The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 972 9 Cases

Chapter 972 Nine Cases
After all, I am only a Hedao, but I have a body that breaks the boundary and a condensed immortal essence.This is no longer described as a monster, and will receive great attention.Whether the result of this kind of attention is good or bad, Ye Weiyang doesn't know.All she can do is try not to attract attention.

But there is no way to hide this aspect of the ontology, but Xianyuanli can.How to use it will be discussed later.

"If the super sect is not good, you will definitely have no problem entering a first-class sect.

Wei Young, do you know what the greatest ideal of us Jiugongxing people is? "

"What is it?"

"Build a sect."

"What are the difficulties in establishing a sect?"

"Establishing a sect in any place is inseparable from the land of Dharma couples. In fact, we don't need anything. The first is the method. Although I am creating a world now, and the exercises I bought can be directly cultivated to create good fortune. But the grade of the exercise I bought is too low. It’s just low-grade. It’s almost impossible to cultivate this kind of exercise to good luck. What I practice in the wild are all the exercises I bought.

Moreover, there is another weakness of this technique, which is weakness.weak.The three of us are at the bottom in the field of world creation.Poor combat effectiveness.

Therefore, we lack the law.Otherwise, even if we establish a sect, it will be easy to be exterminated based on our strength.Moreover, a sect cannot have only one practice method, it needs to have a practice method suitable for the cultivator himself.Therefore, the more exercises the better, one exercise is not enough to support a sect.

And once you enter the super sect, you will have the opportunity to obtain exercises. "

Fang Zigu looked very serious and said: "Weiyang, I am not letting you steal the sect's skills, it is letting you die. Once you enter the great sect, you will be exposed to various secrets of the fairy world, such as the exploration of certain ruins, These secrets are difficult for us casual practitioners to come into contact with. If you have the opportunity to obtain exercises that are not sects, I hope you can give them to us.

Of course, we have nothing to give you, only life.From the moment you enter the sect, our lives are in your hands.Although our strength is not strong, no matter what you tell us, even if we die, we will do our best to do it for you.

Do anything! "

At this time, Brother Fang Zi's face was complete, and so were the other three.Ye Weiyang sighed in his heart, this is the sorrow of the ascended.Here there is no background, no resources, and some have only one life.These people risked their lives just to carve out a place for the world of Jiugongxing.

Ye Weiyang nodded and agreed.There is no loss to her, but after joining the sect, performing sect missions, or practicing, once she gets the exercises, she can copy them to Fang Zigu and the others.Handy thing.

Fang Zigu looked overjoyed, Jiugongxing also had monks who joined the sect, but the sects they joined were all third-rate sects, and their growth was limited, so almost all of them died.But Ye Weiyang is different, it is very likely that he will join a super sect, so the opportunities he will get in the future will definitely be different.

Before, they were afraid that Ye Weiyang would not agree. After all, Qin Jie said that in Jiugong Mountain, the two sides had a bad quarrel.But she didn't expect Ye Weiyang to agree without hesitation.Fang Zigu excitedly said:

"Weiyang, thank you!"

Ye Weiyang waved his hand, he didn't ask them to take care of Wuxingzong and Zhoutianzong in the future, they haven't joined the super sect yet, when he joins the super sect, even if he doesn't say anything, these people will take extra care of Wuxingzong and Zhoutianzong.And Ye Weiyang will definitely say it, why not?
"Weiyang, let's talk about this couple. We can make friends, but the level of friends we make is too low. If you gain status in the super sect in the future, I still count on you to support one or two."

Ye Weiyang nodded, but still said nothing.

"The third is wealth. We will try our best to accumulate resources. This will not bother you. We must make some contributions within our capacity."

Ye Weiyang still nodded, but still said nothing.

"The fourth is the land, the place where the sect is established. In fact, I have inquired about it for thousands of years. It is occupied. The place we choose is relatively dangerous, for example, the environment is relatively harsh, or it is relatively close to the Yaozu. Moreover, sects are destroyed every year, maybe we will be able to meet a better one.

Anyway, this land is the best solution.

In fact, these four conditions are only the basis for establishing a sect. If a weak sect like ours wants to survive, there is another crucial condition. "

Ye Weiyang seemed to realize something: "What is it?"

"The protection of a person with good cultivation and background." Fang Zigu said solemnly: "As long as you become the real elder of the super sect, you will be able to protect us and grow up.

I have already decided that this future sect will be called Zhou Tianzong. "

Ye Weiyang frowned and said: "What is a real elder?"

Fang Zigu said bitterly: "After all, we were not brought up by the sect of the fairy world, but joined in the Consummation of the Dao. And above the Consummation of the Dao, there are only three levels. They are world creation, world breaking and good fortune. .

Do you know what that means? "

Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "I know, the Hedao here is equivalent to the Huadao on our side. And the Huadao is already the top power of the middle power of a big sect on our side. It is very important for a sect."

"That's right!" Fang Zigu nodded and said: "And we are all consummated, and the next step is good luck, that is the strength of the elders in the super sect.

The most important thing is that [-]% of the people who walk in the fairy world are monks who have joined the Tao and have joined the Tao.Therefore, Hedao is basically the strongest strength of monks who walk outside.About [-]% of the people who walk outside are boundary creation, [-]% are boundary breaking, and only [-]% are good fortune.In this way, we can know what He Dao, especially the consummation of He Dao means in the fairy world.

However, those of us often don’t have much sense of belonging to these sects in the fairy world. It’s not our fault. There is a sense of belonging to this sect, even if the actual fairyland children join the sect, but the actual children have been practicing in the sect for a long time, and they will naturally have a sense of belonging.

The sects in the fairy world also understand this in their hearts, so they didn't refuse us ascended monks to join their sects, but they took measures to give us people a sense of belonging to the sect. "


Ye Weiyang frowned, if the sect in the fairy world left something on him to control him, just like he left a seal in the sea of ​​Wen Du's mind, he would not join the sect.

"Hmm!" Fang Zigu thought for a while and said, "It's not accurate to say it's a method, it should be a test. Let's talk about it. For example, if you join a super sect, within a thousand years, it will not teach you how to make In this thousand years, you have to complete a sect mission every ten years, and if you fail in one of the missions, the trial period will be extended by 20 years.

Of course, during these thousand years, you will not lack all kinds of welfare benefits at all, just like other disciples of the sect.

When you complete the test, you can get the cultivation method of the world. Before you break through the world, you are still the welfare of the disciples of the way, and you must complete a sect task every ten years.

When you break through the world, it stands to reason that you can become a low-rank elder of the sect.But you can't.It still needs the test of a thousand years.

In the next thousand years, you will enjoy the benefits of the low-rank elders, but you will not have the power of the low-rank elders.Moreover, one sect task must be completed every hundred years.

After this millennium passes, you can become a low-rank elder of the sect.

At this time, you have passed the test of the sect, and it is a sect that has truly accepted you.And if you really become an elder of a super sect, even a low-rank elder.Fame, status and power are great, and contacts will expand.At that time, if we establish another sect, we will be able to survive.It wouldn't be the case that the sect would be exterminated just after it was established. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, she is not against protecting such a sect, because in the future the monks of Zhou Tianzong will also ascend, especially she firmly believes that the eldest brother and fourth brother will also ascend.Having a place to stay is much better than wandering around.

"I will help if I can."

"Of course it is within your ability." Fang Zigu said seriously: "If you really join the sect, you must not have any accidents, even if we are all dead, you must not have any accidents."

Ye Weiyang nodded and stopped mentioning the matter, but asked: "How many super sects are there? Which super sect do you think I should join?"

"These nine are Taiqing Sect, Shangqing Sect, Yuqing Sect, Chongxu Sect, Cangqiong Sect, Jokhang Temple, Leiyin Temple, Bone Sect, and Ghost Sect.

Taiqing Sect, Shangqing Sect, Yuqing Sect, Chongxu Sect, and Cangqiong Sect, these five sects are Taoist sects.Jokhang Temple and Leiyin Temple are Buddhist gates, while Bone Sect and Ghost Sect are evil gates.Weiyang, what's your opinion? "

"Naturally, it is a Taoist gate."

"That is Shangqingzong, Taiqingzong, Yuqingzong, Chongxuzong and Cangqiongzong. Shangqingzong, Taiqingzong and Yuqingzong have the most monks, and their overall strength is slightly superior among the five sects. Corresponding The right to speak is also slightly more. The number of monks of the Chongxu Sect is much less than these three sects. It is said that each of the three sects of the Taiqing Sect, the Shangqing Sect and the Yuqing Sect has hundreds of monks. There are more than 20 monks. The Chongxu Sect has only about 50. But the Chongxu Sect’s individual combat power is very strong, but it is not comparable to those three sects. The Sky Sect is a bit embarrassing. In terms of the number of monks, compared with the Qingzong, Taiqingzong and Yuqingzong are less, more than Chongxuzong, about [-]. But the individual combat power is not as good as Chongxuzong. Therefore, it is not as good as those three sects in terms of the number of monks, and the individual combat power is not as good as that of the three sects. It's better to Chongxuzong.

Weiyang, what do you think? "

"I'll go to Chongxuzong to take an assessment first. Although my generation of monks seeks longevity, they don't have the combat power of individuals. Even if they find the direction of longevity, they may not be able to live forever."

Fang Zigu's eyes showed such a look, and then Fang Zigu and others told Ye Weiyang as much as possible of what they had seen and heard.It was not until midnight that the crowd dispersed.

Ye Weiyang returned to her room, and immediately began to investigate the natal rune tower.

The current concentration of immortal energy in the natal rune tower is only about [-] times that of Dengxian City, and it is still decreasing.Being absorbed by the immortal veins.

The spiritual veins on the seventh floor of the entire Talisman Tower have become low-grade immortal veins. At this time, while absorbing them, they increase their level, slowly approaching the middle-grade immortal veins.Ye Weiyang doesn't know when this promotion and absorption will end.Immediately, he opened the natal rune tower and came to the six-story rune tower. The spirit veins of the six-story rune tower had not yet reached the critical point of qualitative change.Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then checked the five three-story talisman towers, each of which still had about half of the strong immortal energy left.

Ye Weiyang was thinking, should Fang Zigu and the others leave a three-story talisman tower?
In just an instant, she rejected this idea in her mind.Leaving them a rune tower now is not a benefit, but a disaster.Once exposed, they are dead.

However, she regards the three-story talisman tower as a self-destructing weapon, and there is no spiritual vein in the three-story talisman tower, so there is no need to keep these rich immortal energy, so she put the three talisman towers into the six-story talisman tower, Begin to pour all the immortal energy in the five three-story talisman towers into the six-story talisman tower.

It's just that the speed of this pouring will take a year.Therefore, Ye Weiyang stopped responding and let the talisman pour down. She began to observe the various herbs that had been planted more than [-] years ago.Ye Weiyang observed carefully, she ruled that the latest batch of herbal medicine grown from seeds already had the charm of fairy grass, but it was not fairy grass yet, it belonged to the process of mutating from spirit grass to fairy grass.It is estimated that in a few more generations, it should be able to become a fairy grass.

Ye Weiyang went to the Natal Talisman Tower to identify and observe the celestial grass, and found that the situation was almost the same.With a thought, he put away the earliest batch of herbal medicines that were planted on the Jiugongxing in the natal talisman pagoda, and were already thousands of years old.

Too much!
These herbs are enough for Fang Zigu and the others to continuously refine the pill for ten years.

Ye Weiyang is the master of the Natal Talisman Tower, and with a thought, these thousand-year-old herbs flew up from the soil, and then each herb was gathered together and put into storage rings one by one.

In the end, she entered the Luoshu space, and was startled.

Although she knew that the Luoshu space had reached the center of the Chaotic Mountain Range, she never thought that the harvest would be so great.

The immortal energy refined in the Luoshu space has completely melted into liquid, forming a large lake. This is not what surprised her the most. There are about 30 meters of paste at the bottom of the large lake, all of which are condensed by immortal energy.

(End of this chapter)

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