Chapter 860
After Li Qiaoran finished the succession ceremony, they went to the Taoist Palace together, and naturally they all lived in Xiang Ding's cave, so there was another Xiang Ding who listened to Ye Weiyang's teaching.

It's just that in less than a month, Yun Zhongjian felt that he was about to lead to the world of Hunyuan, and lifted a corner of the veil.So far, Ye Weiyang also knows that her teaching is over.For the rest of the time, the three people in front of them need to understand it by themselves.But Ye Weiyang is confident that as long as these three people have enough resources and have their own guidance, Yang Xingguang should break through to Daoyuan within three years, and the second sister should break through to Daoyuan within five years, and Xiang Ding should do the same. .And the sword in the cloud is hard to say.

The direction is given to him. Whether he can break through the Hunyuan in the end depends on his own understanding or chance.

After Xiang Ding's succession ceremony was over, Ye Weiyang and the others left and dispersed.Ye Weiyang didn't go back to the sect, but quietly sneaked into the field of power, entered the big formation, and began to bombard that thigh, breaking apart grains of immortal patterns and collecting them.She bombarded here for a full 15 years.The uppermost layer of this thigh was blasted away, and a small mountain of fairy grain particles had already been fiercely fought in the rune tower.

After some calculations, An Ledao and Chuxue's lifespan is not many years left.Only then did Ye Weiyang quietly return to the sect.

I went to see An Le Dao and Chu Xue. They are both very old, but they are in a very good state of mind. Every day, an old man and an old lady don’t care about the sect. They have been giving lectures for the past 15 years. The last twilight of Zongmen's dedication, now there are only a few years left, and the two of them completely let go, fishing, playing chess, sometimes sitting by the lake in a daze, reminiscing about the past.

Ye Weiyang came back, and the two old people were very happy.Pulling Ye Weiyang to babble, mostly talking about their experiences when they were young, Ye Weiyang just sat and listened with a smile.She stopped practicing, as if she was a mortal, guarding her grandpa and grandma.

One month, two months, after a few months passed, Ye Weiyang got used to this kind of life. She didn't practice, and she didn't need to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth. She just accompanied two old men and old ladies every day. When Wei Young came back, she became interested and reclaimed two pieces of land.A piece of land belongs to the old lady, where she grows flowers.One piece of land belongs to the old man, where he grows vegetables.Ye Weiyang was also busy, but it was a happy scene in the mortal world.

Six years have passed in this way, and An Le Dao has fallen.Not counting Li Ying, this is the first Hunyuan Great Cultivator who died after his lifespan was exhausted in ten thousand years. Zhou Tianzong couldn't hide it, and he didn't want to hide it, so he held a grand funeral.But a year had not passed since the funeral, and Chuxue also fell.Zhou Tianzong held a second funeral.The atmosphere of the entire continent is a bit depressing.

In the past, the Xingyun Sect and other sects would be happy, but now it is different. The fall of the two Hunyuan monks made those Hunyuan monks feel threatened.Although their lifespans are different, the least is more than 2000 years, the most is more than 5000 years, the lifespan of the Yaozu is longer.But for monks of their cultivation level, if they still can't find the direction to break through the Dao, thousands of years are really like a passing moment, just a moment.

After Chuxue's funeral, none of these Hunyuan monks left.Gathered in Zhou Tianzong's main meeting hall, everyone knew that it was time to explore the starry sky for An Le Dao and Chu Xue Falling who tied Ye Weiyang to stay on the mainland.There is an unspoken rule in everyone's mind, that is, if you explore the starry sky, everyone should go, and you can't leave a Hunyuan on the mainland, and each other is on guard.This point will be reaffirmed in this meeting.The second is for everyone to confirm their respective routes again, and how long it will take to get back together again.

Regarding the first point, the confirmation of these Hunyuan monks was quickly obtained.The second point was also quickly determined. Those who have been to the starry sky before will naturally explore again according to the last route.And those like Zhang Jiuling who have never been to the starry sky will go to a route that no one has been to.Finally, it is time to determine the return.It was finally set at a time of 500 years.In other words, everyone has almost 750 years to explore the starry sky, and the remaining half of the time has to go back.In fact, the exploration time can be extended, because when exploring, you must stop at some places, which consumes time, and the time to go back can be shortened.As for how much to shorten, each has an idea.But basically everyone should have 900 years of exploration time.

After confirming all this, everyone left one after another.Go back and arrange the affairs of your respective sects, and after half a month, go to the starry sky.

Inside the cave.

Ye Weiyang entered the fifth floor of the Talisman Tower and looked at the hill-like celestial grains. She hadn't practiced at all in the past six years, but she had been refining these granules in the Luoshu space, and the refined celestial grains were transformed into fairy spirits. After the Qi is released, half of it is absorbed by the Luoshu space, so the current Luoshu space has become more powerful, and the speed of decomposing the fairy lines is faster.And the remaining half was given to Star Lock.As a result, Xingsuo has not only returned to its original peak state, but also improved slightly.In this way, Ye Weiyang's exploration of the starry sky will be extremely fast.Others need a hundred years to explore the distance, maybe she only needs half a year.

Do not!
Now that Xing Suo is strong again, it may only take three or four months.

The remaining quarter of the fairy energy is stored in the Luoshu space, which is the water pool before, and now the water pool has doubled in size, and it is no longer the Dao Yuan of the paste, but Fairy liquid as clear as water.

Ye Weiyang didn't practice immediately, she didn't miss half a month, and after thinking about the sect's affairs in her heart, she summoned Yue Feng.And Yue Feng finally broke through the Dao of Transformation, although it is only the first stage of the Dao of Transformation, but it is also the Dao of Transformation, his lifespan has been extended, leaving the matter of the sect to him, Ye Weiyang is relieved.After instructing Yue Feng for more than an hour, Ye Weiyang let go of Yue Feng's mind.

Recently, she has been feeling that she has some insights, but she has to suppress it because of the funeral.Now she let go of her heart and let the feeling come to her.

Soon, half a month passed, and a group of Hunyuan had gathered together to leave the mainland and go to the starry sky.But there was one person missing.

Ye Weiyang!
Everyone couldn't help but move slightly in their hearts, could it be that Ye Weiyang changed his mind?
Then they waited until Kan Tianque, and there was only Kan Tianque, no Ye Weiyang, not even Shan Hong and Du Yan.Without waiting for these Hunyuan to open their mouths, Kan Tianque took the initiative to cup his hands and said:

"Sorry, fellow daoists, Wei Young didn't leave the customs."

"Is he in retreat?" Everyone was stunned.

Kan Tianque nodded helplessly and said: "Weiyang probably didn't want to retreat, and then somehow broke through to enlightenment."

Everyone's expressions changed, Jun Xinghai laughed and said: "This is a good thing, if Wei Young can pass this retreat and gain some understanding of the Way, I think she will not be stingy with preaching."

Everyone heard it, and there was a trace of excitement on their faces.Jun Xinghai said again: "Then why don't we go to Zhou Tianzong and wait!"

Kan Tianque naturally expressed his welcome, and everyone came to Zhou Tianzong again. This wait will last for a year, and everyone is not in a hurry.Just like what Jun Xinghai said, if Ye Weiyang makes a breakthrough, he will not be able to impart all of his experience, but he will talk about it more or less.So they are willing to wait, and they are willing to wait.

Ye Weiyang finally came out, and she also knew that she wasted time because of a sudden realization, and apologized to everyone, but everyone didn't care at all, what they cared about was what Ye Weiyang realized?
"Wei Young, do you have an understanding of He Dao?"

Ye Weiyang shook his head and said: "No, these seven years with the two senior uncles, I have lived a very ordinary life every day. I just listen to the two senior uncles talk about the past, and accompany the two senior uncles to plant flowers and vegetables , After the fall of the two masters and uncles, I suddenly had some insights. These insights have no direct relationship with the Dao, nor have the slightest improvement in this aspect. But they have greatly improved my state of mind.

For example, in the long future exploration of the starry sky, if you don't encounter any danger or encounter any star beasts, it will be just a slow and lonely interstellar journey.In fact, this is a test of the monk's state of mind.If this kind of interstellar travel is infinite, do you think it will break your heart? "

Everyone was silent. If this was the case, Brother Fei would really collapse after hundreds of years.In this situation, it is better to encounter a star beast and fight to relieve the loneliness of this collapse.

"The improvement of my state of mind this time, if I encounter this situation, it may last longer than you guys, maybe it will be doubled, or even tripled."

Everyone believed Ye Weiyang's words, and felt envious.Ye Weiyang continued: "Because of the improvement of my state of mind this time, I realized that in interstellar travel, a person's danger may not come from the danger in the interstellar, but from his own state of mind. I think we should use the top Artifact masters, talisman masters, and formation masters gathered together to develop a spaceship capable of interstellar travel. Perhaps next time, or our descendants, it is not necessary to travel alone, but a group of people will take a spaceship to explore the interstellar.”

"Not bad!"

"As it should be!"

So everyone had to postpone the time to go to the starry sky. It took half a year to set up an organization called the Star Alliance.There are seven sects assigned to control them respectively.

Not bad!

Even among the seven sects, the Cangshan sect has become a second-rate sect.The Star Alliance gathered the world's highest-level craftsmen, talisman masters, and formation masters to study spaceships for interstellar travel.When everything was on track, Ye Weiyang and the others finally set foot on the starry sky again.

Stepping into the starry sky, Ye Weiyang entered the Xingsuo space, letting Xingsuo fly at full speed according to the last star map.And she is practicing in Xingsuo space.She has accumulated too much fairy aura in the Luoshu space in the past few decades, and these fairy auras belong to her, none of which belong to Luoshu and Xingsuo.Of course, she still let the Luoshu space decompose those particles, and then stored the part that belonged to her in the pool of fairy energy in the Luoshu space.She is constantly extracting the spirit of the fairy to practice.

Now, through deduction, she basically speculates the conditions for breaking through the Dao.

The first one is to increase the toughness of the main body to the Dao level, because the container of the body is not strong enough. Once the Dao Yuan in the body is transformed into the Immortal Yuan, the body will collapse and die.Fortunately, she has already fulfilled this condition, and now her noumenon realm has reached the First Level of Hedao.

The second condition is to transform the Dao Yuan in the body into Xian Yuan. She has basically determined the method, that is to constantly use the spirit energy to cultivate, so that the spirit energy can continuously temper the Dao energy in the body. Yuan, slowly refine Dao Yuan to the extreme, and finally undergo a qualitative change from the extreme, transforming into Xian Yuan.But how long this process will take, Ye Weiyang doesn't know.After all, the environment she is in now is not an environment of fairy energy, and she can only rely on the fairy energy she has stored to cultivate.

The third is to comprehend Hedao.

According to the previous realms, if Ye Weiyang didn't comprehend He Dao, nor transformed the Dao Yuan in his body into Xian Yuan, but only raised the toughness of the body to He Dao, what would be the benefit?
The benefits are obvious.

First of all, the first one is the strong body strength and defense power, and ordinary attacks can't hurt her.Like they attack that thigh, it's hard to hurt.The second is that pure strength has undergone a qualitative change. If you fight close to the enemy, Ye Weiyang will have a huge advantage.For example, if Ye Weiyang fights Jue Lin, even though both of them are Hunyuan perfect in terms of cultivation, in the conventional long-distance Taoist battle, Ye Weiyang may not have much advantage.But once in close combat, Ye Weiyang can crush Jue Lin's body with a single punch.There is also the speed of releasing Taoism, and the power will increase when it explodes, because the body will be stronger, and the reaction force of Taoism will also be stronger.

However, there is no qualitative improvement in all of this. Ye Weiyang is still the power of Hunyuan, and the power of borrowing the power of Heaven is still at the level of Hunyuan. In the realm of Hunyuan, he has a huge advantage, but when he encounters the real Hedao , the advantage will be gone, vulnerable to a single blow.

Then what if Ye Weiyang's Dao Yuan is also transformed into Xian Yuan?
The speed of naturally releasing Taoism is faster and the power is stronger.Because Xianyuan is more in line with the way of heaven, it is easier and faster to borrow the power of the way of heaven.It is precisely because Xianyuan is more in line with the way of heaven, and the power of borrowing the way of heaven will be more, so the power will be stronger.But there is still no qualitative change, because the level of her borrowing the power of heaven is still the level of Hunyuan, not the level of harmony.Therefore, whether the body's toughness is good, or the Dao Yuan in the body, it is only the basic condition for breaking through the Dao.After meeting these two conditions, you need to comprehend harmony.But Ye Weiyang knew that if he wanted to comprehend Hedao, he must have a place, and that place had the way of heaven at the level of Hedao.And the environment she's in right now doesn't.Therefore, what she can do now is to increase the toughness of her body and work hard to transform Dao Yuan into Xian Yuan.Even if there is only a slight transformation, it is an open transformation, and it will be much easier in the future.All beginnings are hard.

(End of this chapter)

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