Chapter 867
Three people walked into the main hall door, and the main hall door was closed.At this moment, the three guests in line couldn't bear it anymore, and a monk cupped his hands at the four guards:
"How many people, who was that just now?"

All four guards shook their heads, they really didn't know each other.

In the main hall, three people have already taken their seats.Lu Dianyu looked at Ye Weiyang and said: "You Daoist Ye's demeanor last night shocked the poor Daoist."

No wonder he was so polite and came out to greet him in person.

Ye Weiyang suddenly realized that he probably had this fat tiger father among the four people last night, but he also had doubts in his heart, so he asked:

"Could it be that someone from the Canghai Sect also wants to buy the Hedao Pill?"

Lu Dianyu shook his head slightly and sighed: "Not everyone in the Great Sect can achieve a breakthrough."

Ye Weiyang nodded to show that she understood, why didn't she know that the disciples of the big sect not only cannot guarantee everyone's breakthrough, but also the competition of the big sect is even more fierce.

"I heard from Fat Tiger that you just arrived at Jiugongxing?"

When they reached their level of cultivation, they would speak directly, ask what they could ask, and don't ask what they couldn't.In the same way, answer what you can answer, and don't answer what you can't answer.

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang simply nodded, there is nothing I can't answer: "I just came here, and I ran into a trade fair. This is my first foothold when I come to Jiugongxing."

Lu Dianyu laughed loudly: "In this way, Fellow Ye Daoist has a predestined relationship with Cang Haizong."

Ye Weiyang remained silent, it was you who invited me here, not me to see you, so Ye Weiyang stretched.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's expression, Lu Dianyu couldn't help but have a headache.The alien monks who come to Jiugongxing are not without the great suzerains of various planets in history, but because they ask for Jiugongxing, each of them has a lower posture, although it cannot be said to be very low.But Ye Weiyang at this moment has a completely indifferent attitude.

Last night he saw Ye Weiyang kill Hunyuan cleanly with his own eyes. In his opinion, Ye Weiyang is at least a late Hunyuan, maybe a perfect Hunyuan.Such a monk is worthy of Cang Haizong's win over.It is the star of the nine palaces, it is the great sect, and there are not many Hunyuan monks in the sect. One of the four major sects of Canghaizong, there are only 32 Hunyuan monks, but in the late Hunyuan period, there are only six. There are only two Hunyuan Consummations.Therefore, after he came back, he reported this matter to the suzerain based on his own speculation about Ye Weiyang, and the suzerain made the decision for him to recruit Ye Weiyang. If Ye Weiyang agreed, he would invite Ye Weiyang to come to see the suzerain.Therefore, although Lu Dianyu was somewhat displeased with Ye Weiyang's attitude, he still said:

"Since Fellow Daoist Ye has just arrived at Jiugongxing and has no place to stay, have you considered joining Cang Haizong?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head directly: "I don't want to."

Lu Dianyu's expression froze, he didn't expect Ye Weiyang to refuse so decisively.He was even more unhappy in his heart, feeling that Ye Weiyang had underestimated Cang Haizong, so he said:
"You have just arrived, and you don't know Jiu Gong Xing yet. You don't know our Cang Haizong."

"Fat Tiger told me." Ye Weiyang said: "Jiugongxing has four major sects besides Jiugongmeng, Canghaizong is one of the four. I don't want to join Canghaizong, there is no other reason, just a People get used to it."

"Are you used to being alone? Could it be that Fellow Daoist has always been a casual cultivator?"

"That's not true. I'm the head of the sect, but the time I stay in the sect is less than one percent of the time I travel outside. So, I'm used to it alone."

Lu Dianyu thought about it, and decided to persuade him, after all, Ye Weiyang's strength made him very optimistic:
"Ye Daoist, you should know that there are two reasons why you didn't break through the Hedao, but there are two. One is that you don't have a direct access to the Hedao, and the other is that you don't have a place where you have the Hedao.

Now Jiu Gong Xing is a place with the Dao of heaven, but you lack the skills.If you join the Canghai Sect, you will have the opportunity to practice Hedao Kungfu. "

Ye Weiyang still shook her head with a firm attitude.

"Why? Sister!" Fat Tiger couldn't help it: "Those foreign monks are looking for exercises, and what the alien alliance is striving for is also exercises."

Ye Weiyang glanced at Fat Hu: "Fat Hu, I'm not stupid."

"No one said you were stupid!" Fat Tiger was anxious: "My father is sincere and did not fool you."

"I know your father didn't fool me, but your father just said that I have the chance to get the right way, it's just a chance."

"That's no problem!" Fat Tiger said confidently: "That's the right way. It doesn't make sense to give it to you if you join the Canghai Sect. You have to make contributions to the Canghai Sect. Only when Canghaizong agrees with you can it be given to you. Cultivation method."

Lu Dianyu also nodded, to be honest, he really had a bad impression of Ye Weiyang at this moment.She thinks that Ye Weiyang is a greedy cultivator, who wants to get exercises without making contributions, isn't that something for nothing?
Where in the world is there such a good thing?
"But I don't need it!" Ye Weiyang said lightly.

"No need?" Fat Tiger and his father were stunned, and then looked at each other, even Lu Dianyu couldn't help it:

"Friend Ye Daoist, do you have a direct way to achieve harmony?"

"Not yet." Ye Weiyang shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist Lu, in fact, I think that the exercises practiced by us foreign monks can completely reach Hedao. It's just because we don't have enough Heavenly Dao, so we didn't create it. Now that I have come to the Nine Palaces, I will naturally be able to create subsequent exercises."

After hearing this, Lu Dianyu laughed dumbly and said, "Friend Ye, you think it's simple. How can it be so simple? If it was so simple, some alien monks would have created follow-up exercises. Why should they covet our Nine Palaces?" Cultivation technique?"

Ye Weiyang naturally knew that it was not easy, so she was silent for a while, but still said firmly: "I want to try."

"Why bother?" Lu Dianyu sighed and said, "If you join Canghaizong, you only need to serve Canghaizong for 3000 years, and you will be able to obtain exercises. 3000 years is just a passing gap for our Hunyuan."

Ye Weiyang still shook her head slightly. On the one hand, she felt that she could create a follow-up technique of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, and on the other hand, she was not willing to change the technique.My skills are very strong, once I change my skills, it will not be as strong as my current skills...

Ye Weiyang's heart moved: "Fellow Daoist Lu, the exercises you practice can directly reach Hedao?"

"Yes!" Lu Dianyu nodded, feeling a little wary in his heart.He knew that Ye Weiyang was ruthless.

"Peak in the early stage of Hunyuan?"

"Yes!" Lu Dianyu became more alert.

"Lu Dianyu, Weiyang has something to ask." Ye Weiyang cupped his hands.

"Friend Ye Daoist, please tell me!"

"Let's have a sparring session, okay?" Ye Weiyang said seriously, "I will suppress my cultivation to the peak of the early Hunyuan period."

Lu Dianyu looked relieved, but he still asked cautiously: "How is your cultivation, Daoist Ye?"

"Hunyuan is complete."

Lu Dianyu's heart trembled. In the Canghaizong, apart from the Grand Elder, only the Suzerain and the Great Elder had Hunyuan Consummation.Doesn't this mean that there are only three people in Canghaizong who can suppress Ye Weiyang?

It is normal for monks to exchange ideas. Lu Dianyu couldn't shirk it, so he nodded and said, "Okay! Fellow Daoist Ye, come with me."

The three got up and walked out of the hall.The three guests were just about to go up to talk to them, but Lu Dianyu waved his hands and said:

"Three, come tomorrow."

When the words fell, he walked away.There were three dejected monks left behind.

The three of them came to a secluded place, and then flew up into the sky.Came above the clouds, Ye Weiyang and Lu Dianyu stood facing each other, and Fat Tiger watched from a distance.Ye Weiyang cupped his hands towards Lu Dianyu and said:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, I've made a move. I will use my full strength at the peak of the early stage of Hunyuan, and I ask you to do my best."

At this time, Lu Dianyu already understood Ye Weiyang's thoughts, he wanted to weigh the merits of his own practice and Ye Weiyang's practice, and immediately prepared to use his full strength.Both of them understand that they don't know how to fight each other, they just compete for basic strength.

Ye Weiyang threw out a straight punch, and a huge Dao Yuan fist was condensed, blasting towards the opponent like a hill.The same is true for Lu Dianyu, two huge fists collided in the air, and there was a bang, which shocked the monks below to look up. In Canghaizong, some Hunyuan's expressions changed drastically, and they naturally felt that this was the power of Hunyuan , one by one swishing into the air.

At this time, Lu Dianyu's face changed drastically, because he saw that the fist he released was so fragile that he didn't hold on for a moment, and then collapsed.And Ye Weiyang's fist didn't lose the slightest bit, it was still like a hill, hitting towards him, and the fist intent locked him, making him have nowhere to hide, no place to hide, only hard resistance.

"Boom boom boom..."

He bombarded with both hands continuously, fists like hills appeared one after another, constantly bombarding Ye Weiyang's fists, and at this time, all Hunyuan monks came out from the clouds.He looked to this side in shock.

The great elder of the Canghaizong moved towards Lu Dianyu, because at this time Lu Dianyu was very dangerous, and the Daoyuan fist he blasted out couldn't block Ye Weiyang's punch at all.Originally, Ye Weiyang was about to shatter his fist, but when he saw a monk flying over and punching him, he stopped his figure, and a flash of consideration flashed in his eyes.Because she could see that the opponent's punch was definitely Hunyuan Dzogchen.


The two fists bombarded together, forming a huge mushroom cloud, and the two fists shattered each other.Ye Weiyang narrowed her eyes slightly.

Hunyuan Dzogchen is right, but there is no trace of immortal power.It seems that there is still no understanding of Hedao.And he only released the peak of Hunyuan early stage, but the other party released Hunyuan Perfection.In this way, the cultivator of the Jiugongxing took advantage of the Jiugongxing's Heavenly Dao, and was able to cultivate to the Dao, but the cultivation method was still inferior to the Zhoutian Xingchen Jue that he practiced, and it was much worse.

At this time, the great elder of the Canghai Sect also narrowed his eyes slightly. The Dao technique released by the other party was only the perfect Hunyuan, but the condensed Daoyuan had reached the extreme of Hunyuan.

"So strong!"

"Great Elder!" Lu Dianyu saw that the Great Elder was about to explode, so he hurriedly called the Great Elder. At this time, the Sect Master of Canghai Sect also flew over, looking sharply at Ye Weiyang.At this time, Ye Weiyang's expression returned to calm, with one hand behind her back, she looked towards the other side calmly.Lu Dianyu on the opposite side hastily introduced:
"Friend Ye, this is the suzerain of our Canghai Sect, Ma Qianli. This is the Great Elder, Yu Yuanzhi. Suzerain, Great Elder, this is Fellow Ye Weiyang, Daoist Ye. The two of us were just discussing each other."

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual consciousness was transmitted to Ma Qianli and Yu Yuanzhi: "Suzerain, Great Elder, she is Hunyuan Dzogchen, and she just suppressed her cultivation to compete with me."

The two of them stared blankly for a moment, and then suddenly realized in their hearts.Ye Weiyang wanted to see the strength of the monks on Jiugongxing's side.However, my heart was shaken. The opponent just released the peak strength of the initial stage of Hunyuan, and I was able to hold a stalemate with the Great Elder.In this way, he and the suzerain are not the opponents of Ye Weiyang.

This Ye Weiyang either has a unique skill or a superhuman talent.In his heart, he was afraid of Ye Weiyang.Once a person has fear, his attitude will be much better, and he bowed his hands to Ye Weiyang and said:

"I've seen fellow Daoist Ye!"

Ye Weiyang also cupped his hands and returned the salute: "I have met Sect Master Ma, Elder Yu."

"Let's go down and talk!"

This time Ma Qianli stopped stretching, and directly invited Ye Weiyang, and the group descended to Ma Qianli's cave, and on the way, Lu Dianyu had already transmitted the content of his conversation with Ye Weiyang with his spiritual sense After telling Ma Qianli and Yu Yuanzhi, both of them frowned slightly.

Ye Weiyang is very arrogant this time!
If this was the case for others, the two of them would have left in disdain.But after seeing Ye Weiyang's strength, although the two still felt a little disdainful in their hearts, they still invited Ye Weiyang to sit in the cave and serve tea.

Now that we know what Ye Weiyang means, as the Canglang Sect, we will naturally not invite Ye Weiyang again, and we can't afford to lose that face, but the Canghai Sect doesn't want to offend such a casual cultivator. A big sect like the Canghai Sect.

It can be imagined that if Ye Weiyang lurks around Canghaizong and assassinates the monks of Canghaizong, it is estimated that Canghaizong will be removed from the big sect soon, and there is even the danger of exterminating the sect.

As the master of a sect, Ma Qianli is not stupid.Not only will he not offend Ye Weiyang, but he will try his best to make friends.

He has seen countless Hunyuan from extraterrestrials in his life, and even when Hunyuan is perfect, he has killed many of them.But I have never seen such a powerful consummation like Ye Weiyang, let alone killing Ye Weiyang, as soon as this thought came to my mind, I suppressed it, thinking that if I wanted to kill a consummation like Ye Weiyang, I would have to Be careful with the layout, use a lot of power, and never act too hastily.

What's more, now Ye Weiyang has not shown any malice, and proudly stated that she is not interested in Jiugongxing's exercises, and wants to comprehend the follow-up exercises of her own cultivation alone.

Such a person is almost harmless to Jiugong Xing, so why kill her?
Thank you very much Ji Moxue (1500), North Latitude 37 (500) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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