Chapter 962 Thrive
The fundamental reason why she didn't make a breakthrough was that her transformation of spiritual consciousness had barely reached [-]%, so even if she had this epiphany, her comprehension of the way of heaven had reached the ninth level of harmony, but she still couldn't break through.

This is a water-grinding kung fu, you don't need to comprehend it, you just need to practice and transform slowly.Ye Weiyang reckoned that he didn't need any resources, such as spiritual veins, just this little bit, it would probably take ten years to transform his spiritual consciousness to [-]%, and then break through to the ninth level of harmony.And if you want to break through to perfection, you don't know how long it will take.

Jiugongxing gradually recovered its prosperity, Zhou Tianzong also had a few Hunyuan, Ye Weiyang thought for a while, and let these Hunyuan bring a group of monks, drive seven interstellar spaceships, return to the world of cultivating immortals, and bring Hundreds of years have passed since a group of disciples came back, and some disciples should have cultivated to a very high level and can be brought to the Nine Palaces.And Ye Weiyang told those Hunyuan to leave three interstellar airships for the world of cultivating immortals, and brought along the blueprints and methods of making the interstellar airships for the world of cultivating immortals to study by themselves.The next time, they will come to Jiugongxing by themselves in an interstellar spaceship, and they will not send anyone to pick them up.

Then slowly the communication between the Immortal Cultivation World and the Nine Palace Stars will become a routine, and the two sides will conduct business, so that the Cultivation World will gradually form an inertial connection with the Nine Palace Stars, embarking on a virtuous circle.

Less than a year after cultivator Zhou Tianzong left, Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness had transformed to [-]%, and Ye Weiyang also took advantage of the trend to break through the ninth level of Hedao.Then he didn't leave Zhou Tianzong, and still slowly transformed his immortal essence and divine consciousness.

More than a hundred years later, alien monks began to come to Jiugongxing in interstellar spaceships.Just as Ye Weiyang had expected, these alien monks were prepared to negotiate conditions, but it turned out that the catastrophe here was over, not only over, but over a hundred years ago, and prosperity was restored.This made them worried, worried that Jiu Gong Xing would change his mind and refuse to recognize the previous rules.

As a result, the rules are still recognized.After inquiring about it, some sects and other forces in the Nine Palaces Star, and even casual cultivators, have started expeditions to the interstellar space to explore the starry sky.

These people visited Jiugongmeng and got a positive answer from Jiugongmeng.It is certain in my heart.From it, I also learned Ye Weiyang's status in the current Jiugongxing, so I wanted to visit Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang didn't see them, not only Ye Weiyang, but also Zhou Tianzong's six accomplices didn't see them, how could they have time to talk to them?

It's just that Zhou Tianzong's current suzerain, Mu Zhongying received those people.These people did not dare to complain in their hearts, and after expressing their respect for Zhou Tianzong, they also left.They need to negotiate their future direction.

First of all, the Zongmen would not dare to establish a faction in Jiugongxing, but it is still possible to establish a small chamber of commerce.Then explore the sky.After all, only by exploring the starry sky can you get a lot of points, and only then can you hope to get the inheritance of the Dao.In the following 300 years, with the Nine Palaces as the center, a large number of monks joined the team to explore the starry sky, and brought back a lot of valuable news.Although no planets like Jiugongxing have been found yet, many valuable planets have been found.

In 300 years, Ye Weiyang's immortal essence was first transformed to the state of perfection, but the transformation of spiritual consciousness is only [-]%, and there is still a long way to go before perfection.

During these 300 years, Ye Weiyang practiced and transformed the immortal essence and divine consciousness, and at the same time learned about refining tools, talisman making, alchemy and formation, and she couldn't practice mechanically every day.That's a no-brainer.Gotta find something to do for your brain.Therefore, in the past 300 years, Ye Weiyang has become more and more sophisticated about the Dan Talisman Array, almost reaching the pinnacle of this world.

What surprised her the most was the aspect of Talisman.

In her sea of ​​consciousness now, there is a seven-story birth talisman tower, a six-story earth attribute talisman tower, and five three-story talisman towers.These talisman towers were branded with growth talismans by Ye Weiyang.It was these growth talismans that surprised her.In the process of growing up, these talismans automatically absorbed a large amount of heavenly power, allowing Ye Weiyang's realm of talisman sages to rise rapidly.

It took 300 years for Ye Weiyang's talisman to reach the perfection of talisman.And began to have an understanding of time and space.She has a feeling that if she comprehends time and space, she will break through to the talisman.

As for what the realm above the talisman is, she doesn't know.

Even the remaining talisman towers have become more simple and thick, Ye Weiyang determined that if a talisman tower is detonated now, its power will be doubled compared to before.And if these talisman towers are placed outside, they will immediately become a blessed place.

Another thing that surprised her was her primordial spirit, which was more closely connected with her dao flower and rune tower.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the primordial spirit sits cross-legged among the dao flowers all the time, dragging the natal talisman tower in his hand.The life talisman tower seemed to have become the weapon of the primordial spirit.

Taoist flowers nourish the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit nourishes the talisman pagoda.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, and planned to put a three-story talisman pagoda in Zhou Tianzong to become a blessed place in the cave.

Among his five three-story talisman pagodas, one was a talisman imprinted with the attributes of yin and yang and the five elements. She took out this talisman tower and placed it in the inner gate of Zhou Tianzong, turning it into a giant tower, adding another one to Zhou Tianzong. Cave heaven and earth.As for the other talisman towers, she still keeps them in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is her hole card, the hole card to save her life in battle.

It stands to reason that with her current cultivation level of the Ninth Level of Harmonious Dao, she has no opponent in the Nine Palaces, but she still has her hole cards.No one knows when they will encounter a danger that they cannot resist.

Ye Weiyang received a message from Ye Yi, saying that the five of them have now reached Dao Yuan Consummation, but they are stuck on the threshold of Hun Yuan.Ye Weiyang asked the five of them to come secretly, and also brought the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect.At the same time, a message was sent to Wen Duxin, asking him to bring his most trusted person, the person who can pass on the position of vice president in the future, to come secretly.

Soon, two groups of people secretly came to Zhou Tianzong.Ye Weiyang introduced the two sides to Zhang Jiuling and other six co-disciples, as well as Mu Zhongying, the current suzerain of Zhou Tianzong.Then said:

"Yeyi, you need to let two people from the Five Elements Sect know that the Five Elements Sect is a branch of the Zhou Tianzong. One is the current suzerain, and the other is the successor of the suzerain. In the future, when the Five Elements Sect needs Zhou Tianzong's help, they can send a message to the Zhou Tianzong suzerain. And when Zhou Tianzong needs the Five Elements Sect, the Five Elements Sect is duty-bound."

"Yes, Master!" Ye Yi said respectfully.

By this time, Zhang Jiuling and others knew that Ye Weiyang had already run a sect in Jiugongxing, covering the entire Jiugongxing to his bones.Moreover, the strength of this sect is not low, at least there are five Dao Yuan Consummated now, and from what Ye Yi said, the Five Elements Sect still has three Dao Yuan Early Stages.This is already the top sect among the third-rate sects.

And now to find Ye Weiyang, isn't it just to break through Hunyuan?

Can they break through Hunyuan?

Is not this nonsensical?

Dao Yuan has already been consummated, and Ye Weiyang is still there, so why can't he break through?
Once breaking through the Hunyuan, this is five Hunyuan, and the Five Elements Sect will be able to approach the second-rate sects and the middle sects immediately.The key point is that this is Ye Weiyang's dark son planted by the stars of Jiugong, which is of great assistance to Zhou Tianzong.

Then they all looked at Wen Duxin in unison, they had all heard of the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce, and now it is the seventh largest large chamber of commerce, although they have already thought of it, this should be secretly operated by Ye Weiyang.But when Ye Weiyang admitted it, their hearts were shaken.

I am busy in Jiugongxing, accomplish nothing, and I am chased and killed by Jiugongxing monks from time to time, but what about Ye Weiyang?
He even secretly operated a sect and a chamber of commerce.

Even without the establishment of Zhou Tianzong, people can still live very well.The establishment of Zhou Tianzong, thinking about it now, is more for the monks in the world of cultivating immortals, and even more so for the world of cultivating immortals to establish a foothold on Jiugongxing.

At this time, Ye Weiyang also said to Wen Duxin: "Duxin, I have the same requirements for you as for the Five Elements School."

"President, the subordinates understand. No matter what time it is, the president of the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce is the current suzerain of Zhoutianzong."

"very good!"

Ye Weiyang looked at Mu Zhongying and said: "Zhongying, you have to remember that the sect must always ensure that the current suzerain and suzerain successors know about the Five Elements School and the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce. If the Five Elements School and the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce are in danger and ask for help, they must help. At the same time , Zhou Tianzong needs the help of the Five Elements Sect and the Zhou Tian Chamber of Commerce, so there is no need to be polite."


Ye Weiyang looked at the Five Elements Sect and Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce again and said: "You stay in the cave of Weiyang Peak, no one will see you. Then I will open the altar to give a sermon, and after the sermon, I will answer your questions alone confused."

"Thank you Master!"

"Thank you, President!"

Ye Weiyang opened the altar to preach, only for Zhou Tianzong, and Zhou Tianzong closed the mountain, all the disciples gathered under Weiyang Peak.

The sermon did not take long this time, and the sermon ended in half a year.Then, they answered questions individually for Zhang Jiuling and other high-level officials, Zhou Tian Chamber of Commerce and Five Elements Sect, and another three months passed like this.Zhang Jiuling and others retreated, Ye Yi, Wen Duxin and others quietly left Zhou Tianzong, and returned to their respective caves for retreat.

Ye Weiyang is very quiet, and after serious thinking, she thinks that Zhou Tianzong should be fully integrated into the Jiugongxing, not to mention letting Jiugongxing completely forget that Zhou Tianzong is a foreign sect, at least let them agree with Zhou Tianzong's existence. Some sects on the Nine Palaces come and go.So, she left Zhou Tianzong and visited Jiugongmeng.

For Ye Weiyang's visit, the monks of Jiugongmeng were extremely happy.

Undoubtedly, Ye Weiyang is now the No.1 star in the Nine Palaces. There are also some areas of confusion in the practice of these Hedao. In the past, I was too embarrassed to go to Zhou Tianzong to ask for advice. Now that Ye Weiyang is here, how can I let go of this opportunity?
Ye Weiyang's attitude is also very kind, answering their questions and making them enlightened.

Dao does not speak lightly.

Therefore, they owed Ye Weiyang a lot of favors. When Ye Weiyang said that she wanted to go to some big sects, a group of allies rushed to accompany her.After such a circle, although it took several years, Ye Weiyang and Zhou Tianzong truly integrated into the Jiugongxing.

At the same time, Ye Weiyang also bought a large amount of precious herbal seeds from Jiugongmeng. She even visited Chitian in the Yaozu, and sat down with Chitian to discuss the truth, and then asked Chitian to help her collect precious herbal seeds in the Yaozu.Of course Chi Tian would not refuse, but he still asked:

"Friend Ye, why did you collect so many and such complete seeds?"

"Fellow Daoist Chitian, do you think that if these seeds are nourished by spiritual energy that is higher than fairy energy, such as the immortal vitality of the fairy world, will they be upgraded and become fairy grass?"

"Are you trying to bring them to the fairy world?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "If there is a fairyland, if we can really ascend to the fairyland. I don't think there may be herbs from our world in the fairyland. Even if there is, it will not be all. If we can pass After several generations of nourishment, it has become a fairy grass, and we will not be embarrassed because we are too poor when we go to the fairy world."

Chi Tian nodded and said: "Don't worry, fellow daoist, I will try my best to collect it for you. Is there any sign of breakthrough, fellow daoist?"

"Not yet!" Ye Weiyang shook his head slightly and said: "I'm still a little bit short of spiritual transformation, once I complete the transformation of spiritual consciousness. Based on my current understanding of the way of heaven, it is not difficult to achieve the perfection of the way of harmony. As for whether I will comprehend a ray or not I don’t know about the unity of the Dao. Fellow Daoist, what about you?”

Chi Tian also shook his head and said: "I have a little comprehension, but I always feel that it is still a little bit worse. Fellow Daoist, come to the demon world more when you have time, and the two of us can sit and discuss the Dao. It is good for both of us."

"It's natural."

Ye Weiyang stayed in Yaozu for a year, then left with various seeds, returned to Zhou Tianzong, and started to practice again.

More than 200 years later, Ye Weiyang's transformation of spiritual consciousness finally reached [-]% perfection, and then her cultivation level naturally broke through to the perfection of the Dao.Then it got stuck.

She was at a loss as to the way above.

So, she was going to sort herself out, from beginning to end.Then she felt that it was a waste of retreating and sorting out, so she decided to open an altar to preach at Zhou Tianzong again, so naturally she would not forget Ye Yi and Wen Duxin.Ye Weiyang thought about it again, and simply sent a message to the fellow monks of the Jiugong League, and invited Chi Tian alone. She wanted to leave a message of preaching, so that even if she ascended in the future, she would have the gift of preaching. With love, Zhou Tianzong will be stable for thousands of years.

A month later.

Ye Weiyang began to preach.

This time Ye Weiyang's sermon was very slow, she was sorting out, thinking, and preaching, integrating the thousands of years of cultivation.

One day, two days, three days...

One month, two months...

Gradually, her surroundings changed, and the rhythm of heaven and earth appeared, forming lotus flowers, and there were more and more lotus flowers.

The sky is falling!

This is true harmony!
At this moment, all the monks were amazed, and then they were immersed in Ye Weiyang's sermon, never having such a tacit understanding of the way of heaven.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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