Chapter 959
Qin Jie also nodded and said: "Why don't you combine my opinions with yours. I will go to the starry sky to explore first, pick a planet to prepare, and then we will retreat, not only us, but those who can retreat on the Nine Palaces , are closed.

A hundred years, a hundred years, we will act again.At that time, even if we can't break through the way, there will definitely be more monks in other realms. "

"A hundred years is a bit short!"

"That's right, but there's no way around it. If things go on like this, these bugs will do too much damage to the Nine Palaces."

"Okay, then I agree."

"Wouldn't the effect be better if we could push a few more stars to hit the big star at once?"

"How can there be so many monks?"

Ye Weiyang looked at Qin Jie, Qin Jie understood what Ye Weiyang meant, and wanted to wait and see if any aliens came with reinforcements.If there are a large number of reinforcements, it is absolutely possible to push more than a dozen stars at once and hit that big star continuously.However, in the end Qin Jie still sighed in his heart, and said to Ye Weiyang:
"Wei Young, I know what you mean, but if you wait for alien monks, you will have to wait at least 300 years, and the Nine Palaces will be almost useless by then."

Ye Weiyang stopped talking, she knew in her heart that Qin Jie's words made sense, but he also had his own selfish intentions, once the alien monks came to help, the kindness would not be repaid.

Everyone discussed again, and Chi Tian and Ye Weiyang left Jiugongmeng.Chi Tian went back to the Monster Clan, while Ye Weiyang went to the Yunhai Mountains.Now that the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce is in Luoji Zangshu Pavilion, there will be no danger at all.Zhou Tianzong has Zhang Jiuling and other six joint Taoists, so the danger is less, and there is only Five Elements School, she is a little worried.

Taking the Xingsuo, Ye Weiyang soon arrived at the Five Elements Sect.Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, those bugs really didn't find the Five Elements Sect, covered by the sea of ​​clouds, even if those bugs occasionally found the Five Elements Sect, they would be quickly strangled by the big formation.

Ye Weiyang quietly entered the Five Elements Sect, and saw that the Five Elements Sect now has a large number of monks in the outer sect, and it is even a bit crowded. He knows that this is a family in the Yunhai Mountain Range, and the surrounding human races have all been led into the Five Elements Sect Zong.

Ye Weiyang quietly entered the inner gate, and the inner gate became much more empty. The Five Elements School put all the disciples of the sect in the inner gate, and gave up the outer gate to the monks inside and outside the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range.Entering his own cave, his spiritual consciousness called Yeyi to Yewu over through sound transmission.Seeing Ye Weiyang from night one to night five, very happy:
"Meet Master."

Ye Weiyang didn't hesitate, and told the five people about the things agreed by the Jiugongmeng, and then said:
"I'm here to guide you for a year, and then you strive to break through the Hunyuan within a hundred years."

"Thank you Master!"

The five of them were overjoyed. Now five of them are in the late stage of Daoyuan. With the guidance of their master for a year, they have the confidence to retreat and break through Hunyuan within a hundred years.

A year passed in a hurry, Ye Weiyang was very satisfied with the five disciples, there should be no problem breaking through the Hunyuan within a hundred years.After ordering the five disciples to retreat, she quietly left the Five Elements Sect and returned to Zhou Tianzong.

At this time, Zhou Tianzong had received the news from the Jiugong League, and knew that after a hundred years, he was going to use a small star to hit a big star, but they didn't retreat, they were all waiting for Ye Weiyang, knowing that Ye Weiyang would definitely come back.Therefore, they often go out to kill insects, and in the process of killing insects, they practice the divine channel method.

Ye Weiyang Daming returned to Zhou Tianzong, which is her sect.And she stayed in Zhou Tianzong for a long time.First, it took three years to open the altar to preach, answer questions and solve doubts. The monks targeted were all below the Dao level, so that more than 3000 monks in the sect could hear his preaching with their own ears.With these three years of preaching and answering questions, Ye Weiyang believes that after a hundred years, the cultivation of these 3000-odd disciples will undergo a qualitative change.

In fact, these more than 3000 disciples are all disciples with excellent aptitude carefully selected by Zhou Tianzong.Even the last 1 disciples were accepted, and their cultivation levels are not low now.After all, decades have passed, and even those with the worst cultivation have entered the Purple Mansion Realm.It stands to reason that Zhou Tianzong should open the mountain again to accept disciples.It was only because of the insect infestation that I had to stop.It is conceivable that after a hundred years, among Zhou Tianzong's more than [-] monks, I am afraid that the worst cultivation will be the small flower state, and maybe the worst will be the three flower gathering top state.

The aptitude is very good, the cultivation environment is excellent, and you have the guidance of a great monk. Are you waiting to be kicked out of the sect if you still haven't made a breakthrough?

Three years later, Ye Weiyang opened an altar on Weiyang Peak to preach and answer questions for Zhang Jiuling, Xiongba, Jun Xinghai, Kan Tianque, Tiesuo and Xiao Fuyao.

In this way, another five years have passed, and the six joint paths have gone to retreat one after another.Ye Weiyang left Zhou Tianzong and went to Luoji Zangshu Pavilion.

The monks of the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce did not practice honestly in the Luoji Library Pavilion, and they went out to kill bugs from time to time. In the past ten years, some monks with low cultivation bases have achieved breakthroughs, but those cultivation A high-ranking monk, but did not achieve a breakthrough.

All the monks of the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce were very happy to see their president come back again.Although this is a safe haven, regardless of the attack of bugs, the arrival of the president gave them a real backbone.

Ye Weiyang began to preach, and three years later, he called Wen Duxin into the small building alone, and personally taught him the experience of stepping into the realm of harmony, and after a year of teaching, he let Wen Duxin leave.Whether he can break through the Hedao is not up to Ye Weiyang to decide, Ye Weiyang has already done what he should do, whether he can break through the Hedao can only rely on himself.

Ye Weiyang began to retreat.After leaving Jiugongmeng, running around preaching, answering questions and resolving doubts for more than ten years, this is when I started my own retreat.

The future situation is full of fog, even Ye Weiyang doesn't know if he can survive this catastrophe, he always has to leave some seeds for the people, and also leave a legacy for his own orthodoxy, so he has been preaching for more than ten years.Moreover, he left his own orthodox inheritance in Zhou Tianzong, Wuxingzong and Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce, hoping that even under the catastrophe, there will be a way to pass on.

Ye Weiyang once again began to absorb the consciousness images sent by Luo Ji Zangshuge. These consciousness images were formed by extracting the consciousness of the bugs killed by Weird Zangshuge.

Zangshu Pavilion is killing insects all the time, the scenes of traveling through the starry sky, and various celestial phenomena are constantly flashing in Ye Weiyang's mind.

Sitting cross-legged at home, one can contemplate the birth and death of the universe, which is of great help to Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang soon appeared in the process of visualization and comprehension.

20 years in a hurry.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation has naturally broken through to the eighth level of Hedao.At this level, Ye Weiyang will stop.Because her consciousness is not strong enough.

Her celestial transformation is enough for her to break through the ninth level of harmony, because it has reached [-]%.But the transformation of spiritual consciousness is only [-]%.If it is less than [-]%, this limits her breakthrough. If it is less than [-]%, even if she comprehends the way of heaven, she will not be able to break through. This is a rigid condition.

There is no other way to do this, only practice accumulation.

Time passed so quickly, and nine years before the hundred-year mark, Qin Jie suddenly received a summons.Ye Weiyang interrupted her cultivation.First, I checked my decades of hard work, the transformation of immortal essence reached [-]%, and the transformation of spiritual consciousness reached [-]%, but it still didn't reach [-]%.

Ye Weiyang was not discouraged either, she knew that this was not comprehending the way of heaven, once a flash of inspiration appeared, the epiphany would be achieved.This is penance, and there is no room for falsehood.

This is because I have a wealth of wealth and have many treasures that can improve the transformation of spiritual consciousness, otherwise it will be slower, like a snail.

Then he got up and went to see Wen Duxin.There was joy on his face, although Wen Duxin hadn't broken through the Hedao yet, he had already comprehended a little of the Hedao, breaking through the Hedao was a foregone conclusion, it was only a matter of time.

After instructing Wen Duxin, Ye Weiyang left Luoji Zangshu Pavilion and flew towards Jiugongmeng.On the way, I saw a ruin, full of bugs, and powerful bugs began to descend on the Jiugongxing.

Ye Weiyang's heart was gloomy, she knew that although Jiugongmeng and various sect families took in a large number of monks, there were still many monks who were not allowed to enter the sect family, because the sect family did not have such a big place to accommodate them.There are too many human races and demon races who died of insects.

However, there are now many more powerful bugs coming to the Nine Palaces, which means that those killed humans and monsters also killed a lot of bugs, so that the more powerful bugs had to come to the Nine Palaces.

Ye Weiyang went killing all the way, she also wanted to see how much her real strength had improved after breaking through the eighth level of Hedao.

Without an all-in-one enemy, even those powerful bugs could not withstand Ye Weiyang's attack.But Ye Weiyang knew that the worms that descended on the Nine Palaces Star were not the most powerful, or in other words, not the most powerful group, because she had fought against more powerful worms on the big star.

After fighting all the way to Jiugongmeng, she raised her eyebrows when she saw Qin Jie. She felt that Qin Jie had become a little different, but she couldn't see the specific difference.

Qin Jie also saw Ye Weiyang kill in front of the Jiugongmeng, and then restrained his breath and entered the Jiugongmeng, there was surprise in his eyes:
"Wei Young, have you joined the eightfold?"

"Well, Fellow Daoist Qin, I feel that you are a little different."

"Hahaha..." Qin Jie laughed happily and said, "I'm going to ascend."

"Ascension?" Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up: "Is this a breakthrough?"

"It's not considered a breakthrough, I just comprehend a realm above the Dao. Once I comprehend this dao, I will have the aura of this realm in my body, and I will feel that I am not allowed in this world. I am restraining myself now." Hold your breath, once you let go, it is estimated that you will last for three hours at most, and you will have to fly away."

"Then on the way?"

"Very strong!" Qin Jie showed a hint of pride on his face, looked at Ye Weiyang's expectant eyes, but shook his head and said: "But I can't show it to you now, let alone compete with you. Because of that, I will fly up I have. But before ascension, I have many things to do."

He looked up at the big star in the sky.

Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "But are you sure you can kill that female worm?"

"I don't know, but I have to be more sure. This is what I think. You push a planet to collide with a big star. During this process, I can't exert any force. Once I exert force, my breath will leak out, and I will ascend."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Fellow Daoist Qin wants to save his strength and kill that female insect?"

"Yes, so I can't make a move until I kill the mother worm."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Then let's give it a try."

Qin Jie's face also became serious: "Wei Young, to be honest, I'm not sure about killing that female insect. But this is the best chance..."

"I understand!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "This is your strongest period, once you ascend, Jiugongxing will lose a strong person."

"Thank you for understanding. If you can kill the female worm, this catastrophe will be over. After I ascend, the Nine Palaces still need your care."

"I try my best!"

"If I didn't kill the mother worm, but was killed by the mother worm... then I'll be counting on you."

Bitterness appeared on Ye Weiyang's face, but she didn't know what to say.Qin Jie is full of confidence in Ye Weiyang:
"Weiyang, the skills you practice are very strong. If in the future you also comprehend a trace of the way of heaven above Hedao, I think you at that time must be several times stronger than me, or even ten times stronger. At that time, you must Can kill the female worm. There is nothing I can do for you now, so I will tell you my understanding of the way above."

Ye Weiyang was moved, and bowed deeply to Qin Jie: "Thank you!"

Qin Jie patted Ye Weiyang's shoulder and said: "It's not just for you, I will give a lecture in the conference hall and tell all the fellow monks what I think. It depends on one's perception."

Ye Weiyang asked Qin Jie to wait for a while, and then sent a message to Zhang Jiuling and the other six.Nearly two months later, Zhang Jiuling and Zhou Tianzong came to Jiugongmeng together.Qin Jie opened the altar to give a speech.

Three months later.

After Qin Jie finished his sermon, he began to call for arranging the individual matters. He presided over it himself, and let all the monks of the Tao retreat to retreat and listen to his sermon before sorting out.

Ye Weiyang has been in seclusion for more than a month, and then she left.Everything that needs to be sorted out has been sorted out, but there is a haze on the way of harmony, and there is no understanding.Ye Weiyang was not discouraged either, and silently recited the content of Qin Jie's sermon. If she can't comprehend it now, it may not be impossible to comprehend it in the future.

And so three months passed.On this day, the appointed time came.The big bell of the Jiugong League rang, and with the ringing of the big bell here, the big bells in the suzerain families of the entire Jiugongxing were rang.The monks above the path of transformation gathered towards the sound of the bell.

After the 81 sound, I saw figures flying from all over the Jiugongxing, heading straight for the starry sky.There are tens of millions.

The dense worms rushed towards them, but these monks did not fight, they fought a way and went straight to the starry sky.

Those bugs chased to the starry sky, but were killed by the monks who gradually gathered.And these monks didn't stop, and after killing the chasing bugs, they flew towards the depths of the interstellar space.

Thank you very much for the rewards of latitude 37 (1500), lammasfan (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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