Chapter 277 Vision
"You... have?" Yang Xingguang's voice began to tremble.

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded affirmatively.


Yang Xingguang put his hand on the inside of his thigh, and grabbed it hard.


The severe pain made him gasp, but his eyes were full of excitement.After the excitement, there is doubt:
"Wei Young, why do you have...those two?"

"Brother Yang, you should also know the importance of these two exercises. Once others find out that you practice any of these two exercises, it will cause you and me great trouble."

"I know!" Yang Xingguang looked serious.

"So, don't ask me how I got it. Even if you choose one, don't reveal that you are practicing this kind of exercise. Of course, if you don't choose both, I will pick another one for you. Although the grade is also very high, it is definitely not as good as these two exercises."

"I choose Daogong Tianjing!" Yang Xingguang didn't hesitate at all.

"Okay! I'll transcribe it for you now."

Ye Weiyang took out a jade slip, and at the same time took out a stack of paper, picked up a brush, and read the Taoist Heavenly Scripture in the jade slip while transcribing, every time a sheet was transcribed, Yang Xingguang would immediately take it away and sit on the side read.

It was not until midnight that Ye Weiyang finished transcribing the last article.Putting down the brush, he said to Yang Xingguang seriously:

"The Heavenly Scripture of the Dao Palace will broaden your acupoints and meridians again, allowing you to substantially improve your strength. However, you must remember that you must not let others know about the practice of the Heavenly Scripture of the Dao Palace, let alone lose these papers. "

"Don't worry, such a thing will never happen." Yang Xingguang immediately sorted all the papers together, then put them into the storage bag, stood up, and bent deeply towards Ye Weiyang:

"Weiyang, thank you."

"Need not!"

Ye Weiyang waved her hand. At this time, she was communicating with Jian Yi in the Talisman Tower. Jian Yi is a master of swordsmanship, but she didn't know if Jian Yi had the qualification of fire attribute before his life.

"Jian Yi, do you fit the fire attribute?"


"Oh! Then do you have fire attribute sword skills? You want the best."

Jian Yi thought for a while and said: "There is really a set, and it's a top-grade earth-level sword. It's called the Fire Tree Silver Flower Sword."

"Then tell me, and I'll write it down."

Seeing Ye Weiyang's thoughtful look again, Yang Xingguang was a little puzzled.But then I saw Ye Weiyang picked up the pen and started to write again, walked to Ye Weiyang's side, looked at the paper, his gaze was fixed, his expression became serious, and then extremely serious.

The Fire Tree Silver Flower Sword only has sixteen moves, but it didn't take much time, Ye Weiyang soon completed this sword skill.Handed it to Yang Xingguang and said:
"This is a set of earth-level high-grade swordsmanship. Take it back and practice slowly. I can't help you in this regard. You can only figure it out yourself."

"Earth grade top grade?"

Yang Xingguang almost jumped up excitedly, the hand that took the stack of papers was trembling slightly.Ye Weiyang stuffed the sword manual into his hand and said:
"Brother Yang, it's already past midnight. Go back and rest, and watch it tomorrow."

"Okay, you don't need to come out! You hurry up and rest."

Yang Xingguang put away the sword manual and hurried out.Seeing his hurried back, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but smile, she bet that Yang Xingguang would definitely stay up late to practice today.

"Weiyang, come out quickly."

Ye Weiyang just put away the pen and ink on the table when she heard Yang Xingguang's panicked voice in the yard.


While Ye Weiyang was running towards the door, ten thousand flying needles flowed out, forming a sword like a galaxy.


Ye Weiyang held the hilt of the sword with her right hand, pushed open the door with her left hand, and took a step forward, then her expression froze, and she looked up at the night sky.

At this time, the night sky is like a black curtain, a curtain with leaky eyes, and traces of blood-red light hang down from the holes in the curtain, and there are traces of blood-red beams of light in the field of vision. Not thick, about the size of an adult's thumb, and not dense, but there are so many that even with the limit of vision, one can faintly see the bloody light.

Standing in the middle of the yard, Yang Xingguang stared blankly at the night sky: "What... is this?"


Ye Weiyang is too familiar with this kind of breath, she has smelled this kind of breath too much in the era of clan wars back in time.

It's just that the monster aura has no color, let alone this blood color, Ye Weiyang has never seen this kind of blood-colored monster aura, but she is very sure that it is a monster aura.Her heart couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Something must have happened!"

Royal Palace.

The current emperor came out of the Qingxin Hall, looked up at the blood-colored beams of light, "Come here, invite the real stargazer."

"No need." A figure fell from the sky in front of the emperor, Ji Shou said: "I have seen Your Majesty."

"Stargazer, what kind of astronomical phenomenon is this?"

Daoist Stargazer's face was very ugly: "Your Majesty, this is evil spirit."


Although the real person is thoughtful and polite, he doesn't have much respect for Emperor Dahua in his words, and his tone is even a little irritated:
"Don't ask why, I will report to the Taoist Palace. This is not just Dahua's matter. This time, the evil spirit may have spread to the entire continent. What you have to do is to adjust the direction of the Ministry of War in the future, and focus on hunting and killing monsters. host."


"The Taoist Palace will contact Shamanism, Wangu Sect and Datianguo Temple."

The star-watching real person left in a hurry, the emperor looked at the back of the star-watching real person leaving, his face became gloomy.

At this time, in every corner of the mainland, countless people were watching this vision of heaven and earth, and a trace of panic spread on everyone's face.

Dao Palace.

Wan Jing, the lord of the Dao Palace, stood on Ziyang Peak, looking at the sky with a solemn expression.A figure fell behind him.

"Palace Master, this evil spirit..." A monk with a face like a baby stepped forward and said.

"Something happened, something happened to the demon world." A trace of panic appeared in the eyes of the master of the Dao Palace at this moment: "The demon chaos is about to start. I will go to the demon world to see, Beichen."

"Yes!" The baby-faced monk responded.

"You are in charge of the affairs of the Taoist Palace, as well as the connection with Shamanism, the Valley of Ten Thousand Gus, and the Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple. I will be back soon."



"Here!" A slender young man came out from the crowd, it was Yu Guanhai, Taoist son of the Taoist Palace.

"It's time for you to enter the world."


Western Regions.

The Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions.

Buddha City.

Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple.

In the center of a Buddhist monastery, Xiong Ba, who is nearly three meters tall, leaned on a huge demon pestle, looked up at the sky, and said in a low voice:

"Old monk, what's the matter?"

Jie An stood on the steps, with a pitiful expression on his face: "The world is going to be chaotic."

(End of this chapter)

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