Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 37 - The Big Drain

Chapter 37 - The Big Drain

Zhu Qin's micro-expressions naturally did not escape the eyes of the people present.

"Dare to ask, but Master Nanming's secret skill in Luoyu Mountain?" asked a scholar, who had just finished whispering to a woman sitting in the same seat.

"That's right, it's just Master Nanming's will. I think it was specially given by him to repay an old friend for his help. But it can only be used once, which is enough to withstand a blow from a strong man in the Universe."

"Yuhengjing?!" Although everyone glanced at He Chengtian intentionally or unintentionally, this is almost the strongest on the surface.

"How can you prove that there is no way to save your life?" Before a young son could finish speaking, his frightened father covered his mouth and pushed him directly under the table.

And hurriedly handed over, "The child is ignorant, I don't want to offend, I will pay, 3000 taels!"

A life-saving chance from Master Nan Ming is needed by most of the people present!

"5000 taels!" "6000 taels!"

The price was quickly raised to 5000 taels, and then entered a period of slow rise.

In the end, it was fixed at [-] taels, which was obtained by a wealthy businessman.

This price is quite impressive, especially for such a one-time practice.

And the wealthy businessman felt that his life was much more important than this little money.

The third item is a defensive magic weapon, the Xuanyuan Mirror. When it is made into a wearable armor, it can attenuate most of the attack power of the frontal attacking enemy, and there is obviously no limit on the number of times it can be used.

This item was finally fixed at 3 taels of gold and was obtained by a guest in the private room.The buyer did not show his face during the whole process. After frequent contacts, the price was quoted by the agent.

The fourth item turned out to be a divine weapon, the Qingming Sword, which was ranked No. 40 in the Yunhuang Hundred Weapons Ranking.

Zhu Qin didn't explain the inheritance of this sword, but the front end is in the score and the end is clear in He Chengtian.

This sword set off the first real struggle.

Merchants and wealthy scramble for further appreciation space, while sect monks scramble for the magic weapon itself.

After all, most of the Yunhuang Baiqi are well-known and have owners, and very few of them can be traded in the market.

This sword also aroused Li Heng's obsession with collecting. He bid from 8 taels until 6000 taels before withdrawing. During this period, Ye Qing and Ye Mei pinched him a few times to calm him down.

The Qingming sword was finally won by a man who claimed to be from the Mingzu, and it cost a full 11 taels of gold.

But he obviously sent his followers back to the sect to confirm as soon as he succeeded.After all, this price may also far exceed his authority.

The fifth item caught everyone's attention as soon as it came up.

"Look at that woman in white, why is she wearing a pair of silk gloves?" A sharp-eyed warrior has already noticed the difference.

"It must be very precious! Look at that thin piece, could it be the peerless martial art recorded?"

Li Heng's spiritual consciousness had just covered it, and he had already discovered that all kinds of spiritual consciousness were already overcrowded.

But soon everyone no longer has to guess, it turned out to be Qin Emperor's score!
Sovereigns and Five Emperors!

Human Emperor, Dragon Emperor, Phoenix Emperor, Mo Emperor, Bai Emperor, Cang Emperor, Blood Emperor, Qin Emperor!

These people have become legends.

The score of Qin Emperor unexpectedly reappeared in the world, and it was recorded on one side of the yellowed burlap fabric.

Li Zhen remembered that there was a monument to Emperor Mo in his Longxi family, but it was a real thing!
However, the only big regret is that Emperor Qin's composition has been widely circulated, and it is called "A Dream":
Fluttering clothes and sleeves, hanging swords and bridles.

The blood moon is remnant, and the yellow sand rises.

The iron armor shoots coldly, and the halberds and lances blare to defend the base.

I once dreamed thousands of times, but after waking up, I was always in a mess.

The cold sun is high, and the frost is broken.

Facing Qing Zun alone, I suddenly heard the cry of the lone goose.

The starting price of the bidding price for Qin Dipu is 5 taels.

However, the expected fierce bidding scene did not appear, and Zhu Qin couldn't help frowning slightly.

But it's understandable if you think about it a little bit.

The bidding has already passed halfway, and the finale items are usually in the second half, and the more finale, the higher the value, so everyone has to keep their money bags tight.

In addition, Qin Emperor Pu is just a piano score, and it has been widely circulated. It is neither a martial skill nor a life-saving skill.

Even the Tianqin Sect who was present just expressed interest, after all, it is only worth collecting.

The most important thing is that Emperor Qin is the most mysterious of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and he did not participate in previous wars with different races, so it also reduced everyone's admiration to a certain extent.

Zhu Qin glanced at He Chengtian, and the two must have had a brief voice transmission exchange.

Zhu Qin then said, "The starting price of the bidding has been adjusted to 3 taels with the consent of the owner. Is there any bid?"

There was still an awkward silence.

"Buy it!" An unquestionable female voice appeared in Li Heng's mind.

What? !Li Heng looked at Ye Mei suspiciously, but found that she was staring at the wasp waist of the tray girl.And Ye Qing is now competing with a dried fruit.

Li Regret thought he had heard it wrong.

Zhu Qin's face in the field became more and more ugly, "The last time, 3 taels, did anyone bid?"

"Buy it quickly, you idiot!" This time the woman's voice sounded again, Li Heng seemed a little familiar, oh, yes, Moon Night Fairy!

Li Zhen finally recognized this voice, and couldn't help but quickly looked around, and even looked into the private room.

Just when Li Heng was still hesitating, an unbearable flash of lightning rolled over Li Heng's consciousness, Li Heng almost lost his balance and fell towards Ye Mei.

"I, I'll offer 3 taels!" Li Heng hurriedly bid.

Ye Mei happened to give Li Heng an elbow, which not only confronted him, but also gave him a warning by the way, and made him nervous.

The audience collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Zhu Qin and He Chengtian relaxed their expressions.

Naturally, no one would argue with Li Regret.

Then that voice disappeared from Li Heng's mind.

Taking advantage of the intermission, when Yu Linling's dance music was played in the arena, Li Zhen went to the backstage to settle the bill.

This also depends on the mutual authentication relationship between Jinding Hall of the Western Regions and Chang'an of the Celestial Dynasty.

As for whether Yushitai will faint when he sees Li Heng's signature in the future, Li Zhen doesn't care.

After all, what the Holy One said is that all resources can be used, maybe it's just a game of left hand for right hand.

Just when the sixth item was about to be served.The three of Li Heng have already started to study Qin Emperor's score on the desktop.

Afterwards, Ye Mei swore that this was definitely just a piano score, and Ye Qing's rough inspection of the paper made Li Regret heartbroken, maybe Qin Emperor's few fingerprints were gone.

Just as the sixth item was slowly lifting the veil, Li Heng carefully put the Qin Emperor score into his arms.

Of course nothing.

Thought it was a big leak.

(End of this chapter)

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