The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 294 The Action of Shang Gongxiu

Chapter 294 The Action of Shang Gongxiu

Shang Gongxiu frowned: "If they trap me first, then kill the thing that is turning into a demon, and then let me go, I won't be able to earn spirit stones."

"Crack!" snapped his fingers: "Yes! I can say that there is more than one in their mansion. If I don't give spirit stones, I won't tell them about other livestock or plants that transform demons, and I will publicize this matter..."

Listening to Shang Gongxiu talking to herself, completing the plan by herself, the corners of Ye Weiyang's mouth twitched a few times.

Where is this fool!

Being able to get along so well in the dandy world, the aristocrats and officials of the aristocratic families have nothing to do with her, except for having an aunt of the queen, which is definitely not something a fool can do.

Shang Gongxiu stretched out her hand towards Ye Weiyang: "Amulet!"

Ye Weiyang took out a piece of paper and handed it to Shang Gongxiu, Shang Gongxiu took the paper, looked down, her face sank, her eyes became sharp:

"what is this?"

"A list of nobles and officials from some noble families." Ye Weiyang said with a smile.

Shang Gongxiu put the piece of paper on the table, pointed with her finger and said, "What do you mean?"

"Great hope can be given to you, but you have to start with the people on the list."

Shang Gongxiu narrowed her eyes slightly: "You dig a hole for me?"

"For you, it's not considered a scam. Besides, I don't take a penny for the hope talisman I gave you, and all the spirit stones I earn belong to you. This deal is very fair."

Shang Gongxiu looked down at the list again: "I can jump into the trap, but you have to explain it to me."

"The people on these lists are all people who support the prince." Ye Weiyang said lightly, without hiding anything: "And after the matter is done, you can tell those people that I gave you the Great Hope Talisman, and I gave you the list too. .”

Shang Gongxiu looked up at Ye Weiyang: "What are you trying to do? Since you don't care about exposing yourself, you can do this by yourself, why did you ask me?"

"I can't do it!" Ye Weiyang shook her head slightly: "I can't even get into those people's houses. You can force your way in, can I?"

"That's true!" Shang Gongxiu's face showed a smug look, and she thought for a while and said, "Deal, these people usually look down on me and hate me when they see me. I really want to Look at how they beg me on their knees, and they can earn spirit stones, hahaha..."

Ye Weiyang took out the talisman paper, talisman ink and talisman brush, quickly drew a dozen or so Dawang Qi talismans, and then put away the tools.Pushed the two Great Hope Talismans in front of Shang Gongxiu.Put away the rest of the Great Hope Talisman.

"Just two? There are dozens of people on this list." Shang Gongxiu stared.

"Use these two first, and when you run out, let me ask for it. Of course, if you don't go to the mansion on the list, there will be no hope talisman in the future, and our transaction will be terminated."

Shang Gongxiu squinted her eyes at Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang looked back indifferently.After a while, Shang Gongxiu put away two great hope talismans:

"You're very brave, but...a deal."

Ye Weiyang returned to the Talisman Department under the protection of Yang Xingguang, and Zhang Zhen followed Shang Gongxiu from a distance with a few Dawangqi Talismans.

According to the list, Shang Gongxiu came to the opposite of the mansion of the member of the Ministry of Rites, Wailang, tore open a big hope talisman, and then looked through the wall, scanning everything in Yuanwailang's mansion, but finally cursed in disappointment:
"It didn't happen, it was a waste of my Great Hope Talisman."

Shang Gongxiu walked down the street cursing, and came across the gate of the servant of the Ministry of Rites, and then wasted the second great hope talisman.So he looked for Zhang Zhen with a gloomy face, and Zhang Zhen walked over and handed Shang Gongxiu two more hopeful talismans.

Outside the imperial envoy's mansion.

Shang Gongxiu stopped again, tore open the Great Hope Talisman, and her face was overjoyed.Excitedly waved:

"Go! Go smash the door!"

"Okay!" Several subordinates surrounded Shang Gongxiu across the street and came to the gate. One of his subordinates walked up the steps and slammed on the door with a fist.


As the door opened, a servant came out while cursing, and then he saw Shang Gongxiu who was looking at him with a smile under the steps, his whole body was full of excitement.


"Go away!"

Shang Gongxiu stepped onto the steps and walked straight to the gate.The servant wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare to stop him. He kept complaining in his heart, why did this fool come here?
He kept making eye contact with other servants, and some servants had already rushed away.

Shang Gongxiu led her subordinates and swaggered towards the stable.Not long after walking, he heard hurried footsteps, Yu Hai, the eldest son of the imperial envoy, came in a hurry, and bowed his hands in salute from a distance:

"Miss Shang is here, I haven't greeted you from afar, please make amends." But he was cursing in his heart: "I don't even have a greeting card, and I have no family education at all when I broke into the door."

"Where is your father?" Shang Gongxiu kept walking, passing Yu Hai.

The corner of Yu Hai's mouth twitched, and he followed Shang Gongxiu's footsteps: "My father is at Yushitai, Miss Shang, this way please."

"You should send someone to call your father back immediately. There is something wrong with your family, and something big is wrong."

"Your family is in trouble!" Yu Hai yelled in his heart, but he only dared to yell in his heart, but he said with embarrassment on his face:
"Miss Shang, I didn't offend you either..."

"Do you have the right to offend me?" Shang Gongxiu gave Yu Hai a sideways look: "Do you regard him as someone who came to your house to find trouble?"

Yu Hai muttered in his heart: "Isn't it?"

Shang Gongxiu's face darkened: "Who do you take it for?"

Yu Hai's face was embarrassed, and he muttered in his heart: "Aren't you just a fool? Whoever gets involved will be unlucky!"

"Let me tell you!" Shang Gongxiu's face shone with holy brilliance: "I am here to bring good news to your family. I am here to ward off disasters and disasters for your family. Remember to thank me."

Yu Hai's complexion changed, no one wants to be told that there is a disaster in his family: "Miss Shang, is it meaningless for you to say that?"

Shang Gongxiu stretched out her finger and pointed at Yu Hai: "You don't believe me, do you? Follow me!"

Yu Hai was also annoyed, thinking that even if you Shang Gongxiu came to make trouble, you have to have a reason.Is it really the decoration of my father, the imperial historian?
He didn't speak any more at the moment, just followed Shang Gongxiu, he wanted to see what Shang Gongxiu was going to do, no matter what she did, he must ask his father to participate in Shang Gongxiu.

This bitch is in need of cleaning up.

But as he walked, Yu Hai frowned, why did he come to the stable?

There are two stables in Yu's mansion, one is a large stable with several horses in it.One is a separate small stable with only one horse, which is Yu Hai's favorite horse, Zhaoye Lion Horse.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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