The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 953 Three monks

Chapter 953 Three Hundred Monks
Ye Weiyang didn't want to go out, but she didn't want to continue to comprehend the way of heaven and seek a breakthrough.Sitting and comprehending for 100 years, I am tired.

I want to be active!
Ye Weiyang began to understand the separation of yin and yang.

Leaving his own cave, he came to a wilderness of Zhou Tianzong.

As one of the four major sects of Jiugongxing, Shanglin Sect had a really large territory, not to mention that when Ye Weiyang established Zhou Tianzong, he simply doubled the territory.Therefore, Zhou Tianzong has various landforms such as mountains, rivers and rivers.


Ye Weiyang began to practice swords, and Yin and Yang were separated.

She has realized the division of yin and yang to a degree of black and white, which has reached the limit of this realm, and Ye Weiyang wants to break through this limit.And she also found her way.

The next level of this limit is the domain.

She wants to divide yin and yang to form a domain, so that she can pull the enemy into her domain.

It took longer this time, after more than two hundred years, Ye Weiyang finally divided Yin and Yang into domains.

The yin and yang divide the domain and pull the enemy into the domain, allowing the enemy to be on the yin and yang division line all the time, which means that the enemy has to face the attack of the yin and yang division all the time.

The division of yin and yang is already powerful, not to mention being in that position all the time?

Ye Weiyang is very happy, she has an extra means to get rid of the embarrassing situation where she has no realm but no magical powers to match.

Now that he has the realm and the means, Xingye Weiyang in the Nine Palaces thinks that he can already stand on the top floor.It was Qin Jie, the number one master of the Nine Palaces, who didn't use other methods, but this reasonable method, even if he couldn't win, he couldn't lose.If he breaks through the seventh level of He Dao and enters the late stage of He Dao, Qin Jie is probably not his opponent.

There was an impulse in her heart, she wanted to discuss with Qin Jie, but then An resisted the thought, she was going to wait for her cultivation base to break through to the seventh level of the Dao, before going to discuss with Qin Jie.

Now there is a relatively urgent matter, which is to refine a weapon for himself.

Although she has Xingsuo, Xingsuo is not a sword after all, and from the beginning of her cultivation, she has practiced the way of swordsmanship.She needs to refine a sword for herself.

Ye Weiyang left Zhou Tianzong and began to travel around the world in search of rare ores.Either search for the ruins by yourself, or buy them, collect them bit by bit, and let Zhou Tianshang will collect them for yourself.Even so, it took more than 200 years, plus what she owned, to gather the materials.

Ye Weiyang spent a lot of money to buy six interstellar spaceships, and planned to wait for Zhang Jiuling and the others to come back, organize an interstellar fleet by himself, and then return to the world of cultivating immortals to bring a group of monks back.

After returning to Zhou Tianzong, Zhou Tianzong was silent.

Zhou Tianzong was surrounded by a large formation, even if the Jiugong League came to attack, it would not be able to break through it in a year.So no one can get in.Although now there are villages and towns established outside Zhou Tianzong, there are also some monks who come to worship Zhou Tianzong.But Zhou Tianzong kept closing the mountain, letting some of them leave, while others stayed here.

Ye Weiyang naturally ignored them and quietly entered Zhou Tianzong.When he took a look, his face showed joy.

More than 500 years have passed, when Ye Weiyang sprinkled tens of millions of seeds, and now they have grown into medicinal materials, and it took more than 500 years.Those precious and rare herbs are slow to ripen and do not set seeds.But those ordinary herbs and high-quality herbs are mature, they have produced seeds, the seeds fall, and grow into herbs, especially ordinary herbs, I don’t know how many times they have grown seeds.The entire Zhou Tianzong is now like a huge medicine garden, pouring out lush herbs.

Even the common herbal medicines that are all over the mountains and plains are also of great value, because the quantity is too large.

"Just continue to grow like this. Let the disciples do it when the eldest brother and the others come back."

Ye Weiyang started to forge a sword, refining a sword for herself.

The speed of refining was very slow, and she was trying to see if she could refine a weapon equivalent to Xingsuo, that is, to refine a spiritual weapon with a weapon spirit.

But the result was disappointing.

After three years of refining, she finally refined a sword. In Xing Suo's view, this sword is very close to it. The only difference is that it does not have the spirit of the weapon.

Ye Weiyang shook her head, sighed, and didn't feel too disappointed in her heart, so she directly named the sword Weiyang Sword, then refined Weiyang Sword, and took it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness to raise it.

After some estimation, Zhang Jiuling and the others are coming back soon, at most another 30 years.I can't comprehend anything after retreating for this little time.After thinking about it, she left Zhou Tianzong again, this time she went to Luoji Library Pavilion, and began to copy the books here with jade slips one by one.It took more than ten years to copy all the inheritance and Taoism.Then he returned to Zhou Tianzong, and began to copy the various inheritances in his memory.

Less than ten years later, Ye Weiyang completed the duplication of various inheritances, and wandered around the Zhou Tianzong without practicing. This is his own sect, so he has to familiarize himself with it.

This visit brought her quite a few surprises.

Back then, the Alien Alliance raided for the Cangshu Pavilion, and didn't pay attention to other places, nor did they have time to pay attention.Therefore, there are still some hidden secrets that have not been discovered.But Ye Weiyang found out one by one, they are some secret realms of cultivation, which greatly assist the development of a sect, this greatly increased Ye Weiyang's interest, and she went shopping even more vigorously.

this day.

Ye Weiyang, who was wandering around, suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, he was already standing in the sky outside the formation, looking into the sky, and saw the familiar interstellar spaceship swooping down.

At this time, those people around Zhou Tianzong also saw the flying boat, and news spread out one after another.

Ye Weiyang opened a hole in the formation, and the interstellar spaceship fell into Zhou Tianzong.

Zhang Jiuling and others came out first, followed by three hundred monks, looking around in amazement.Even Zhang Jiuling, Jun Xinghai and the others opened their mouths in surprise when they saw the herbs all over the mountains and plains:

"Sect Master, this is?"

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "After you left, I sprinkled all the seeds I carried on my body, and after more than 500 years, it became like this."

"This... don't worry about it!"

"Meet the Sect Master!"

Three hundred monks bowed down to Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang glanced away, and the sense of He Dao immediately sensed the cultivation of these monks, and he couldn't help being stunned:
"This...why is there no Taoist cultivator?"

Zhang Jiuling smiled and said: "On the way to bring them to Jiugongxing, we people will point them out personally from time to time, those plastic roads have broken through the royal road."

Ye Weiyang suddenly realized that at the speed of this interstellar spaceship, it would take nearly 300 years to come to the Nine Palaces from the Immortal Cultivation World, and these monks stay with these Hunyuan Patriarchs every day, and they can ask these Hunyuan Patriarchs at any time, so they will naturally break through up.

Sure enough, looking at those monks, some of them still had the breath of a breakthrough, but they couldn't fully restrain themselves. It seemed that they had just broken through for a few months.

Well, that's right, although the three hundred monks don't have Hunyuan, they still have two Daoyuan. These two Daoyuan... It's confirmed, and they have just broken through.

Ye Weiyang was delighted, and brought everyone to his own Weiyang Peak. There were too many people, and everyone sat on the ground. These people will be the first force for Zhou Tianzong to create the future, so it is necessary to let them know about some arrangements.First, he asked about the current situation in the world of cultivating immortals. After listening, Zhang Jiuling looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

"Sovereign, among the 300 people we brought back, there were also the top monks in the four aspects of the Pill Talisman Array, and they also brought a large amount of various materials for refining the Dan Talisman Array. What shall we do next?"

Jun Xinghai smiled and said: "Only a few hundred of us, the herbs scattered all over the mountains and plains in Zhou Tianzong are enough for us to practice, and we can't use them. Sovereign, are we opening mountains to recruit disciples?"

"No rush!" Ye Weiyang shook her head and said, "That's what I thought. I asked you to return to the Immortal Realm to bring people back because I didn't have time. I needed to set up a large formation here to protect Zhou Tianzong first."

Everyone nodded, they had already seen the large formation, layer by layer, and only Ye Weiyang could set up such a large formation.Moreover, it is obvious that the spirit veins have been put in, and this place has become a holy place for cultivation.

If Ye Weiyang hadn't set up a large formation, the place would have been abandoned for nearly 600 years, and it would have been occupied by messy people long ago.

"Now that there is a large formation, I want to go back to the world of cultivating immortals and bring back a group of monks myself. We must use our monks from the world of cultivating immortals to become the backbone of Zhou Tianzong here. Otherwise, we will accept too many local or foreign Nine Palaces. Cultivator, we monks in the world of cultivating immortals may be isolated in the future. If we ascend to the world of immortals or die in the future, maybe they will break their relationship with the world of cultivating immortals, and Zhou Tianzong will have nothing to do with the world of cultivating immortals."

Zhang Jiuling and other hundreds of people's faces changed. They were just eager to make Zhou Tianzong stronger. Now that they were awakened by Ye Weiyang, they naturally reacted.They all clasped their hands and said:

"The suzerain still wants to understand."

"Thank you, Suzerain, for your guidance."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "I sold another six interstellar spaceships, and with this one, there will be seven. In the future, a fleet can be formed to travel back and forth between the Nine Palaces and the Immortal Cultivation World. It is also a way to do business."

When everyone heard that Ye Weiyang had bought six more interstellar spaceships, they couldn't help but click their tongues. How rich is Ye Weiyang?
"This is what I think. If Zhou Tianzong continues to close the mountain, you stay in Zhou Tianzong and don't go out. If there are outsiders, you don't need to talk to them. It is the state of closing the mountain. And according to the rules, a sect closes the mountain, unless it is a deadly enemy. No one will bother you.

I have been going for hundreds of years, you build the cave yourself, and then build various frameworks, such as the main meeting hall, the task hall, the alchemy array hall, and so on.I will improve the framework when I bring people back later. "

"Okay!" Everyone nodded, this is the meaning of the question.

Before, it was because there was only Ye Weiyang alone, so it was impossible to establish a framework for a sect.The framework of a sect is not how many palaces to build, but someone who is the master of each hall, deacon, etc., to make this framework work.Now that there are more than 300 of them, it is natural to establish the framework first.

"It's very simple for you. I guess it will take a little time to build your own cave, plus various frameworks and personnel arrangements?"

Jun Xinghai thought for a while and said, "Half a year is enough."

Ye Weiyang took out a storage ring, put it on the ground and said: "This storage ring contains all the exercises and Taoist techniques collected in this life, and of course there are six kinds of Taoist techniques to step into the Tao. You build a storage ring After passing through the pavilion, you can put these inheritances in. Although if you want to get these inheritances in the future, you must need Zongmen contribution points, but now we only have so many people, and we have to seal the mountain, so everyone can watch it freely and find what suits you. Cultivate inheritance."

Everyone's eyes lit up, especially Jun Xinghai and the others, with excitement flashing in their eyes, the wait was finally here!
Jun Xinghai also immediately took out a storage ring, put it on the ground and said, "I also made a copy of all the Xingyun Sect's exercises, and I'm going to put it in the library here."

"And me!" Everyone took out a storage ring one after another.

With these inheritances, Zhou Tianzong can really gain a foothold in the Nine Palaces.Ye Weiyang is very happy:

"After you build the cave, there is no need to harvest the herbs all over the mountains and plains. You can open a medicine garden in your own cave, and transplant some of what you want to plant. With the increase of sect monks in the future, these herbs will always be used. If they are all picked, at that time, various medicine gardens will also be established. Don't waste that time now, cultivation is important."

These words were mainly addressed to the three hundred cultivators, Jun Xinghai and the others needless to say, they would definitely rush to practice.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's gaze, the three hundred monks nodded, "I would like to follow the orders of the suzerain."

Ye Weiyang withdrew his gaze, looked at the six people and said: "I need a deputy suzerain, who usually manages the sect. Originally, when the sect matures, it doesn't need a monk with a high level of cultivation to be in charge, only a person with strong management ability will be in charge. That’s fine. But now we are a start-up, and we still need someone with strong cultivation. Therefore, we have to choose one of the six of you to be in charge of running and managing the sect in the future.”

Zhang Jiuling, Jun Xinghai, Xiao Fuyao, Tiesuo, Xiongba, and Kan Tianque all showed rejection on their faces.They are all Hunyuan Consummation now.They are all eager to break through the harmony, who will be the deputy suzerain and manage the sect, where will there be time and energy?
And the meaning of Ye Weiyang's words is obvious, she Ye Weiyang wants to be a hand-off and take control, everything will definitely be on the deputy suzerain's body in the future.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Weiyang also felt helpless, these people have reached this level, and they have no way to seek for thousands of years, now they have a way, who cares about the suzerain, what they care about is cultivation.Go through that door.After thinking about it, he said:
"Well, anyway, the sect has been closed for hundreds of years, and nothing will happen to the sect. The only thing you have to do is to cultivate, and you don't need the deputy suzerain to manage the sect for the time being. If there is any major event, the six of you can make peace. "

"Okay. This is good!" The six people nodded one after another.

Thank you so much Zoe 20118 (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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