Chapter 287
The matter of finding relatives will be put on hold completely, because Qin Yi left, his line is almost broken.Qin Yi who returned to the fief didn't know how much danger was waiting for him. Even if he didn't forget to help Ye Weiyang find his relatives, he became powerless.In this way, only Dai Donglin's line remained.

Dai Donglin's chief assistant, with so many things to do every day, might have forgotten the matter of finding a relative for him now.

"You still have to quickly improve your strength and status! Only in this way can you have your own power, and you don't have to rely on others for everything."

Ye Weiyang sighed, Yang Xingguang glanced at Ye Weiyang, from her expression, she knew that she was missing her family again.Can't help but sigh.


Suddenly there was a scream in front, Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang quickly looked over, and saw the pedestrians in front of them running away in a panic, revealing a person...

That person is no longer fully counted as a person.

The exposed skin of that person is rapidly growing dense hair, and the head is also losing the characteristics of the human race, changing to the characteristics of a monster, Ye Weiyang looks like a mouse head.

"Monster!" Someone shouted!

"No, it seems that someone is going to become a demon..."

"Get out of the way, look at my purification talisman!"

"Look at my Great Light Talisman!"


What is the most in the imperial capital now?
There are the most talisman masters, and there are still more than ten days until the day of the talisman Taoism competition. Now a large number of talisman masters, great talisman masters, and even talisman sects have gathered in the imperial capital.

Purification talismans one after another, big purification talisman, light talisman, big light talisman, floated towards the person who was transforming the demon like snowflakes, the blue light and the holy white light superimposed on each other, covering that person.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

One by one, the talisman masters fell around the covered monk, the bearded ones were smiling, and the beardless ones held their heads high.

For such a show of face, in the public, one must put on one's best demeanor.

The shock in Ye Weiyang's eyes has not subsided yet.

Those talisman masters who are wandering don't know the inside story, but she knows the inside story.

So soon, the demonization started?

She knew very well in her heart that once someone started to demonize, whether it was a person, an animal or a plant, it proved that there would be a large number of demonization events in the future.

The world is going to be chaotic!
"Idlers get out of the way!"

There was a rapid sound of hooves ahead, and there was a loud shout.A group of Jingying cavalry approached quickly, seeing so many talisman masters surrounded by a blue and white light group, they couldn't help but frowned, glanced sharply at those talisman masters, and shouted:
"Who told you to release the talismans on the street?"

A big talisman teacher Lan Xu smiled and said: "This general, a person suddenly became a demon just now, and we are here to purify his demon energy."

Immediately the general's eyes shrank, they got some inside information, especially the Ministry of War gave them these generals an order, and their main goal was to track down and kill the demonization.Can't help but look relieved:
"Can you purify?"

"General, just take care of it. There is no evil spirit that cannot be purified by the purification talisman."

Another big talisman master on the side also said: "General, even if the purification talisman fails, there is still a light talisman."

The general couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He naturally knew the purification talisman and the light talisman. In the past battles with monsters, some brothers in the army were infected by the evil spirit, and it was often just a purification talisman or a light talisman. .Looking at this person now, he doesn't know how many Purification Talismans and Light Talismans have been thrown on him...

The corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, don't purify people.

Ye Weiyang also leaned over at this time, she also wanted to see if the purification talisman and the light talisman could really purify the evil spirit?
If it can, that's good news. After transforming into a demon, it can be rescued, so the human race will not be so desperate.

The blue and white light gradually disappeared, and a man stood blankly in the middle of the street, turning his head and looking at the crowds of people watching him, startled.

"You... what are you doing around me?"


Everyone around cheered excitedly.

"It's effective, the evil spirit has been purified."


"The Talisman Master is too powerful!"


"Whoosh whoosh..."

A personal figure appeared, and everyone had a dignified manner, as if they were used to being superior.Ye Weiyang glanced over and found that she still knew a lot.

Guan Dongting, Cao Xuan, Zhang Liuying, Lin Tiantian, and Dai Donglin also came, and there were Prince Qin Yang, Qin Yi, Qin Feng...

Of course, more people I don't know.

But considering that the prince Qin Yang is here, it is estimated that many of the men and women on the prince's side are princes and daughters.

Dai Donglin is here, it is estimated that many of them are ministers of the court.

Lin Tiantian is here, and it is estimated that there are big figures from the Talisman Making Division, Array Dao Division, Artifact Training Division, and Alchemy Division.

Ye Weiyang quickly speculated in his mind that the matter of demonization is probably not a secret among the high-level people, otherwise this big man would not be so concerned.And from this moment on, I'm afraid I can no longer hide it. If this matter is not handled properly, panic will spread quickly.Fortunately, now that demonized person has been purified of evil energy, even if the public knows the truth, there will be no major panic.It's just that the Purification Talisman and the Light Talisman may be out of stock.

The eyes of these people also fell on the demonized person at the first time. Seeing that the person had recovered the characteristics of the human race and lost the characteristics of the demon race, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Demonization is scary, but as long as there is a solution, it will become less scary.

"not good!"

Someone exclaimed, and saw dense hair growing on that person's body surface at a speed visible to the naked eye.Dai Donglin hastily shouted:



Then a few sergeants rushed out, and the chains were like spirit pythons, binding the man like a rice dumpling.The man still retained his humanity at this time, and shouted in a panic:

"What's wrong with me? Why did you lock me..."

But then his face and started to look like a mouse...


What came out of his mouth was no longer a human voice, but the cry of a mouse.

"Ah..." The people watching from a distance let out a cry of surprise.

Guan Dongting raised his hand, and a talisman of light was thrown out, hovering over the head of the demonized person, sprinkled the holy white light, fell on the person's body layer by layer, and then entered the person's body.The demonic characteristics of that person gradually disappeared, and when the talisman of light turned into fine powder, that person had completely lost the demonic characteristics.But at this time, no one dared to breathe a sigh of relief, and their eyes were fixed on that person.

The man was even more nervous and kept asking: "What's wrong? What's wrong with me? Why did you lock me up..."

(End of this chapter)

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