The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 919 Secret Base

Chapter 919 Secret Base
Ye Weiyang nodded, with a look of approval in his eyes: "You are not afraid to give me your master's experience, and I will not keep my promise?"

"Gamble, I'll take a gamble. Senior, do you think I have a way out?"

Ye Weiyang praised: "Now I am confident that you will break through the Hunyuan in a hundred years. Okay, that's the decision."

"it is good!"

The man took out a blank jade slip and began to feed materials into it.About two quarters of an hour later, he handed the jade slip to Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang took the jade slip and read it hastily, feeling overjoyed in her heart.There is not much information in it, only more than 500 words, but every word is detailed.Even after a hasty look, it was as if he saw a ray of light.Ye Weiyang put away the jade slips and said:
"I'll help you break through Dao Yuan first. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Then we will practice here. Don't worry about resources, I will prepare them for you."

"it is good!"

For the next month, Ye Weiyang continued to explain to that person, and a month later, Ye Weiyang handed him a storage bag.The man took the storage bag, swept his spiritual consciousness inside, and a happy expression appeared on his face.Take out the resources from the storage bag and start practicing.At this time, Ye Weiyang also began to truly comprehend the more than 500 characters in the jade slip.

Ye Weiyang's background is already very deep, and there is only one entry point missing, and these more than 500 words undoubtedly gave him a key to open the door of Hedao.

Ye Weiyang was immersed in comprehension, groped forward, approached the gate step by step, stretched out her hand and pressed on the gate leading to Hedao.

And the young man not far away is in the same situation, even faster than Ye Weiyang.He had half opened the door to Dogen.

One month, two months, three months...

Ye Weiyang woke up suddenly, looked at the young man not far away, and saw the rhythm of heaven and earth began to gather towards that person.A smile appeared in Ye Weiyang's eyes.

This kid has broken through!

Ye Weiyang simply stopped comprehending, but protected that person.

Five days later.

After surviving the catastrophe, the young man with Dao Yuan cultivation had a smile on his face.Salute to Ye Weiyang:

"Thank you senior!"

"You're welcome, we're just trading. But I'm very optimistic about you." Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then took out another storage bag, threw it to him and said:

"These resources are helpful for your cultivation in the Dao Yuan realm. Take it, I hope I will see you here again in a hundred years."

The man took the storage bag, swept his spiritual sense, and looked overjoyed.Salute to Ye Weiyang again: "Thank you, senior."


"Yes, the junior has bid farewell."

The young man left, and Ye Weiyang also left.Although she has trust in that young man, she doesn't believe that he calculated herself before she helped him a second time.But he still decided to leave this place and flew five thousand miles away before he landed, ready to find a place to retreat.She first went to a nearby big city for two days of rest.But he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance, this acquaintance was none other than to report Ye Weiyang's affairs to Jiugongmeng, and finally let Jiugongmeng send two monks to go to Canghaizong to kill Ye Weiyang's Yunxiang.

Ye Weiyang naturally didn't know that what happened back then was related to Yun Xiang, and when Yun Xiang saw Ye Weiyang, his expression froze first, and then joy appeared on his face:
"Friend Ye, what a coincidence!"

"Fellow Daoist Yun, please stay safe."

"Come on, let's find a place to have a drink."

"it is good!"

The two found a restaurant and asked for a private room near the window. The food and drinks were served, and the two chatted while drinking.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, do you have a direction for Hedao?"

"It's not that easy!" Ye Weiyang shook her head and said, "I don't tell you, I have the inheritance of the Dao. By the way, how is your cultivation?"

Yun Xiang shook his head and said: "There is still no breakthrough. Although I have the inheritance of He Dao, it is really very difficult to break through. It is not possible to break through with inheritance."

Ye Weiyang glanced at him and said: "You can ask the fellow monks in your sect for advice, and you can even go to Jiugongmeng for advice, can't you?"

A look of disappointment appeared on Yunxiang's face: "I asked for advice, but I still couldn't get in. Let's not talk about me, I heard that Cang Haizong once invited you, you really don't think about it?

If you join the Canghai Sect, after thousands of years, you will be able to get the inheritance of the Dao.For you and me, thousands of years are nothing but a fleeting moment. "

Ye Weiyang was silent for a moment and said, "So what if you join?"

"If you have inheritance, you can break through the way of unity. Isn't this what you have been pursuing?"

Ye Weiyang drank the wine in the glass in one gulp: "Even if I join the Canghai Sect and get the Hedao inheritance, I'm afraid it's only the top three inheritances?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Yunxiang's face.

Ye Weiyang continued: "It will be very difficult to get the inheritance later on, right? Or it's impossible to get it at all, right?"

"And this is not the most important thing." Ye Weiyang narrowed her eyes slightly, and said seriously: "Your inheritance may not be suitable for my path, or in other words, it is not suitable for my path at all. I have been on the road of the Fa until now. If I accept your Hedao exercises, even if I can break through the Hedao, it will deviate from my original cultivation direction.

This will limit my future and prevent me from going further and higher. "

Yun Xiang was silent for a moment, and sighed: "You are a genius, the only genius I have ever seen. Other monks are desperate to get the inheritance of the Dao, but you are firm in your own mind. I believe now that you will There will definitely be a breakthrough.”

"Thank you!" Ye Weiyang raised his glass to signal, Yun Xiang also raised his glass, the two touched each other, and then drank it down.

"What do you think of the rules of Jiugongxing?"

"No opinion, only two words, xenophobic."

"There is no way to do this. The Jiugongxing cannot satisfy so many high-level monks. Controlling the high-level inheritance and power is not only for Jiugongxing's self-protection, but also for protecting Jiugongxing. Do you think it is wrong for us to do this? "

"I can't say it's wrong, it's just that my vision is narrow."

"Narrow?" A trace of displeasure appeared in Yun Xiang's eyes: "Please also ask Fellow Daoist Ye to discuss it."

Ye Weiyang smiled lightly and said: "You don't think that in this vast starry sky, there is only Jiugong Xing, a planet with the Dao of heaven, right?"

"Isn't it?" Yun Xiang was stunned: "Fellow Daoist discovered a new place?"

"No!" Ye Weiyang shook his head and said, "But I believe that in this vast universe, there must be a place similar to Jiugongxing, but we haven't found it yet."

"No, we have also looked for..."

"How big a place can you find? The vast starry sky, do you dare to say that you have searched all over?"

"How is that possible? Human and material resources are limited."

"That's why I said that your vision is narrower. The Nine Palaces should not have those rules, unite all the forces that can be united, develop together, and explore the starry sky together. This is the future of the human race. Otherwise, like you, you only know how to guard Nine palace stars have this little advantage, but sooner or later they won't be able to keep it."

Yun Xiang was silent, shook his head for a while and said: "What you said is too big a matter for us to decide. In the end, it is up to those monks from the Nine Palaces League to decide."

Ye Weiyang curled her lips: "They won't change, because they are already used to the current rules. If they want to make changes, they must be forced by a strong external force. But once there is such a strong external force, they can all feel oppressed. External force, maybe at that time, external force can destroy the Jiugongmeng, there is no need for the Jiugongmeng to change, just destroy it. But there is no doubt that it will be a catastrophe."

Yun Xiang was stunned for a while, and finally said with a wry smile: "Let's not talk about that, I found a den of the alien alliance, are you interested?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, then nodded.

"You are also an alien cultivator..."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "In my eyes, there is no local cultivator of Nine Palaces, and alien cultivator. There is no difference between the two. I really don't like the way the alien alliance is doing things, and I will not go to them specifically. Moldy head, but if you know their dens and kill them, you don't care. Do you want to invite me?"

"Well, the two of us get half of it."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

"Then let's go."

The two left the city and flew in one direction.Yun Xiang said while flying: "You have been missing for more than 800 years, where did you go?"

"Wandering among the stars for more than 800 years, I wanted to find a place like Jiugongxing, but I couldn't find it. I realized that a person's energy is limited, and some things require the unity of the human race. However, it is obvious that Jiugongmeng has no such plan , so I also temporarily gave up this plan and stayed in Jiugongxing to practice."

"You..." Yun Xiang hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Aren't you afraid that the monks of Jiugongxing will surround and kill you? You stole a ray of Hongmeng Daoyun from the ruins of the giant statue. In the process, you killed Jiugong a lot The way of the alliance."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "You can know that I got Hongmeng Daoyun, it seems that your status in the sect is very high. Then, I entrust you to bring me a message to Jiugongmeng."


"In the ruins of the giant statue, in the process of taking away the Daoyun of Hongmeng, it is a fair duel to kill the cultivator of the Nine Palace Stars. If you want to break through the last level and get the Daoyun of Hongmeng, you must kill all the opponents you meet. die.

From my 800 years ago to Jiugongxing, until now, Jiugongmeng has not had a real conflict with me.Therefore, no matter what level of cultivation I achieve in the future, I will not take any retaliatory actions against Jiugongmeng and Jiugongxing.But if Jiugongxing, Jiugongmeng did something to me, I, Ye Weiyang, would definitely repay it tenfold.

I was serious! "

Yun Xiang was terrified, thinking that when he reported to Jiugongmeng, Jiugongmeng sent monks to kill Ye Weiyang, but Ye Weiyang happened to leave.Otherwise, if Ye Weiyang knew about that matter, she might think so.

In fact, in today's Jiugongmeng, there are also two factions, one is the conservative faction, the other is the radical faction,

Conservatives want to maintain the current rules of Jiugongxing and resolutely exclude foreigners.The Radical Faction wants to absorb monks from the Alien Alliance, as Ye Weiyang said, and allows the Alien Alliance to establish sects on Jiugongxing, but they must obey the command of the Jiugong League, and then unite with all possible alliances to salute. Explore the sky.

Yun Xiang is a conservative, but at this moment he feels helpless.This kind of helplessness is aimed at Ye Weiyang.

Although the current Ye Weiyang has not yet broken through the Hedao, it is really not something that Jiu Gongmeng can kill with two Hedaos.Although he hadn't seen Ye Weiyang's true strength, but just thinking about how Ye Weiyang was able to obtain Hongmeng Daoyun in the ruins of the giant statue, he knew that the current Jiugong League basically had no way to take Ye Weiyang.

As long as Ye Weiyang wants to escape, she probably won't be able to catch her.

However, Ye Weiyang's return to Jiugongxing still needs to be reported to Jiugongmeng.What the Jiugongmeng wants to do is the business of the big monks of the Jiugongmeng.

As for now, let's talk about Ye Weiyang removing the secret base of the alien alliance first.

"By the way, the secret base of the Alien Alliance you mentioned is the headquarters?"

"No!" Yun Xiang shook his head and said, "If it's the headquarters, with my cultivation level, where would I dare to go? By the way, let's invite another person, you also know, Zhang Bendao, I know where he is."

Of course Ye Weiyang remembered Zhang Bendao, so she nodded and said, "Is he not in the sect?"

"Not here, in Loushan City."

"Loushan City? I remember that it was a city where mortals made up the majority?"

"Yes, he wants to comprehend the way of mortals there."

Ye Weiyang nodded, and the two of them flew towards Loushan City.While flying, the two were arguing.

"Wei Young, I think you are a bit radical. If Jiugongxing fully accepts alien monks as you said, there will definitely be more organizations like the Alien Alliance. This will be a disaster for Jiugongxing."

Ye Weiyang curled her lips and said: "It seems that there are really alien monks in the Alien Alliance. I bet there must be a lot of local monks from the Nine Palaces in the Alien Alliance. Today's Alien Alliance is just a name. Bringing an alien on the sky is actually not an alliance of pure alien monks at all. It is an evil force. It has nothing to do with Jiugongxing or aliens."

"Then the original founder of the Alien Alliance must be an alien monk?"

"Isn't that forced by you? If your Nine Houses didn't have the rules of exclusion, would such a thing happen? Of course, there will still be organizations like this, but it has nothing to do with alien monks."

The two argued all the way to Loushan City, and then Ye Weiyang was taken directly to the market by Yunxiang. This market is a mortal market, and the things sold are mortals' basic necessities.

Zhang Bendao was selling pork, he was chopping pork, and there were quite a few people buying it.Seeing Ye Weiyang and Yunxiang, he just nodded and continued selling pork.Finally, when there was no one around, Zhang Bendao looked at the two people and said:

"Why are you here?"

"Is there any interest in discovering a secret base of an alien alliance?"

(End of this chapter)

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