The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 990 Luo Xiu

Chapter 990 Luo Xiu
Shan Chengjun's face darkened, and he followed Ye Weiyang down.At the gate of the master's cave, he dared not do anything, for fear of being seen by the master.But, down the mountain...

Do not!
It's better to stay farther away from the master, and when I get to the outer gate, I must clean up Ye Weiyang and let her know what will happen to her as a traitor.

At the foot of the mountain, Shan Chengjun stepped up from the clouds and shouted coldly: "Follow me, without the ID card of the inner door, do you really think you can go out from the inner door?"

"Thank you senior brother." Ye Weiyang had no choice but to thank.

"Brother Shan, where are you going? Who is this junior sister?"

"Send Ye Weiyang back to the outer door."


Along the way, he kept meeting monks, and they almost always greeted him with a question, and Shan Chengjun almost always gave an answer.Every time Shan Chengjun finished answering, the expressions of the monks he met would turn cold, staring coldly at Ye Weiyang.

Anyway, very unfriendly.

Back at the outer door, Shan Chengjun looked at Ye Weiyang: "See? This is the consequence of being a traitor."

Ye Weiyang glanced at him, too lazy to tell herself.

Shan Chengjun said again: "Originally, I wanted to teach you a lesson, but now that I see your situation, I don't think it's necessary. In the future, you will be surrounded by enemies in the Chongxu Sect, and you will be unable to move an inch. Don't think that you have surrendered to the local monks. Native monks will accept you.

Will not.

You don't get the slightest help from native monks.

You are a dog of the native monks.

Do not!
Not even a dog.

In this way, you will be short of everything in the sect, and you will not have any wealth and land, and I will lose the interest in teaching you rubbish, so please do it. "

After the words fell, Shan Chengjun flicked his sleeves and left in the air.

Ye Weiyang also hurried back to her cave, she has no time to talk to Shan Chengjun now, even though Shan Chengjun scolded herself.But she is really not in the mood to care about herself now, she is anxious to know what level her soul is.

Sitting cross-legged in her cave, Ye Weiyang took out the jade slip and began to read it carefully.

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Weiyang's expression became ugly.

Yuanshen is divided into four grades, low grade, middle grade, top grade and extreme grade.

Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit belongs to the lower rank, and according to the information, once a monk cultivates the primordial spirit, he will be designated as a rank and will not be promoted.

Under normal circumstances, the creation of the world is the end of the low-grade primordial spirit, and there is only an extremely small possibility of breaking through to cracking.

Ye Weiyang's gaze moved, he read the jade slip again, then manipulated it by himself, and finally frowned tightly.

According to the records in the Jade Slips, the Yuanshen has the Yuanxin, which corresponds to the Daoxin.

This is why monks have to cultivate the primordial spirit first. After cultivating the primordial spirit, the primordial heart will sense the position of the dao heart, and then the primordial spirit will open up the dao heart.

Yuanxin is equivalent to the center of Yuanshen, equivalent to the heart of Yuanshen.

However, Ye Weiyang found that she hadn't found Yuanxin. It stands to reason that this Yuanshen was cultivated by her, and she should have sensed the location of Yuanxin the moment the Yuanshen was cultivated.

However, before seeing this jade slip, Ye Weiyang had never sensed Yuan Xin, let alone knew about Yuan Xin.

"How could this be?"

Worry appeared on Ye Weiyang's face.

Is this Yuanshen not mine?

Ye Weiyang tried again and again for half an hour, and her face turned ugly again.I used to think that this primordial spirit belonged to me like an arm.Now that she had a different idea, after careful perception, she did find that there was a very slight gap between herself and the primordial spirit, and she felt that this slight gap was somewhat familiar.After thinking about it carefully, I felt terrified in my heart, and my body was covered in sweat.

She remembered!
This breath belongs to Luo Xiu, the breath of Luo Xiu, the original owner of Luo Ji Library Pavilion.

At this moment, Ye Weiyang came to her senses.

My primordial spirit was formed by chance and coincidence. Although I was the main body, it was not formed by my own initiative. I was nourished by Luo Xiu. I didn't know what happened, so I just cultivated the primordial spirit .And Luo Xiu was probably not killed by himself, and was still alive.

However, it should be very weak, not enough to take away the control of the primordial spirit. Once Luo Xiu takes away the control of the primordial spirit, Ye Weiyang will be taken away.Luo Xiu also had this thought compared to the beginning.However, he didn't expect Ye Weiyang to grow up too fast, suppressing him all the time, leaving him no chance at all.

Now it is no longer a matter of Yuanshen level, but that he must kill Luo Xiu, otherwise there will always be hidden dangers, and he will be taken away at some point.Moreover, with this slight barrier, Ye Weiyang's combat power cannot be fully utilized.And Ye Weiyang speculates that once Luo Xiu is killed, the Yuanshen belongs to him completely, at that time, he should be able to see Yuanxin.

However, how can Luo Xiu be killed?
At this time, Ye Weiyang could no longer care about the attitude of the sect towards her, nor about the inner scriptures, what she was thinking about now was how to kill Luo Xiu.

With a thought, Yuanshen, who was sitting cross-legged on the Tao flower, let go of his hand, and the talisman tower in his hand floated in front of Yuanshen, and then Yuanshen turned into a streamer and entered the seventh floor of the Talisman Tower.


A thunderbolt struck down and hit Ye Weiyang Yuanshen.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang's plan is to use thunder to bombard the soul to destroy Luo Xiu.But after about half an hour, Ye Weiyang stopped.There is uncertainty in the eyes.

She got two results, one good and one bad.

The good result is that Lei Ting can temper the primordial spirit, and now she already knows that in the jade slip Zixia gave her, except for the inheritance of how to cultivate the primordial spirit, everything about the primordial spirit is said very clear.Fairy Zixia did not expect that Ye Weiyang had already cultivated the primordial spirit. After all, the time for Ye Weiyang to ascend was too short to cultivate the primordial spirit. As long as the inheritance of the cultivation of the primordial spirit was missing, it would be to introduce her to everything about the primordial spirit. No matter how detailed it is, Ye Weiyang can only understand it, but has no practical use.

And in order to win Ye Weiyang's favor towards the Ascended camp, she gave a very detailed account.

After a monk has cultivated the primordial spirit, how can the monk's cultivation level be improved?
Among the basic items to be promoted, the primordial spirit is naturally included, so how to improve the primordial spirit?

That is, the primordial spirit comes out of the body, enters the thunder layer, and uses the thunder to temper it.

Remember, this is only one of the foundations for improving the cultivation of the primordial spirit, raising the primordial spirit to the perfection of world creation, and breaking through the boundary.

For example, Ye Weiyang's celestial energy and main body have been cracked, but the primordial spirit is only in the first level state, which requires thunder to improve the primordial spirit.

But this kind of improvement is only to improve the realm of Yuanshen's cultivation, but not to improve the level of Yuanshen. It is inferior, and it is still inferior.

Now that Ye Weiyang has obtained the result, it is that her talisman tower has a strong auxiliary effect on purifying the primordial spirit. With the natal talisman tower, Ye Weiyang does not need to get the primordial spirit out of the body, enter the high-altitude thunder layer, and use the thunder to refine it. It is enough to use the thunder to purify in the natal talisman tower.

In this way, the security is enhanced a lot.

After all, it is dangerous for the soul to go out of the body. Once it is discovered by other monks, it will be fatal to attack or capture the soul.

This is the good result, so what is the bad result?
The thunder of the rune tower has no effect on Luo Xiu.And what Ye Weiyang cares most about now is to eliminate Luo Xiu, as for improving the cultivation of Yuanshen, she doesn't care now.

Ye Weiyang thought for a moment, then transferred the soul into the first floor of the Natal Talisman Tower.

The first layer is Yinlei, which is the most aggressive against existences such as souls and primordial spirits.


A thunderbolt struck Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit, and that primordial spirit fell to the ground in pain, but Ye Weiyang's expression was joyful.

This thunder is worthy of being the most effective attack on the soul and primordial spirit. This blow caused Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit to suffer slight damage, but she also sensed that Luo Xiu was hurt, and she even seemed to feel the pain from the bottom of her heart. Luo Xiu's screams were faintly heard.

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed in her heart, although it was painful and hurt her soul, but she endured the pain and triggered the first layer of thunder to strike down, and then she focused on sensing Luo Xiu in the soul. God's place.


Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit twitched in pain, but she sensed Luo Xiu's approximate position, between the primordial spirit's brows.

Come again!


Another cloud of thunder came down, this time with her concentration, she accurately found Luo Xiu's position.Then, enduring the pain by force, he began to guide the dark thunder that had entered the primordial spirit towards Luo Xiu's position.

The screams suddenly became clear.

"Ye Weiyang, you let me go."

"Okay, you come out!"

Luo Xiu didn't move anymore, he knew that there was only one result for him to come out, and he was killed by Ye Weiyang.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of dark lightning struck down, and was guided to Luo Xiu's position by the primordial spirit. Ye Weiyang could sense that although his own primordial spirit was also injured, Luo Xiu suffered more damage than Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit.

Ye Weiyang only persisted for half an hour, then stopped, because she felt that if she continued to chop like this, her primordial spirit would be fundamentally damaged. Although the primordial spirit would not dissipate, it would be difficult to recover in the future.

Ye Weiyang twitched in pain as the primordial spirit returned to her position, and it took about two quarters of an hour before she recovered.However, an abnormally weak state appeared on his face.This is because the primordial spirit has been hurt.She now needs to recover her primordial spirit.

This requires potions.

Rejuvenation Pill.

Ye Weiyang left the cave, went to the mission hall, spent points to buy the prescription of Yangshen Pill, and then returned to her own cave. She has all the pills needed for Yangshen Pill, and they are herbs over 200 years old.She started alchemy and successfully refined the middle-grade Yangshen pill.Ye Weiyang was not disappointed, she knew that her method of refining Yangshen Pill was correct, and to refine top-grade Yangshen Pill, 500-year-old herbs were needed.

She began to take the Nourishing Pill, and in the process of taking the Nourishing Pill, she carefully perceived Luo Xiu's state.She found that Luo Xiu was also recovering.Yang Shen Pill is not only recovering his soul, but also recovering Luo Xiu.And both sides recovered at about the same speed.Luo Xiu's recovery speed was about [-]% less than that of Ye Weiyang Yuanshen.

But Ye Weiyang breathed a long sigh of relief.

You must know that when the Yin Lei was bombarding, Ye Weiyang guided the Yin Thunder to bombard Luo Xiu, and most of the power of the Yin Thunder acted on Luo Xiu's body, so Luo Xiu suffered more trauma than Ye Weiyang's Yuanshen.And when recovering, the speed was [-]% slower than Ye Weiyang's Yuanshen.In this way, as long as Ye Weiyang continuously bombards Luo Xiu with cloudy thunder, Luo Xiu will become weaker and weaker after each bombardment, and one day, he will be completely wiped out, but this time may be longer Some.

There is no way to do this, because Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit cannot withstand the continuous bombardment of cloudy thunder.Every time you use Yin Lei to bombard, you can probably bear it for about half an hour, and then use Yangshen Pill to restore your primordial spirit, it takes about three hours.

Now that Ye Weiyang had confidence in eradicating Luo Xiu, she began to think about it.Now this method is a waste of time, and also a waste of cultivation pills.Therefore, she decided to use thunder to purify the primordial spirit for an hour on the seventh floor of the Talisman Tower every day, and then go to the first floor to bombard Luo Xiu with cloudy thunder for half an hour, and then take the nourishing pill after coming out.Don't be in a hurry to erase Luo Xiu, it's not something urgent, it's related to your soul, everything must be cautious.

In this way, she still has a lot of time left, which requires Ye Weiyang to plan and arrange.Now she knows the situation that she is rushing to the Xuzong, so she doesn't want to and dare not waste a little time, she needs to improve her strength as much as possible.

According to the scriptures.

Ye Weiyang thought of the Inner Illumination Sutra, took out the Inner Illumination Sutra and read it over and over again, comprehending the mystery of the Inner Illumination Sutra, confirmed it with her own Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue, tried the changes of the five elements, and the secret of Yin-Yang.It's very obscure, but Ye Weiyang allowed herself to spend two hours every day to comprehend and deduce it.

Ye Weiyang is in seclusion and will not leave the cave.But sometimes Mao Jiudu came to visit her.Mao Jiudu is an ascetic monk. Others are against Ye Weiyang's choice of camp, but he doesn't.He only had cultivation in his heart, he had exchanged discussions with Ye Weiyang, and knew that Ye Weiyang had a deep understanding of the way of heaven.So, I came to visit Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang is naturally happy, she also needs someone to communicate and discuss, it is not advisable to work behind closed doors.

In this way, every time Mao Jiudu visited, he also brought some news from outside.

For example, five years have passed since Ye Weiyang retreated, and everyone has somewhat forgotten about Ye Weiyang, and no one talked about the rumors about Ye Weiyang back then.The main reason for this phenomenon is Ye Weiyang's retreat. No one has seen Ye Weiyang all year round, so naturally they began to forget about Ye Weiyang.

Ascended Zhang Tian and the others are still in the stage of completing the task. Although they have become disciples of the inner sect, they still cannot be inherited, but the collection of books in the library of the inner sect is much more than that of the outer sect, even if they can only read Hedao part, also let them benefit a lot.Moreover, those who were accepted by the peak master as personal disciples have received the resources of the master. Although it is impossible to pass them on to them, they can give them the inheritance, guidance, and even some aspects of refining their body, immortal energy, and sea of ​​consciousness. Auxiliary treasures, and points needed to enter the holy land of cultivation.And those monks who are not direct disciples, as long as they join the camp of the Ascended, they will more or less get some benefits.According to Mao Jiudu, those people are making progress every day.

(End of this chapter)

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