The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 283 Shang Gongxiu

Chapter 283 Shang Gongxiu
It was a woman who was about 20 years old in grade. This woman ate at this restaurant, and then found that she had lost her purse.

The key point is that this woman not only did not feel guilty because she had no money to pay for the meal, but was furious.She overturned the table on the spot, saying that if the restaurant didn't hand over the thief who stole his money bag, she would smash the restaurant.

The owner of this store is about to cry, where can I catch the thief?

But this woman can't afford to offend her. Many businessmen know her. Her natal family is the queen's aunt, and the current queen is her aunt. The current emperor doesn't care about the government, so the power is in the hands of the queen and the eunuch Zheng Tao. The two most powerful people in the court today.

Who can afford this?
"Miss Shang!" The boss carefully looked at Shang Gongxiu's face and said, "I invite you..."

"Did I send you the money for a meal?" Shang Gongxiu's face was furious: "I will give you the money for the meal, so hurry up and hand over the thief to me, and I will naturally have the money for you."

"Where can I find a thief for you?" The boss really cried: "That thief will stay here waiting to be caught after stealing things?"

Shang Gongxiu folded her arms on her chest and looked up and down at the boss: "Maybe you are a den of thieves here?"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense!" The boss's face turned green, and he bent down to salute Shang Gongxiu again and again: "Miss Shang, please forgive me, my small family and business can't stand your toss."

"You said I tormented you?" Shang Gongxiu's eyes widened.

"No, no, no..." The boss waved his hands again and again, his face full of helplessness: "Miss Shang, how much money did you lose? I will pay for it!"

"I don't need you to pay, what I want is that little thief..."


There was a burst of laughter from the opposite side, and Ye Weiyang turned his head to look, and saw the windows on the second floor of several taverns on the opposite street open. The folding fan pointed at Shang Gongxiu, and there were a few women standing in a window obliquely opposite, their flowers trembling with laughter.

Ye Weiyang asked in a low voice: "Who are those people?"

Yang Xingguang doesn't want to be a blind bodyguard. He knows that there are too many people in the imperial capital who can't afford to mess with him, so he usually pays attention to collecting information. He told Ye Weiyang about Shang Gongxiu's identity. Said in a low voice:
"Those people are the second generation of the aristocratic class in the imperial capital. The man wearing the white silk print is the eldest son of Duke Huguo, Xu Jiying. The one on the left is the eldest son of Mr. Wang, the doctor of Yushitai... and the one in the window over there." A few women with extraordinary backgrounds..."

Shang Gongxiu's complexion was ugly, and veins popped out on her forehead.


Ye Weiyang suddenly took a step, because she keenly sensed that Shang Gongxiu was about to raise her foot to kick the boss who was bending over to apologize for laughing, and with her strong mental strength, just by moving Shang Gongxiu's foot, she was able to jump from Shang Gongxiu's foot. The aura of the spiritual power pouring into the right foot in Xiu's body judged that the opponent was a strong man with five qi and one pulse. With this kick, even if the boss didn't die, he would lose half his life.After all, Ye Weiyang was not numb to the point of ignoring life, so she walked out, walked towards Shang Gongxiu, and casually threw out a piece of silver:
"I asked for this meal, is it enough?"

"Enough, enough!"

Even if it wasn't enough at this time, he had to say enough.Looking at Ye Weiyang's gaze is full of gratitude and worry.He knew that Shang Gongxiu, an aunt, had a weird temper, and she might be angry with Ye Weiyang.

Sure enough, Shang Gongxiu's kick did not go out because of Ye Weiyang's appearance, and she was squinting at Ye Weiyang at this time:
"I ask you?"

Ye Weiyang had already arrived in front of Shang Gongxiu at this time, and said lightly: "If you don't need it, I invite you all. Why does Miss Shang make things difficult for an ordinary person?"

"Hehe..." Shang Gongxiu sneered twice: "So, you are not ordinary?"

Her eyes looked Ye Weiyang up and down, and her eyes fell on the talisman badge on Ye Weiyang's chest.

A third-grade talisman master!
He couldn't help curling his lips, but then his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to grab the badge on Ye Weiyang's chest.

"This badge belongs to me. When you catch the thief for me, I will exchange it with the thief."


Ye Weiyang turned her palm and grabbed Shang Gongxiu's wrist, exerting force on her hand.Shang Gongxiu instantly felt numbness in her right arm, and it was still spreading towards her right side.Ye Weiyang took a step forward, let go of her hand, and before the numbness in Shang Gongxiu's arm passed away, she put her arm around her shoulder, and Shang Gongxiu instantly felt that hand pressing down on her like a mountain. On the shoulders, the shoulders began to tingle.Ye Weiyang walked out of the crowd with Shang Gongxiu in her arms, and said:
"You are a bit unreasonable!"

"Did I ignore it? I lost my purse..."

"I invite you!"

"No need!"

"Do you know that you are embarrassing!"

"Who are you? Believe it or not, I killed you? You are a little talisman master, do you know that there are as many talisman masters in the imperial capital as dogs?"

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, the two of them had left the restaurant more than 100 meters away, Ye Weiyang let go of the hand on Shang Gongxiu's shoulder, stopped looking at her, and walked straight forward.Shang Gongxiu's complexion changed a few times, but in the end she still had self-knowledge, knew that she couldn't beat Ye Weiyang, and turned her head and shouted to one of her followers:

"Go, find out her identity."

Yang Xingguang followed Ye Weiyang, and when there was no one around, he whispered: "Weiyang, you shouldn't meddle in your own business."

"I don't want to either!" Ye Weiyang sighed lightly: "But no matter, that boss might lose half his life."

Yang Xingguang was silent, and then sighed softly: "Someone is following us."

"I know, it's fine." Ye Weiyang grinned, the white teeth gleaming white in the sunlight: "Don't forget, we live in Big Brother Qin's house."

Yang Xingguang looked slightly stunned, although he relaxed.


Qin Yi is the king of Jin, even the empress's natal family should be more cautious, not to mention that Shang Gongxiu is not favored.

"Brother Yang, do you think Shang Gongxiu's status is worth getting entangled with a restaurant owner in public?"

"I don't know the details, but it is said that she is very unfavored at home. Although she is a legitimate daughter, she has two older brothers above her. And the merchant is very patriarchal."

"Patriarchal?" Ye Weiyang sneered: "The Shang family dare to say that in front of the queen, do they do that?"

"It's said..." Yang Xingguang glanced around, lowered his voice, and said, "At the beginning, the empress was not welcomed in the Shang family, so she was sent to the palace."

"This...really..." Ye Weiyang didn't know what to say.

Another day passed peacefully, and he returned to Prince Jin's Mansion at dusk. After eating in the room and practicing for a while, he heard footsteps and saw Qin Yi walking in with a gloomy face.Ye Weiyang welcomed Qin Yi into the living room.

Thank you very much for the reward of Little Bookworm Children (1500)!

(End of this chapter)

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