Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 4 - Kunlun's Great Array

Chapter 4 - Kunlun's Great Array

Weicheng, General's Mansion
After reading this urgent message, Li Regret couldn't help but fell into deep thought.Yushitai has already conducted a survey of the site together with Hebei Road officials.The summary report was passed on, and it was basically certain that the opponent was only one person, the sword was extremely sharp and sharp, one blow was fatal, and he knew group combat skills.With the extreme force of Bai Changsheng, the leader of the Qiqi team, he was killed before the sword was out of its sheath.Looking at Chaotian Continent, there are only a dozen or so people with this ability, but there is basically no reason to make a move.A blanket search has been carried out in Anyang and hundreds of kilometers around, and found nothing, no witnesses, no trace outside the scene, not even extra ruts or horseshoes leaving the scene. in the air.

Kunlun Mountains, Yurong Peak

Li Yu declined General Meng's offer to divide his troops to follow him. After all, the defense level had been raised to the red level, but Weicheng's geographical location was too important.What is even more annoying is that it is not yet clear where and what kind of forces the threat comes from.Miss Bai's matter has no evidence and no clues. It's not the time for the teacher to inquire about the crime. After all, she is only here to investigate and not to fight. It has been a long time since she wanted to come to the rivers and lakes to fight against the court. Li Regret is not too worried about this.

If you can't fight, you can still run.Li Yu smiled inwardly.The world would never imagine how much energy he spent on researching combat evasion and escape techniques.It's just that when he thought of the massacre in Hebei Road, the mysterious and tyrannical killer, and Miss Bai's family who had never heard from him, he couldn't help but feel cold.That high-ranking lady whom he didn't dislike, Lan Xinhui, was very intelligent and intelligent, and she actually worked harder than most people in her prominent family background.On the contrary, he even liked it a little bit, especially after that competition, she said she lost and wanted to marry him.Everyone seems to take it for granted and even has a little expectation and jealousy.

Because Li Regret's surname is Li!From a mysterious 2000-year-old fief family in Longxi.No matter how the dynasties change in the world, this family firmly covers the area of ​​Xiliang County, and has been passed down for thousands of years without interruption.

Li Zhen raised his head to look at Yurong Peak, a winding path disappeared into the mist in the mid-air, and the peak could not be seen, it is worthy of the ancient fairyland.The mountain gate is on the shallow half-ridge.Li Heng took up the steps and walked for a short distance, all the way through the mountain gate, but he didn't meet a Kunlun disciple.Li Zhen was stunned for a moment.As the main peak of the Kunlun School, Yurong Peak has always been the place where its patriarch Ye Hongyu practiced.Moreover, this peak is also the location of the Xingyun Pavilion, where the thousands of years of unique knowledge and rare treasures have been collected.The defense force should be very strong, but it suddenly looks like an airspace.After passing the mountain gate and going up more than a hundred feet, Li Zhen was even more shocked to find out.A famous stone tablet in Kunlun, "Kunlun blocks the Dragon Emperor here", has been broken into several sections, and the top section is scattered on the top of the mountain road.Such domineering strength!Li Yu took a deep breath.Thinking of the loss of the monument recording the most glorious battle in Kunlun, the most glorious battle in the ancient times, I feel a little sad in a trance.

Something happened to Kunlun.Li Zhen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and shot towards the peak.After passing halfway up the mountain, as expected, a tyrannical air pressure enveloped half of the mountain from top to bottom. Li Zhen seemed to feel that the world had entered a viscous state. The higher he went, the more difficult his movements became, and his speed slowed down instantly. down.Li Zhen frowned, and instantly thought of a technique that Venerable Nanhai was forced to teach him voluntarily when he lost to him in a Go player talk a few years ago, and then his mind moved, and a wave of vitality slowly surged from the top of his head It fits the body from the center of the foot and retracts into the body. This cycle separates the body from the sky and the earth, and enters an independent space.Immediately, the body shape is no longer affected by external coercion, and the sweeping speed returns to the previous state.Originally, this exercise was only used to speed up the speed of sneaking in the sea, but it unexpectedly achieved very good results here.

When he reached the top of Yurong Peak, Li Zhen couldn't help being shocked by the scene before him.A man in black stood on a solitary peak surrounded by thousands of Kunlun disciples.Li Zhen roughly scanned the audience, especially the positions of several side peak masters and elders, and suddenly discovered that this was actually the long-legged "Luo Shen Grand Formation" in Kunlun.The last time the formation was activated was the battle between Kunlun and the Dragon Emperor a hundred years ago.The Dragon Emperor who swept across the continent that time retreated under this formation, and no one has challenged this place for a hundred years, until today.

The audience seemed to have noticed Li Heng's arrival, but as the man in black seemingly casually slashed two swords across the air, two domineering sword auras were seen cutting the crowd away from the crowd.In an instant, dozens of people couldn't escape, and two huge cracks appeared in the field in the blood rain.The man in black didn't make any further movements, instead he looked up at a loft not far from the cliff, which was the Xingyun Pavilion in the Kunlun Ruins.

Li Zhen studied this formation carefully, and suddenly felt that it was beyond words.There are several types of usual formations. One is the "Yangguan Qidie" of the Xuanquan sect that is also located in the Western Regions. The seven disciples of Xuanquan penetrate each other with true energy and finally pass it on to someone. A person who has increased his skill by four times can achieve a leapfrog kill, but this method requires a team with similar abilities, the same mind, and no gaps between each other. Kill with one blow, otherwise the energy will be seriously unbalanced and the formation will be broken instantly.The second is Shaolin's Vajra Demon-Suppressing Formation. The formation is centered on four people, the head of the Arhat Hall, the head of the Bodhidharma Hall, the chief of the Monk Academy, and the chief of the Discipline Academy.The King Kong power of the Shaolin disciples of the corresponding subordinates is gathered by these four people respectively and passed to the formation eye, and the position of the formation eye is usually held by the abbot.The number of participating disciples is usually a multiple of eighteen. The skill level of the disciples can be heterogeneous and uneven, and the formation hub is integrated, while the formation eye brings together the power of the four divisions. It can be synchronized or not. If not synchronized, it can produce a steady stream sustained attack capability.However, there is no actual combat record of this large formation in Shaolin history.There have only been a few small-scale battles with the first seat as the core, and decisive victories have been achieved without exception. The most recent record is: "Tingyu", the most mysterious killer organization in Jianghu who was entrusted to go to capture the "Rebirth Sutra". Cui Hao, the owner of the building, fell into the Sutra Pavilion, led by the head of the Bodhidharma Hall and its sub-array.

However, Kunlun's "Luo Shen Great Formation" has no formation pivots and formation eyes, and even the peak master of the side peak and the elders of the peaks have become ordinary members.Everyone's original power is only fused with the people around them, and the superimposed power walks in the formation and then merges on its own. It seems that there are no rules, but the fusion power is not only not depleted, but also continuously stimulated and multiplied. In the end, an unspecified certain One person or several people can slash the sky-shattering sword at the same time. It can be said that deterrence comes from all directions.And what's even more subtle is that this formation doesn't completely depend on individual skill, even if half of the battle is lost, the power of the formation is almost the same as the initial one.

After observing for a while, Li Zhen was even more surprised to find that the formation's source force was very directional. Although the man in black standing on the solitary was extremely casual and powerful, he seemed to be trapped. The man in black was actually trapped in a void cage!He swung his sword a few times to try to break through the wall!And the domineering sword energy seen earlier turned out to be only the leaked part!However, the giant sword of origin qi from the great formation was not affected by the cage, and directly slashed at the man in black.The man in black was also very good, not only holding the great sword of origin qi forcefully, but also continuously guiding it to the ground, causing the small peaks to collapse piece by piece, and the foothold is shrinking visible to the naked eye.What a powerful "Lost God Formation"!
Just when Li Heng thought in his mind that this formation could be listed as one of the top ten formations in the Celestial Continent, he suddenly felt a huge disturbance in the vitality of the heaven and earth.A wave of unknown origin continuously poured into the air from above the head of the man in black, and then spread close to the ground and eroded the entire formation. At the edge of the formation, it seemed to roll back into the air and return to the man in black. overhead.

Li Regret, who was extremely sensitive to touch, was shocked to find that this was not an enlarged version of the vitality circulation method he was using at the moment?The only difference is that his purpose is to isolate the world, while the man in black is to isolate everyone.The man in black who was surrounded by the great formation of origin gas unexpectedly completed the reverse encirclement of the thousand-man formation in an instant, and gained complete freedom of movement in space.

Li Zhen suddenly recalled a piece of dusty history, the Venerable Nanhai once joined Shaolin, and he read all the scriptures in three years.However, despite his outstanding talent, he repeatedly violated the rules.The first violation of the precept is the precept against meat. His venerable love for meat has not diminished since his initiation. Although he consciously kept it secret, he was still caught by the court several times.Every time the abbot really cherished his talents, he was only locked up in confinement, and it was still locked in the "No Fate Pavilion" in the Sutra Pavilion, which was specially made to read those ancient books with few annotations and rare profound meanings.It is also here that His Holiness discovered a Buddhist scriptures that came from the Gandhara Kingdom in the Western Regions.The Buddhist scriptures are written in the Khalu script that has been lost for hundreds of years.What happened to Venerable Nanhai was that when he was young, he was with his adoptive father in the Khotan border army. He once witnessed a stone tablet unearthed, which was used as a horse tethering stone at the gate of the barracks, because there was a fist-sized stone on the top of the stone tablet. through holes.At that time, His Holiness helped to do some manual work of feeding and tying the horses, so he was able to look at this stele countless times a day.The preciousness of this stele lies in the fact that Chinese characters are written on the front and Kalu characters are written on the back. One positive and the other can interpret the dead characters anyway.It was also this key, the key that was paid attention to by the only one in the barracks of thousands of people, that opened a heavenly book in the secret treasury of the arsenal in the heart of the empire many years later.

This book is different from previous classics, and no longer records the views and essentials of the Buddha in the tone of his disciples.It turned out to be in the form of Buddha's memoirs, and recorded his life as No. 1.At the end of this book is a line of words "see yourself, see the world, see all living beings".If the story continues like this, at most Shaolin has an extra monk who is proficient in martial arts and classics.However, until one snowy night, the venerable who was temporarily entrusted to walk in the world actually broke the ring, lust ring!This section is completely dense.Even when His Holiness was talking with Li Heng, he explained with a smile that he broke the meat ring because he had to think and record too much, and he didn’t have enough energy not to eat meat; as for breaking the meat ring, he didn’t mention a word.

Naturally, the Venerable could no longer gain a foothold in Shaolin, so he went to the South China Sea, created a small martial art, and developed many unique martial arts by himself.To Li Zhen's amazement, the Venerable even deliberately wrote solemnly on the front page of the guide book of the exercises he taught himself, saying that in order to succeed, you need to "reject yourself, the world, and all sentient beings."

Is there any connection between the man in black and the Venerable Nanhai?With this in mind, Li Zhen suddenly shot towards Xingyun Pavilion.The big formation has been broken, the target of the man in black must be here!If there is no mistake in guessing, Ye Hongyu should be in retreat at this moment.

There were also a few powerful people in the formation who broke through the origin qi barrier of the man in black. They were indeed several side peak masters, but they chased in the direction of Li Regret.

"Imperial Censor Terrace, Li Zhen! You should stop that person!" Without turning his head, Li Zhen landed directly at the entrance of the Xingyun Pavilion and broke in.A middle-aged man who was at the front of the chase was startled when he heard this, thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, turned around and made a defensive posture, and several people behind him quickly occupied the corresponding passage.

Until the top floor of the Xingyu Pavilion, Li Zhen finally saw a huge short-legged book table with the mountain master Ye Hongyu sitting on the back seat.Dressed in a red dress like blood, her beautiful eyes are tightly closed, her breathing is extremely slow, and she has actually entered the spirit world state.Unless she can take the initiative to retreat from meditation at this moment, it is impossible for her to sense everything in the outside world, or in other words, her soul consciousness has entered a closed and tiny space core of her own consciousness.There are only a few people in the Chaotian Continent who can carry out this kind of super compression of soul recognition. It happens that Li Heng is one of them. Li Zhen understands that at this moment, external force can no longer wake her up. If she interferes forcefully, her soul consciousness will be imprisoned in the spirit core forever .

Li Zhen frowned. At this moment, with the strength of the peak masters outside the pavilion, it is estimated that they can stop the man in black for a few hundred breaths.Why are you in this terrible situation where your life is hanging by a thread?Or in other words, cause and effect were reversed, did the man in black know Ye Hongyu's current state and attacked Yurong Peak?

Usually, there is only one requirement for entering the spiritual state, that is, the consciousness needs to perform super-powerful calculations. Only by infinitely compressing thinking can it be possible to increase the chance of consciousness contacting and cross-linking by thousands of times.The smaller the spiritual core, the stronger the computing power, the shorter the time, the higher the degree of correlation, and the greater the chance of deducing the desired result.

Li Heng followed Ye Hongyu's gaze and finally landed on the table, where there was actually a table full of oracle bones.It can be clearly seen that Ye Hongyu has made classifications, and the arrangement seems to be somewhat regular.Li Zhen walked around behind Ye Hongyu and looked over from the top of her white jade hairpin.For a moment, I feel that the placement seems to be related to the region.Before he could take a closer look, he suddenly heard a cracking sound from the window edge of the Xingyun Pavilion, a middle-aged man in a green shirt flew in sideways, knocked down two rows of bookshelves, and finally hit the pillar of the room, groaning in pain, He uttered a word with difficulty towards Ye Hongyu, "Go!" and then passed out.

Ye Hongyu naturally didn't respond.Li Zhen frowned, and stared at the table again for less than ten breaths, when he caught a glimpse of a black shadow passing by the broken window and landed directly in the center of the pavilion.The man in black slowly raised his head and looked towards Ye Hongyu and Li Heng.Li Zhen unexpectedly discovered that it turned out to be a young face, which seemed not much older than himself, with a slight bronze color, but a dark gray expression, with an expressionless expression.The black body sword in his hand slanted downwards, a faint red light flashed on the blade, it was blood.

"Come on, you are not worthy to be my opponent," the man in black's voice was slightly vague, like a piece of old wood.

This passage should have two meanings. The man in black is not afraid of Li Zhen's martial arts, but he also knows his identity.Li Zhen thought for a while, then lightly touched the ground, walked across the desk and stood still, protecting Ye Hongyu behind him, and said calmly, "The imperial court has something to call Kunlun, before that, it's not your turn."

"You seem to have misunderstood me," the man in black said indifferently, without saying a word, raised his sword and stabbed in a smooth manner, the way is simple! "die!"

Li Heng's pupils shrank instantly, and the man in black's sword tip became extremely clear, and a majestic sword energy came over him.Li Zhen immediately drew the saber backhand with his left hand, dragging the saber upwards, and the same saber pierced through the air.The first batch of Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty, Yoshida Chiba's family, broke the sword in the sixth form "tide rise", Li regret thought of Ye Hongyu behind him, and thought of a countermeasure in the blink of an eye.

The two momentums met in an instant, and a horizontal shock wave erupted.A row of bookshelves along the upper row suddenly collapsed, and some paper cheats were shattered into fragments and shot away.Li Heng's eyelids twitched, distressed.

At the same time, Li Zhen's body was shaken, he took a big step, his waist tightened, and he leaned against the painting table, his throat was sweet, and there was a hidden wound in one move.The man in black had no expression on his face. Just when he was about to continue to slash with his sword, he suddenly changed temporarily, turned half-turned and stabbed towards the sky behind the left.Li Zhen also tensed up, the man in blue shirt who was unconscious before, probably because of the shock wave, had awakened at some point.Originally planned to attack the man in black, but unfortunately the sword was still an inch away from the man in black, and he suddenly found that the man in black's sword had pierced his chest. Unwilling to let go of his sword at the last moment, he grasped it tightly with both hands. When he touched the sword of the man in black, his eyes immediately lost their vitality.

Naturally, Li Zhen wouldn't miss such a good opportunity. He bullied himself into the air, united his sword with his body, and struck the man in black like a bolt of lightning.The man in black also withdrew his sword, and with his palms together, he firmly clamped Li Heng's blade, and stepped back.So the combination of two people crossed the hall, away from the desk, and fell towards the farthest end.Li Zhen could clearly see that the indifferent eyes of the man in black seemed to be full of mockery, as if he was saying, so what?
Suddenly, the man in black shook his body and stopped backing up.Li Huan was able to chop a finger length deep inwards.Just about to continue exerting force, suddenly a huge chill came from behind the right side, subconsciously let go, and shot out obliquely to the left.While moving in the air, he suddenly found a long sword shooting at the man in black, oh no, ten swords!Hundred handles!More!Countless swords came whistling through the window, like a roaring devouring dragon, with only one target!Man in black!
Li Zhen turned his head suddenly, and a blood-red figure was slowly rising above the desk.A red dress and streamers are slowly rippling.A pair of bare hands is controlling from a distance.A pair of beautiful eyes with undisguised anger.

This is Kunlun's real lost spirit formation!There is a limit to the physical body, but there is no distance between the magic weapon!
The man in black circulated the vitality of his body at an extremely high speed, and he firmly resisted the swords coming from all directions. All the swords were in the state of buzzing, hanging and sharply piercing.

"Come with the sword!" Ye Hongyu didn't stop, making a move with his plain hand, his wrist shining brightly.More swords came through the air. There were two thousand soldiers in Kunlun Ruins, but they did not touch each other in the cramped space, as if they were full of spirituality. ground, press forward and backward to the center.

Sword cocoon!

Suddenly, an unidentified strong vitality seeped in from the eaves of the attic again, directly intruding into the sword array, the sword array trembled suddenly, and some swords actually collided, causing more collisions, although they had not yet fallen , but the possibility of disintegration has already appeared, is the old trick going to repeat itself?Li Zhen frowned and looked at the invisible sky.Ye Hongyu was also clearly aware of this mysterious and powerful vitality of heaven and earth, and suddenly his eyes fell on Li Zhen, hesitating for a moment, and whispered, "Go!" At the same time, a red female sword flew into the air from a corner of the desk, He flew towards Li Regret.Li Zhen grabbed it in the air, and broke through the window without looking back.

Li Zhen, who jumped out of the attic, immediately saw the dark crowd outside the arena. The disciples who had escaped from the prison of space vitality could only stare at the attic. The swords in their hands were summoned away by the mountain lord Ye Hongyu. They also knew that they were no longer this level can participate in the battle.But when they saw that the mountain master's sword was actually held in Li Heng's hand, they couldn't help but let out a collective roar.

Li Zhen didn't have time to pay attention to it, and looked into the void, but there was no one or anything in the air.In the process of falling, Li Regret simply closed his eyes, stretched out his left hand, which was not holding a sword, and drew a ripple in the space, gradually feeling the direction and intensity of the vitality fluctuation.Everyone saw this move, and suddenly fell into a panic.When he was about to hit the ground, Li Xuan suddenly shouted loudly and resounded throughout the audience, "Cheng! Get up!" He slapped the ground with his left hand at the same time.Just as everyone was dodging, a young disciple suddenly fell vertically and slapped a palm from the air.When the two streams of air collided and condensed, Li Heng stopped his fall and shot toward midair at an oblique angle.Then feel the fluctuation of the vitality of the world again.At this moment, some people have come to their senses. Before Li Zhen could fall to the bottom, the powerful person had already slapped him from a distance, and Li Zhen flew into the air again.

After three ups and downs, Li Heng's eyes opened, his figure became serious, and he shouted in mid-air, "Fix the formation!" At this time, everyone came to their senses. He slapped a shocking palm in the direction of Li Chen.With the help of huge energy gathering, Li Zhen soared thousands of feet into the sky, and shot towards an invisible point far away in the void.The red sword in Li's hand, at the apex of the trajectory, slashed towards an empty area with a mighty force.

Everyone only heard a clear and intertwined sound, and a vague transparent body fell into the sky like a daytime meteor, and began to glow slightly, and soon smashed a large deep hole in the ground.

As Li Zhen was falling, he noticed the red sword in his hand trembling slightly, so he took a closer look at Ye Hongyu's legendary ancient magic weapon "Blood Drink".After all, it was a sword with all his strength. Li Yu thought his hands were shaking slightly, but he suddenly found that "Blood Drink" suddenly let go and shot towards the Xingyun Pavilion.

Just as he watched the "Blood Drink" disappear, he lightly touched the bottom of his foot and landed on the bottom of the pit. A transparent crystal was emitting a slight red light.

Li Zhen touched it lightly, it was slightly hot and moist, and there was no discomfort at all.So he quickly grabbed it in his hands, and to his surprise, the "blood drink" did not leave a trace of scars on the surface, just like a piece of Khotan fat jade with high transparency.Li Heng took it into his arms with a natural movement.Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the pit, and Li Regret leaped out of the pit. He was surprised to see that the Xingyu Pavilion was melting into countless fragments and slowly collapsing. Two figures, one black and one red, flew out of the smoke and dust.

The black shadow was naturally the man in black, and he was quite embarrassed at the moment, his robe was torn to pieces, and there was a large penetrating wound on his right chest and shoulder, which was oozing blood.Li regret is about to intercept.The man in black gave him a cold look in the air, "Longxi Li's family!", and quickly passed the crowd and disappeared into the mountain stream.

Ok?Li Yu smiled wryly, it turned out that the other party finally saw his family.

I couldn't help but feel a dull pain in my head, and a lot of information flooded into my mind at this moment...

He memorized the angle at which the man in black drew his sword every time, and the route of the man in black's vitality;
He memorized the visible cheats and patterns on the walls of every floor he passed.Especially the rows of small figures on the ancient wall on the third floor, and the recognizable words "Turtle's breath guidance technique";
He memorized the glyphs of each piece of oracle bone on the table, and the relationship between each other;
He memorized the ornamentation of "Blood Drink";

He even memorized the arrangement order of Ye Hongyu's hairpins;

Ye Hongyu? !Li Zhen suddenly turned to look at the body at the foot of the mountain, and suddenly found that Ye Hongyu's body was turned upside down towards him.Her face, which had lost a lot of its rosiness but was still extremely beautiful, suddenly enlarged in his pupils. In a moment of panic, Li Heng saw that her left shoulder was also at an unnaturally twisted angle, and her clothes were also splattered with blood, but it seemed to be For the man in black, the two of them must have staggered and confronted each other.Her right hand holding the sword finally let go, and the "blood drink" fell to the ground clangingly.

It wasn't until a wisp of orchid fragrance came into contact with Li Zhen earlier that Li Zhen woke up at the moment of lightning and flint.Taking advantage of the trend, she put her arms around Ye Hongyu's waist, and stretched out her palms, gently supporting her seriously injured shoulders. At this moment, she was frowning, her eyes were slightly closed, and she seemed to have fainted.Li Heng did not forget to lightly kick the hilt of the falling "Blood Drink" with his right foot, and flew towards the young disciple before him impartially.The disciple in Tsing Yi respectfully took the sword, raised his hands between his eyebrows, bowed his head and bowed his eyebrows in a respectful and offering manner, followed Li Heng slowly, and headed to Ye Hongyu's hermitage under the guidance of a slightly injured female peak master.Thousands of disciples watched anxiously, until the four of them disappeared from sight, and then rushed to the Xingyu Pavilion where the dust had not yet cleared, to rescue the broken ancient books and retrieve their weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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