Chapter 262
The screams began to increase suddenly, General Liu showed anxiety on his face, and shouted anxiously:


Then I saw a big talisman master and four talisman masters among the human monks, each releasing a light talisman, like five small suns floating above the valley, illuminating the valley brightly.

Ye Weiyang looked up at the five talisman masters, and saw that the five talisman masters were also holding talisman soldiers in their hands, fighting fiercely with the bamboo python.

"Is this the battle talisman master?"

Ye Weiyang knows that there are two types of talisman masters, one is academic talisman masters, these talisman masters have a very high status and status, they are repairing talisman soldiers, healing consultations, making talisman soldiers, making talisman talismans, most importantly, they are By studying the Dao of Talismans, one can create powerful Talismans and even set up Talisman Arrays.This kind of talisman masters all have above-average talisman talents, and they will not go to the battlefield unless it is absolutely necessary.

They are neatly dressed, elegant, and bookish.

The other is the combat talisman master, this kind of talisman master not only practices talisman dao, but also martial arts.Can make talismans, can fight.However, the identity and status of this kind of talisman masters are much different from those of the academic schools. Their talisman talents are all in the middle and lower. The road has been stagnant for a long time.

For such talisman masters who have not been advanced for a long time, whether it is the talisman department or the talisman alliance, their benefits will be reduced.The Talisman Division and the Talisman League should focus their resources on talented and advanced Talisman Masters.

Take Ye Weiyang as an example, she is a fourth-grade talisman teacher now, even if she does nothing, the talisman department will allocate some resources to Ye Weiyang every month for Ye Weiyang's exploration and cultivation in the way of talismans.However, if Ye Weiyang fails to become a third-rank talisman master within a year, the resources will be reduced, and the resources that belonged to the fourth-rank talisman masters originally distributed every month will be reduced to the resources of the fifth-rank talisman masters.After another year, if you have not broken through to the third rank, the resources will be reduced to the resources of the sixth rank talisman master, and so on.

In this way, those monks who are not talented enough in the way of talisman will have fewer and fewer resources, and the shortage of resources will definitely affect their improvement in the realm of talisman. This is a vicious circle.Therefore, they have to find resources by themselves.And because their talisman state is already low, if they want to exchange resources by repairing talisman soldiers, becoming talisman doctors, or making talismans, etc., the resources they will get will be very few, because their state limits them and they cannot repair them. High-grade talisman soldiers cannot make high-grade talismans, so the selling value will naturally be low.

Therefore, fighting talisman masters became one of their choices.Obtain resources for cultivation by joining the army, or forming a hunting team with other monks, etc.

However, not all such talisman masters can become combat talisman masters, because he still needs to have the qualifications of cultivation.Therefore, those who can eventually become combat talisman masters usually have mid-to-low aptitude in talisman dao and low-to-medium in martial arts aptitude. They are not very good in both aspects, but they also have certain aptitudes to become combat talisman masters.

How could such a talisman possess such a high status and status?

Such talisman masters are often looked down upon by academic talisman masters, and even by orthodox monks.In an awkward struggling position.But this is also better than those talisman masters who can't even become combat talisman masters.

This is also the reason why Nan Chengshu's eyes showed admiration when he saw Ye Weiyang.

In his mind, a talisman master like Ye Weiyang, who is already a fourth-grade talisman master at a young age, and who can make up residual talismans, is definitely an orthodox academic school.But Ye Weiyang showed strength and talent in martial arts.This is not the kind of fighting talisman master in his impression, this is simply a double-faced genius of talisman and martial arts.

By midnight, the fighting had begun to thin out.Ye Weiyang has been making a healing talisman for some time, and released it to those injured monks.But her mood did not have the slightest joy.Because there were not many wounded, most of the monks who fell on the ground were already dead and were directly killed by the bamboo python.

Too many people died, but very few who were actually injured did not die!

Ye Weiyang packed up the talisman-making tools and put them in the storage bag hanging around her neck. As for the storage ring on her finger, when there are many people, she will not use it if she can.

She stood up, and under the light of the talisman, she saw General Liu kill the last bamboo python.Ye Weiyang walked towards the opposite side.The monks standing in front of her stepped aside one after another. They all saw Ye Weiyang's timely treatment, and they were full of gratitude to Ye Weiyang in their hearts.

Ye Weiyang went straight to General Liu, bowed his hands in salute: "I have met General Liu."

"You, very good!" General Liu nodded, then raised his head to look at the cave on the opposite cliff, and waved his hand.

"Ta Tata..."

A few monks stepped up the wall, and after a while, they were already standing in front of the stone gate of the cave.Several people pushed towards the stone door together, a heavy voice sounded, the stone door opened, and the monks in front of the stone door immediately got ready to fight.But there was no bamboo python inside.Several monks walked into the stone gate vigilantly, and about half an hour later, a monk came out of the stone gate and shouted loudly:
"General, be safe!"

General Liu's eyes lit up: "It's our turn to harvest, I want to see what secrets are hidden in that stone gate!"


General Liu stomped his big feet on the ground, and his figure rose into the sky.


Ye Weiyang also stomped on the ground, and the statue rushed towards the cliff obliquely, then tapped on the cliff with its toes, and after a few ups and downs, it landed in front of the stone gate.General Liu, who had already landed in front of the stone gate, gave Ye Weiyang a weird look, and the corner of his mouth twitched:
"Not bad!"

Then strode towards the inside of the stone gate, Ye Weiyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was ready to be refused entry by General Liu.But since she didn't refuse, the curiosity in her heart jumped up even more, and she followed behind General Liu.

"Ta Tata..."

In the silent passage were the sound of two people's footsteps, which seemed empty. The passage was not long, only about a hundred meters, and then a stone gate that had been opened appeared in front of them.Ye Weiyang followed General Liu into the stone gate, and saw that it was a small stone room, only about ten square meters. In the center of the stone room, there was a table. Several piles of animal skins.Behind the table is a stone futon.It was a person sitting on top of the futon, but the person's clothes and muscles had rotted away, leaving only a skeleton frame.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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