Chapter 968
Ye Weiyang put away the five-element talisman tower and released the natal talisman tower.As soon as the talisman tower was released, Ye Weiyang looked startled. The absorption speed of her natal talisman tower was ten times higher than that of the three-story comprehension talisman tower. At this time, a medium-sized fairy was formed around the talisman tower. Vitality vortex.

Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness enveloped the Talisman Tower, and she began to observe. She found that her natal Talisman can also transform the rioted immortal energy into a stable immortal energy.The most important thing is that his zodiac tower does not seem to be destroyed.But it's not certain yet, after all, it's just started, Ye Weiyang observed and analyzed while speculating.

My natal talisman tower is different from all talisman towers. I think the talisman tower I visualized at the beginning is the top-level talisman tower visualization map, and then it was improved and upgraded by Luoshu space.When I imagined the Talisman Tower at the beginning, the whole Talisman Tower was full of chaotic and simple atmosphere.In other words, before my talisman tower was branded with talismans, the embryo of this talisman tower was very top-notch and extremely tough.Then he was warmed by himself in the sea of ​​consciousness, tempered for thousands of years, and after imprinting the growth talisman, he was no less than an innate treasure like Xingsuo.Especially Ye Weiyang, who is now a talisman saint, must know that every time she breaks through, the talisman tower will grow again.

In fact, if Ye Weiyang's sea of ​​consciousness is regarded as a universe, this talisman tower is equivalent to an innate treasure.

However, Ye Weiyang is still observing.

After observing for a day, Ye Weiyang was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did her natal rune tower show no signs of being destroyed, but also showed signs of improvement during the refining process.Although after one day of observation, it has improved a little, but that is also an improvement, not being destroyed.Ye Weiyang couldn't help looking into the depths of the Chaotic Mountain Range, she knew that the deeper she went, the stronger the immortal energy would be, and the more violent it would be.If you go to the depths by yourself, there will be two results.

One result is that his talisman can't withstand the more violent immortal energy, and the other result is that he can withstand it, and the speed of absorption doubles.

She closed her eyes and thought about it.

Now there is a result, even in the depths, my rune tower can't stand it, but it's feasible here.So I have to stay in the Chaotic Mountain Range, and I have to stay for a long time, at least 50 years, and then return to Dengxian City, waiting for the Zongmen to open the mountain to accept disciples.

Ye Weiyang withdrew from the Chaotic Mountain Range, and just after walking out of the Chaotic Mountain Range, a small team of five members flew towards him.Their eyes locked on Ye Weiyang instantly, and Ye Weiyang also instantly felt the killing intent and malice in their eyes.Ye Weiyang flew upside down in an instant, and retreated into the chaotic mountain range.

Don't even think about it, the other five saw that he was alone and wanted to kill him.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Sure enough, those five people rushed into the Chaotic Mountain Range without hesitation, and Ye Weiyang, who had just flown upside down into the Chaotic Mountain Range, rushed towards the five people.Ye Weiyang is very clear that the distance between the two sides is too close, if you want to escape, you can't get rid of it. Since you have to fight sooner or later, it's better to take the initiative yourself. Under the initiative, maybe you still have the possibility to escape.

The captain of the other party was the first to rush in, and the other party was also very experienced. The moment he entered, he released Jie, and when he just thought of releasing Jie, Ye Weiyang stabbed out with a sword.

Yin and Yang are divided.


The division of yin and yang collided with the opponent's realm, and the opponent's realm shrouded Ye Weiyang like lightning, and Ye Weiyang's domain yin and yang style also cut through it, unexpectedly separating the opponent's realm that spread over.

Shock appeared in the other party's eyes, but Ye Weiyang's heart sank.

She found that although her yin-yang division cut through the opponent's boundary, the cutting speed was rapidly weakening. The opponent's boundary was very tough, not at the same level, and could not cut through the opponent's body at all.

And at this time, the remaining four monks were also rushing towards Ye Weiyang.At the same time in the world of release.

All five are world-makers!She now has some understanding of the world.Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong and others showed her, so she instantly recognized that these five people were all in the early stage of world creation.

But that is also the world of creation, five worlds of creation.


Ye Weiyang touched the Talisman Tower, and immediately a sea of ​​thunder appeared on the heads of the five world-makers, and thick thunderbolts blasted down densely.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang turned around and fled, and escaped through the gap in the cut circle, because she found that the thunder array she had always been good at couldn't break through the boundaries of these five people.

Although it hindered their actions, they were completely blocked out of bounds.

When the five monks saw that Ye Weiyang wanted to escape, all of them sneered.They can also see that Ye Weiyang is just a Hedao, and his realm is still vain. It seems that he has just ascended and has not yet condensed his immortal energy.

With this strength, do you dare to place an order?
How could it be possible for you to escape in the pursuit of the world?


The five realms quickly approached Ye Weiyang, and the realms that spread over almost covered Ye Weiyang again.


Thunder sounded from the heads of the five world-makers, but no thunder could be seen.Ye Weiyang released the thunder formation on the first floor of the Talisman Tower.

The characteristic of Yin Lei is that it is invisible and colorless, and does not harm the body, but it does great harm to the soul and soul.It is a supernatural power specially aimed at the soul and the primordial spirit.This is also what Ye Weiyang thought of just now, and he immediately tried it.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a scream from the mouths of the five creators, bleeding from the seven orifices, and the body trembled uncontrollably.That is a pain from the soul.Ye Weiyang, who had been watching them all the time, turned around suddenly, rushed towards the opponent's boundary, stabbed out with a sword splitting Yin and Yang, and at the same time released Yin Lei again.

As soon as she rushed into the opponent's realm, Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, she found that the opponent's realm was much weaker.This is because the opponent's soul and primordial spirit are injured, and they can no longer control the realm, and that realm is about to collapse.


In a world of black and white, yin and yang are divided, and the body of that person has been divided into two pieces from head to toe.The dead can no longer die.

"Boom boom boom..."


The Yin thunder kept bombarding, and the yin and yang divisions kept cutting out, but the battle was over in less than three breaths.

Ye Weiyang quickly put away their storage rings, and then rushed into the riot mountain range.Then it rushed out of the Chaotic Mountain Range from another direction and flew towards Dengxian City.

A few days later, Ye Weiyang was relieved when he returned to the alchemy room he rented in Dengxian City.First, replay and sort out the previous battles.

Although my yin and yang division is a domain and cannot resist the realm, it can cut a section of the realm and give myself a chance to escape.If he cooperates with Yin Lei, he still has the strength to fight against the monks who created the world.

But this is only for the early stage of world creation. If it is the middle stage, I am not sure.However, if one's own immortal essence is condensed, he should be able to kill the middle stage of the world.

It seems that the monks in the fairy world are nothing special, and the skills they practice are even higher than those of these monks in the fairy world.

Of course, these five world-making may be casual cultivators, casual cultivators who ascended from the lower realms.If you encounter Zongmen monks, your combat effectiveness may be compromised.

Also, going it alone is really dangerous.As long as it is seen, it is possible to be surrounded and killed.


Ye Weiyang sighed, it was impossible for him not to go to Chaos Mountain Range.

Taking out five storage rings, Ye Weiyang began to check one by one.His complexion became ugly.

Really five poor ghosts.

Not many spirit stones, not many pills, almost nothing.The five storage rings add up to more than 1000 low-grade spirit stones and more than a dozen bottles of pills.

After thinking about it, Ye Weiyang came to her senses.

The monks here should be like this, go out to hunt, then return to Dengxian City to practice, consume almost all the cultivation resources on their bodies, and then go out to practice.And these five world-makers are just about to enter the Chaotic Mountain Range, so they must have finished their cultivation in Dengxian City and went hunting when they ran out of resources.

And since he had just come out of the Chaotic Mountain Range, the five world-makers must have thought that he had returned with a full load and that he was alone, so they decisively besieged and killed him.

Count it a little bit.

Ye Weiyang put away the storage ring, then got up and left the alchemy room, came to Fang Zigu's alchemy room and knocked on the door.Fang Zigu's spiritual consciousness came out, and when he saw Ye Weiyang, he waved his sleeves and opened the formation restriction. Ye Weiyang walked in, and Fang Zigu asked while refining alchemy:
"Weiyang, what's the matter?"

Ye Weiyang took out four more storage rings, put them beside Fang Zigu and said: "Here are herbs, it will take you a long time to refine them, I want to walk around Dengxian City alone, maybe with a casual cultivator Joining a hunting team with my identity, I want to get in touch with other monks in the fairy world and experience it."

Fang Zigu thought for a while, this is also the path that the ascension cultivator must take, but he was still worried: "Do I have to be in such a hurry? Why don't we talk about it after condensing some immortal energy first."

"I want to try."

Fang Zigu's face showed helplessness, Ye Weiyang's choice was also a normal choice, and it was a correct choice.When you come to the fairyland, you have to adapt. This adaptation includes the environment and communication.You can't just be with them all the time.Moreover, these people were all giants of the Nine Palace Stars before their ascension, and they had an idea in their hearts, which no one else could change.And he also understood Ye Weiyang, it was the same when he just ascended, so he said seriously:
"Okay, but you must remember that you can't be too careful."

"Yes, I know!"

Ye Weiyang left, first returned to her alchemy room, adjusted her state to the peak, then retreated from the alchemy room, left Dengxian City, and headed towards the riot mountain range.She was [-]% sure that she would not be besieged.According to my own analysis, I am walking towards the Chaotic Mountains, which means that I have exhausted all the resources on my body, and I am going hunting.Siege yourself, no gain.

Sure enough, they met several teams, none of them besieged her, nor invited her.This kind of hunting team is not so easy to trust others.

Ye Weiyang was also happy that everyone ignored her, walked all the way into the Chaotic Mountain Range, and began to sneak into the depths.

It's really sneaking, restraining all breath, sneaking towards the depths.At the same time, release your spiritual consciousness as much as possible to avoid encountering monsters.

She didn't come here for hunting at all, but to find a relatively safe place with rich immortal energy and use the Talisman Tower to absorb immortal energy.

During the period, she also ran into other teams. After she detected it with her spiritual sense, she immediately dodged.In such a complex terrain, the other teams did not dare to pursue, and the opponent's dodge was already the best result.Also when encountering a monster, Ye Weiyang would run away immediately, and when she couldn't escape, she would get into the Xingsuo, and with Xingsuo's speed, she could easily get rid of the monster.In this way, she continued to go deeper.

And at a distance, she will release the natal rune tower test.After about a month of this, Futa was fine, but she couldn't hold on anymore.Although her main body has reached the perfection of world creation, she still can't resist the refinement of the Chaos Immortal's vitality that has penetrated to this level.

And the concentration of immortal energy here is more than 3000 times that of Dengxian City.

Ye Weiyang stopped.Then he began to search horizontally, and finally found a high mountain, and then entered the star cable, made the star cable smaller, drilled a hole the size of a little finger out of the cliff, and then drilled into the mountain.Drill all the way to the center of the mountain, and then let the Xingsuo bombard it for a while, and a cave where you can hide is created.

Ye Weiyang came out of her thoughts, sacrificed the talisman pagoda, observed for a day, and the speed of absorbing immortal energy here has increased again, about fifty times the initial speed.And her talisman tower is really powerful, without any damage, and it also speeds up the speed of refining and becoming stronger.

Ye Weiyang thought about it again, and put her soul out of her body and entered the talisman tower, letting the soul control the talisman and actively absorb the immortal energy.


The speed of rune tower absorption suddenly increased by five times, which is already 150 times that of the earliest period.

Ye Weiyang observed for another day, and found that the rune tower seemed to have reached a critical point. Although there was no tendency to collapse, it could not increase any more.

"Just right!"

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, glanced around, and saw the immortal energy swarming in, the immortal energy in the rune tower was covered by the strong immortal energy at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the rune tower became Immortal vitality was absorbed, and then the concentration continued to increase.The most important thing is that these immortal energy are all stable immortal energy, which was transformed into stable immortal energy by the talisman.

Ye Weiyang is now on the fifth floor of the Talisman Tower, her consciousness is divided into several strands, and she enters the other layers of the Talisman Tower, seeing the same situation.After thinking about it for a while, my heart moved. The primordial spirit led the immortal energy that poured into each layer of the Talisman Tower to flow towards the fifth layer.She wanted to completely change the fifth floor into a paradise of immortal vitality first.

After doing all this, Ye Weiyang began to sit down cross-legged, began to practice, absorbing the immortal energy to circulate in the body, purifying and condensing the immortal energy.

Thank you very much for the tip from North Latitude 37 (1500), Xiao Zhang is not easy to mess with (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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