Chapter 944
In Ye Weiyang's view, the cultivation base of the five disciples is not high, and the progress in the past few hundred years is just like that, and the five disciples are all at the third level of Dao Yuan.

The five disciples worked very hard, and it's just that the spirit of the fairy is thin here, but the way of heaven is the same.The reason for this is that there is no guidance from Master Ye Weiyang.Having the master give advice is completely different from groping for it by yourself.Therefore, Ye Weiyang didn't care about their cultivation, she would stay here for a long time, just give them good advice.

Instead, what she cared about was the situation of other disciples of the sect. I don't know how many disciples the Five Elements Sect has now after more than 200 years, and what cultivation level are they all?
This kind of thing is naturally answered by Ye Yi, the suzerain, and Ye Yi replied without thinking:
"Master, there are nearly 78 disciples in the sect now. We have very high requirements for selecting disciples. The cultivation conditions here are not very good. Only those with excellent talents and aptitudes can cultivate. Therefore, the cultivation of these disciples The speed is very fast. Not to mention other realms, there are [-] Taoist cultivation bases, but they want to go further, and the cultivation environment of the sect is a bit difficult."

78 plastic paths, which made Ye Weiyang very satisfied.

This place was originally the highest plastic road, not because of the lack of heaven, but because of the lack of spirit energy.Therefore, once the monks here break through the plastic path, they will stay away from here, or if they don't reach the plastic path, they will leave.At the beginning, Ye Weiyang set up the Five Elements Sect's Spirit Gathering Formation, which greatly improved the fairy spirit in the Five Elements Sect, but it was only able to achieve the imperial way, and barely had a chance to develop the personal transformation way.Yeyi and five people were able to break through Dao Yun because they had spiritual veins, and they were using them to cultivate.

Ye Weiyang understood the strength of the sect, and was very satisfied.

Now that the Five Elements Sect has been affirmed by the Jiugong League, it can be operated.Set up a few spiritual veins at the inner door of the Five Elements Sect, and then set up a spirit lock array at the inner door, so that the inner door's fairy energy cannot be leaked, and the concentration of the inner door's fairy energy is immediately increased.

Although Ye Weiyang consumed a lot of spiritual veins, there are still dozens of spiritual veins left in the Talisman Tower.There is no problem in raising the inner sect to the level of fairy spirit that can be used to get out of Hedao.

As for the outer door, there is no need to upgrade. Anyway, if the cultivation base is improved, you can enter the inner door.Those who can't break through their cultivation base don't need the concentration of fairy spirit in the inner sect.

However, there is one point that Ye Weiyang cannot reveal.The relationship between Ye Weiyang and the Five Elements Sect should not be exposed, and alien monks can be recruited after Ye Yiwu grows up and at least breaks through the Hunyuan.

It's not against the rules.

Back then, when Ye Weiyang had just arrived at Jiugongxing, Canghaizong had recruited her and wanted her to join Canghaizong.Of course, after joining the Canghai Sect, there will be a long assessment time. This time is in units of thousands of years. After passing the assessment, the Hedao inheritance will be taught.

However, at the very least, the local sect of Jiugongxing is allowed to recruit alien monks to join.Once you join, you can be recognized as a local sect monk.

Naturally, the Five Elements Sect will not randomly recruit alien monks, it will only recruit monks from Ye Weiyang's world of cultivating immortals, namely Zhang Jiuling, Xiongba, Jun Xinghai and other monks, so that they have a place to practice and a place where everyone can hang out together , It is to give the world of cultivating immortals a bridgehead to occupy the Jiugongxing, and in the future, monks from the world of cultivating immortals can be continuously transported to Jiugongxing.

As for where to put the spiritual veins, Ye Weiyang had already thought about it when setting up the formation for the Five Elements Sect.Therefore, it only took two hours for Ye Weiyang to put eighteen spiritual veins in the inner sect of the Five Elements Sect.The concentration of fairy energy in the inner sect of the Five Elements Sect has fully reached the level that allows monks to cultivate to the point of perfection and prosperity.Then Ye Weiyang set up the spirit lock array again.So he lived in his own cave in Houshan, and while cultivating by himself, he taught his five disciples. At the same time, he took out a lot of exercises and Taoism, and put them in the library.

More than a month later, Wen Duxin came.

Wen Duxin brought Ye Weiyang a surprise. In the past 200 years, taking advantage of the Nine Palaces League's sweeping of the alien monks, the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce had the opportunity to develop rapidly.Wen Duxin gave himself a very good identity, a native monk, after he modified the exercises Ye Weiyang gave him, his aura changed completely, no one could recognize him, and his appearance changed.It was recognized as a local force by the Jiugong League.

Wen Duxin is confident that within 50 years, he will be able to squeeze out one of the top ten chambers of commerce, and let the scale of Zhoutian chamber of commerce enter the top ten.

He recruited many monks, many of whom were Hunyuan.Wen Duxin is now at the peak of the Hunyuan mid-stage, but he can subdue those monks, and of course there are various benefits in exchange.Moreover, the disciples I cultivated also quickly became factory managers. Although the current cultivation level is not enough, after a few hundred years, this group of disciples will grow up. At that time, there will be no need for foreign monks. Gradually take back the power, so that those monks who came from outside gradually lose their power, and they are raised by the chamber of commerce.

However, because of its rapid development, the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce has not accumulated too many resources, because it has been used for expansion.Ye Weiyang didn't care about this point.I agree with Wen Duxin's development direction.

However, Wen Duxin is also worried: "President, we are not very afraid of external competition now. Our strength is not low now, and it is not compared with the top three of the top ten chambers of commerce. Except for the top three, I feel that we are on par with the top three chambers of commerce." They're not much different. But I'm worried about the internals of the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce.

Now I can still use my interests and my own cultivation to suppress the inside, and the current internal environment is relatively good, after all, it is in a stage of rapid development.Rapid development can cover up all kinds of contradictions, so that everyone can at least have a concerted effort, but it does not mean that there are no contradictions.Once the Chamber of Commerce enters the top ten, there will be contradictions revealed at that time.

To be honest, the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce has developed too fast, and its foundation is inevitably insufficient.Once internal conflicts broke out and formed fierce conflicts, I couldn't suppress them. "

"It's okay, you can find me when the time comes, and I'll deal with them."

"President, have you broken through the Hedao yet?" Wen Duxin looked at Ye Weiyang expectantly. Then he can deduce the attack and defense that suits him.

"Well, I'm now at the second level of Dao. Don't worry, I will be able to deduce a suitable method for you before your Hunyuan is perfect."

Wen Duxin immediately laughed, and did not pretend in front of Ye Weiyang: "That's great. This is really great."

"You can also stay for a few days. I will answer your questions about cultivation in these few days."

"Okay, okay, thank you President!"

Sixteen days later, Wen Duxin left.While cultivating, Ye Weiyang instructed her five disciples.In this way, more than two months passed, and the five disciples retreated successively.

In this way, Ye Weiyang's side was completely purified, and she began to concentrate on cultivation.

Ye Weiyang began to take Xianlu to cultivate, and at the same time, Hongmeng Daoyun was consuming little by little, and her comprehension of the way of heaven was amazingly fast.

Flash forward 20 years.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation has reached the peak of the third level of He Dao, which is the peak of the early stage of He Dao, and then encountered a small bottleneck.The reason why it is said that she has encountered a bottleneck is because she only reached this level when she got the inheritance in the Great Swamp, unlike the relatively complete inheritance of the Alien Alliance.At least there are the first six layers.

The reason why Ye Weiyang thinks it is just a small bottleneck is because Ye Weiyang feels that she has already broken through the Hedao, and she already has an understanding of the world of Hedao. .The only difference is time.

But things can't be done overnight. After practicing and deriving for so long, you can let go of your own cultivation first.So, she turned to deduce the five classics of gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

This is much simpler for her, and it took only 30 years to deduce these five exercises to the third level of Hedao.

For 50 years, the Jiugong Xing was calm.Having just experienced a big battle between aliens and nine house stars, both sides need this balance.

In this kind of balance, Wen Duxin really squeezed the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce into the top ten. Although it is only ranked tenth, its reputation and status are incomparable.

Ye Weiyang summoned Wen Duxin and asked him to temporarily slow down the expansion, but to consolidate the foundation of the chamber of commerce, accumulate the foundation of the chamber of commerce, first increase the profit of the chamber of commerce, and make the chamber of commerce thicker, instead of blindly expanding and thinning its foundation , can't stand the big storm.

Wen Duxin also agreed with Ye Weiyang's opinion, the two discussed it, and Ye Weiyang gave Wen Duxin the Golden Sutra, so that he could cultivate to the third level of harmony.

Wen Duxin left. For the past 50 years, he has devoted himself to expanding the chamber of commerce, which has delayed his practice. Now he is at the seventh level of Hunyuan, and he is going to go back to retreat for a while.

In the past 50 years, although Ye Yi and five people have been in retreat, the first batch of disciples of the Five Elements Sect were collected by these five people and taught by them. Therefore, when this group of disciples grew up, there was no loyalty to the Five Elements Sect. There is no problem at all. Under their management, the Yunhai Mountains have been integrated like a monolith, and the overall strength of the Five Elements Sect has also improved. At least the Five Elements Sect now has monks of the Imperial Dao.

Among the original 78 Taoist monks, seven broke through the imperial way.It filled a gap in the realm of the Five Elements Sect, but there is still a gap in the Five Elements Sect, and there are no monks of the class of Huadao.Only when there are monks in the realm of transforming the Tao, the Five Elements Sect becomes a sect with real heritage, which exists in all realms, so that monks in each realm can teach monks in the next realm, forming a virtuous circle.

Of course, today's Five Elements Sect is still a third-rate sect, but if compared with the third-rate sects on Jiugongxing, it has improved slightly, and should be above the middle.

The five disciples also broke through to the fourth level of Daoyuan, which is still very far away from the Hunyuan realm.This is because of Ye Weiyang's personal guidance and a large amount of training resources, otherwise 50 years would not be enough for them to break through to this level, after all, their aptitude and talent are not the kind of arrogance.

Ye Weiyang didn't start deriving He Dao Kung Fu again, but turned to comprehend the artistic conception.She feels that the artistic conception can not only increase her combat effectiveness, but once she understands the artistic conception, it can also help her understand the way of heaven in the middle stage of the harmony.And she has an advantage, because she has the beginning to reveal.

However, before she had waited for a month of retreat and comprehension, a major event happened on the Nine Palaces, and even the remote Five Elements Sect received the news.

"Master, Master!"

Ye Weiyang, who was in retreat, glanced out with his divine sense, and saw his five disciples standing outside, Ye Weiyang's expression changed, did something happen to the sect?
The spiritual consciousness quickly spread to the outside. In the past 50 years, Ye Weiyang not only made a breakthrough in the cultivation base of heaven, but also reached [-]% of the transformation of immortal essence, and [-]% of the transformation of spiritual consciousness.Soon the entire sect was enveloped, and nothing happened, so they withdrew their spiritual consciousness, opened the gate of the cave, and five disciples hurried in.


"What happened? In such a hurry?"

"Master, Shanglin Sect has been destroyed."

"Shanglin Sect was destroyed?" Even Ye Weiyang couldn't help but lose color.

She knew that Yun Xiang came from the Shanglin Sect, which is a big sect of the Nine Palaces. The sect has monks who have been in the same way for many years, and the Supreme Elder is in charge. What kind of force can destroy the Shanglin Sect?

"What's going on? Tell me in detail."

"The news that the disciples got is roughly the same. It is said that Shanglin Zong was suddenly attacked and killed completely overnight. The library and resources in the Zongmen were all robbed, and then those people disappeared. .Even their bodies were taken away. However, there are still monks who escaped from Shanglinzong, and they said that the people who raided them were all alien monks."

"Where is the Supreme Elder of the Shanglin Sect?"

"It is said to be dead."

Ye Weiyang thought for a moment, then speculated in her mind: "It should be the alien alliance, and only they can secretly mobilize the monks of the entire alliance, lurking in the Shanglin sect, and then make a surprise attack overnight. And I suspect that the leader of the alien alliance also Breaking through the Hedao. Only when he broke through the Hedao can he be able to entangle the Supreme Elder of Shanglin Zong, and then gather dozens of Hunyuan monks to work together to kill the Supreme Elder of Shanglin Zong.

They destroyed Shanglinzong this time for the follow-up exercises of Hedao.Now the entire Zangshu Pavilion has been handed over.The Nine Palaces are going to be in chaos again. "

"The Nine Palaces will take revenge?"

"There will be revenge. It's best to find the secret lair of the Alien Alliance, take the Alien Alliance away, and regain the lost inheritance. Otherwise, give the Alien Alliance thousands of years, and the situation at that time will be really hard to say."

"Will it affect the alien monks who are currently on the Jiugongxing?"

"That is inevitable. It is estimated that the current alien monks should have begun to leave the Nine Palaces in large numbers."

"Then us?"

"Seal the mountain! If the Jiugong League comes to ask us to send out monks, answer them, we are only responsible for the area around the Yunhai Mountain Range and search for alien alliances. Our sect is weak, and we can only do this."

"What if Jiugongmeng is tough?"

Thank you very much for the reward of Xiao Zhang who is not easy to mess with (200)!

(End of this chapter)

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