The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 878 The idea of ​​experiment

Chapter 878 The idea of ​​experiment

In fact, that was the case, with her current cultivation base, her flying speed was extremely fast.The naked eye can't see her figure clearly, only a blurry line can be seen.But such a disadvantage is that it consumes a lot.Even with Ye Weiyang's cultivation base, flying at such a limit speed, I'm afraid it will only last for seven days at most, so he has to reduce the speed.

Ye Weiyang is no stranger to this kind of flight across the sea.In her previous years, she had done this kind of thing more than once.So she didn't worry about losing her direction, and she didn't worry about losing her mind.

Yes, it is the state of mind.

In such a space with the blue sky above and the blue sea below, there is no one person, or even obvious markers. It feels like flying in the same environment all the time, which will make the monk's mood confused. The longer the time, the more the monk's state of mind will be tested.

And it is not easy to keep the right direction all the time.Occasionally, powerful sea beasts will appear, and in the process of fighting with sea beasts, it is inevitable to deviate from the direction.After slaying the sea beast, he had to re-orientate.

It can be said that flying in the sea is a severe test for monks.

More than a month has passed since this flight, Ye Weiyang didn't take the danger from sea beasts seriously.But this kind of boring flight inevitably made Ye Weiyang feel a little restless.

In the beginning, she was able to find sea beasts, and by hunting sea beasts, she could calm down a little restlessness in her mind. Later, hunting sea beasts also became a kind of boring, and it was difficult to relieve the restlessness in her heart.

Is there a solution?

As long as Ye Weiyang hides in the star lock space and gets rid of this environment for a period of time, she will recover naturally.When she was traveling in the starry sky, she relied on this method to get rid of the restlessness in her mind.However, Ye Weiyang did not take advantage of this method this time.

In the starry sky, it was Ye Weiyang who didn't know how long she would travel, but also needed to maintain her peak state of mind.Don't dare to do extreme grinding.But this is not a starry sky, it's just a sea on the Nine Palaces, and she knows the destination, so she wants to experience this kind of extreme tempering, so that she can make a breakthrough in her state of mind.Once a breakthrough is obtained, the benefits are obvious. At least in the future, I can travel longer in the starry sky.

Another half month later, Ye Weiyang suddenly felt her mood calmed down, she knew that she had broken through a barrier, and this improvement of mood would allow her to maintain extreme calmness when she was in danger.Although the benefits are invisible, they are unlimited.Can't help making a long howl, like a dragon's chant, like a phoenix's cry, straight into the sky, rolling away.

Another month passed, Ye Weiyang saw the coastline, she knew that she came within the territory of Shanglin Sect.

The territory of the so-called Shanglin Sect is not limited to the Shanglin Sect, but within this range, there are no other first-class major sects, but there are countless small and medium-sized sects and countless families.Shanglinzong is just the boss in this area.

After setting foot on the coast, Ye Weiyang was going to find a place to recuperate a bit, and set off again.This time she is not going to stay in one place for retreat like she did in Canghaizong before.Instead, prepare to travel around and comprehend while traveling.

If you have inspiration, find a place to retreat for a period of time.Without inspiration, continue to travel.She wants to use this method to see if she can break through the Dao?
Because of the previous closed long pass, I didn't let myself break through the path.

A hundred miles away from the sea, there is a small town.Ye Weiyang stayed in the small town for more than ten days, recovering from exhaustion, especially mental exhaustion.Then set off again.She didn't take the celestial dew anymore, she didn't have the feeling of comprehension, taking the celestial dew was a waste.

She gave herself a hundred years of traveling time, if she didn't comprehend it within a hundred years, she would have to think of new ways.She was prepared in her heart, how could it be so easy to break through Hedao?

What's more, she doesn't have any skills yet?


Ye Weiyang's heart moved, this Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue is all-encompassing, it is undoubtedly a powerful technique, even these skills on Jiugongxing are not as good as Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, but it is also because it is too advanced, not for ordinary people to be able to Practicing.So far, it's just Li Ying and her.Later, I had to simplify it into four kinds of exercises, which are the Buddha's secret collection, the shaman's magic formula, the Taoist palace treasure and the ten thousand Gu treasure.

However, now at Ye Weiyang's level of cultivation, she feels that these four exercises still cover a little more, and they are also very demanding for a monk.This is also the reason why only a few Hunyuan monks have appeared in the past ten thousand years.If the cultivation method can be changed to be more pure and ordinary, it will definitely allow the monks to walk on the path of Hunyuan, and it is even easier to walk on the path of harmony than Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.Although in that case, the combat power will be weak, but it will be easier to break through the realm.

Do you have the ability to deduce this kind of exercise?

It's not that Ye Weiyang is proud, her comprehension of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue is much more profound than those who created the Debut Palace Collection, and her extensive reading is also much more basic than those monks.After all, my own cultivation realm is here.Therefore, you can create exercises yourself.At the very least, it is possible to create a cultivation technique that goes straight to Hunyuan.As for whether he can reach the Dao, it is not clear, because Ye Weiyang is not a Dao now.

But Ye Weiyang believes that it should be easier to break through the Dao than Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.

So, in which direction do you start?

Ye Weiyang was walking and thinking, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Five Elements!

I have a very deep understanding of the five elements, so the easiest direction is the direction of the five elements. I can create five kinds of exercises, which are the five exercises of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.Every exercise is very pure, and it must be easier to go straight to the Dao.

The most important thing is that once you deduce the five exercises, it will greatly assist your comprehension.Maybe, the day when he succeeds in creating the five kinds of exercises is the time when he breaks through the Dao.

Ye Weiyang had a goal in mind, and started to deduce the exercises while walking. She wanted to comprehend each of the five elements of heaven to the extreme.

At this time, in the main meeting hall of the Nine Palaces League, memories were held again.

Because the two great monks in the mid-stage of the Dao failed, and waited for another month at Ye Weiyang's side, it was finally confirmed that Ye Weiyang had completely disappeared.So, Lin Song and Lu Fanchen came back.

Mo Moliu looked at the two people and thought: "You two didn't stop at all, and went directly to Cang Haizong?"

"Yes, we didn't alarm anyone at all. Even when we handed out the greeting card at the Canghai Sect's mountain gate, we only said that we were friends with the Canghai Sect Master. We didn't say that we were friends with Gu Changmei, but that we met the Canghai Sect Master. So , no one will find out that the two of us are monks in harmony."

The hall fell silent again, after a while, Dao Buhui said: "After you and Gu Changmei met, Gu Changmei sent someone to invite Ye Weiyang, and then found that Ye Weiyang had disappeared?"

"Yes! Then we didn't go to Ye Weiyang's place right away, because we were afraid of scaring the snake away. Then the disciple of Canghaizong waited for Ye Weiyang in Ye Weiyang's mansion. After waiting for half a month, we didn't see Ye Weiyang's figure, so we went in person , and did not find Ye Weiyang's figure. It seems that Ye Weiyang left long ago.

However, this departure is somewhat abnormal.Because the few times she left before, she left through the gate openly.The whole street is full of Canghaizong people, as long as she leaves, no matter it is day or night, she will definitely be found.But no one noticed Ye Weiyang's departure.In this way, Ye Weiyang didn't want people to find her leaving.Why not, I can't figure it out.However, it is definitely not found us. "

"In this way, Ye Weiyang probably left because of something she didn't want others to know."

"This should be."

"Then what do we do now?"

"It's not a big deal! It's just a temporary escape for Ye Weiyang." Dao Buhui said indifferently: "If our guess is correct, Ye Weiyang will have to go back to Cang Haizong sooner or later, so that Cang Haizong will always pay attention to it." That's it. Let's take action after Ye Weiyang returns."

"It's the only way."

Everyone nodded, this is really the only way.The Jiugong star is too big, throwing it alone in the Jiugong star is like throwing a drop of water into the sea, where can I find it?

So far, they haven't even found the home of the Alien Alliance.

This matter is so let go, because everyone knows that the last thing they lack is time.And they also didn't believe that Ye Weiyang would be able to break through the harmony if she was given thousands of years.As long as time is long enough, there will always be a time to find Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang started her traveling life, and in this traveling life, she gradually began to really understand Jiugongxing, and gradually integrated into Jiugongxing. Her accent and behavior have made people completely unable to see that she is a foreigner. star monk.

Fifty years have passed in a hurry, Ye Weiyang's deduced exercises have begun to bear fruit.

After all, she has read extensively, and is a Hunyuan Consummation monk after all. In the past 50 years, she has not deduced attributes one by one, but deduced five attributes together.

The five elements, mutual restraint and mutual generation, such derivation, can also learn from each other, but the speed is faster.

In the past 50 years, she has deduced the exercises of the five attributes to the state of three flowers gathering at the top.In other words, the exercises she has deduced now can already be cultivated to the point where three flowers gather at the top.Next, it is necessary to deduce how to break through the cultivation method of Taoism.

She named these five exercises respectively, and the names are very direct and simple.respectively called:
Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth.

This made her very happy, but she was also disappointed in her heart, because although she created five exercises, they didn't seem to help her break through to the Dao at all.

Maybe... it's because the realm of the cultivation technique is still low?

Ye Weiyang thought inwardly, I don't believe it, when I can deduce the five kinds of exercises to the Hunyuan realm, it won't help me?
However, through these 50 years of derivation of exercises, Ye Weiyang also realized the difficulty of creating a kind of exercises.With the realm of Hunyuan great monk, she has read a lot of books and has a profound background. It took 50 years to deduce the five kinds of exercises to the top of the three flowers. It can be seen how difficult it is to create a kind of exercise.

Compared with a kind of exercise, Taoism is relatively simple before, but it becomes more and more difficult afterward.Ye Weiyang had foreseen that it would be impossible to establish the five kinds of exercises to the Hunyuan realm in 50 years.

It seems that the [-]-year time that I set at the beginning is somewhat taken for granted.However, Ye Weiyang is not discouraged, what she lacks most now is time, a hundred years is not enough, so let's delay it.


Ye Weiyang frowned slightly, although she was very confident in the exercises she created.But after all, it has not been tested in practice, and a truly successful exercise must pass the test.

Do you want to accept a few disciples, teach them, and use them as guinea pigs for an experiment?
Ye Weiyang decided to recruit five disciples and teach them five kinds of exercises to practice.Although she knew that once there was a problem with her cultivation technique, those five disciples would be useless.But she firmly believed that there was nothing wrong with her exercises.And sooner or later this exercise will have to be passed on to Zhou Tianzong's disciples, so it's better to test it with people from the Nine Palaces first.

Time passed year after year.

Today is the day when Shanglin Sect, one of the four sects of the Nine Palaces and Stars, opened the mountain and accepted disciples.Outside the gate of the entire Shanglin Sect, tens of thousands of disciples gathered.Every disciple's eyes are full of longing and expectation.

If he can worship under the Shanglin Sect, it can be said to be promoted one step higher.It is a period of refining Qi. As long as you are born in Linzong and walk in the Nine Palaces, you will be looked down upon.

This is the deterrent power of the big sect.

The procedure for recruiting disciples of Shanglin Sect is very simple, no different from Ye Weiyang's Zhou Tianzong.Ye Weiyang was on a mountain hundreds of miles away, looking and listening to the gate of Shanglin Zongshan.With her cultivation base, Dao Yuan gathers her eyes and ears, as if she is in the scene, she can see clearly and stop clearly.

Half a year ago during her travels, she heard that the Shanglin Sect opened a mountain to accept disciples today, so she came here to see if she could pick up five disciples from among these people.She just treats these five disciples as test subjects, and doesn't need them to be talented, as long as they can cultivate. The most important thing is that she needs disciples with five single attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.The first procedure for the Shanglin Sect to recruit disciples is to test their qualifications outside the mountain gate.Only those who meet the qualifications will pass the preliminary screening.The selected monks will enter the mountain gate for the second assessment.

As for whether there will be alien disciples mixed in, this will not happen at all.Zhou Tianzong has Wentian Mirror.Shanglinzong must have treasures in this area, and will find out the identity of the disciples clearly.

Ye Weiyang doesn't care about the second assessment at all, she just needs to select five disciples with matching attributes according to the first assessment.

Therefore, she hid on the mountain hundreds of miles away, observing these tens of thousands of disciples.Her cultivation level can achieve a photographic memory.

Thank you very much for the reward from the book friend 37 (1500) at North Latitude 160612124033950 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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