Chapter 999 Fear
That woman is Ye Weiyang who rushed here.As soon as he stepped into the Five Elements Mountain, Ye Weiyang was overjoyed. This Five Elements Mountain indeed has a very rich mysteries of the Five Elements.

However, she then felt that the Five Elements Mountain began to extract the immortal energy in her body. Although the extraction speed was not fast, it was not slow.According to Ye Weiyang's estimate, the reserve of celestial energy in her body has been extracted by the Five Elements Mountain at this rate, and it is estimated that it can last for about a month.

Ye Weiyang didn't use his spiritual consciousness to stop the Five Elements Mountain from drawing his immortal energy, and when he understood the mysteries of the five elements, he would consume a lot of spiritual consciousness.Anyway, she has no shortage of immortal crystals, and she can replenish her immortal energy at any time.

She didn't immediately comprehend the profound meaning of the Five Elements, she began to walk around the Five Elements Mountain, walking in a planned way, and she wanted to find the best place to comprehend.

In other words, it is where the mysteries of the five elements are most intense.

The Marble Mountains are huge.

The width of the mountain is more than a hundred miles, and the length is more than a thousand miles. Such a big mountain is a treasure.

There are many people sitting cross-legged on the Five Elements Mountain, and from time to time some people go down the mountain, and naturally there are people like Ye Weiyang going up the mountain.

Jokhang Temple.

Inner door!

On an attic on a high mountain, two great monks stood, looking at the Five Elements Mountain outside the outer gate.

Of the two great monks, one is Putuo, the head of the Jokhang Temple, and the other is Puji, the great elder.

"There are still 800 years?"

"Almost, maybe 100 years more, maybe 100 years less, the collision at the entrance of the demon world is not very punctual."

"I hope I can absorb more immortal energy, and then I can hold on for a while longer, so that we can relax in the Jokhang Temple."

"That's right, our Jokhang Temple has this treasure. I don't know how it will be envied by the other eight sects. With this Five Elements Mountain, we can place the battlefield in the demon world instead of our fairy world. In this way, the loss of our Jokhang Temple will be the lowest."

"But that's the case, the Five Elements Mountain needs a lot of immortal energy. Now the Five Elements Mountain has not recovered to its peak."

"Yeah, the last time the demon world collided, the Five Elements Mountain was consumed too much, and it almost bottomed out. After so many years, it still hasn't fully recovered, only 800% of the recovery. At this speed, after [-] years, the Five Elements Mountain will not be able to recover even nine achievements. .”

"What should I do?"

"Tell me, if our Jokhang Temple holds a Dharma meeting in the Marble Mountains, how about our good luck monks from the Jokhang Temple give a lecture?"

Putuo thought for a while and said: "Then it's better to be more thorough, first let the world-creating monks open the altar to preach, then break the world, and finally make good fortune.

To be honest, the Daoist monks are the most. The world-making monks can arrange a few more lectures, or even dozens of lectures. With such a large number of Daoist monks gathered here, it may be possible to completely restore the Five Elements Mountain. "

"That's a good idea."

"Then it's decided. Let's notify first and give time to the monks of all parties in the fairy world. Ten years later, my Jokhang Temple will send out [-] world-making monks to open an altar in the Five Elements Mountain. Each monk will give a speech. Every three months, a total of [-] games."

"it is good!"

The news that the Jokhang Temple spreads to the world first spread from the Five Elements Mountain.Every fellow monk was excited.

The monk who created the world opened the altar to preach!

If you can listen to a hundred games in a row, you will definitely break through the world, right?
But the speed at which the Five Elements Mountain absorbs the power of immortality can sustain him for more than a month at most.


I earn more fairy crystals, and when the time comes, I will hold the fairy crystals in my hand and listen to the preaching of the great monk of the world, so that I can persist for a long time.

After receiving the news, many monks left Marble Mountains and Jokhang Temple.They want to earn as much fairy crystals as possible within ten years, and ten years later the opening of the altar and preaching will be their harvest season, and it doesn't matter if they are not practicing in the Five Elements Mountain now.

Ye Weiyang naturally won't leave, and she has no shortage of fairy crystals.Moreover, there is a large lake of liquid immortal energy in the Luoshu space.There is still paste at the bottom of the lake.

The number of monks in the Five Elements Mountain has been greatly reduced, so it is time for her to study the Five Elements Mountain and find a place suitable for her comprehension.

It took Ye Weiyang more than a month to find a place on the mountainside where he feels the mysteries of the Five Elements are the strongest, so he sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend the Five Elements.

She has an extremely deep background of the five elements, so she quickly entered the comprehension of understanding.

The news that the Jokhang Temple will open an altar in the Five Elements Mountain ten years later spread to the other eight super sects.


Wan Qingzong, the suzerain of Chongxu Sect, showed helplessness on his face: "The Jokhang Temple has the Five Elements Mountain, which is really enviable."

"How is the restoration of Chongxu Pagoda?"

"Soon, the immortal talisman masters have been cultivating, and it is estimated that they will be able to repair it in another 300 years."

"It's good if it can be repaired in time, so that we can put the battlefield on the side of the demon world as much as possible."

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the halfway up the Five Elements Mountain.Holding two fairy crystals in his hand, he cultivated and comprehended them at the same time.

Time passed year by year...

Ten years passed in a blink of an eye, and the Five Elements Mountain began to be noisy again. Countless monks rushed to the Five Elements Mountain, crossing their legs one by one, and waited for the great monk of the Jokhang Temple to open the altar to give a sermon.Every cultivator holds the immortal crystal in his hands, so that he can hold on for a little longer.

Ye Weiyang sighed softly, in the past ten years, she has realized something, she knows that she still has deficiencies in the five elements, and she is sure that it is this deficiency that prevents herself from breaking through that front line.But ten years of penance did not give him a decisive understanding.

"Sure enough, it is any magical power, the more advanced it is, the harder it is to comprehend." Ye Weiyang sighed softly, cheered up, and soon there will be a world-creator cultivator giving a lecture, maybe it will be helpful to him.

"Come here!" someone whispered.

Then I saw a big monk slowly landed on the top of the Five Elements Mountain, and a peaceful voice fell clearly in everyone's ears from the top of the mountain:

"Dear friends, old monk Putuo."

"Ah, it's the head of the Jokhang Temple!"

Everyone was excited. After all, the people sitting here are monks of the Dao and the world, and Putuo is not only the head of the sect, but also a great monk of good fortune.Qi Qi shouted:
"Meet the head of Putuo."

Putuo smiled kindly, and then spoke again.In the entire Marble Mountains, there is no other sound except the sound of Putuo.Putuo began to tell the history of the Jokhang Temple, from ancient times, the power of the Jokhang Temple, and the contribution of the Jokhang Temple to the fairy world. At the beginning, the monks on the Five Elements Mountain listened carefully, but when they listened, their faces became ugly. up.Because they are being absorbed by the Five Elements Mountain all the time.Every breath of time spent here is a waste.

They had to hold the fairy crystal in their hands and start absorbing it, otherwise they would have to leave before the altar preached, wouldn't that be a loss?
Seeing the faces of the monks, Putuo secretly smiled in his heart, the time is almost up.Then he said a few more words of encouragement, and drifted away.Then a world-making great monk landed on the peak and began to preach.

After hearing a few words, Ye Weiyang felt a little disappointed, this world creation did not follow the path of Yin-Yang and Five Elements.However, she still listened carefully. This was the first time she listened to Da Zongmen's sermon on world creation, and it had a strong reference effect.

This elder talked for three months, and Ye Weiyang's understanding of world creation improved a step.The big monk left earlier, and then another big monk who created the world came and continued to talk.Although this great cultivator did not take the path of fusion of the five elements, he also took the path of metal, one of the five elements, which made Ye Weiyang fascinated by hearing it.

These world-making great monks really didn't hide their secrets, maybe they did, but for fellow monks like Ye Weiyang, they even didn't hide their secrets, because they might not be able to understand what they said too deeply.When the big monk gave a sermon to the world-making monks one month later, it was obvious that many monks who joined the Tao could not understand it.But there are still Taoist monks who can understand.These monks are all from the relatively powerful sect Tianjiao.And Ye Weiyang listened more seriously.

A year passed in a flash, and I don't know how many monks have been rotated during this period.Because many monks have run out of fairy crystals.had to leave.Immediately, monks from the mountain crowded in.There are also some monks who need to retreat immediately to sort out comprehension because they have reached a saturated state.Listening to it any longer is harmful.So, I left Marble Mountains.

Ye Weiyang is always there, she has no shortage of fairy crystals, and she can maintain it for as long as it lasts.And she's like a sponge, absorbing all the time.These world-creating great monks sometimes faintly talk about condensing the primordial spirit, looking for the mind of the Tao, and even talk a few words about enlightening the mind of the Tao and understanding of the world.

Although it will not be taught systematically to these monks who come to listen to the sermon, it is only a few words, and it is also very inspiring to Ye Weiyang.Because she has found the position of Dao Xin, and possesses Yuanshen.

Moreover, the great monk who was preaching at this time was walking the path of the five elements, which made Ye Weiyang listen to it fascinatedly, and felt that the bottleneck was slightly loosened.

Another three months passed, and the great monk who taught the Five Elements left, making Ye Weiyang express regret.If she could ask herself for advice, Ye Weiyang felt that she might completely understand the ray of heaven.Unfortunately, the great monk has drifted away.

One world-making is gone, another world-making world is coming, this is simply a feast.

Although everyone knew that the Jokhang Temple was trying to restore the Five Elements Mountain, and the Five Elements Mountain was constantly drawing their immortal energy, but they were willing to do so.

Immortal Yuanli can be cultivated again, but this kind of preaching is rare.

All the monks were happy, and the monks of Jokhang Temple were also happy.Putuo has been perceiving the Five Elements Mountain, and the smile on his face is getting bigger and bigger, and the Five Elements Mountain is about to recover to [-]%.

And so on for three years.


Ye Weiyang felt the Five Elements Mountain under her butt vibrate slightly, so slight that she could hardly feel it.But Ye Weiyang immediately sensed that the mysteries of the five elements became much clearer at this moment.

Putuo's long white eyebrows trembled!
Ninety percent of the recovery of the Marble Mountains has been achieved!

At the same time, Ye Weiyang was immersed in comprehension.

At this moment, her consciousness involuntarily sank into the Five Elements Mountain.

Just when Ye Weiyang felt that she was about to break through her bottleneck, she was suddenly ejected from the Five Elements Mountain.She looked around blankly, she was still sitting cross-legged on the Five Elements Mountain, an old monk was preaching at the top of the peak, and then she gradually recalled that she seemed to have entered the Five Elements Mountain just now.


Ye Weiyang frowned, it's not that she hadn't tried it before, she couldn't enter the Five Elements Mountain with her spiritual sense, but just now she clearly entered.

How did you do it yourself?

Ye Weiyang closed her eyes, began to recall the process of comprehending just now, and raised her eyebrows.


The Five Elements Mountain has a vibration frequency, but this vibration seems to be a vibration beyond perception, which cannot be perceived at all...


It can't be said to be the vibration of the Five Elements Mountain, but a kind of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements, and just now, by coincidence, I entered that frequency of mutual generation and mutual restraint, and then my spiritual consciousness entered the Five Elements Mountain.After that, my own consciousness couldn't keep up with the frequency of the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint, and was bounced out by the Five Elements Mountain.

Also, just now I sensed the vibration of the Five Elements Mountain, and it was this vibration that allowed me to enter the Five Elements Mountain by luck and coincidence.

Why does Marble Mountain vibrate?

Is it...

A light flashed in Ye Weiyang's eyes.

Could it be that the Five Elements Mountain absorbed the celestial power of us monks and recovered to a certain extent, and it shook involuntarily?
Regardless of that, first try to see if you can enter the Marble Mountains again.

Ye Weiyang closed her eyes, and carefully recalled the state of her spiritual consciousness before entering the Five Elements Mountain, and then spread her spiritual consciousness and landed on the Five Elements Mountain.

Her spiritual consciousness entered the Five Elements Mountain, and as soon as she entered the Five Elements Mountain, the mysteries of the five elements swarmed in, and as her spiritual consciousness deepened, the mysteries of the five elements became more and more clear.

However, Ye Weiyang stopped, just letting his consciousness penetrate about five meters before stopping.

Because she found that the deeper the frequency of the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements in the Five Elements Mountain, the faster the frequency.Just now, it was because I penetrated too deep with a frequency of spiritual consciousness, which did not conform to the frequency of the Five Elements Mountain, and was bounced out by the Five Elements Mountain.

And she discovered that this frequency itself is the mystery of the five elements, and it is an extremely profound mystery.So, she stopped here.Comprehend the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, comprehend the mystery of the five elements, and comprehend this frequency.

One day, two days, three days...

Ye Weiyang's consciousness penetrated about one meter deeper.

Ye Weiyang began to comprehend the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the Five Elements Mountain little by little, and let her consciousness be consistent with the frequency of the five elements mutual generation and mutual restraint of the Five Elements Mountain, and then gradually went deeper into the Five Elements Mountain.

During this process, Ye Weiyang's comprehension of savvy continued to deepen.

Immersed in comprehension, I don't know the years.

One year, two years, three years...

Ye Weiyang suddenly heard a sharp shout: "He Fangxiao is young, be bold!"

Ye Weiyang's consciousness when she probed into the Five Elements Mountain collapsed instantly, a mouthful of blood welled up in her throat, and she swallowed it alive.There was a look of fear in his eyes.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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