The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 964 Climb to Immortal City

Chapter 964 Climb to Immortal City

Not bad!

It is the formation plate, different formation flags to set up formations, just a palm-sized thing, once opened, it is a formation.This is simply a must-have.

It was absolutely beyond her imagination to condense a large array on a palm-sized array. She stood there and looked at it for a while, but she couldn't see anything.

Ye Weiyang returned to the counter of that Xianyuan Pill.She has calmed down now after going through the anxiety she had just ascended.After calming down, she found that the celestial essence in her body had become weak, and she no longer felt full and overflowing.

She can also understand that this is because the gravity of the fairy world has increased, and the immortal essence in her body will naturally be condensed, so she will not be perfect.Then, she had an idea, would she have to take the initiative to condense the immortal essence to make the immortal essence more condensed?
In this way, the effect of this immortal pill should be like this, right?
And consciousness.

Ye Weiyang sensed it for a while, and found that there was no weakness in the spiritual consciousness, and it was still in a perfect state.Divine consciousness and immortal essence are originally different, and gravity cannot be affected.

A female cultivator came over and said with a smile: "This fellow Taoist, have you discovered something wrong with Xianyuan?"

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang hastily cupped her hands and said, "Please give me some pointers."

If you don’t hurry up and climb up the pole at this time, what are you waiting for?
The female cultivator said: "The emptiness of the immortal essence is a condition that exists for every ascendant. If you want to break through to the next level, you must first condense the immortal essence thoroughly. And every time you condense [-]% of the immortal essence, your combat power will also double. Therefore, the first task of every ascended monk coming to the fairy world is to condense the immortal essence. And this immortal essence pill is to assist in the condensing of the immortal essence.

how about it?Buy a bottle and try it? "

Ye Weiyang showed hesitation on his face.The nun smiled and said, "You should be very confused now, don't you know anything about the fairy world?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded obediently.

"Buy a bottle, and I'll give you a piece of advice."

"That... I don't have fairy crystals, only spirit stones."

"It can be exchanged! One piece of fairy crystal can be exchanged for [-] million high-grade spirit stones."

Ye Weiyang grinned, she did have some high-grade spirit stones on her body, although she left most of the spirit stones to Zhou Tianzong, she still had a billion high-grade spirit stones on her body.But she knew that a place like this was a place where people were slaughtered, and it must be very expensive, more expensive than Dengxian City in the future.However, she thought about it and said:
"I don't have many spirit stones, only more than 2 million high-grade spirit stones. Can I exchange a fairy crystal and buy a fairy essence pill?"

"Of course!" the nun laughed.

"That advice?"

"no problem!"

Ye Weiyang took out a storage bag and handed it to the nun.The female cultivator then took out a small jade bottle and handed it to Ye Weiyang, and then took out a piece of fairy crystal and handed it to her.

Ye Weiyang took the pill and put it away, then held the fairy crystal, and immediately felt the surging energy contained in it.The reason why she spent [-] million high-grade spirit stones to be taken advantage of was because she wanted to know in advance what effect fairy crystals and elixir would have on her cultivation.

It is very important to understand in advance, maybe just because you understand a little earlier than others, you can benefit endlessly.

"That advice!"

The female cultivator smiled, and said through voice transmission with her spiritual sense: "You'd better join a big sect, if you really can't, small sects are fine too."

Kuang Yadong also bought an Immortal Yuan Pill and an Immortal Crystal, and said, "Please tell me a piece of advice that is different from Fellow Daoist Ye."

The female cultivator didn't take it seriously, and sent a voice transmission to Kuang Yadong: "Try to stay in Dengxian City as much as possible."

The two left the business district and exchanged advice, both thoughtful.Back to the rest area.Then he took out the immortal pill almost at the same time and took it, and began to refine the pill.

It took Ye Weiyang only two quarters of an hour to refine that pill, her heart sank, this immortal pill was only one ten thousandth condensed.She started to practice again, wanting to feel the state of cultivation without pills, and then she was in a bad mood.

Without elixir, without 300 years, don't even think about completing the condensing.Even if there is a pill, it will take a hundred years.

Of course, Ye Weiyang is sure that this immortal pill must be a low-grade pill.If there is a better grade of elixir, the speed should be faster.

What if you use fairy crystals to practice?
She didn't open her eyes right away, she sensed Kuang Yadong beside her, and found that he was still practicing.I guessed in my heart that there should be two factors.

One factor is that his own skills should be higher than Kuang Yadong's, and the other factor should be that his own body realm is higher.The high level of the body can withstand the impact of rapid cultivation, so the time to refine the elixir is faster than that of Kuang Yadong.

But Ye Weiyang knew better about Zang Zhuo, so she waited until Kuang Yadong also finished her training, then she pretended to take out that piece of fairy crystal, which was probably a low-grade fairy crystal in her heart, and started to practice the exercises in her hand.

After just trying it out, Ye Weiyang terminated.

She only has one piece of fairy crystal now, and she is reluctant to part with it.However, it has been deduced that cultivating with Immortal Crystal is much better than that Immortal Origin Pill.Moreover, there are impurities in the Xianyuan Pill.

It seems that the first task for me to step into the fairy world is to earn fairy crystals.

In any world, money is the most important thing.

Ye Weiyang put away the fairy crystals, and began to practice normally, absorbing the immortal energy from the fairy world.Although the speed is slow, it can condense a trace.The same is true for other people, Kuang Yadong also put away the fairy crystal and practiced normally.

After waiting for three days, ten people were gathered together, and Ye Weiyang's ten people were rushed into the teleportation array.Ye Weiyang is no stranger to the teleportation array, so she is very calm.After a while, they appeared in another hall.

This is a single room in the main hall, which is very large.Before they could see their surroundings clearly, they heard someone shout:
"Get down quickly."

Ye Weiyang and the others came down in a hurry, and saw a young monk standing in front of them. Seeing that they had all come down, they opened their mouths and said:

"Going out is the hall. There are news on the four walls that you need to know. After reading it, you can leave. Now come to me to get a temporary ID card. You must not lose this ID card. Once you lose it, you will be banned." Expelled from Dengxian City."

Ye Weiyang took the ID card, dripped a drop of blood according to the request of the young monk, and then put away the ID card.Ten people pushed open the door, and the noise came.

The ten people felt a little apprehensive, so they still hugged together and walked to the hall together, where they saw many people.But most of them are gathered in front of a wall, and some people are gathered in front of a row of counters.Almost no one was in front of the remaining three walls.

The ten people came to a wall with no one there, and then looked carefully at each wall. There were characters on each wall, and the characters flipped upwards very slowly.

After spending about two hours, Ye Weiyang and the others finished looking at the four walls.

On the three walls are all the news that the monks who have ascended need to know.

Ascension to the Immortal City is only one of the Ascension Passages in the Immortal Realm. There are [-] Ascension Passages in the entire Immortal Realm, and there are also [-] Ascension to the Immortal City.

Dengxian City is actually a gathering place for monks, but there are requirements, money requirements.

Dengxian City is much safer than the outside, everyone wants to be in Dengxian City, but the scale of Dengxian City is limited, it is impossible for everyone to be in Dengxian City, so there is a rule.

If you want to stay in Dengxian City, you must live in Dengxian City.In other words, you either buy real estate, or live in a hotel, or find a place to live and work, anyway, you can't be out in the open.

No one cares during the day, but at night, if you sleep in the open, you will be arrested. Where will you be arrested?

But in Dengxian City, everything is very expensive, and the most expensive thing is to live.Therefore, many people want to find a place to live and work, but it is difficult to find and it is too sought-after.

Therefore, the first task in Dengxian City is to make money and earn fairy crystals.

how to earn?
Also gave information, there are many ways.

For example, technical ones, alchemy, talisman making, and formation refining.

For example, adventure, hunting out of the city, or looking for herbs, ores, etc.

There is a very detailed introduction on the information wall.

There is also an information wall that lists the names of various faction organizations and their halls in Dengxian City.

For example, various sects, some families who climbed to the fairy city, and the contact addresses of various universes ascended.

If you can join a certain sect, then naturally everything will not be a problem.

On the information wall, he found a message, very simple, it was the name and address of a nine-house star.

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, this should be the place where the monks who ascended from the Nine Palaces lived, right?

If it is true, I will have a place to live.

Ye Weiyang was very happy, and seeing the other nine people were also very happy.Then he asked Kuang Yadong who was beside him.

"Fellow Daoist Kuang, have you found the contact address here?"

"Yeah!" Kuang Yadong nodded excitedly, "We have a sect here, and I saw the branch here just now."

Ye Weiyang felt bad all of a sudden, everyone has established sects in the fairy world.My own Nine Palace Star doesn't seem like a sect.Then I went to ask the other eight people to feel better. The other eight people had the same message as him, just a name and address.

Ten people walked out of the hall, shocked by the prosperity in front of them.The ten people bid farewell to each other, and Ye Weiyang walked along the street according to the address.

A heart gradually calmed down, and she began to perceive the cultivation of the monks around her.Shocked again, she discovered to her horror that almost all the people around her were Hedao, and some were even stronger than Hedao.

Is there anyone weaker than Hedao?
Yes, very few.

Are all the people in the fairy world so strong?

Is it a very high level from birth?

This not only made her cautious, although she had also read the information that fighting was not allowed in Dengxian City.But I don't want to offend people for no reason. Once I offend people and get targeted, what if I get out of the city and kill myself?
It's better to find out the address where the Jiugongxing monk lives first, she has many questions to ask.

Dengxian City is still very big, she walked for a long time, almost three and a half hours, and then stood in front of a small courtyard.I sigh in my heart, being able to buy such a small courtyard in Dengxian City, it seems that Jiu Gongxing is doing well in Dengxian City.

Ye Weiyang felt a lot better all of a sudden, and then she became more worried, worried whether this Jiugongxing was the Jiugongxing she came from.Just about to knock on the door, I heard a cold voice from inside:

"Fang Zigu, the rule we set was to collect the rent one month in advance. Now you tell me that there is no fairy crystal?"

Ye Weiyang was stunned.

Didn't Jiu Gongxing buy this small courtyard?Is it rented?
The Nine Palaces have a history of nearly 10 years, and there are dozens of monks flying up one after another. Wouldn't it be better to rent a house?

At this time, another old voice came from inside: "Brother Zhang, we were all prepared, isn't it because I was injured?"

"It's your business that you're injured, it's my business that I collect the rent."

"Yes, yes, I didn't say that I won't give you the rent. Isn't there still one month left? I will definitely get it together for you."

"Fang Zigu, you are also pretending to be confused. Why do you have to collect the rent one month in advance? Isn't it because if you can't afford the rent, I can rent it now. If you move out, I can let the tenant live in immediately, so Don't waste my day's rent.

Of course you can stay for another month, but you will move out after one month.Even if you gather all the fairy crystals, you have to move them away for me.Because I'm going to rent now.Once I book a new tenant, if there is no house for others to live in, you will get liquidated damages? "

Ye Weiyang hesitated for a moment, pushed the door and walked in, inside was a small courtyard, there was no one in the yard, Ye Weiyang walked towards the door.Fang Zigu's voice came from inside again:
"Brother Zhang, you can allow a period of time. Do you think this is good? You don't have to worry about renting a house in the fairy city. You are giving me 20 days, and you have ten days to rent. If I can't get the fairy crystals together within 20 days, you It's renting out, how about it?"

Ye Weiyang walked into the room and saw a hall with five people sitting, one of them was Qin Jie.Ye Weiyang couldn't help but put her heart in her stomach, but then she became worried again.

It seems that the situation of Jiugongxing is not good!
The five people looked over, and Brother Zhang snorted coldly, stood up and said, "Fang Zigu, you Jiugongxing have rented this small courtyard of my family for tens of thousands of years, so I will give you this face. Only 20 days .”

"thanks, thanks!"

That Cultivator Zhang strode towards the door, brushing past Ye Weiyang.

"I'll see you off!" Fang Zigu struggled to stand up.

"Forget it, you'd better recuperate." That Cultivator Zhang had already left.

"Friend Ye, you're here!" Qin Jie strode up and said enthusiastically, "I knew you wouldn't let me wait too long. It's great that you can come."

"Xiaojie, is this the Ye Weiyang you often talk about?" Fang Zigu walked up with the support of a monk.

Thank you very much Jiao Zi (1500), North Latitude 37 (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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