Chapter 264
"Because this can only guarantee that I will break through to the realm of the five qi dynasty and reach the peak of refining and transforming qi. The next step is to start refining qi to transform into a god, and this process..."

Ye Weiyang smiled wryly and pointed to her head: "This process is to open the acupoints in the brain, and I don't have the next inheritance. Therefore, even if I research the results, no one will choose to practice, because This is not a complete exercise. No one wants to stagnate in the realm of Wu Qi Chaoyuan."

General Liu did not speak, but walked while thinking.The two walked out of the cave, General Liu ordered the monks to start collecting and transporting the bamboo pythons, and then the two jumped into the cave on the opposite cliff and continued walking along the passage.

"Yefu master, in fact, the process of refining qi and transforming into a god is the process of opening 36 acupoints in the brain, and the map of these 36 acupoints is the same no matter what the method is, the difference is only in the depth of development And breadth. Just like the stage of refining gas.

You can use other exercises to open the acupuncture points in the brain region, which can also allow you to achieve breakthroughs. "

"I know that." Ye Weiyang was also thinking, thinking about the conjecture she had exchanged with other great monks back in time:
"General Liu, have you ever thought that if I use other exercises to open the acupoints in my brain, maybe I will break through to the Human Flower Realm, the Earth Flower Realm, and the Small Flower Realm. But what happened later?

It is to rush to the Niwan Palace.

The brain part and the body part work together to attack the Niwan Palace, achieving a total of [-] enlightenments, forming a big cycle.Develop the human body into a small universe similar to the universe.

However, the five qi dynasties achieved by my body were developed by Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, which has powerful spiritual power.But the brain area is developed by other exercises, and the mental power must be weaker than the spiritual power, and I am afraid it will be much weaker.In this way, these are two unbalanced forces. When the two unbalanced forces start to hit the Niwan Palace up and down at the same time, can the Niwan Palace really be opened?
Will there be an explosion because of this imbalance? "

General Liu also fell into deep thought, and the two became silent, only the sound of their footsteps echoing in the cave.There was a little light in front, and then the light continued to expand, a hole appeared, and two people jumped down from the hole, and the scene of Nianshan appeared in front of their eyes.The two of them randomly found a rock and sat opposite each other.

"Tatatatata..." Zhang Zhen happily ran towards Ye Weiyang, seeing that Ye Weiyang and General Liu both looked pensive, he closed his mouth and stood by Ye Weiyang's side.

"To what extent are your acupoints opened?" General Liu asked suddenly.

"One and a half times!"

Ye Weiyang didn't tell the truth, and kept some cards for herself.The number of acupuncture points she opened is actually double.The reason why I didn't say double is because in this era there are exercises that can double the acupoints in a monk's body, and even with better physical aptitude, it is possible to have more, but Ye Weiyang has never heard of someone who can double the acupoints. The acupoints are opened to one and a half times.So she said the number, and also wanted to hear some advice from General Liu.

Sure enough, General Liu frowned deeply.He is a cultivator, and he is also a cultivator in the flower realm, so he naturally knows that the opening of the acupoints means that the meridians in Ye Weiyang's body are also [-] times wider than those of a standard cultivator, and the walls of the acupoints and meridians are also larger. A standard monk is one and a half times tougher.

This kind of power is going to attack the Niwan Palace, but the development of the brain domain cannot reach this kind of power. The imbalance of this kind of power will cause a chain reaction, let alone a normal monk, even a lunatic dare not do that.

"Actually, I know a little bit about the next stage of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue."

"Ah?" Ye Weiyang looked at General Liu in surprise.

General Liu waved his hand and said: "You don't have to expect too much, many people in the upper echelon of the imperial capital know about it. But we don't know the next stage of the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue. The skill has been lost, but we do know Why would it be lost."


In the era when she went back in time, she only heard that the stele of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue was broken and turned into a stream of light, and she didn't know where it went.But she thinks there are always people who practice, and they should remember Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, right?
It's just that whenever they asked about it, those people shook their heads and sighed, and no one wanted to talk about it.

"Because our human race has been passed down from generation to generation, it seems that the talent and talent are getting worse and worse!" General Liu sighed: "Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue was originally the top-level exercise in the world, and people who can practice this exercise originally It is extremely rare, and the requirements for the qualifications of monks are extremely high. Those who are slightly inferior cannot practice at all.

It is said that at the beginning there was still the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue exercise, but no one could practice it for thousands of years, and gradually this exercise was shelved, no one paid attention to it, no one cared about it, and was even forgotten.

You should also have read the history. For thousands of years, there have been countless wars, wars between human races and monster races, and wars between human races. Because no one cares about the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, it is even forgotten by people. It was destroyed in countless wars.

This is also the reason why no one is willing to mention this matter, because when the human race realizes that it has lost a top-level cultivation technique of the human race, even though it cannot be cultivated, it is a great regret and even a great shame for the human race.But already lost. "

Ye Weiyang remained silent, in fact, she knew that in the history of the human race, countless classic inheritances were lost.lost in the war.

"However, some dictation about Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue has been handed down from generation to generation. Although many of them are like jokes and some after-dinner conversation, they still have similar things in common."

"What common ground?" Ye Weiyang cheered up, she knew that this was the most critical point.

"Have you seen other exercises in the stage of refining qi and transforming gods?"


"Then practice?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "Because a monk does not have spiritual power in the stage of refining and transforming Qi, or in other words, even if he has spiritual power, it is weak mental power, which can be used for some basic purposes, such as storing things Bag contact, such as reading jade slips. But they can't use weak spiritual power to release Taoism.

And opening the brain domain is the way for monks to obtain spiritual power.All exercises are to visualize the stars in the universe, and then lead the star power into the brain to open the brain's acupoints. "

General Liu nodded and said, "What else do you know?"

Ye Weiyang carefully recalled the exercises she had read. In the era of going back in time, because the exercises were made public, she had read a lot of exercises. Originally, because she had not yet reached the realm of refining Qi and turning into a god, she was only rough. After a rough reading, it suddenly dawned on me when I thought about it carefully.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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