The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 289: Attention from the Emperor

Chapter 289: Attention from the Emperor

"This is Ye Weiyang, the talisman master from our restoration department, she is the one who completes the lookout talisman and the different talisman." Guan Dongting introduced Ye Weiyang like a calf.I'm afraid that these big shots will scold Ye Weiyang.

Ma Qianli waited for the boss to hear Guan Dongting's intention to defend, so he didn't speak, but looked up and down at Ye Weiyang who came over.Dai Donglin heard that Ye Weiyang had repaired the rune cannon, and he had a little expectation for Ye Weiyang in his heart.

Prince Qin Yang didn't make a sound, but a kind smile appeared on his face.Qin Feng looked at Ye Weiyang, reminding Ye Weiyang not to mess around.Qin Kuan had curiosity on his face.For a while, no one spoke.The prince's heart moved, he took a step forward, with a friendly smile on his face and said:

"Wei Young, let's talk about something later, don't interfere with business."

"Let me try!" Ye Weiyang looked at Dai Donglin.

"You?" Dozens of eyes stared at Ye Weiyang.

"I have studied the Great Light Talisman and made some improvements." Ye Weiyang said bravely, "Maybe it will be effective."

Ye Weiyang knew that her statement would be unbelievable. After all, every kind of talisman has been passed down for thousands of years, how can it be so easy to improve?

You have completed the look-out talisman and the different-drawing talisman, do you still have time and energy to improve the complete talisman that has formed a system?

"Get out of the way! Don't stop me from killing the demon!"

His Royal Highness Qin Feng suddenly said that he owed Ye Weiyang a favor, and he didn't want Ye Weiyang, a little talisman master, to be involved in such a matter.He decided to kill the person who turned into a demon first, so that Ye Weiyang would not be laughed at in the end.

Guan Dongting stared at Ye Weiyang and said, "Are you sure?"

"No!" Ye Weiyang shook his head and said, "But the Great Light Talisman I made is at least [-]% stronger."

"Director Guan!" Qin Feng looked at Guan Dongting with clear meaning: This is the talisman master of your talisman making department, do you really want her to participate?
"Try it once!" Dai Donglin who was on the side suddenly said.

"Yes, give Yefu Master a chance!" Guan Dongting nodded immediately and said, "Anyway, how bad can it be?"

"Then I will draw a talisman!"

Ye Weiyang squatted down immediately, took out a piece of talisman paper and pen and ink from the storage bag, and started to draw.Guan Dongting, Cao Xuan and other people who understand talismans all set their eyes on the talisman paper, and those talisman masters watching from afar also stretched their necks to look this way.They heard Ye Weiyang's words just now.

Some are curious, some are dissatisfied, some are ridiculed, and so on.

They have heard of Ye Weiyang's reputation, and they know that Ye Weiyang has completed the Lookout Qi Talisman and the Differential Talisman.

But the completion is the completion, and the completion is to make up for the missing part on the basis of the original.But improvement, that is to overrule some original ideas.From this point of view, improvement is more difficult than completion.After all, how can a complete talisman be improved casually after thousands of years of testing?

Fu Zong can't do it, but you Yewei Central Bank?

A beggar will not be jealous of those nobles, but he cannot accept that another beggar wants more food than him.A talisman master would not be jealous of someone who is much higher than him, but you, Ye Weiyang, are just a talisman master, not a talisman sect, so why are you so good?

Therefore, most of the talisman masters were watching the excitement and waiting to laugh.

But Guan Dongting and Cao Xuan, who were standing by and watched, had brilliant eyes. Seeing Ye Weiyang outline the big talisman with each stroke, the two were deeply inspired.


The head of the monk who was bound by the iron chain had completely turned into a rat's head at this time, making a strange squeaking sound.Struggling all over, wanting to break the iron chain.


"Don't you know? A few days ago, at midnight, a blood-colored beam of light appeared in the night sky, descending from the sky to the earth, that is the evil spirit.

The demon energy descends, ten thousand demons are born..."

Among the crowd of onlookers, whispers spread rapidly.

Dai Donglin suddenly raised his head, his eyes were like torches, and he glanced around, with a worried look on his brows.

"Lord Dai." The second prince Qin Kuan came to Dai Donglin, lowered his voice and said, "The news about the evil spirit has leaked out. We are in big trouble."

Dai Donglin looked at Ye Weiyang, and pinned his hopes on Ye Weiyang.If Ye Weiyang can succeed in the end, even if the demonization is leaked, it won't cause too much panic.

"go with!"

After Ye Weiyang finished drawing the last stroke, with a flick of the pen tip, the big light talisman shot towards the bound demonic monk, and came to the demonic monk's head, swirling around, the thick and almost qualitative holy white light pavement It covered the monk's body and drilled into his body.

All eyes.

All eyes were focused on the demonized monk. The thick hair on the monk's body began to recede, and then his head changed back to the original human appearance, and his mind became clear.

However, no one breathed a sigh of relief, because it was the same as before, and in less than three breaths later, that monk would turn into a demon again.

one two Three……

Three breaths!
no change!

The surroundings were so quiet that even a needle could be heard, but at this moment, it suddenly buzzed.Someone even shouted excitedly:


"It's hard to say, it's just that the time has been extended, so wait and see."

The surrounding audience fell silent again, and Dai Donglin and the others also looked nervously at the monk who was chained up.On the roof ridge in the distance, there is still a looming figure. On the highest stargazing tower in the palace, the current saint Qin Yu is holding on to the railing, his eyes are slightly squinted, and his eyes have passed through the layers of distance, and fell on the locked man. on the monks.

"How long?" Qin Yu asked suddenly.

Standing behind Qin Yu, the eunuch Zheng Tao hurriedly said, "Return to the Holy One, it's been a quarter of an hour."

"Whose family is the woman who made the talisman?"

"Returning to the Holy Lord, her name is Ye Weiyang. Her father's name is Ye Qian. She used to enlist in the Daming Mansion to suppress the demon army. Later, she was discharged due to injury. She formed a hunting team with four retired friends, called the Nighthawk Squad. But the good times didn't last long. During a hunt, they encountered a small animal horde. Three people including Ye Qian died, only Zhang Shutong and Li Yuan survived, but one of them became a one-armed one, and the other one became a one-eyed one.

These two people took the children of the five families to Baishan City, opened a pawn shop for veterans, and raised five children.The youngest child among them is Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang has been extremely strong mentally since she was a child, but her body is extremely weak.It was declared that he would not survive.However, when she was 16 years old, a boa constrictor wanted to devour Huajiao, a resident of Baishan City, but was beheaded by a Taoist monk who was suspected of passing by.On the second day, Ye Weiyang went to Daming Mansion under the protection of her fourth brother Xiong Ba.It was also from that night that Ye Weiyang's illness suddenly recovered.

The servant speculated that it should be the monk who is suspected of being a Taoist palace who healed Ye Weiyang. "

(End of this chapter)

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