the feathers constructed by 360 flying needles are also very small.

Although the current Ye Weiyang can only perfectly control 360 flying needles, the feathers constructed by these 360 ​​flying needles are very realistic, almost like real ones.And it exudes a cold air, really like the small feathers on an ice phoenix.

Of course, Ye Weiyang can control more flying needles, but that would not be able to achieve perfect control.But as long as she is given time, what she can do is not only to perfectly control 360 flying needles, but also to know that her mental strength has reached six forging and six extensions.

She didn't practice Guanghan, but she took time every day to learn kendo from Jian Yi.

The way of the sword!

Jian Yi has a very deep background in kendo, although he doesn't know Guanghan, but he told Ye Weiyang that with her current background in kendo, there is no possibility of cultivating Guanghan, so let's lay the foundation first.

This foundation is the foundation of foundations.

You must know that Guanghan has supernatural powers, but Ye Weiyang don't even think about it, let alone the foundation of supernatural powers, she doesn't even have the foundation of sword skills.Therefore, what Jian Yi taught her every day was the foundation of sword skills.Ye Weiyang takes time every day to practice the six forms of sword skills.

Chop, stab, pick, point, wipe, tease.

And it is not allowed to use spiritual power, pure physical power.

"Clang clang..."

Ye Weiyang is practicing sword, what she holds in her hand is an ordinary sword, it is not right to say it is ordinary, it is a sword of very good quality, but this sword has no runes.

Chop, stab, pick, point, wipe, tease.

Ye Weiyang practiced each style a thousand times a day.The total is [-] times.

Repeated and boring!
But Ye Weiyang has been persisting, and gradually showing results.This kind of effect is a very mysterious feeling, the first feeling for Ye Weiyang is that it has formed a kind of muscle memory.As far as the mind is concerned, the muscles will give precise responses.Then this effect changed again, as if the sword had become a part of her body, with the sword in hand, it felt like one.

However, Jian Yi told her that this was not enough.

Thank you so much for the little bookworm children (1500) and Meng Chi (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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