The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 988 Zhang Zong

Chapter 988
Ye Weiyang's domain spread out in an instant, and at the same time looking to the left, he saw Lou Diexing rushing out of the space.Ye Weiyang froze, and put away the domain:
"Why did you run here?"

Lou Diexing rolled his eyes: "You know how to run, don't I know? You think I'm stupid!"

After hearing this, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "I know, you still spread the news of my challenge?"

"I... I didn't expect such a big mess." Then he waved his hand and said: "Anyway, it has already happened, so don't take it seriously. After a few decades, they will forget it. Let's go, let's find a place , share the spoils."

Ye Weiyang remembered that the two of them joined hands to kill many monster races, there were two world-making monks alone, and at least dozens of Taoist monks.Not to mention the storage rings of these monks, even their bodies are also treasures.At the beginning, I just wanted to leave secretly, but I forgot about it.

This building stacked stars can be chased, he is a handy person.

The two flew thousands of miles, searched for a mountain range, landed in a valley, and then Lou Diexing released the corpses of those monster races from the storage ring.

There are 69 Hedaos in one mid-stage world-building and one early-stage world-making.

Lou Diexing suggested: "Weiyang, let's not look at the storage rings one by one. Let's divide the monster clan directly, and the storage rings on the monster clan corpses will naturally be distributed to whoever. How about it?"


Ye Weiyang readily agrees, he believes in Lou Diexing, if Lou Diexing wants to cheat for cheap, Ye Weiyang will suffer no matter how they are divided, because he will take away the good things in the storage ring before.And if he was more greedy, he wouldn't have to chase him, and he wouldn't be able to say anything.Lou Diexing chased after him, which meant he was trustworthy.

Seeing that Ye Weiyang believed in him so much, Lou Diexing was also happy in his heart, and became more affectionate to Ye Weiyang: "Weiyang, this is for you in the middle stage of world creation, and for me in the early stage."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang took off the storage ring in the middle of the world, put the body away and said: "After a while, let's take a look at the storage ring, and see if we can trade it .”

"The remaining 69, you have 29, I have [-]."


Ye Weiyang answered happily, the two of them cooperated, although Lou Diexing was the one who completed the last kill, but Ye Weiyang was the one who contributed the most, so Ye Weiyang was not polite. 69 people joined together, the two of them picked and pulled at random, and then the division was over.The two sat opposite each other and began to check the storage ring in front of them.The two looked beaming.

The most items in these storage rings are fairy crystals. Ye Weiyang roughly calculated that there are more than 3000 pieces of high-grade fairy crystals, more than 300 million pieces of middle-grade fairy crystals, and more than 3 million pieces of low-grade fairy crystals.

This is definitely a hair.

Herbal medicines are the most common after that, and they are all precious herbs, and the medicines are still old.Then there are some ores and the like.There are also a lot of fairy artifacts, and a jade slip of a skill, which looks like they got it after killing the human monks.

The two talked for a while, Ye Weiyang needs treasures in the five elements, and Lou Diexing needs space.Although the treasures of the five elements are rare, they are not rare in space.Among so many storage rings, Ye Weiyang only found two kinds of treasures related to space.But Lou Diexing has six kinds of treasures related to savvy.Lou Diexing also knew the rarity of space treasures, so he replaced the six five-element treasures with two space treasures.

In the end, the two of them took out the jade slips they had obtained, and each made a copy.After the two exchanged their contact marks, they didn't leave immediately. Lou Diexing took out the fairy wine, and the two chatted while drinking.

Lou Diexing is an inner disciple of the Shang Qing Sect, and also a local monk in the Immortal Realm.However, Lou Diexing is a very free and easy person, chatting with Ye Weiyang very speculatively.He also frankly admitted that there was also a struggle between the locals and the Ascended in the Shang Qingzong, but it is obvious that he knows a lot more than Ye Weiyang.

After all, a Tianjiao with a space attribute is also a core disciple in the Shang Qingzong.

"Weiyang, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, the local monks and the Ascended camp are also consciously promoted by the high-level. Only by fighting can a sect become stronger. Of course, this kind of battle is under the control of the high-level, and will not exceed the control scope."

"You mean I have no problem joining the camp?"

"No!" Lou Diexing shook his head and said, "It will definitely involve energy, and it will also kill people."

Ye Weiyang frowned and said, "Is this still control?"

"Yes! This kind of deadly thing is not something that dares to do it openly, and it is not something that the boss of the other camp dares to kill directly. The usual situation is that you are sent a very dangerous mission. In fact, this situation Very rarely, unless this person is too monstrous and makes a certain camp perceive danger. In most cases, they will take away your chance through means within the scope of the rules.

For example, to enter a certain holy place, quotas are required.And there are many ways to operate this quota, but in the end you can't get it.I was a cultivator, and if I lost an opportunity, I might have to chase after him for the rest of my life, or even end up like this for the rest of my life. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, the struggle inside the Dazong Sect would only be more cruel, she was mentally prepared for this.

The two chatted for more than half an hour and said goodbye to each other.

Ye Weiyang got up and flew towards Chongxuzong.

He returned to the sect, handed in the task, and then returned to his cave.He began to carefully sort out his gains this time. At the same time, Ye Weiyang's identity was also known by the No.30 city lord of Liudengxian City.It is easy to know that when Lou Diexing spread the news, he did not hide it.Therefore, this news was sent to Chongxuzong.

"This Ye Weiyang is really bold enough to make No.30 Liudeng Xiancheng city lord criticize our Chongxu sect. He said that it was because of Ye Weiyang that they suffered heavy losses and many monks died."

Wan Qingzong, the suzerain of Chongxu Sect, had a cold face and dissatisfaction in his tone.

"This Ascended Ye Weiyang is really too courageous. Asking her to complete a task has caused a war." Sitting opposite Wanqingzong is Zhou Dao, the eldest disciple of Wanqingzong.After complying with the words of the master, he said softly:

"Master, in the past millennium, the Ascensionist camp has tended to become bigger. This Ye Weiyang is also a thorn in the head. Just after joining the sect, she dared to disappear for nearly a hundred years without completing the task. If she is allowed to join the Ascendant camp in the future, I am afraid that the Ascendant The camp will be more domineering.

Why don't we use this opportunity to punish Ye Weiyang and give the ascended a warning. "

Wan Qingzong looked at Zhou Dao lightly: "What is the foundation of our Chongxuzong establishment? Our Chongxuzong is comparable to Shangqingzong in terms of foundation, or Taiqingzong? Compared with the number of monks, we are comparable to Shangqingzong, Or the Taiqing Sect? What makes our Chongxu Sect able to become one of the four super sects?"

Zhou Daoning said: "Dare to fight, dare to fight!"

"You're right!" Wan Qingzong nodded, his face softened slightly: "You haven't forgotten the foundation of our sect. Otherwise, you wouldn't be worthy of being my first disciple.

So, no matter how you say it, Ye Weiyang displayed the aura of our Chongxuzong outside, and displayed our strength of Chongxuzong.You want me to punish Ye Weiyang at this time?

Doesn't this make other sects feel that our Chongxu sect is weak?
Once they have this idea, do you think we will have less trouble rushing to the Xuzong?

Therefore, not only can we not punish Ye Weiyang, but we also need to reward her. "

"Master, this disciple knows that what you said is right, but in this way, won't the Ascended side become more domineering?"

Wan Qingzong waved his hand and said, "I will reward him personally."

Zhou Dao's eyes lit up: "Master, do you want to accept her as a disciple?"

Wan Qingzong rolled his eyes: "Is it so easy to be my disciple?"

"Yes, yes, but what is this, Master?"

"Can you make a wish to Ye Weiyang first, give her a test period, if I am satisfied, I will naturally accept her as a disciple."

"Gao, master, you are really tall!" Zhou Dao gave a thumbs up: "If Ye Weiyang wants to be your disciple...she must want to be your disciple, who wouldn't want to be your disciple?
In this way, she will definitely obey your master and work hard for you.In this way, it was a heavy blow to the Ascender camp. "

Wan Qingzong said indifferently: "Even if she doesn't want to be my disciple, as long as she accepts my reward, the Ascended camp will definitely doubt her, and then she will be excluded. At that time, she will have to join us."

"How could she not want to be your disciple?"

Wan Qingzong waved his hand and said, "So, I want to give her a reward of sufficient weight."

"What reward? Master, she is not yet an inner sect disciple, and she is not eligible to receive the sect's inheritance of world creation."

"Of course I know, but I got an inner scripture outside. It's not the inheritance of the sect, so I can give it to her."

Ye Weiyang is sorting out her own harvest, tidying up the precious herbs one by one, and then planting the preserved herbs in the talisman to see if they can survive.She put away several of the most precious ores separately, and she planned to refine a fairy weapon for herself.However, several ores are still missing.

After finishing all this, she began to clean up the corpses of those monster races.

Skin, tendons, bones, horns, etc., these things can be refined.The inner alchemy can be used to make alchemy, the blood can be made into talisman ink, and the meat can be preserved to eat.For monks, these meats are not only delicious, but also have a great auxiliary effect on the cultivation of monks. If some herbs are added and stewed together, it will be even more precious.

Originally, the meat of the Hedao Yaozu was very precious, not to mention that there was a realm, and she had no shortage of herbs.She plans to cook a pot for herself when she has time. There are so many monsters, it can last for a long time.

Anyway, there is no place to waste.

What pleased her most was that she also harvested a lot of spiritual fruits.

Yaozu monks like to eat spirit fruit, and there are indeed many spirit fruit trees in the Yaozu territory.After Ye Weiyang finished eating these spiritual fruits, he could plant the cores in the rune tower, and then he would have a spiritual fruit tree in the future.

As I was cleaning you, I felt that someone was touching the restriction of my cave, so I got up and walked outside, thinking about it.

Who is this looking for?

Ye Weiyang hardly has any friends in the sect now, because the one hundred monks who ascended together with them have all entered the inner sect.

Walking out of the cave, he saw a young monk standing outside the door, Ye Weiyang cupped his hands and said, "Senior brother, what advice do you have?"

The person who came was very thoughtful, he didn't return the courtesy, but just nodded lightly.He has this qualification, his cultivation level in the late stage of world creation, his status as a direct disciple of the suzerain, and his status as a low-rank elder are all unmatched by Ye Weiyang, an outer disciple at present.

"I'm Zhou Dao, the suzerain wants to see you, come with me."

Ye Weiyang nodded, not surprised.Based on her experience, when encountering unexpected things, the first thing to do is not to be surprised, but to think about the reason.

Inside Wan Qingzong's cave.

At this time, Ye Weiyang stood opposite Wan Qingzong.Wan Qingzong had a faint smile on his face:
"You caused a lot of trouble in No.30 Liudeng Xiancheng, and there has been a summons to explain it later."

Along the way, Ye Weiyang had thought of several reasons why Wan Qingzong summoned her. What happened at No.30 Liudeng Immortal City was one of these situations. After hearing this, she said calmly:

"I just went to complete the task. That war has nothing to do with me. On the contrary, I was somehow involved in that war and helped them a lot. I think they should reward me."

"It's because you have accumulated too many tasks. If you just complete one task, this kind of thing will not happen. In the future, you must complete the task on time and stop accumulating tasks. What's more, if you continue to accumulate like this, you will continue to postpone it." Time to enter the inner gate."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "The disciple understands. In fact, the disciple didn't deliberately not accumulate tasks, but suddenly realized something."

"It is said that your body is very strong, and you have smashed the world in the early stage of world creation. From this point of view, your body has already broken the world, right?"

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang admitted with a nod, she knew that she couldn't hide this thing, especially when facing a big monk like Wanqingzong.

"The body and the celestial power complement each other, so your condensed celestial power is also very strong, right?"

"It has reached the basic conditions for breaking through the world."

Wan Qingzong nodded happily and said: "In other words, as long as you get the exercises, you will break through the world soon."

Ye Weiyang immediately shook his head and said: "The suzerain thinks highly of me. For a proud genius like you, the suzerain, it may be easy to break through the world, but it is not easy for an ascendant like me. What kind of primordial spirit and dao heart do we need? Those who ascended, first of all, lacked vision and background, breaking through the creation world, I am afraid it is as difficult as ascending to the sky, and the disciples still have no clue."

Wan Qingzong's gaze was a little surprised, others couldn't understand the meaning of Ye Weiyang's words, so why couldn't he hear it.Then he couldn't help laughing:
"No.30 Liudeng Xiancheng's evaluation of you is correct. You are really a brave guy. This is to benefit from me. However, this time you played our strength of Chongxuzong, but you are also You caused criticism and trouble to Zongmen. Therefore, Zongmen will neither reward nor punish you."

(End of this chapter)

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