The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 966 Differences in Talismans

Chapter 966 Differences in Talismans

"it is good!"

Everyone gained confidence in their hearts, and their sorrowful expressions disappeared.Everyone went back to their rooms to retreat.When Zhang Tong passed by Ye Weiyang's side, he said with a smile:
"Xiaojie once told us that if you ascended, there must be a solution to our predicament. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

Ye Weiyang smiled, but said nothing.Only she and Qin Jie were left in the living room. Qin Jie spent nearly a day telling her what he knew about the situation in the fairy world, and then he also bid farewell and went back to retreat.

Ye Weiyang sat there, sorted out the information about the fairy world, then got up and left.Now she already knows that those ores and other materials, as well as spirit stones, are of no use to her now, and she still has to replace them with fairy crystals.Adding up these things, she can exchange more than 1000 pieces of low-grade immortal crystals, which is nothing to be afraid of.So, he found a shop at random and exchanged it for 210 eight low-grade fairy crystals.

The guys in the shop didn't take this little business seriously at all. It was normal and too much for a newly ascended monk in Dengxian City to sell his wealth without immortal crystals.

Ye Weiyang came back with more than 1000 celestial crystals, and then began to retreat.Holding the fairy crystal in hand, she started to practice. She calculated that if she kept practicing with the fairy crystal, she would be able to complete the condensing of the immortal essence in about a hundred years.

No. On the 20th day, the landlord came and heard that Fang Zigu would not rent anymore, so he left cursing.Tell Fang Zigu to get out in ten days.

Fang Zigu didn't take it seriously, and told everyone to practice on their own.

Ten days later, Fang Zigu took Ye Weiyang and the others to rent five alchemy rooms. They first gathered in Ye Weiyang's alchemy room. Ye Weiyang picked all the herbs in the six-story talisman tower and divided them into five parts. , each of them has a copy, and put them into the storage rings, and make an appointment at the end of every month, and everyone will go to sell the elixir once.

Afterwards, each of them practiced alchemy in the alchemy room. After they left, Ye Weiyang did not immediately concoct alchemy, but planted seeds on the layer of the talisman tower that had just been picked.She is now the owner of the rune tower, and with a thought, the seeds are planted.Then he started alchemy. Whenever the alchemy exhausted his consciousness and immortal energy, Ye Weiyang would stop the alchemy practice. Sure enough, the immortal energy in the alchemy room was more concentrated, and the cultivation after this kind of consumption had a certain effect on the condensing of the immortal energy. Not cheap.

end of the month.

The five people were separated, and then went to the shop, and the five people separated, and each went to a shop to sell the elixir in their hands, and then returned to the alchemy room to continue alchemy.

Half a year passed in a flash.

Everyone gathered in Ye Weiyang's alchemy room, Fang Zigu said with a smile on his face: "We already have a million low-grade immortal crystals. What do you think?"

"Naturally, we should rent a place first, and then go to Dengxian Temple to change our registered address so that monks who ascend from the lower realms can't find us." Zhang Tong said with bright eyes.

"What do you think, Weiyang?" Fang Zigu looked at Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "As far as the place we rented before, if we buy it, how many fairy crystals will we need?"

"That's too much." Fang Zigu shook his head and sighed: "Usually, the purchase price is a thousand times the rental price. In other words, the small courtyard we lived in before would cost [-] million yuan to buy. Low-grade fairy crystal."

"By the way, if the Yaozu ascends, will they also come here?"

"No, they will be promoted to the demon world."

Ye Weiyang nodded, thought for a moment and said: "I think it's good for us to live here without renting. Here we can make alchemy and practice. Although we also pay rent, we can come and go at any time. Unlike Rent a house, at least one year. You can rent here for a day.”

"But it's much more expensive than renting a house here." Wang Ye said.

"We can make alchemy here. The price of renting an alchemy room is nothing compared to the price of our alchemy sale. It only occupies a very small part."

Qin Jie shook his head and said: "Wei Young, you are wrong, that's because your herbs are not included in the cost. If you include the cost, we don't earn a lot, because your herbs can only be refined into low-grade pills."

Ye Weiyang nodded, she also knew that her herbal medicine did not include the cost.But her herbs are too much, and it's useless, taking up space.Influence her to cultivate alternative herbs.He waved his hand and said:
"It doesn't need to be included in the cost."

"But, Wei Young, do you still have herbs?" Fang Zigu said: "If you don't have herbs, we have to buy herbs. In that case, what we refine is not some precious elixir, the fairy crystals we earned It's limited."

"Yes, there are many more! I estimate that in a very long time, at least within a hundred years, no one will ascend to the Nine Palaces. Senior Brother Qin should be aware of this."

"En!" Qin Jie nodded.

"I don't think it's better than this." Ye Weiyang said: "Until the herbs I brought are used up, we don't need to rent a house. The elixir refined and the fairy crystals sold will be shared equally. When I bring them After the herbs are exhausted, we will consider renting a house."

"That's good!" Fang Zigu thought for a while, and then decided: "But it can't be divided equally, the herbal medicine is yours, how about this, we will deduct the fairy crystal from the price of the herbal medicine, and we will give you the remaining fairy crystal Even split."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, she still needed the fairy crystals to cultivate, so she definitely couldn't contribute all the fairy crystals.But they still need part of the fairy crystal to rent a house in the end.

She couldn't afford it. She had just calculated that even if all the herbs in the Natal Talisman Tower were refined into pills, it was estimated that they could sell about [-] million low-grade immortal crystals.Can't all be used to buy a house?

I still have to practice!
"How about this, let's deduct the price of the herbal medicine and put it with Senior Fang. After refining all the herbs I brought into elixir, I will use those fairy crystals to rent a house. I can rent it for a longer time at once, maybe You can also talk about the price.”

Fang Zigu, Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Qin Jie all showed emotion in their eyes, Fang Zigu nodded and said:
"Okay, I'm not being hypocritical, I'll accept this fairy crystal. It can be regarded as laying a foundation for our Nine Palaces. However, we can't always make alchemy and practice here. We should go out to practice, and we still have to go out to practice. Especially I want to take Wei Young out to experience a few times. And the price of the materials obtained from hunting is not low. If you encounter scarce materials, the price will be even higher."

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up.After half a year of alchemy, she was a little annoyed. If she could go hunting, it would be fine.

"When are we going?"

"The old man's injury has already healed, we leave as soon as we say."

"Are we going to the Riot Mountains?"

"Where is the Chaotic Mountain Range?" Ye Weiyang asked.

"Let's go. Let's talk as we walk." At this time, Fang Zigu no longer looked decadent. He felt that since Ye Weiyang's ascension, everything was changing for the better:

"Let's go to the Chaotic Mountains to kill monsters and see if we can accumulate some fairy crystals. At that time, we will add the fairy crystals that sell pills and try to buy a property."

In fact, everyone knows that buying a real estate is beneficial for the future.In fact, for tens of thousands of years, the fairy crystal they leased has long been able to buy a lot of real estate.But that is just tens of thousands of years of accumulation, and it is usually impossible to get it out.But now with Ye Weiyang's alchemy channel, it is possible.

Once you buy a property, you don't have to worry about the rent in the future, and the fairy crystals you get every time you hunt can be used for cultivation.

Everyone retreated from the alchemy room, then left Dengxian City, and flew towards the Chaotic Mountain Range.On the way, Qin Jie told Ye Weiyang about the rioting mountains.

"Wei Young, for some unknown reason, the Chaos Mountain Range is very strange, and all kinds of immortal energy are extremely rich. Let's put it this way, it is a thousand times stronger than our immortal energy in the immortal city."

"Hiss..." Ye Weiyang couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air: "If you can practice there, wouldn't it be the same as directly absorbing immortal crystals?"

Qin Jie cried and laughed: "If it can be absorbed, can we still be allowed to enter like this? It has long been occupied by the big sect."

"Can't absorb it?"

"No!" Qin Jie shook his head and said, "Although the immortal energy there is extremely rich, perhaps it is because it is too rich, and they are in a state of chaos with each other, so the immortal energy there is very violent. Once you practice there , Inhale the immortal energy there, the light one will be injured, and the severe one will explode and die.

This is why it is called the Riot Mountains.

And there, because of the riot of immortal energy, it is almost impossible to borrow the way of heaven and release the way of Tao.In general, it still uses the power of the body.

However, there are many native monsters there, they have been there since birth, and their blood has adapted to it.Although the monsters there, no matter what species, have lost the ability of divine channeling, their bodies are very powerful, so the materials on them are the best materials for refining weapons, and animal skins and blood are also the best for making talismans. Material.

The deeper you go, the higher the level of the monster, and the more valuable it is. "

"Isn't it difficult to enter the depths of the Riot Mountains?"

"Yes! Because the deeper you go, the higher the concentration of immortal energy, but the more riotous it is, and the stronger the strength of the monsters. You think, we can't practice in the rioting mountain range. It can only be consumed, not supplemented. We The immortal energy in the body can't support us to go too deep.

Immortal crystals are not enough, because you have to use energy to absorb them. Once you exercise energy, you will absorb the energy of the rioting immortals in the rioting mountain range. "

"You can take pills!"

Qin Jie rolled his eyes: "The pill is so expensive. Besides, with our strength, so what if we go deep? Instead, we will be eaten by the monsters in the depths.

We can't beat it! "

"That's right! In the Chaotic Mountain Range, the danger doesn't only come from monsters, right?"

"Of course!" Qin Jie nodded approvingly: "It's extremely common for monks to kill people and seize treasures."

Ye Weiyang nodded to show that she understood that she was already a very vigilant person, the reason why she asked this question was because she was afraid that she would suddenly kill people and cause trouble to her companions.

"Weiyang, you have to remember that because of the strong immortal energy in the Chaotic Mountain Range, the visibility is very low. Our eyesight can only see a radius of 300 meters, and because of the riot of immortal energy in the Chaotic Mountain Range, it will have an impact on the consciousness It is also very large, and the Dao can spread around 500 meters. The boundary is between 1000 meters and [-] meters, depending on the realm of each person's cultivation. Therefore, in the Chaotic Mountains, whether it is with monks or with monsters , usually encounters. When you find the opponent, the battle begins."

Ye Weiyang's expression froze, encounters are the most accident-prone.It seems that we must always maintain extremely high vigilance and vigilance.

"By the way!" Fang Zigu said suddenly: "Don't tell anyone about your possession of the talisman tower, and don't sacrifice the talisman tower easily during the battle."

"Why? Can't I reveal that I am a talisman master?" Ye Weiyang was surprised.

"No, the identity of the talisman master can naturally be revealed, but the talisman tower cannot be revealed. The best result is to kill everyone who sees you sacrifice the talisman tower.

As for why, have you noticed that none of our Nine Palace Star talisman masters, even talisman saints, ascended? "

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, it's really like this, he has been a talisman saint for a long time, and there is no trace of ascension at all.Back then in the world of Junlitian, he was just repelled into the turbulent flow of time and space, instead of ascending to the fairy world.


"Because our talisman masters are all on the wrong track, and we can't get the approval of the fairy world. It should be like this, but I don't know much about it."

"Our Jiugong star's universe and the fairy world's talisman masters have different cultivation directions?"

"Well, most of them are the same, but the most important thing is different. The talisman masters in the fairy world do not have natal talismans, nor do they have talisman towers. Their cultivation path is no different from the mainstream path of normal monks' cultivation. It is just that they understand the way of heaven. On the other hand, it is more biased towards Fu Dao.

how to say? "

Fang Zigu thought for a while and said: "Take me as an example. I am not a talisman teacher, and I don't have a natal talisman, let alone a talisman tower. But I can also make talismans, and I can also learn and arrange talisman formations. Therefore, I You can also practice talismans, do you have any objections?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, you can also cultivate the way of talismans. But you can't instantly release the supernatural powers of talismans. I just need to use my spiritual sense to touch the talismans and talisman formations I set up in the talisman tower, and I can release them." All kinds of supernatural powers. And my talisman tower can also become a blessing to the sky, and it can even be used to smash people, receive people, and even have supernatural powers."

"Yes!" Fang Zigu nodded and said: "But these are the effects of the talisman tower, do you think that your talisman tower is more like a weapon?
In fact, it is of no help to your comprehension on Talisman.That is to say, if the two of us practice the path of talisman together, you have the talisman tower and I don’t have the talisman tower, but it won’t delay my overtaking you on the path of talisman dao. It doesn't matter, is my comprehension in Talisman not enough? "

(End of this chapter)

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