The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 992 Tiankeng

Chapter 992 Tiankeng
"Okay, I want to refine a high-grade fairy weapon, but I still lack two materials."

"These two kinds?"

"Obsidian and terrazzo."

Fairy Zixia frowned: "What materials have you prepared?"

Ye Weiyang took out some materials from the storage ring and put them on the ground.Fairy Zixia swept her eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes:
"You practice the direction of Yin-Yang and Five Elements?"


"You want to refine such a fairy weapon, and you must ask for it to be top-grade. In the entire Chongxu Sect, only Elder Liang can do it. And Elder Liang is a local monk. By the way, he is in the realm of good fortune. Now it is no longer easy. Even if I go to ask him personally, the cost of refining is extremely high. You have two choices now, one is that I will give you a piece of obsidian, and the value you give Yu Fei to protect the road is only worth one piece of obsidian. Choose, when you have collected all the materials, I can come forward and ask Elder Liang to refine the fairy artifact you need for you. However, you have to pay for the refining cost yourself."

Ye Weiyang thought for a moment, and decided to ask for obsidian.If you can get it now, get it now.The promise of the future, who knows if he can get it?
Maybe I can't live to that time?

Maybe Fairy Zixia died at that time?

Don't think that good luck is immortal!
Fairy Zixia was surprised, nodded and said: "Okay, when you and Yufei come back, I will give you the obsidian."

"Peak Master, I think we should make sure that my protection period is at most five years. If the time is up, I have the right to leave."

"It seems that you really want to take the road of penance. If you change to someone else, you would wish to serve me."

Ye Weiyang slightly lowered her eyes and said nothing, Fairy Zixia looked at Ye Weiyang with a half-smile and said: "Besides me, don't you have the idea of ​​befriending Yufei?

You must know that she will break through to Hunyuan soon after she comes back from Tianfu Valley this time, and become my direct disciple.Under my guidance, within 300 years, we should break through the unity of the way, and within 1000 years, we should achieve the creation of the world.And at that time, you had just obtained the inheritance of world creation not long ago. "

Ye Weiyang remained silent, of course she wanted to make friends.But obviously, not this time.This time, Wen Yufei saw with her own eyes that her master had exchanged an obsidian for the guard, and this was a deal.Maybe it will become an ordinary friend, but is an ordinary friend useful?
"Okay." Fairy Zixia was also a little unhappy, but the realm made her dispel this displeasure quickly: "You two will gather outside the sect tomorrow, go to Tianfu Valley."

Fairy Zixia left with Wen Yufei, and Ye Weiyang sent it to the gate of the cave, Wen Yufei looked back at Ye Weiyang, with some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Four months later.

Outside the Tianfu Valley.

There is a big town, because monks come here every day, and some monks even live here for a long time, and often go to Tianfu Valley to comprehend.After comprehending for a period of time, I came out to rest and then went in again.After a long time, a town has been formed here. Apart from inns, teahouses and restaurants, the town is mostly shops.Sell ​​various resources related to cultivation, the most of these resources are on Talisman.

Ye Weiyang and Wen Yufei walked into the town, and during these four months, the relationship between the two gradually became better.At the beginning, Wen Yufei had a superior mentality, even though Ye Weiyang's cultivation level was higher than hers.But as Fairy Zixia said, after a thousand years, she will leave Ye Weiyang behind.And because Ye Weiyang negotiated conditions with Fairy Zixia, she felt very uncomfortable.Therefore, at the beginning, the relationship between the two people was very cold.hardly speak to each other.

Ye Weiyang has no desires or desires for Wen Yu, but only to ensure the safety of the other party.She didn't mind if no one spoke a word along the way.On the contrary, it was because she couldn't continue bombarding Luo Xiu with thunderbolts this time, which made her feel a little regretful, but it was worth it to get a piece of obsidian.

After all, Wen Yufei was young and had little experience, so he couldn't bear it anymore.So he was the first to talk about Fu Dao with Ye Weiyang.What she wanted was to let Ye Weiyang know how powerful she was, but she didn't expect that Ye Weiyang's talisman was more profound than hers.At the beginning, she was still able to talk to Ye Weiyang, but later she became a consultant to Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang didn't negotiate terms with her this time, logically speaking, knowledge is power, and Ye Weiyang should charge her some fees if she instructed her.But as Fairy Zixia said, making one more friend is not a disadvantage.And she can also get some inspiration from the other party.

In the process of pointing her out, Ye Weiyang also consciously induced her to say some talisman inheritance of the Chongxu Sect.She believed that among the inheritance that Wen Yufei had learned, there must be some inheritance that did not exist in the Chongxu Zong's Outer Sect Library Pavilion.It was taught to her by Fairy Zixia alone, and it belongs to the precious inheritance in the inner sect.In fact, this is indeed the case. In this kind of consciously-led communication, Ye Weiyang's comprehension of Talisman also made a leap.

Both of them have their own gains and are happy with each other.

Two people walking in Tianfu Town, Ye Weiyang and Wen Yufei have a very good foundation in life.Ye Weiyang has been quiet since she was a child, and she likes to read books. After cultivating, she has read a lot of books, so Ye Weiyang has a poetic and bookish temperament, which is rare among monks and very attractive. people.And Wen Yufei is young and beautiful, and rarely walks outside the sect, and because of his young age, his pure temperament is very obvious.

Two people walking together not only attracted a lot of attention, but also the temperament of the two gave people a feeling of inexperienced.

For such a female cultivator, it is a target that many male cultivators are interested in.

Moreover, one of these two people is consummated in harmony, and the other is consummated in Daoyuan.

Beautiful, young and pure, powerful, such a goal is too attractive.

Many male cultivators are eager to move, but most of the cultivators are aware of it, and they still stick to it and be cautious without knowing the background of Ye Weiyang and Wen Yufei.

However, I am not afraid of the background of the two people, because they have backgrounds.

Ye Weiyang also felt the gazes of her surroundings, and based on her experience, she had already determined that there would be trouble finding the two of them.

How to do?
Of course, it must be dealt with harshly, it is best to kill directly.Only in this way can others be deterred, otherwise five years will be too difficult.But she never expected that the person who troubled her would be a monk.

"The two female benefactors are invited!" A monk stopped the two of them.

After all, the other party is a monk, which makes Ye Weiyang not sure if the other party is here to trouble her, so her expression is quite peaceful:
"Senior brother, what's the matter?" From the breath of the other party, she also sensed that the other party was a perfect harmony.

"The two female benefactors have a predestined relationship with my Buddha."

Ye Weiyang's face turned cold all of a sudden, this sentence was what annoyed her the most.Regardless of whether it is yours or not, it is yours if you have a predestined relationship with the Buddha.

"Those two nuns are in trouble." At this moment, there were voices of discussion from both sides of the street.

"Hmph, those bald donkeys in the Jokhang Temple should be damned."

"The bald donkey in the Jokhang Temple is an opportunity for me to create a hero to save the beauty."

"Jokhang Temple?"

Ye Weiyang looked slightly stunned, isn't this Jokhang Temple one of the nine super sects?
That's right, only the disciples of super sects can be so domineering, you let a casual cultivator say that you have a destiny with the Buddha, and see if the other party will beat you to death?

"The poor monk Dajue in the Jokhang Temple, the two female benefactors have a predestined relationship with the Buddha, and the poor monk is willing to practice Huanxi Zen with the two female benefactors."

Wen Yufei's expression changed, and anger appeared in his eyes: "Are you a disciple of Jokhang Temple's Huanxi Peak?"

Dajue laughed and said, "That's right, the poor monk is a disciple of Jokhang Temple's Huanxi Peak."

Ye Weiyang turned her head to look at Wen Yufei, who had a shy and angry face, and said, "Is this Zen of Joy?"

"Shameless exercises!" Wen Yufei said angrily.

"No, no, happy Zen..."

Before Dajue finished speaking, Ye Weiyang asked Wen Yufei again: "Is it possible to kill people here?"

Dajue froze all of a sudden, looking at Ye Weiyang in surprise.

The other party is just a perfect harmony, and this kind of temperament does not seem to be a cold person, how can he kill someone as soon as he speaks?

"No! Outside the town is fine." Wen Yufei said.

Ye Weiyang looked directly at Dajue: "Outside the town, do you dare to come?"

Then he turned and walked out of town.

"Great monk, do you dare to go?" The monks on the street began to boo.

"Great monk, you are not a silver-like pewter gun, are you?"

"Great monk, can you do it?"


Dajue naturally won't back down, he is one of the nine great sects, and his fighting power is strong, even if these two people are also from the nine great sects, he is not afraid.The other party is only in the right way, and he is also in the right way, even if he can't beat him, he can retreat calmly.

This is the self-confidence of the great sect disciples!
And he really wants to practice happiness meditation with these two women.So he stepped up to keep up.The people around became excited, followed one by one, and walked out of the town.

No one is nosy, even the monks who shouted for heroes to save the beauty before, followed with interest at this time.

No one is a fool!

From Ye Weiyang and Wen Yufei's speech and behavior, it can be seen that these two women are not simple.Maybe he is also a disciple of the great sect.It's better not to participate in this kind of battle between disciples of big sects.

However, being able to witness the battle between two great sect disciples is definitely an experience that enriches one's combat experience, and one can even gain some insights from the battle between the two.

out of town.

Ye Weiyang just walked out of the town, stopped less than 100 meters away from the town gate, and looked at Dajue.Dajue walked to a distance of about 50 meters from Ye Weiyang and Wen Yufei and stopped.Wen Yufei stood beside Ye Weiyang nervously, with his hands folded in his sleeves, ready to release the talisman at any time.Dajue glanced contemptuously at Wen Yufei, who was only cultivated by Dao Yuan, and focused on Ye Weiyang.

"The benefactor..."


A stream of light shot out between Ye Weiyang's eyebrows, but it was a sword.This sword is not the low-grade fairy weapon, but the sword Ye Weiyang brought up from the lower realm that she has been using all along.She currently has two swords in her sea of ​​consciousness, one is a sword made by herself, and the other is a low-grade fairy weapon.

The grade of the fairy weapon is high, but for Ye Weiyang, he can't release his own strongest power, because the attributes don't match, the power released is not as good as the Weiyang sword brought by him from the lower realm.

Wei Yangjian was too fast, shooting away like a shooting star.

With a solemn expression, Dajue took out a bowl and faced Feijian.

The point of the flying sword suddenly released a point, black and white, this point instantly enlarged into a ball, and collided with the bowl, the bowl changed its trajectory and was not controlled by Dajue, and instead hit Dajue past.

Yin and Yang are reversed.

Dajue's expression was shocked, which was completely beyond his expectation, he hurriedly tried to regain control of the bowl, and at the same time, he turned to the side to avoid it.


The Weiyang sword flashed away, piercing through his eyebrows.Dajue's body fell to the ground.With a gesture, Ye Weiyang put away the bowl and the storage ring on Dajue's hand, turned around and walked towards the town.

There was silence all around.

Those monks thought that Ye Weiyang was very powerful, otherwise they would not have dared to invite Dou Dajue so simply.But he didn't expect that Dajue would die under Ye Weiyang's move.

Wen Yufei, who saw Ye Weiyang attacking for the first time, opened his mouth wide, then trotted to catch up with Ye Weiyang, followed Ye Weiyang, turning his head to look at Ye Weiyang from time to time.

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but see her: "Let's go to the town to recuperate for a day, and go to Tianfu Valley immediately tomorrow. If you understand it earlier, we will go back earlier."

"oh oh……"

Tianfu Valley.

Ye Weiyang stood on the top of the tiankeng and looked down. This is a huge tiankeng, which is irregularly circular and has a diameter of more than a kilometer.On the walls of the tiankeng, there are runes one after another, and many of them disappeared and stopped at a certain position, comprehending the runes on a certain wall.

"Senior Ye..."

"You go." Ye Weiyang stood above the tiankeng, but did not go down.

Now Wen Yufei is very confident in Ye Weiyang's ability to protect Dao, so she nodded when she heard the words, and went down to find the runes that can inspire her.

Ye Weiyang stared at Wen Yufei. After about an hour, Wen Yufei stopped at a depth of about 60 meters from the ground. Ye Weiyang waited for a quarter of an hour. When she saw that Wen Yufei didn't move, she knew that she had found a place suitable for her. Runes of comprehension.Then he glanced at the monks below the tiankeng, and saw that each of them was comprehending very quietly. It is estimated that there should be no fighting in the sky.Everyone is here to comprehend, not to fight.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Weiyang cast his gaze over the entire tiankeng, and then looked down bit by bit.At the same time, she knew that the Luoshu space in the sea began to copy the runes in the sinkhole.

This tiankeng is too big, with a diameter of more than a kilometer.And the depth is 3000 meters.With Ye Weiyang's cultivation base, he could see the bottom of the tiankeng.Just because the range is too wide and the depth is too deep, the process will be slow and costly.

(End of this chapter)

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