The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 269 Enlightened Rain

Chapter 269 Enlightened Rain

Ye Weiyang stood in the courtyard and danced with her sword. This was her fixed time for sword practice, and she still practiced Huang Ji's sword technique Han Yujian.What he holds in his hand is a long sword made of ten thousand flying needles.

The nine-style cold rain sword has been practiced very proficiently by her, and there is a slight cold light in the night.But it was just the proficiency of the moves, but he didn't comprehend the true sword intent of the cold rain sword.

Her spiritual power is very strong, and her strong spiritual power allowed her to perform every move and style of the Cold Rain Sword standardly on the first day of practicing the Cold Rain Sword. She was isolated outside the door, but she remained calm and practiced the Cold Rain Sword over and over again in the night. The formulas of the Cold Rain Sword kept flowing in her heart. She tried to understand the formulas, tried Integrate a sentence of formulas into the sword style, trying to understand the mystery.

The sky darkened, and the stars and the moon were covered by dark clouds.

Ye Weiyang was still immersed in the cold rain sword, she had a faint feeling, as if she had caught a trace of mystery, as if her hand had already grasped the handle that opened the door.

The water vapor between the sky and the earth still became thicker.


The first autumn rain descended from the sky with a chilly air. In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to have fallen into chaos, the chaos formed by heavy rain.


Even the dark night couldn't block the sword light, Ye Weiyang waved the long sword in his hand, blocking most of the raindrops outside, but there were still raindrops hitting her body, making her clothes soaked very quickly , attached to the body.But Ye Weiyang didn't stop at all, there was a trace of joy dancing between his brows, and the long sword in his hand began to have a rhythm.

The rhythm of the rain, the continuation of the rain.

Before Ye Weiyang practiced swords, the sword style was fast and smooth, but that didn't mean there was no gap between the sword style and the sword style.But at this time, under this rainy night, Ye Weiyang's sword style began to become continuous.

She seemed to be holding the doorknob, and the door was slowly opening.

When she found an opportunity, her huge spiritual power made her wander in comprehension very quickly.

Gradually, Ye Weiyang's figure has become blurred, because a ball of sword light has completely enveloped her inside.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, like pouring, but no raindrop fell on her body, all the raindrops were blocked by her sword light, and the raindrops collapsed and rebounded in the sword light, like blooming flowers. A tiny lotus blossom.

Ye Weiyang has forgotten the time, this is the first time she has exceeded the fixed time for sword practice.But she didn't know at all that she was immersed in that kind of mystery.

At this moment, she seemed to have turned into rain.

It rains when you attack, and it rains when you defend, endlessly and endlessly.

I don't know how long it has passed, the rain stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the bright stars and the moon appeared in the sky.

Ye Weiyang stopped, her body was like a slender bamboo, her long sword was slanted to the side of her pituitary body, her eyes were slightly closed.

A moment later, a faint sigh echoed over the courtyard.

She opened the door, but found that there was still a curtain, but that curtain had not been lifted.

She comprehended the rain in the Cold Rain Sword, but she didn't comprehend the Han in the Cold Rain Sword!


The long sword on the side of the oblique pituitary gland bloomed like fireworks, turning into a string of flying needles, circling into Ye Weiyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

After washing up, Ye Weiyang sat in front of the table and began to look through the materials from the animal skin scroll again.

She has looked through it many times, and the information shows that the monk did not succeed.

The monk divided the latent ability of the bamboo python into two main parts, each with a name.

One is called silence and the other is called explosion.

To be silent is to let the spiritual power in one's body lie still and lurk.And the explosion means that this group of spiritual power exploded again.

Silence is first formed in one's own body, and then it is required to penetrate into the enemy's body, and still remain silent.Undetected by the enemy.The burst is a sudden detonation in the enemy's body.

From the records in the materials, Ye Weiyang learned that the monk had succeeded in the first stage of silence, but the stage of eruption was not successful, and the monk died.

However, Ye Weiyang does not need the stage of eruption.She studied these materials not for the supernatural power of the bamboo python, but to restrain the violent spiritual power in her body, so as long as the materials at this stage of silence are complete.

But after nearly a month of research, she found that the method in the silent process cannot be used for her.Because she still needs to use her spiritual power to hit the acupuncture points.So what she needs is a dragon that can be restrained, not a pool of stagnant water.

And silence is to turn a ball of spiritual power into a ball of stagnant water. How can a ball of stagnant water hit the acupuncture points?

Therefore, this is not suitable for Ye Weiyang's current situation, but it has inspiration for Ye Weiyang.Since that cultivator can turn the spiritual power in his body into a pool of stagnant water, why can't he put the violent spiritual power on the faucet and make it obedient?

It can be said that the information on this animal skin roll has laid the foundation for Ye Weiyang's problem to be solved, and it has greatly inspired her.As long as she continues to study along the train of thought, there is a great possibility to solve the problems she is currently facing.

Now she is not only studying the information of this animal skin scroll, she is trying to integrate the exercises of the stage of Daogong Tianjing, Buddha's Secret Collection, Shamanism and Ten Thousand Gu Treasures, and find a common thread from them , and then fuse the contents of the animal skin volume.

She knows it will be a long process, but she is full of confidence.

Prince's Mansion.

The prince stood in front of the window, looking at the moon and stars that appeared after the rain, his eyes reflected the moon and stars.

After a long time, he said calmly: "That is to say, those people only found out that Ye Weiyang lived with the third child when he was in Daming Mansion, but they didn't investigate the relationship between Ye Weiyang and Dao Palace? They didn't investigate either. How did Ye Weiyang know Daozi? And where did Ye Weiyang go during the more than a year of missing Ye Weiyang?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man behind said: "But when Ye Weiyang disappeared, it was the time when the Foshan Vision was born. Therefore, it is very likely that Ye Weiyang went to Foshan Vision and met there. Daozi. You know, at that time, not only the Taoist Daozi went to the Foshan Vision, but also the Buddhist disciples, the shamanist god sons and the ten thousand Gu sect saints also went there."

"Do you know?" The prince said lightly: "That Ye Weiyang passed the examination of a third-rank talisman master today, and it is speculated that she is at least a sixth-rank great talisman master. A 20-year-old sixth-rank great talisman master! This is already It’s no longer an ant, it will attract a lot of people’s attention.”

(End of this chapter)

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