Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 51 - 3 days

Chapter 51 - Three Days
Although the old man in civilian clothes didn't believe that Li Zhen had this ability, he faithfully carried out Su Jin's intention, found a quiet courtyard for Li Zhen, and guarded it in the dark. Three days was only a moment for a martial artist.

As a loyal servant of Emperor Qin's family, he has served the patriarchs for many generations. He knows his duty and responsibilities, and he also deeply understands that it is not easy for such a Wannian family to be handed down. for a moment.

Be cautious, humble, and give your life to protect it when necessary.

The funeral process of the Murong family has been going on, but the old man of the Murong family has not appeared for some reason.

Maybe a white-haired person giving a brunette?

Perhaps compared to Emperor Qin's family, it is too humble.

After all, he is just a weak sect, a cowardly old man with some ideas.

Qingcheng Mountain was quiet and a little puzzled.However, when she first met Su Jin, her sadness and sadness were sincere. She had been committed to such a "down and down" place for a long time, why did she suddenly pay more attention to family affairs?

This also made Li Zhen puzzled, but he decided to do it himself, using one mystery to solve another mystery.

He withdrew his thoughts, and began to concentrate on the "Book of No Regrets", and next to it was the page of Qin Emperor's score.

As a person with a spiritual core, he has a strong memory capacity and calculation consciousness, but he can't always enter the spiritual core state arbitrarily.After all, it's too much trouble.And after entering the spiritual core state, the physical body is almost in a defenseless state.

Even in Mount Qingcheng, if Li Huan didn't have to, he was naturally unwilling to put his safety on others.

Even with the civilian old man outside, Li Heng couldn't feel his level at all.

There is only one explanation, he may belong to Nan Mingyue's level.

No matter how confident you are or what your background is, there is nothing wrong with being cautious, after all, there is still a long way to go for youth.

Although Li Han remembered hundreds of military esoteric codes, he already knew that this did not belong to any of them.

When he disassembled and reassembled Qin Emperor's score countless times in his mind, he found that none of them corresponded. The decryption that could be done easily before became almost impossible at the moment.After all, we are dealing with the originator of intelligence, and the time is far away. Maybe time has changed, and some contexts have been lost forever.

Bai Su's "law of the origin of all things" has no solution.

Cen Yushi's spiral search method has no solution.

Qin Shiyi's rhythm search method has no solution.

The self-created four-dimensional search method has no solution.

Li Zhen was sweating a little, feeling that he had found the key, but found that the key didn't work well.

Li Zhen began to think carefully, what did he miss?
At the same time, Li San and Canaan in Li Heng's sea of ​​consciousness were also "looking" at Qin Emperor's score.

It's a pity that Li Zhen didn't realize the existence of the two of them, otherwise he could see two worried faces.

Li Regret sighed, before he knew it, it had been almost three days.I am considering whether to enter the rectangular space to open the cheating mode.

Three days and three days and three days, anyway, the time passes very slowly, and some time is slowly enlightened.

Li Zhen stretched the Qin Emperor score into the air at will, and then fell down to cover his face.

Across the thin sheet of music, I looked at the dim light outside the window.

He couldn't see the old man in civilian clothes, but Li Heng knew he must be there.

Farther away, he could feel the presence of Su Jin, and of course the mysterious old lady who protected the way.

They all agreed tacitly and did not bother Li Regret at all.

Li Zhen withdrew his thoughts, and simply stopped thinking about it. Just as he was about to continue searching for ideas to solve the problem, suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind, but Li Zhen caught it very accurately.

First of all, this is undoubtedly an urgent chapter on the battlefield, so what does Emperor Qin want to record most?What is the message you most want to pass back?
The combat mode of the aliens?

Weaknesses of aliens?

The solution of the aliens?

Most likely so.

Li regret thought of the general in the city of life and death.He couldn't help smiling slightly, and rolled up the page of Emperor Qin's score.


The blank spaces are rolled together.

Li Chen closed his eyes and calmed down.

The blank space without words in Qin Emperor's score forms a tall image.

Half-human, half-animal, and some blank spaces that look like synapses, and a bit like multiple pairs of wings.

Li Zhen was stunned for a moment, and was instantly stunned by Emperor Qin's wisdom spanning ten thousand years.

With this key to unlock the secret, everything will be solved easily.

Li Zhen put the score of Emperor Qin on the first page of "No Regret Collection", and rolled it up together.

The word "Gong" appeared somewhere on the blank body of the alien. Li Heng made a gesture against himself. The strange part should not have anything in theory, so let's write it down first.

Li Heng began to roll up the second page, and suddenly, a strong sense of unease seized his soul instantly.Li Zhen raised his head in horror, and a plain sword had arrived in front of him at some point, piercing his chest.

Fatal blow!
A person appeared in Li Heng's eyes, the swordsman turned out to be an old man in civilian clothes!

Rao Li regrets all kinds of changes, but at this moment and here, he is completely unable to make any effective defense.

Careless!Li Zhen was completely immersed in the joy of cracking just now.

Of course, the bigger possibility is that the realm of the commoner man is too high, and Li Heng's spiritual warning did not respond at all.

But he still subconsciously made a move that, in retrospect, he didn't know whether it was the blessing of his ancestors or the luck of shit, and slightly picked up the "Book of No Regrets" in his hand to block it.

At this critical moment, a golden sword light flashed out from the "Book of No Regrets", piercing the brow of the commoner old man at a strange angle, faster than the commoner's sword.

The old man in common clothes suddenly showed a horrified and puzzled expression. He opened and closed his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't make any sound.

With a bang, he fell back to the ground, and the moment he touched the bottom, his body unexpectedly shattered into a ball of light, which dissipated in an instant.

The soul is silent, as if nothing happened.

If it wasn't for the plain sword still on the ground, Li Zhen felt that he might have hallucinated for a moment.

Only Li San clicked his tongue in amazement, and nodded towards Canaan, "I guessed well, fortunately this bet was right."

It's just that neither of them realized that in the depths of Li Zhen's sea of ​​knowledge, there was another "person" who watched the whole process with a cold eye.

(End of this chapter)

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