The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 271 Pollution

Chapter 271 Pollution
Qin Feng and others landed on the swamp. With their cultivation base, they could stay on the black swamp for a short time, but even the strongest Qin Feng couldn't stay on the black swamp for more than three breaths.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Qin Feng and others quickly ran across the black swamp, returned to a safe point, and then whispered to the guide:


The guide nodded in a panic, and then started jumping on the black swamp. A group of people kept gliding across the safe point. Maybe it was the coercion released by the rolling monster, which made other monsters in the swamp afraid to appear, but Keeping Qin Feng and the others out of danger, the six of them landed on the shore about a quarter of an hour later.

Qin Feng turned his head to look at the black swamp, where he could still see the black mullet-like monster flopping about. His eyes swept over the five people around him, and a look of grief flashed in his eyes.

With him, only six people survived.

But the grief in those eyes quickly disappeared, he gritted his teeth with his closed mouth, his cheeks protruded slightly, and his face was resolute.


He felt the Zhenbei in his hand tremble, looked down at the Zhenbei Sword in his hand, and saw dark red lines connecting the Black Swamp and the Zhenbei Sword.


Spiritual power poured into Zhenbei Sword, the sword body vibrated, breaking those black and red silk threads, a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes quickly, and he said in a low voice:

A group of six people turned around and flew away, and the edge of the Black Marsh quickly sank into silence.

The imperial capital is still prosperous, and different things are happening every day.But for Ye Weiyang, she leads a regular and peaceful life.

120 No. [-] restoration interior.

Ye Weiyang was taking time to read books about the Dao of Arrays, and now she was not reading these books about Dao of Arrays to deal with Qin Yi, she found that Dao of Arrays and Dao of Talismans had something in common.And because she discovered that the Luoshu space can improve both array and talisman ways, she had a whim, and wanted to see if the other two assistants, Dan Dao and Qi Dao, would also be improved by the Luoshu space?

But the result disappointed her. Luoshu Space didn't respond to Qi Dao and Dan Dao, just like it didn't respond to Martial Dao.

Prince's Mansion.

Qin Yang put down a piece of paper in his hand, looked up at Duan Rong who was sitting opposite him: "That is to say, Lao Qi broke through?"

"Yes!" Duan Rong said softly: "This experience has allowed His Royal Highness the Seventh Highness to break through the Five Qi Chaoyuan and open up the Niwan Palace. If he hadn't achieved a breakthrough, I'm afraid he would have died in the Black Swamp."

"Black Swamp!" The prince's eyes fell on the piece of paper again: "What do you say that monster is?"

"I don't know. He has inquired about it. It is a monster similar to a black mullet. There is no similar record in the Royal Library. According to the information I inquired about, there are nineteen people in the Seventh Highness's group, and only six people came back. And also He didn't kill that monster, he just injured that monster and escaped back."

"Get through the Niwan Palace!" A light flashed in the prince's eyes, as if he was envious or jealous: "We have eleven brothers, but he is the first one to break through the Niwan Palace. He is really a genius! He is the Great General of Zhenbei whom the Emperor Father loves! Hehe..."

He raised his eyes and looked at Duan Rong opposite: "Zhenbei sword is broken?"

"Well!" Duan Rong said: "It's no secret that there is a problem with the Zhenbei Sword. His Royal Highness has invited the Equipment Training Division, the Array Dao Division and the Talisman Division to jointly repair it, but now twelve days have passed, and there is still no problem." repair."

"Oh?" The prince's face showed interest: "How damaged is the Zhenbei sword?"

"Injury..." Duan Rong thought for a moment and said: "It can't be considered damage either. The Zhenbei Sword itself is not damaged, and the runes are not damaged, but... how should I put it, according to the words of the Talisman Division, it should be polluted .”


"Yes! That's what they said. The Zhenbei Sword seems to have been polluted by something in that monster's body. Something seeped into the runes of the Zhenbei Sword, congested the runes, and made Zhenbei Sword lose the boost of the runes. , turned into an ordinary mortal sword. Even Guan Dongting can’t be repaired, so I suggest His Highness the Seventh Prince abandon Zhenbei Sword and build a new one.”

"Lao Qi will not agree!" The crown prince shook his head and said, "That sword is not just a sharp weapon of the talisman sect to him, it also means a kind of glory."

Duan Rong said with admiration: "The prince is wise!"

The prince pointed at Duan Rong and said, "You are wise... I just know my brother too well. He has the iron blood of a soldier, and he has the honor of a soldier."

Duan Rong also smiled and said: "But I think Zhenbei Sword cannot be repaired."

"The old seventh is going to die of heartache, hehehe..."

Talisman Division.

Guan Dongting's studio.

The sword was placed on the large workbench, Guan Dongting sat on the big chair behind the workbench, and Cao Xuan stood beside him.On the opposite side of the workbench, there was also a chair, Qin Feng sat there upright, his waist straightened like a big gun.Behind him stood the red-haired youth.

The people from the Zhendao Division and the Equipment Training Division are no longer there. The Zhendao Division bluntly said that this is not within their scope of competence and cannot help.And the staff from the Artifact Training Department also bluntly said that the sword body was not damaged, it was still sharp and tough, and the problem belonged to the Talisman Making Department.

It has been a long time since Guan Dongting's eyes fell on the Zhenbei Sword. He not only tried various methods himself, but even invited several great talisman sects in the empire, but he still had nothing to do with this sword.Qin Feng, who was sitting opposite him, looked forward to Guan Dongting with anticipation in his eyes, but what greeted him was a sigh:
"Your Highness, I am incompetent and cannot repair Zhenbei Sword."

Disappointment quickly appeared in Qin Feng's eyes, he stood up slowly, his tall body gave Guan Dongting a sense of oppression:

"Director Guan, I must repair the Zhenbei Sword, you can think of a way."

"Alas..." Guan Dongting sighed: "Your Highness, your obsession is too deep! But I really didn't..."

"Director!" Cao Xuan on the side suddenly said, "Should I let Ye Weiyang take a look?"

"Her?" Guan Dongting laughed dumbfounded: "Cao Xuan, you've lost your mind, she's still a child."

"Ye Weiyang?" Qin Feng said with thoughtful eyes, "Is that the talisman master that you advertised to complete the healing talisman?"

"Yes!" Guan Dongting said: "She is just a talisman master, but your Zhenbei sword is of talisman grade, and she can't repair it."

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "Since she can complete the healing talisman, it means that she has amazing talent in the talisman. Although she can't repair the Zhenbei Sword, maybe she can come up with some ideas?"

"You..." Guan Dongting said with a headache, "You are a drowning man grasping at straws. Your Highness, your heart is disturbed."

(End of this chapter)

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