The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 977 Mission

Chapter 977 Mission
Ye Weiyang's heart is full of helplessness, she doesn't need these two help now.Both her body and celestial power have reached the peak of the early stage of breaking the boundary.

"What about the library?"

"There are only the various exercises and divine channel methods of Hedao and Hedao. Of course, there are also various cultivation experiences of seniors. There are no ones above the world."

"What about the alchemy hall at the outer gate?"

"There are all kinds of alchemy formulas of various levels, as well as alchemy experience, etc. There are no restrictions on the four halls of the alchemy array. But you need sect points to watch them."

Ye Weiyang nodded, so she finally had something to do.

For the past 100 years, I have been soaking in the four inheritances of the Pill Talisman Array. Anyway, it is only a hundred years, and it flies by in a blink of an eye.Of course, in the process of completing the tasks of every ten years, I also have to travel to see if I can encounter opportunities that are helpful to me.

"Junior Brother Liu, can you tell me about the fairy world?"

Liu Xufei didn't speak, but took out a blank jade slip, entered some information, and handed it to Ye Weiyang, saying:
"There are too many, you can go to the library to browse. I made a list for you."

"Thank you!" Ye Weiyang sincerely thanked, took the jade slip, and then asked: "Since Junior Brother Liu is a native cultivator, why did you help me?"

Liu Xufei smiled wryly and said, "I am a local cultivator, but I haven't joined any mountain. My aptitude is still a bit weak. And even if I stand in the local camp, it doesn't prevent me from making friends with Ascendants and exchanging information. Zong Although there are camp disputes in the sect, it has not reached a fierce level, and there are still rules."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Liu."

"Then let's get real."

Ye Weiyang was stunned: "Actual? Hedao Pill?"

Liu Xufei smiled and said, "Of course I need the Hedao Pill, but if you have it, I will buy it."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Let's communicate."

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up: "I dare not invite you."

The two began to communicate, and both sides benefited a lot.When the two separated, Liu Xufei taught Ye Weiyang a method of communication.It is to use a blank jade slip to refine a communication jade sword, which can communicate with each other within a million miles.Imprinted on each other, the two sides parted.

When I returned to the cave, I saw a jade slip in front of the gate of the cave. I picked it up and read it with my spiritual sense, and then walked towards Zhang Tian's cave.After the restriction was triggered, several monks including Zhang Tianbian and Mao Jiudu came out to welcome him.

"Sister Ye, come in!"

Ye Weiyang cupped his hands in salute, and followed everyone into Zhang Tian's cave.Zhang Tian excitedly said: "Our seniors from Star Realm sent someone to find me, I will share the news I got with you."

Everyone pricked up their ears, and Zhang Tian's face showed a smug look. After all, he had a backer in Chongxu Sect and was the first to get detailed information.

Zhang Tian began to narrate, Mao Jiudu and the monks gradually became serious following Zhang Tian's narration, only Ye Weiyang looked calm, because what Zhang Tian narrated was roughly the same as Liu Xufei, after Zhang Tian finished speaking, finally It talked about some things Ye Weiyang didn't know but was interested in.

"One of my two seniors is called Dong Huanghai, and he is now a realm-builder. The other is called Ji Ju, and he has a perfect cultivation base. Both of them are in Zixin Peak."

This time, Ye Weiyang, Mao Jiudu and the others couldn't help but frowned slightly.Even Zhang Tong and the others have created a world. Dong Huanghai and Ji Ju must have been in the fairy world for thousands of years. One only created a world, and the other didn't even create a world...

Seeing the expressions of several people, Zhang Tian expressed displeasure on his face: "Do you think that my two seniors are too poor in aptitude and comprehension?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on the faces of Ye Weiyang and the others, that's what they thought in their hearts.

"Hey..." Zhang Tian sneered and said, "You all owe me a favor. Let me tell you that making a world is different from making a world. I asked Senior Ji Ju, and Senior Ji Ju told me that breaking through The most important thing in creating the world is the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit is the most critical point to develop the Dao heart.

Dao heart needs to be developed by Yuanshen. The stronger the Yuanshen, the wider the Dao heart opened, the stronger the fighting power in the future, and the easier the future road will be.

The world-makers you have seen before are all weak primordial spirits, with very small dao hearts and low combat effectiveness, and basically limit their future, making it difficult to break through to break the world.But it is difficult to cultivate a powerful primordial spirit.

But, like us, no one wants to cultivate a weak primordial spirit, right? "

"Everyone nodded their heads."

"Therefore, the choice of exercises is very important. Senior Ji Ju told me that he chose a powerful exercise, which resulted in the cultivation of Yuanshen three years ago."

Ye Weiyang and the others were stunned, but then Ye Weiyang's heart sank.

I already have a soul, but I don't know whether my soul is strong or weak?

However, I don't know this aspect, so what if I know?
The primordial spirit already exists, and it cannot be changed.

This time, Ye Weiyang was really worried.

If one's primordial spirit is weak, wouldn't it limit one's own path?
Shouldn't it?
After all, the primordial spirit technique that he practiced was improved by Luo Shu, so even if it is not strong, it should not be weak.


Even if it's not weak, it's just average, that's not reconciled.

Zhang Tian said again at this time: "When everyone enters the inner gate, you can choose Zixin Peak to try."

When everyone heard the news at this time, they all looked thoughtful, and after thanking Zhang Tian, ​​they returned to their caves one by one.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in the cave, with a dignified expression, she repeatedly looked inside at her soul, but there was no comparison, she really didn't know what level her soul should be now?
"Let's go to the library."

Ye Weiyang has six thousand points on her body, she doesn't panic, she does what she thinks, immediately gets up and goes outside the cave, walking on the clouds.The figure landed outside the Zangshu Pavilion at the outer door, and walked into the Zangshu Pavilion.

There are seven floors in Zangshu Pavilion, and of course the last floor is about the realm of Hedao.Ye Weiyang is also helpless, the highest inheritance of the outer sect's skills is Hedao.

Ye Weiyang walked up the stairs, passed each floor, and could see some monks reading.The vast majority of monks are very focused, they don't even know that Ye Weiyang has passed by, and some monks who just returned the jade slip heard the footsteps on the stairs, took a look, and found that they didn't recognize them, so they stopped paying attention.

Ye Weiyang didn't pay attention to them either, and went straight to the seventh floor.Looking around, the seventh floor is divided into four areas.

They are inheritance of kung fu, experience of kung fu, supernatural powers, and experience of supernatural powers.

There are almost no people on the seventh floor, because after cultivating to Dao Yuan, monks can enter the inner sect and become inner sect disciples.Of course, there is an age limit, and one must break through to Dao Yuan at a certain age to be eligible to become an inner sect disciple.Therefore, the disciples of the outer sect are all monks of the Dao of Transformation and below. The reason why the inheritance of the Dao is placed here is for them who ascended.

Therefore, no outer disciples went to the seventh floor, because their cultivation level was not enough, and they couldn't understand it.As for the newcomers, they are still earning points. Ye Weiyang is the first one to have points.Therefore, Ye Weiyang is the only one on the seventh floor of Zangshu Pavilion at this time.

Ye Weiyang first went to the bookshelf of exercises, there are many exercises, worthy of being a super sect.Each jade slip represents a kind of exercise, a kind of exercise that can be directly cultivated to the right way, there are more than 5000 kinds of exercises.

It is impossible for Ye Weiyang to read all these more than 5000 exercises, it is unrealistic and unnecessary.She set a direction.

Zhoutian stars and yin and yang.

She spread her spiritual knowledge and began to read the introduction. In less than a quarter of an hour, she selected all the exercises about Yin Yang and Zhou Tian.

Not many, only 96 copies.

And it doesn't cost much points, only ten points per book.It seems that the value of points in Zongmen is really high.Ye Weiyang spent 960 points to have the reading permission of these 96 jade slips.Then I took the 96 jade slips to the window of the Zangshu Pavilion and began to read them one by one.

While reading, she learned from it, and integrated what she had learned into her Yin-Yang Zhoutian Kung Fu.Her Yin-Yang Zhoutian Kung Fu is already of a very high level, and her background is very profound.Therefore, although the inheritance of these exercises has a reference effect for her, and the combined effect is not small, the reference effect of each book is very small.Therefore, she borrowed each book very quickly, basically merging one book in about ten days.

The seventh floor of Zangshu Pavilion gradually began to have monks coming up, all of them were monks from Ye Weiyang's group, one after another, one hundred and one monks all arrived.Of course, some stayed for the same purpose as Ye Weiyang, and some left after ten days and a half months.Only Ye Weiyang stayed in Zangshu Pavilion.

In nearly three years, she gradually integrated 96 exercises into her own, and then put those jade slips back in place, left the library, returned to her cave, and began to retreat.She wants to sort out and integrate the income of the past three years, so that these income can be perfectly integrated.

Three months later, Ye Weiyang has been in Chongxu Sect for more than three years.Ye Weiyang has left the customs.

Checked his ID card to see if the Zongmen mission has been issued. This is very important for Ye Weiyang and the others who ascended. Once they miss the mission, they will have to spend 20 years in the outer sect.

Sure enough, the mission of Zongmen came down.

The task given to Ye Weiyang is to kill the three bandits.

The Three Bandits is a group of bandits running around Tyfeng Ridge. The three of them are all of Hedao, and the leader is the late Hedao.

The purpose of the mission was also told to Ye Weiyang, the first mission is to test the fighting power of these ascended ones.Therefore, their one hundred and one missions to complete the Dao are to fight.The opponents are either human races or monster races, but they are all in harmony.

Ye Weiyang thought about it, and decided to complete this task immediately.

On the one hand, it's the difficulty, she doesn't think she can't kill the three He Daoists, the difficulty is hard to find.Just gave an approximate territory, Typhon Ridge, but no specific location.Who knows when I'll be able to find it?
Once you can't find it, wouldn't it be a waste of time to complete the task?

On the other hand, these three robbers killed people and seized treasures. If they were eliminated one day earlier, some monks would be killed less.

Ye Weiyang thought that she had already left the seclusion, and in three years, she should also visit her neighbors, and found no one there.They all went to work.

It seems that everyone attaches great importance to the first task. Maybe the peak masters of the inner sect are paying attention to their task completion status. Whoever completes the task first may be able to leave a deep impression on the peak masters.

Ye Weiyang left!
After confirming the direction, we took the star cable and arrived at Typhon Ridge in No. 11 days.Then I inquired about it, and the three thieves were very famous.

There are no rules, but for hundreds of years, everyone has also speculated a rule, that is, after the three of them robbed once, they should hide and practice in seclusion.They won't come out until the resources they robbed are exhausted.The last time a caravan was robbed was six years ago.

Some people even suspected that the three thieves had another identity on the surface, and they might appear beside them and be friends with some people, but secretly they were robbers.

This can't help but embarrass Ye Weiyang, how can I find this?
It is not that no one has pretended to be a caravan as a bait in history, but there has never been a single success. This further confirms that the three robbers must have an obvious identity, and the identity should not be low.But just can't find it.

Ye Weiyang thought for a long time before arriving at Falling Water City.

Falling Water City is a meeting place, where many business houses trade and then transport resources and goods to other cities.And the commercial road from Falling Water City to another converging city passes through Typhon Ridge.In history, many caravans have been robbed by three people.

Ye Weiyang is going to pretend to be a bodyguard and wait passively.

She is not acting as a bait, but is planning to join a bodyguard agency in Falling Water City, so that even if the three thieves have a high status in Falling Water City, they will not find her and have a chance to encounter the three thieves.

Ye Weiyang naturally wanted to adjust her cultivation level, cover her cultivation level as Hunyuan Consummation, and then walked into Luoshui City, and first investigated it.Falling Water City is worthy of being a place where transactions gather, even there are more than 20 bodyguard bureaus.

There are strong ones and there are weak ones.

Ye Weiyang thought, the three thieves are all in the same way, so the resources they need should be at least in the realm of the way.And without the bodyguard bureau of the monks of the way, the resources of the bodyguards are unlikely to be the resources of the realm of the way.In this way, the three thieves will not be interested in these bodyguards.

Ye Weiyang didn't inquire any information about the three thieves in Luoshui City, such as the resources they robbed in history, what level of bodyguards they were.Because she was afraid that she would be followed by the three thieves.She didn't want to expose even the slightest possibility.She is now using a stupid method to wait for the three robbers. If it delays the time to complete the task, he will admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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