Chapter 887 Enter
Of course, most of the monks left on the plain are metal monks, and most of the monks left in the forest are wood attribute monks. In the current magma river, the remaining monks are naturally fire attribute monks.

And the plastic road, or monks above the royal road, basically will go straight through.Of course, there will also be Plastic Dao, Royal Dao, and even higher monks who will stay here and look for it.

Ye Weiyang is like this, she feels that since they are all here, they can't leave empty-handed.Do some searching.With one leap, he jumped into the magma river, and while diving down, he tried his best to spread his spiritual consciousness.

She is a complete Hunyuan, and a monk like her has never stayed here.Most of Ye Weiyang staying here is Hua Dao, not even Dao Yuan.

The powerful spiritual sense allowed her to easily capture some flame-attributed spirit beasts, and she would ignore them if they did not attack her.But if she was attacked, she would deal with it casually and put the corpse away.

She dived very fast, and then her powerful spiritual sense caught a spiritual vein.And it's a high-grade spiritual vein.At this time, there are still many monks digging for golden spirit stones on the spiritual vein.Ye Weiyang released her power unabashedly, and those monks fled in embarrassment.Those monks are not high in cultivation.There is no ability to collect spiritual veins, but for Ye Weiyang, this is a piece of cake.

The probing hand grabbed the spirit vein, and the talisman in his hand, grabbed the spirit vein, and then sacrificed the talisman tower and put it in the sixth floor.

Then he walked away, and while the monks in the distance breathed a sigh of relief, they were also full of regret.But he didn't even dare to curse, for fear that Ye Weiyang would hear them and slap them to death.

Ye Weiyang was already satisfied with this spiritual vein, and was about to leave, but her eyes flickered and flew away in one direction.There is a deep magma trench, and the heat of the magma is unbearable even for Hua Dao.But for Ye Weiyang, there is no threat.When I plunged in, I saw a nine-leaf flame grass.Ye Weiyang felt a little happy, this Nine-leaf Flame Grass is of great benefit to fire attribute monks breaking through the Hunyuan Realm.

I didn't expect to encounter such a high-quality herbal medicine here.Ye Weiyang took out a jade box, carefully put the nine-leaf flame grass into the jade box, and put it away.Then go straight away.


Ye Weiyang rushed out of the magma river, stepped on the magma and flew towards the opposite bank, the magma bursting out from time to time did no harm to Ye Weiyang.There were also flame spirit beasts that appeared, Ye Weiyang didn't bother to pay attention to them, whistling past them.

It's just that the magma river is too big, Ye Weiyang spent three days before she crossed the magma river and landed on the bank.He didn't leave in a hurry, he first exercised his skills and adjusted his breath to restore his cultivation to the peak, and then moved forward.

Not long after walking, I felt heavy.

Gravity has increased!
Ye Weiyang wasn't surprised at all, this should be an earth attribute checkpoint.The level is to increase the gravity.

This is nothing to Ye Weiyang, at least for the time being.Her body has already reached the peak of the Hedao Eighth Layer, and this little gravity has no effect on her at all.

Ye Weiyang spread the spiritual consciousness, this piece of soil attribute level is vast and boundless, Ye Weiyang wants to choose a road that no one has traveled, so that if there is something on the road, he can pick up some.

This is not impossible. In fact, although there are about [-] million monks who come in, [-]% of the monks who have made Taoism.Eighty percent of the monks should have died in the first four levels, and even if they are alive, they will be diverted to the first four levels. There will not be too many monks who actually reach here.At the very least, there will not be too many monks arriving here now.Maybe after a few decades, those monks will almost find the opportunities for the first four levels, and those monks will venture deeper and come here.

And this place is so big, it stretches as far as the eye can see, except for those low-level earth attribute monks who will stay here, the rest of the monks will pass by directly, just like Ye Weiyang, they will pick up some when they come across it, and forget it if they can't.

Ye Weiyang spread his spiritual consciousness and flew sideways, and after about half a day, joy appeared in his eyes.She determined this direction, no one should pass by.

Ye Weiyang ran all the way, without the slightest influence on her speed. She ran for seven days, during which time she also collected some spirit stones, spirit crystals, and even herbs, and gained a lot of money. The accumulation of 5000 years is really a treasure everywhere.

Suddenly, Ye Weiyang looked up to the left, and there was a huge movement there.Ye Weiyang is very familiar with this kind of movement, it is the movement of collecting spiritual veins.

Earth spirit veins!
Ye Weiyang dashed over there, with her speed, she arrived in no time.Then I saw a royal monk struggling to collect an earth spirit vein.One-third of the earth spirit veins have been pulled out from the ground.The royal monk's face was a little pale at this time, and it was obvious that he was struggling.

Another high-grade spirit vein.

Ye Weiyang now suspects that as long as one finds a spiritual vein here, it should be top grade. 5000 years of gestation is no joke.

The royal cultivator also saw Ye Weiyang, with anxiety in his eyes, he shouted sharply: "Go away, or I will kill you."

Ye Weiyang stood there, smiled and said: "I see that Fellow Daoist is struggling to collect, why don't I come."

"You want to die?" The monk's tone was full of killing intent.

Ye Weiyang sighed: "You can't beat me."

The monk's face changed, he didn't know Ye Weiyang's true cultivation, but he knew that in his current situation, he was grasping the spiritual veins, as long as Ye Weiyang was in the same realm as himself, he couldn't beat him.After all, I have to change to collect spiritual veins, and then to fight Ye Weiyang.His eyes were murderous.But he was also a decisive person, and he immediately let go of the grasping hand, and the spirit vein went underground.And he rushed towards Ye Weiyang:

Ye Weiyang shook her head, stretched out her left hand, grabbed the spiritual vein that was diving into the ground, and punched the monk at the same time.


A trace of regret flashed in the monk's eyes, and before that trace of regret could expand, he was blown away.At the same time, Ye Weiyang had already grabbed that spirit vein and sent it to the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower.

The wages of avarice is death!

Ye Weiyang strode forward and dashed forward.Sixteen days later, Ye Weiyang walked out of this checkpoint, looked around, found a hidden place, opened a cave, set up formations, and began to enter meditation.

She passed the five levels of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth along the way, not only picked up countless resources, but also gained a further understanding of the five elements.

Every checkpoint here originally has a strong avenue of heaven and earth, otherwise it would be impossible to form such a checkpoint.Ye Weiyang originally had a deep understanding of the Five Elements, because from the very beginning of her cultivation, she has cultivated the Five Elements.In the process of passing through the five checkpoints, it is easier to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue hidden here.

At this time, the five elements checkpoint has passed, and Ye Weiyang knew that this was also an opportunity for herself, so she began to sort out and comprehend.

one year.
Ye Weiyang opened his eyes in the cave, and the eyes in his eyes were complicated, filled with joy and regret.

Her understanding of the way of heaven has improved, but it is not enough to break through the barriers of the way of harmony.

"Fortunately, the combat power should be much stronger, especially the Five Elements Space."

Ye Weiyang stretched out her palm, and a five-element space appeared on her palm. In the five-element space, an illusion appeared, with the opening of the heaven and the earth, and the growth of all things.

"This should be the same as Palm Buddha Kingdom."

Ye Weiyang dispersed the Five Elements Space, got up and left the cave, and continued to move forward.After walking for less than half a day, she was startled, and then her face showed joy.

She originally thought that there were only five levels of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in this level, but what was presented to her at this time was a bright world.

This is the property of light!
In just an instant, Ye Weiyang decided to spend more time on this level, because the reason why she has always been a talisman and did not enter the talisman is because she did not fully comprehend the Dao of Light and Darkness.Once you understand the Dao of Light and Darkness, you will break through the Saint Talisman.And Fu Sheng's strength is equivalent to that of He Dao.

If she can really break through the talisman, she will have an extra family foundation in Jiugongxing.

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, and slowly stepped into the light.After stepping in, I found that I couldn't see anything, and all I saw was light, front, back, left, right, and all directions, which even made people lose their way.That is to say, with Ye Weiyang's cultivation level, even in this situation, her spiritual consciousness will firmly point to the direction she determined before.

Ye Weiyang walked forward slowly, immersed in comprehension while walking.She is completely immersed, she is not afraid of someone sneaking up on her, here she cannot see others, and others cannot see her, even if they are next to each other, they will not see each other, but only see the dazzling light.

And even if someone saw her and was attacked by someone, it would be very difficult for the other party to kill her in one fell swoop with her body at the peak of the Eighth Layer of Hedao.As long as she can't kill her all at once, she won't give others a chance.

She walked completely according to her own perception, and had completely forgotten the direction identified by her spiritual sense. Unknowingly, she walked to the place where the light attribute was the strongest.

Then, she woke up from the comprehension, because there was a person sitting in front of her, the two people were too close, they immediately sensed each other's breath, woke up almost at the same time, and saw each other.

Ye Weiyang didn't move, neither did that person, Ye Weiyang was fearless, she didn't believe that there would be a Daoist here, and the Daoist monks wouldn't stay here, so she had nothing to be afraid of.And that person didn't know Ye Weiyang's strength, and he didn't dare to attack at will.Especially when that person saw Ye Weiyang's calm expression, he felt even more uneasy.

Ye Weiyang sensed it, and knew that this place should be the place with the strongest light attribute, so she said to the monk:
"How about we comprehend together here?"

The cultivator hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to attack Ye Weiyang, so he nodded.Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged next to him, and soon entered into a state of forgetfulness.

Seeing Ye Weiyang in such a state, the cultivator didn't dare to attack Ye Weiyang.Without absolute certainty, who would dare to do so?
After smearing the ink for a long time, she felt that Ye Weiyang had really entered into the comprehension, and she gradually let go of her heart, and finally became ruthless, and gradually immersed in the comprehension.

ten years.

Ye Weiyang comprehended here for ten years, and finally comprehended the way of light.He opened his eyes and saw that the monk was still comprehending, so he stood up and left quietly.

After more than a month, Ye Weiyang walked out of this checkpoint, and after walking for half a day, he entered the endless darkness.Ye Weiyang was calm in his heart, knowing that he had entered the realm of darkness, immersed in comprehension once again, and moved forward by instinct.Half a month later, Ye Weiyang felt a prick between her eyebrows, and the pain woke her up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a monk holding a sword, and the point of the sword pierced between her eyebrows, with a look of astonishment on her face.


Ye Weiyang slapped the opponent's head with his palm, the opponent's cultivation base is only a path of transformation, he should have discovered Ye Weiyang suddenly, but his determination is much firmer than that of the monk in the light level before, and he stabbed out with a hasty sword , but could not hurt Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang kicked the monk away, then sat cross-legged, and soon immersed in comprehension.

Another ten years have passed.

Ye Weiyang opened her eyes, and her eyes were filled with joy.She comprehended the avenue of darkness.Although it is still impossible to break through the talisman, after going out, he can cultivate the seventh floor of the talisman tower and step into the talisman by combining gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, wind and thunder.

The time will not be short, but there is hope.

After more than a month, Ye Weiyang entered the gate of wind. Ye Weiyang had already comprehended the avenue of wind, picked up many treasures along the way, and walked out of this checkpoint two months later without any surprises, and then entered the gate of thunder. Ye Weiyang also passed through the checkpoints without any surprises, and finally after more than 21 years, Ye Weiyang walked out of the nine checkpoints.

Here, she felt that the surrounding fairy air had become different.

In the plains before, there was only metallic fairy aura, but in the forest, there was only wood-attribute fairy aura, and each level had only one attribute of fairy aura.But here, there are all kinds of fairy spirits, very strong.

This is the real entry into the ruins of the Colossus.

"Let's start looking for Hongmeng Daoyun, there are still nearly 80 years to go. Those Hedao won't find nine Hongmeng Daoyun in just 20 years, right?"

Ye Weiyang began to move forward cautiously, because she knew that after getting out of the nine checkpoints, the monks she would face again would not be those with low cultivation base among the nine checkpoints.Of course, it is also possible to meet a lot of low-level monks, but it is also possible to encounter Hunyuan and even join the Tao.

It must be impossible to be as careless as before.

Looking around, Ye Weiyang really didn't know which direction to go.It is estimated that others do not know.Maybe those fellow monks know that, after all, the ruins of the Colossus have been opened several times, they should have a map handed down.

Thank you very much for the reward at N37 (1500)!

(End of this chapter)

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