The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 875 Offense and Defense

Chapter 875 Offense and Defense
What Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao thought was to grab the position first.And Ye Weiyang has already thought about what will happen after he grabs the position.Of course, this is also related to strength.Ye Weiyang has absolute confidence in herself, but Yun Xiang and Zhang Bendao don't have absolute confidence.

But no matter how much difference there is in the three people's confidence in themselves, when they ran towards their opponents, they showed a kind of absolute confidence and an indomitable momentum.

The speed of the three people is extremely fast, showing their fastest speed to let the other party see their indomitable progress is also to put pressure on the other party.During the rushing process, Yun Xiang and Zhang Bendao also saw Ye Weiyang's chosen opponent, they were slightly surprised in their hearts, and they suddenly understood Ye Weiyang's plan.

Sure enough, he was the one who beheaded the Taoist monk!

The two of them were envious with admiration, and at the same time they made up their minds that they must deal with their opponents with thunderous means, otherwise they would not be able to scare others.

Seeing Ye Weiyang flying towards him, and the most powerful Hunyuan in midair, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.He doesn't know Ye Weiyang, but he can perceive that Ye Weiyang is not very old. Although he also perceives that the other party is Hunyuan Consummation, he doesn't take it to heart.

A young monk with perfect Hunyuan, but he doesn't know him, is definitely not a monk from the four major sects, or even a local monk from the Nine Palaces, but basically a monk from an alien.

Alien monks have no realm but poor strength. This is already the basic concept of the local monks of Jiugongxing.So, of course he doesn't care.However, he only despised Ye Weiyang strategically, but did not despise Ye Weiyang tactically. The long sword in his hand pierced out his strongest power.

As the distance between the two of them shortened rapidly, Ye Weiyang thrust out a sword star burst, and at the same time grabbed the opponent with his left hand, releasing the five-element space.She didn't even use the gossip step, because it would change the straight trajectory and waste time.


The star explosion collided with the opponent's Taoism, and the star explosion shattered the opponent's Taoism. Although the power was reduced by [-]%, [-]% of the power continued to hit the opponent.And the distance between Ye Weiyang and the other party has been shortened by half.The cultivator above hastily released the defensive method, and the [-]% powerful starburst bombarded the defense, and it collapsed.


The Five Elements Space has already enveloped the cultivator, and the distance between Ye Weiyang and the other party is only one-third left.Ye Weiyang shook her left hand.

"Boom boom boom..."

The five-element space is broken layer by layer, and the space fragments are like crucian carp crossing the river. The Hunyuan in the space seems to have seen a small world being destroyed, and he is in this small world.

"Boom boom boom..."

He struggled hard, but in the end he was still submerged by the shattered space, a piece of broken limbs and pieces of flesh were scattered in the sky, and Ye Weiyang's figure was already standing in the former Hunyuan position.

From Ye Weiyang's flying rush to the end of occupying the position, the total time is only one breath.And the few Hunyuan around did not pay attention to Ye Weiyang, they all thought that even if Ye Weiyang would not be killed, he would be seriously injured.Their attention was on Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao.

These two people are both strong men from the great sect, even the two Hunyuan who were facing Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao face very ugly at this time, and their hearts are extremely nervous.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two sides have already started fighting, and the remaining five Hunyuan did not make a move, they were wary of other monks' sudden attack.They also have an agreement, if there are only a few monks attacking, then the enemies who are responsible for the attack each, and if there are many enemies, eight people will join forces.

Sure enough, when the three of Ye Weiyang charged, four more monks rushed out from the ground, all of them were Hunyuan Consummation.This made the remaining five nervous and alert.


There was a sudden silence in the air, and the four Hunyuan figures rushing up into the sky couldn't help but freeze, and Zhang Bendao, Yun Xiang and their two enemies couldn't help but stop in their hands.Afterwards, everyone's eyes could not help but fall on Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang was already standing firmly on the position of the strongest Hunyuan cultivator before, seeing other people looking over, Ye Weiyang cupped his hands towards them and said:

"Guys, can I take this place?"


Yun Xiang and Zhang Bendao recovered from their surprise and attacked first.And the four monks below also launched an attack on the person they had chosen, but no one chose Ye Weiyang.

so horrible!

In this way, among the eight people in midair, six of them are fighting.The remaining two people, one is Ye Weiyang, and the other is a monk who is closest to Ye Weiyang.He is on guard against Ye Weiyang, although Ye Weiyang expressed a gesture of cooperating with everyone when he came up, but who dares to fully believe it?
Ye Weiyang relaxed, and cupped his hands towards the cultivator: "Under Ye Weiyang, what do you call your Excellency?"

That person's heart skipped a beat, he had never seen Ye Weiyang, but he had heard of Ye Weiyang.How can you not have heard of killing a righteous person?

Immediately, the little thought of competing with Ye Weiyang faded away.Hastily bowed his hands back and said:
"At Xiamengxi."

Ye Weiyang signaled that Xia Guang with his gaze, "When will this thing dissipate?"

Meng Xi was still very alert in his heart, but his face was very affectionate: "No one knows."


After two bangs, Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao defeated their opponents and took their positions.Although the two Hunyuan were not dead, they were also seriously injured, and they fled quickly towards the distance without even looking at Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao.They need a place to heal their wounds, otherwise, although Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao will not come to chase and kill them, there is no guarantee that others will not.

There were still four teams of Hunyuan fighting in mid-air, Yun Xiang and Zhang Bendao were also well-known in the Nine Palaces, and the rest of the Hun Yuan in mid-air also knew each other, nodded to each other, and acknowledged the strength of the two.Who is not together, as long as there are always eight people, don't let more people compete.

Seeing the success of Ye Weiyang's three people, the monks on the ground regained their confidence, and some monks rushed up, including attacking Yun Xiang and Zhang Bendao who had just obtained their positions, but no one attacked Ye Weiyang.

No one wants to court death.

Not to mention seeing Ye Weiyang's powerful move to kill the opponent just now, even after hearing that this person is Ye Weiyang, no one dares to challenge Ye Weiyang.

After all, for thousands of years, Ye Weiyang was the only one who was able to challenge and kill the monks with Hunyuan cultivation.

Challenge Ye Weiyang?

Is it bad to live?
Ye Weiyang stood in the air with all his leisure, while watching the battlefield, in case someone suddenly attacked him, while watching the Xiaguang group, if the Xiaguang disappeared, he could be the first to take it away.

"Boom boom boom..."

As a result, those monks who challenged not only did not have the strength of Ye Weiyang, but also did not have the strength of Yunxiang and Zhang Bendao.

This time, the people on the ground became honest, and some monks simply left, but some monks still stayed.Seeing that there was no fighting, Ye Weiyang asked Meng Xi who was beside him:
"Fellow Daoist Meng, after the glow disappears, is the fairy dew condensed into a large group? Then how do we distribute it between the eight of us?"

The people in the air felt a little relieved when they heard Ye Weiyang smell this question.At least Ye Weiyang asked this question, she didn't mean to dominate, but thought of distribution.This time, friendly smiles appeared on the faces of those monks.Meng Xi hurriedly said:
"The moment the glow disappears, the fairy dew inside will fly towards the surroundings. The eight of us will each hold one side. At that time, we will see who can intercept more. Those who can intercept will belong to us."

Ye Weiyang understands, there is no need to ask the rest.The speed of this fairy dew flying shot must be extremely fast.Everyone is too busy just to intercept the fairy dew that belongs to their own direction.After intercepting the fairy dew flying in its own direction, the other directions were not revealed.Either it was intercepted and put away by other monks, or it flew away.Therefore, do not worry about competing with each other.As for the cultivators on the ground who didn't leave, they paid attention to picking up leaks. Once the eight people were intercepted by flying shots, it was their chance.

Each of the eight people divided their energy into three.One part pays attention to the ground below, when monks attack you suddenly, and one part is where the monks on the left and right suddenly attack you. Although the possibility of this is very low, you must guard against it. Pay attention to the Xiaguang group in the center, ready to intercept Feishe's Xianlu at any time.

The most frustrating thing is that I don't know when the glow will disappear, so I can't prepare in advance.If you released the intercepted Taoism in advance, and then the glow didn't disappear for more than ten days, wouldn't it be exhausting yourself?
At that time, I was taken advantage of by others!

Yun Xiang glanced at Ye Weiyang out of the corner of his eye, and sighed in his heart.Hearing the news that Ye Weiyang beheaded the demon clan to join the Dao before, he was somewhat unconvinced in his heart.He thought that it was the Yaozu Hedao's mentality of belittling Ye Weiyang that gave Ye Weiyang a chance.But now it seems that Ye Weiyang is really strong.I don't know how strong it is, but under Ye Weiyang's hands, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive ten rounds.

This person is not yet in harmony with the Dao. Although he appeared in the Jiugongxing, he showed an attitude of being invincible in the Canglang Sect, but will this kind of strong man really be invincible?

Right now, she has nothing to do with the world, but when she breaks through the He Dao, will she still have nothing to do with the world?
Judging by her pride and demeanor, she must be a suzerain on her planet, and it must be a great suzerain. Such a great suzerain must also have a heart, how could she not want to establish a sect on Jiugongxing?
Decades ago, she was able to kill the early stages of the First Level of Hedao, but now she should be able to kill the middle and even late stages of the First Level of Hedao, right?

If she breaks through the Hedao, what strength will she have?
Will it be possible to challenge the middle stage of Hedao once he breaks through Hedao?

Once such a person establishes a sect, the Jiugongmeng will definitely not agree.But if you want to kill such a person, how much will you lose the harmony of the nine palace stars?

If the end result is just to kill his planetary monks and destroy the sect she established, but let Ye Weiyang escape in the end, it will be a nightmare for Jiu Gongxing.

Therefore, the best way is to kill her before she breaks through the path.Ye Weiyang, who was present first, estimated that after three or five joint actions, she would be able to kill her steadily, leaving her with no chance to escape.

This matter has to be reported to the Sovereign, and then to the Jiugongmeng.However, there is no rush.If you want to break through to the Tao, even those big monks of the Nine Palace Stars, only a very small number of people can break through, and it will not take a thousand years, or even thousands of years, to go from the consummation of the Hunyuan to the breakthrough of the Tao.After this revealing competition is over, after returning to the sect, there is still time to find the suzerain.


There was a sudden explosion, which shocked Yunxiang.It was just such a momentary opportunity to be distracted. I didn't expect that the central glow would disappear, and it would explode.

Ye Weiyang, however, has been paying attention to the glow. The moment the glow burst, Ye Weiyang released the Liuhe curtain with her right hand and the five elements space with her left hand.He blocked his direction.

The Five Elements Space immediately covered [-]% of the fairy dew in his direction, and the rest of the fairy dew shot towards Ye Weiyang like a sharp arrow, at an extremely fast speed, not weaker than lightning.

"Bang bang bang" blasted on the Liuhe curtain, and Ye Weiyang's right hand immediately released a five-element space, a five-element space in each hand, covering all the fairy dew, and then the talisman flowed out from between the eyebrows, in two After traveling through the five-element space, all the fairy dew was collected into the Talisman Tower.

After dissipating the five elements space, I looked around and saw that there was no fairy dew around, but in the distance, there were countless monks flying up into the air to compete for the fairy dew. It seems that there are still more or less fairy dews from the direction of the other seven people. Leak some.

She saw that although others had some regrets, they generally had joy on their faces, and it seemed that they had gained a lot.But only Yunxiang, with a dark face.It seems that a lot of fairy dew leaked from his direction.

But it shouldn't!

Yun Xiang's strength is not low, how could he miss so much, it made his face black?
However, Ye Weiyang didn't ask, it has nothing to do with him.He cupped his hands towards the other seven Hunyuan, then fell towards the ground, and landed in front of Wen Duxin:


The two of them randomly chose a direction to fly, Ye Weiyang probed his spiritual consciousness into the fourth floor of the Talisman Tower while flying, there was some fairy dew floating there, Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness swept it away.

760 six drops!

Good harvest!

Ye Weiyang was in a very good mood, and decided to fly in one direction. At this moment, she already understood in her heart that finding Xianlu was based on luck, and there was no skill at all.Just fly in one direction.

During the period, he also encountered monsters and killed them casually.However, the corpses of these monsters were not collected.Ye Weiyang has already experimented. Those monsters that have not completely refined the fairy dew before, after she used Luoshu to refine the fairy dew in the monster's body, after eating the meat of those monsters, they will not let them People have a grumpy mood, and it's delicious.It even has an auxiliary effect on the cultivation and comprehension of monks.

(End of this chapter)

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