Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 33 - This Heart Sent

Chapter 33 - This Heart Sent

"Where did you get this blue bird?" Li Heng asked curiously.

"Qingluan, it's a gift from the current crown prince." Ye Mei had nothing to hide.

"Prince Zixuan? He still has this, why have I never heard of it?" Li Zhen questioned habitually.

"He, he went to Kunlun Mountain. My sister gave it to him, and he gave it to me." Ye Mei said angrily.

"Why did I give it to you again?"

"Is your EQ zero?" As soon as the door curtain opened, Ye Qing stepped in, stretched his neck, found a corner and sat down. "If my sister can't catch up with me, I'll go after my sister."

Li Zhen suddenly realized that he didn't speak anymore, presumably Ye Mei accepted Qingluan to get revenge on Ye Hongyu.

The sky darkened, and a full moon hung in the sky.Qingluan was like a knife cutting across the water in the night sky, silent and quiet.

Li Yu stared out the window for a long time, suddenly screamed, quickly touched Ye Mei's arm, and kicked Ye Qing's outstretched foot.

"I'm not mistaken, there's someone there!" Li Heng felt his teeth go cold, and the two of them were attracted to each other in an instant.

Above the luminous clouds, a woman lying flat was hanging in the air. The dress and ribbons on her body were fluttering slowly and rhythmically. She couldn't see her face clearly from a distance, but she was obviously motionless and did not move.

"Go over and see, can you change Qingluan's flight trajectory?" Li Heng's curiosity overflowed.

Ye Qing looked to Ye Mei for advice, Ye Mei frowned, but still nodded.

Ye Qing then closed the curtain and concentrated, after a while Qingluan flew towards the woman.

"Can you communicate directly with Qingluan?" Li Heng made a gesture of admiration to Ye Qing, and got a blank stare.

Because Qingluan couldn't hang in the air, she kept circling around the woman.Ye Qing controlled the radius of the circle.

Being able to see the woman's face clearly without having no reaction time at all.

In this way, the three repeatedly confirmed whether the woman was a living body from various angles.

Under the moonlight, her beautiful face couldn't see any obvious blood, but she didn't feel creepy, as if she was sleeping in the long river of time.

"Can you see if she is breathing?" Li Heng stared at her chest, where the ups and downs should be the most obvious.

His perception seems to have failed, as soon as he touched it, he fell into a void and did not respond.

Far, far, far.

Ye Qing asked Qingluan to gradually reduce the distance of the detour, Ye Mei and Li regret did not object.

"She's still alive!" Li Xuan exclaimed suddenly, and of course all three of them found out!

Because after going around so many times, she finally noticed a rise and fall in her chest, although she didn't move for a long time afterwards.

This discovery also made Ye Qing resolutely make a big circle again.

Li Zhen observed for a while, then turned to Ye Mei, "If I say, she is absorbing the essence of the moon, do you believe it?"

Ye Qing's expression said everything, Li Chen smiled and asked, "Do you have any method to change the space in front of us?"

"Change what?" Ye Mei frowned slightly.

"No matter what, it's different from now anyway." Li regret said not very sure.

Ye Mei thought for a moment, put her hands together, and then slowly pulled them apart.Li Zhen felt a dense aura appearing in front of his eyes, he couldn't help being speechless, and quickly observed the woman through this space.

"Change more!" Li Heng urged, and Ye Mei repeated it again angrily.

"Be stronger!"

Ye Qing couldn't stand it anymore, he didn't know what Li Regret was up to, he and Ye Mei looked at each other and nodded, their palms intertwined, and they pulled apart again, forming a small field of light.

However, at this moment, all three exclaimed, seeing an unimaginable scene through the dim light curtain.

A faint but obvious silver light, like the jade belt of the Milky Way, fell from the distant moon and sank into the woman's eyebrows.

The three of them looked at each other, and after a while the light of the long river flickered and dissipated like a candle in the wind, but it was just that Ye Mei and Ye Qing's strength was weak, and the light curtain in front of them disappeared.

Li Heng's guess was confirmed. Although his perception that covered the past disappeared without a trace, at the last moment, he could barely feel a very weak clear stream.

Qingluan was still flying slowly around the woman, and the three of them fell into deep thought, what kind of heavenly realm is this.

Gather the aura of heaven and earth, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

The former people who practice martial arts and Taoism, as long as they reach a certain age and have epiphany, they can usually more or less get spiritual blessings from mountains, rivers and myriad things.

The powerful man is even more able to mobilize the luck of heaven and earth, and a thunderous blow erupts in an instant.

But the latter is usually a legend, oh no, usually just the lining of the first sentence, no one will believe that anyone can do this.

But tonight? !
Just when Ye Mei and Ye Qing were about to use their strength to observe again, suddenly the carriage swayed, and Li Regret was seen shooting towards the woman like an arrow off the string.

In the distance, the woman was still lying flat, slowly falling from the sky.

In fact, the falling speed is very fast, but the distance is long.Li Zhen was even faster, arcing down, chasing after the woman.

It's not good for Ye Mei to yell, this is hundreds of thousands of feet in the sky, even if neither of them can safely land on the ground, let alone the much weaker Li Zhen.

"This idiot, just throw him to death." Even so, Ye Qing still had a divine sense, Qingluan immediately circled down, and galloped towards the lower parts of the two who fell and approached.

The dark golden pattern on Qingluan's car body suddenly became golden, presumably Ye Mei activated the secret technique to speed up the flight and stability.

Li Zhen finally caught up with the woman, hugged her waist, and caught her.

Immediately felt the warm and soft temperature, not as cold as it appeared.

The woman's eyes were still closed, and Li Heng's mind was concentrated, feeling the ripples in the space.Soon, countless disturbances covered him like strings.The falling speed of the two slowed down in an instant, and slowly froze at the height of the moonlit night.

Li Regret looked high into the sky, and a Qingluan car approached extremely fast in his pupils. However, just as he was about to reach it, he was suddenly nailed to the sky strangely, and slowly moved away, even though the light in the car was getting brighter and brighter. , even a golden sun appeared in the sky like a bright moon, but it was impossible to get close.

Li Zhen was horrified, and looked down at the woman in his arms.

She opened her eyes unexpectedly, her beautiful eyes lingered, and she stared at Li Heng intently.

Li Zhen felt his throat dry instantly, his hairs stood on end, and he almost wanted to throw the woman out.

"You fucking try throwing one?" A divine thought instantly entered Li Heng's mind.Li Zhen turned pale with shock, the woman's will was like a bull breaking into a vegetable field, and he went through it in his mind without any hindrance.

"What the hell did you learn?" The woman's divine sense gave her an evaluation.

She still stared at Li Heng intently, and there was even a slight sarcasm at the corner of her mouth.Li Zhen felt her body temperature rising rapidly.

Just as Li Heng wanted to reply with a few words in his spiritual sense, the woman's spiritual sense came over again.

"Don't move, foolishly, hug me for a while, it's been so many years."

Just when Li Regret was thinking about what to do, the woman's consciousness left a word.

"It's so comfortable, I'm leaving."

Li Zhen suddenly felt a lightness in his hand, and he still maintained the posture of embracing him. When he raised his head, the luan car in his pupils quickly became bigger, and there was an angry face.

"Li Zhen, what the hell are you doing?!" It was Ye Qing who was furious.

"I~~" Li Regret looked at the awkward embrace gesture with a guilty conscience, but couldn't explain it.

It's just that he hasn't realized at this moment that in a certain corner of his consciousness, a bunch of information is being covered by a golden reticulate rune, waiting for the right time to unseal it.

The message left by the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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